Chapter 427

After 10000 people were buried, the kingdom of aribuda began the rehabilitation of reconstruction. Because many houses in the West and East cities have been damaged, the reconstruction work is relatively difficult. I estimate that it will be difficult for aribuda kingdom to recover in a few months.

Life is in ruins and waste is waiting for prosperity.

This is the best description of the kingdom of aribuda, which has experienced disaster.

During the reconstruction, I, an outsider, basically had nothing to do. I returned the staff to Xianji. The main switch of the staff had been turned on. Even if it wasn't me, I could control the switch of the fuel injector.

The matter finally began to end. Standing on the steps of the dilapidated city master's palace, I looked at the women busily shuttling through the streets with horses and pulley carts carrying stones and sand to rebuild the city, but I suddenly felt lonely.

I don't think the rest has anything to do with me. Even if I stay in this country, I can't help

It's time to leave.

A ray of sunlight penetrated through the broken hole in the sky net and projected on the broken earth of aribuda Kingdom, lighting up a piece of land. In the ancient kingdom where the day and night were not very clear, after the Skynet was broken, the sunlight during the day could penetrate some. Although it was not bright, it had a trace of warmth.

In the twinkling of an eye, I came to aribuda for a week.

In this short week, I have witnessed a country from strength to decline, and then from decline to reconstruction. I really feel a lot of emotion.

On the seventh night, I slept alone in my temporary bedroom with Xiaobai, female wolf head and three women in Awaha clothes. After all, at first, I came to this country with them.

"Master, we haven't contacted sister Junxia for a long time. Are they worried about us?" Xiaobai asked me while sitting at the head of the bed.

Reminded by Xiaobai, I also began to miss Junxia. They have been missing for so many days. Junxia doesn't know how worried she will be about me. She hasn't contacted her for so many days. I doubt she will think we were killed by desert thieves.

Think about it. I also think it's time to leave this country.

Of course, it's just a temporary departure. After all, there's oil here. I'll still come back in the future.

"Of course I'll worry." after looking around for a while, I sighed and said, "that's what I said. We should leave too. Xiaobai, let's go now."

"Go, shall we leave here?" hearing my proposal, Xiaobai looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yes, silly girl, we'll go tonight." I nodded. "There's no business for us here for the time being. We should go, too."

With that, I went to the window, looked at the sparse lights outside the window, and remained silent.

Although it is only seven days, I have an inexplicable feeling for this kingdom. It is really difficult to leave now.

"Are you leaving now?" Xiaobai looked at me and asked. "Do you want to tell sister thirteen dream?"

"Go now and don't tell her." I nodded and thought for a while. I still didn't decide to inform Xianji about my departure.

It's late at night. Xianji and the city residents are sleeping and resting. Xiaobai and I will leave at night without disturbing them. There will be no problem.

Thinking of this, I made a quick decision and my eyes fell on the sheets of the bed in the bedroom. I grabbed the sheets and pulled them with my hand to confirm that the flexibility of these sheets was more than enough to make a rope to escape.

If Xianji knew I was leaving, she might stay. I don't want to be too sad. Maybe my character doesn't like the scenes of life and death and separation. Just like when I was in Riyue village, Yunnan Province, I chose to leave alone without leaving a cloud, which is my favorite style.

I waited for the lights in the kingdom to go out gradually, and then made long escape ropes from bed sheets and thick ropes in my room.

Now I am the most important person in the kingdom of aribuda. There are more than ten guards outside my bedroom. If I want to leave openly, I must have some cumbersome etiquette procedures.

I tore the sheets one by one and formed a long rope. One end was tied to the bed bottom support of the bedroom bed. I tried the firmness of the rope. After I was sure that it could bear my weight, I threw the rope down from the head of the bed. Then I began to gesture to Xiaobai and the female wolf head to let them go down with me.

Fortunately, my bedroom is only on the second floor of the house, but it's too easy to escape with a drop of five or six meters.

"Proud dance, come down." when I successfully climbed to the yard on the first floor, I gave a hint to the female wolf head on the second floor to let her down.

"Ouch." the female wolf head touched her head and climbed down with great strength, while Awaha Yi climbed down after the female wolf head came down.

"Silly girl, it's your turn." after the female wolf head and Awaha clothes came down smoothly, I looked up and gave Xiaobai a hint to let her come down too.

"Oh, oh." Xiaobai clumsily walked to the windowsill, grabbed the edge of the rope with his two small hands, then put his slender white legs out of the window with his back to me, and began to slide down slowly.

However, I really overestimated this silly girl's IQ. Just halfway down, the silly girl's hand suddenly slipped, then suddenly shouted "wow", and then the whole person fell to the ground like a puppet.

"Wow, it hurts so much. My ass seems to be broken..." Xiaobai fell to the ground with a plop, which made my heart jump out.

"Hey, Xiaobai, how are you?" I stepped forward and picked up Xiaobai.

"Oh, master, my ass hurts..." Xiaobai stood up with a painful touch on his ass, with several glittering tears in the corners of his eyes.

"You silly girl, I really treat you..." looking at Xiaobai's clumsy appearance touching his ass, I really can't cry or laugh.

"Who's there!" just as I was about to speak, there was a sudden nervous cry from the female guard at night in front of the courtyard.

"No, they found it, run!" when I heard the female guard's cry, I clicked in my heart, then pulled Xiaobai and the female wolf head and ran all the way to the gate behind the courtyard.

Xiaobai, the female wolf head and Awaha Yi Ran with me without saying a word. We ran all the way from the yard to the alley outside the back door. Then I looked left and right for a while and ran towards the Kingdom entrance of the west city.


I screamed and sped up my pace, but my mood was extremely happy and exciting, because I knew that even if I was caught by the people of aribda Kingdom, I wouldn't do anything. But now the scene of our escape is a bit like a game of police catching thieves. Although we know it is a game, we are still nervous and excited.

After a while, the people in the bedroom hall found out that Xiaobai and I had left. They ran out of two streets, and I heard a woman's cry from behind.

"The Lord is gone!"

"The Lord has escaped!"

"Everyone, find your Lord quickly!! your Lord, he escaped!"

Bursts of frightened and anxious cries echoed in the streets of the city. With the rapid spread of the news, the lights of residential houses came on one after another, spreading like a flame.

Hearing the cry from the rear, I quickened my pace.

"Xiaobai, hurry up."


I was short of breath and my face was sweating.

Suddenly, a short haired woman ran out of the East Street. She was stunned when she saw me running away with Xiaobai, and then shouted:

"The Lord ran away! I saw the Lord run away!"

Then there was a female voice from the rear.

"Where? Where is the Lord?"

"Lord, are you going to leave us?"

A burst of female voices came from the rear. As I ran farther and farther, the momentum in the rear became more and more powerful. In the end, even the whole alley was a sensation, like a flash flood.

I don't think so

The noise in the rear made me feel guilty. Fortunately, I ran fast enough. More than 20 minutes later, I rushed to the entrance of the kingdom of aribuda with Xiaobai, female wolf head and Awaha clothes. The ten meter high entrance of the kingdom of aribuda appeared in front of us. The colorful door still flows with the light when we first came to the kingdom, It is a continuous and endless desolate desert. The sky is dark. Only the last quarter moon hangs in the sky, emitting cold brilliance.

Although desolate, but... That's the outside world.

"Let's go, Xiaobai." I took a breath, stretched out one foot, walked out of the door, and then... Took Xiaobai and the female wolf head's hand and returned to the outside world.

The cold feeling came from the outside, and bursts of coolness penetrated into my skin, making me cold war. The night in the desert is cold. The outside world is not like aribuda kingdom. One day, the plum cage is covered to produce a greenhouse effect. The ground temperature outside is very low. Walking outside is like walking into an ice cellar.

"It's so cold." Xiaobai said with his hands hugging his chest and pursing his lips.

"Well, bear it, let's go. After walking some way, I'll call Mu Yiding and ask them to pick us up."

I asked Xiaobai to bear it, and then took her soft hand and walked towards the depths of the desert.

However, after a long walk, I suddenly heard a faint and ethereal song at the end of the continuous desert.

The song is beautiful and moving, ethereal and elegant, as cool as the moonlight on a cold night, but it is so distant and beautiful, as if it can penetrate people's soul.

"Where did the song come from..." I unconsciously raised my head and looked at the rolling sand dunes in the distance.

At the far end of the desert, under a sickle like bright moon, a girl riding a white horse is standing there. She has elegant white hair and ribbons on her shoulders. She is wearing a beautiful white skirt. The edges and corners of the long skirt are like melted ice cones.

The white haired woman rode a tall white horse, pulled a red reins in her hand, looked up at the moon and sang faintly on the white earth hill under the moonlight.

For a moment, I was intoxicated.

Although this song is still the original tune, it does not have the feeling of loneliness and indifference, but with a trace of joy and joy.

It's like the happy feeling of a girl in love.

The white haired woman seemed to be intoxicated in her own song, but she didn't find us coming out of the kingdom.

The tall and strong white horse, flowing white hair, cool moonlight and beautiful singing together form a beautiful picture that people will never forget. The beauty of that moment is deeply engraved in the bottom of my heart.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and printed this picture in my mind. When I opened my eyes, there was only a happy smile on my face.

"Finally, I can sing freely in the moonlight like a fairy again... Goodbye, my princess white horse."

Looking at the white figure in the distance, I sighed, finally smiled happily, turned around, took Xiaobai and the female wolf head's hand and hurried away.

The vast desert stretches endlessly, the moon rises and falls, and has not changed for thousands of years.

Somehow, the bright moon in the sky has dissipated, and the fish belly is white on the eastern horizon.

The golden sun rises, shining on the yellow desert, and the rolling sand dunes fluctuate like waves.

There is nothing but sand dunes.

Where's the singer?

Where did the people who listened to the song go?

Only the desolate and cool endless sand dust is left, which is rolled up by the wind and floated to the distance, in strands and without period.