Chapter 437

Purple butterfly's answer shocked me, but I suddenly understood her idea. In my impression, purple butterfly is indeed a woman who likes to travel around and take the sky as the cover and the earth as the house. She is a woman who sees through everything and takes everything as a passing cloud. Maybe for her, life after returning to the family is not what she really wants. What she really wants to live is a wandering life like idle clouds and wild cranes. That's why she was brave enough to gamble with the four pearls with all her inherited assets.

Lost, she had nothing and was reduced to the wandering Purple Butterfly again.

When he won, he stole a lot of assets and property rights from the four pearls and gave the four pearls a blow. He can not only become the leader of Shanghai, but also win glory for the Xu family.

No matter which side of the choice, there is not much loss for purple butterfly.

That's why she chose to put all her eggs in one basket.

"Li Jian, if you can understand what I think, I will be very happy." zidie said with a gentle smile, and the Purple Bow on her head trembled slightly. "If I lose, your shoulder needs to be leaned by me, friend."

Lend me your shoulder.

Such an understatement caused quite a stir in the gambling room. All the influential people around looked at me with strange eyes, which made me a little out of breath.

What happened to this sentence? Why are they looking at me like that?

When I think about it carefully, I think I may still underestimate the status of purple butterfly. I'm afraid that in the eyes of these people, the status of purple butterfly is really high to a certain level, so that when Purple Butterfly said to lean on my shoulder, they understood it as something else.

For example... My background may be bigger than purple butterfly. My background is more complicated than purple butterfly?

A person who can let the heir of China's largest family say borrow a shoulder... What kind of person can he be?

Purple butterfly is actually making others pay attention to my identity.

"I can't afford to be reliable," I said with a smile.

Purple Butterfly smiled faintly: "then have some confidence in me. Just like in Hunan."

I was stunned, but by this time the lady and the veil woman had pushed up the chips in their hands.

"Hehe, this is the first department store center in Shanghai and the surrounding museums in Huangpu District. I am willing to give 40% of the shares as chips, hehe."

"This is the fishing ground and eco industrial park in Baoshan District and the surrounding Hotel heavy industry base, with a total value of about 13 billion. Anyway, it doesn't have to be the low chip given by the fox."

Ladies and veils also played their chips one after another. With their random teasing, the icons of urban buildings flashed on the gambling table.

Purple Butterfly quietly looked at the faces of the four people around who represented the top figures in the top forces in Shanghai, then held laser paper in one hand, chin on the back of one hand, and waved the other hand on the gambling table and said:

"Showhand. At present, I inherited 14 shares of central enterprises under my second mother's name, including state-owned enterprises and small private enterprises such as paper mills in Suzhou, weapons manufacturing Arsenal in Shenyang military industrial base, Shenhua hydrogen energy manufacturing group in Bohai Sea. The total value is 135.7 billion. Who wants to follow?"

Showhand, clear the bottom!

What a great spirit!

Purple butterfly's move really shocked me. I didn't expect that she really dared to bet all the family assets she inherited!

"Oh, Miss Xu Er is so bold that she dares to take out her own life gold at the bottom of the pressure box for gambling. Hee hee." the fox witch smiled charmingly, with a playful smile on her mouth.

In the face of the flirtation of the seductive girl, purple butterfly just smiled lightly and said, "several predecessors, can anyone dare to follow up?"

After all the chips were put on, purple butterfly just sat there and didn't speak any more. She just held her chin on the back of her hands and smiled at the four pearls being made.

And I was ashamed. Purple Butterfly bet all her inheritance, but her chance of winning is only one in five! This is a fire! Is she really not afraid of losing all her money?

Even if Purple Butterfly doesn't care about money, but if she really loses, I'm afraid she won't feel very well, will she? Is she so confident that she can win?

"What a big hand, really young and vigorous." the veil woman couldn't help praising.

Purple butterfly only laughs but doesn't speak.

When gambling, the most frightening thing is a confident smile. Maybe you don't have much confidence in yourself, but if you keep a mysterious smile, you will undoubtedly give others terrible psychological pressure. Under that psychological pressure, opponents are often easy to fear and lose.

The four pearls did not answer for a moment. 130 billion, which is no longer a small number. If such a huge asset loses, it can be said to be a fatal blow to his own. Even if he doesn't lose his wealth, he will lose his strength.

"Have you followed?" Purple Butterfly asked. Among all the people present, purple butterfly is the youngest. However, at the moment, she sits there with a smile like a spring breeze, but she has a feeling of suppressing the whole audience. It seems that she is the master of this gambling table.

"Hey, I can't teach you to look down on it. This casino is my territory, and I also express my attitude." Fox fairy beauty said faintly, "although it doesn't have the courage of Miss Xu, my royal casino is also one of the best entertainment clubs in the world. I'll use the casino and my shares in Shanghai passenger liner company as chips. Miss Xu is satisfied?"

"Oh, Miss Diao Chan is also very bold." Purple Butterfly smiled faintly, and then looked at others around.

"They all take out enough shares to hurt their muscles and bones as chips. Is this to reshuffle the forces in Shanghai?" said the snake and scorpion beauty bluntly.

"Zhaojun, if it's so obvious, you don't have to say it?" the veiled woman said in a calm voice without emotional fluctuation. "Before we came to the casino, we should know that today, the dealer who can win the gambling game will get a quarter of the other four leisure riders. Whoever goes out from here today will be the first overlord in Shanghai."

"Yes, ha ha, ha ha, yes. Now that everyone has come, everyone knows it." the lady smiled. Among the four pearls, her character seems to be the most optimistic and easygoing. "I followed. I took out my seven private equity companies."

"Yang Yuhuan, your spirit is not small. If you compensate your fund companies, will your charitable foundations be affected?"

"Ha ha, little Xishi, my family background is very deep." the lady smiled happily. I don't know why. When I heard the lady's voice, I always thought it was very familiar.

After glancing at the lady sideways, the veiled woman said, "well, in that case, I'll play with you to the end. I'll take the film and television bases in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia and Huaye iron and steel group." then she pushed it on the gambling table, and an all interest building similar to a studio flashed on the gambling table. "Those who can get out of this casino today will be the people at the top of the pyramid of Shanghai's business industry."

In this way, both purple butterfly and the four pearl all took out their share of assets as chips. At the moment, the last round of poker has been issued, leaving only one card in everyone's hand. If you open the bottom card, you can judge who is the final winner of this gamble.

The winner of this gamble will gain huge assets equivalent to half a golden city!

I looked at the cool and confident purple butterfly with some shame. I really don't know why she is always so confident and why she never has the expression of loss and despair. After all, this is a hundred billion assets. If I lose, all the possessions of purple butterfly will be gone. The other four pearls are deeper than purple butterfly, even if I lose, It can also preserve the foundation!

Just a minute before the five showdown, some rich people around began to bet on the final winner before the last card was opened. What is different from the rules of the 21st century is that before the last showdown, onlookers can gamble and bet to guess the final winner.

"I bet three million! Diao Chan wins!"

"I bet six million. I bet that Li Zhaojun will win!"

"I bet 15 million! Xi Shi wins!"

The original crowd of onlookers also got excited at this time, one by one took out chips and scrambled to bet on who was the final winner among the five people.

Some people bet on seductive women, others on snake and scorpion beauty, and of course there are also bets on veil women and ladies... However, few people bet on purple butterfly, only two people, and the bet amount is very small, only a poor 500000. By comparison, the other four pearls already have nearly three billion bets. The bets are quite different.

The reason is very simple. The cards in purple butterfly's hand are too small. Although they are two pairs, one pair is spade 8 and one pair is spade 9. They can't compare with the other four. The seductive woman is three K's and one a's, the snake and scorpion beauty is three Q's and one a's, the lady is two 10's and two J's, and the veil woman is a, K, Q, J's of hearts, and she's still the same flower. If her card is a 10's of hearts, then she's a flush!

There are only two small pairs, while others may even be flush. At least they are bigger pairs than purple butterflies. Purple butterflies naturally highlight their disadvantages.

In this case, who will be optimistic about purple butterfly?

I saw a drop of sweat oozing from purple butterfly's face, but she still smiled faintly, and then sighed long. In her eyes, she didn't lose her original self-confidence.

Seeing that purple butterfly still didn't give up, I squeezed a fist.

Purple Butterfly seldom shows such a heavy expression. I know her heart is also very nervous at the moment. If she loses, she will have nothing. If she wins, she will become the largest and youngest business tycoon in Shanghai. If she doesn't succeed, she will become benevolent. This time, purple butterfly is really desperate!

I really sweat for her, but I know it has reached this point. It's no use saying anything. All I can do is witness to the end.

Looking at the sweat on purple butterfly's silver plate smooth face, my heart suddenly remembered when I was in Henan.