Chapter 425

On the streets full of gravel and gravel, there are a row of dense human figures. There are about dozens of human figures. Each figure looks strange, or there are two heads on the shoulders, or there are two more hands behind, or the head is as big as the East... In short, it doesn't look like a normal person.

When I led hundreds of surviving residents into the street and saw the mutant coming up, my heart was slightly cold, especially the one who took the lead among the mutants, which made me wary, because she was the Lord of the east city.

I slowly approached the mutant team with the residents, and watched the golden haired east city Lord slowly approach with four arms, with an incomparably dignified face.

Just five meters away from me, the body of the east city Lord suddenly stood there. Then, she suddenly bent her knees and took the lead in kneeling in front of me. With the action of the east city Lord, a large number of mutants behind the east city Lord also bent their knees and saluted me.

"See your Lord!"

The clear and excited female voice is more modest than the indifferent voice when I first met them. I don't know how much.

When I was happy, I was relieved. Just now I saw the dignified faces of these mutants. I thought they wanted to rob something. Now it seems that they are all sincere under my "Tianwei", ha ha.


Two hours later, the residents of Xicheng took the lead in cleaning up the remaining scorpions in the streets. After almost five hours, the residents of Dongcheng also succeeded in driving away the scorpions in Dongcheng when I turned on the oil ejector. The wave of terrible scorpions in its heyday actually died in 7788 under the burning of oil, It is also a rush to drill into the grass, sand or ruins, which can not be found for the time being.

When night fell, the human insect war in aribuda kingdom was finally over. Even if there are occasional scorpions, they are surrounded and suppressed by small teams in twos and threes. The large-scale scorpion eradication operation has ended.

Because the city master's palace was destroyed by the poisonous dragon giant scorpion, I gathered in the city square with the awakened Xianji, Xiaobai, female wolf head and Awaha Yi. Because the destruction of the poisonous dragon giant scorpion made the power system in the city unable to be repaired for the time being, so we had to set up a bonfire on the rise of the square. On the one hand, we celebrated the rest of our life, on the other hand, Also for the dead in this disaster.

According to statistics, in this scorpion disaster, more than half of the people in aribuda kingdom were killed and injured.

The population of ariboda Kingdom, which originally had a population of 30000, has dropped sharply to more than 13000. The death toll in the west city is more than 4500, while the death toll in the remaining east city is the most severe, nearly 10000. Among these people, some were killed and maimed by poisonous dragons and giant scorpions, some were trampled to death, and some were accidentally burned by fire, but the most were poisoned. Among those who survived, there were also a large number of wounded and disabled soldiers, which can really be said to be a disaster.

The population of a city with 30000 people has shrunk by two-thirds.

Although the victory was won, because the price paid was too high, the people were more sad and painful after the short celebration of the rest of their lives. On the square, there are bodies one after another, because there are too many bodies to put in the huge square. The bereaved family burst into tears in front of the body.

"Lord, eat some melons and fruits. They have been washed and have not been contaminated by poison." on the steps at the edge of the square, Xianji held a cut Hami melon in her hand and handed it to me. Now the people in the city are busy and the circuit is insufficient. There is no time to cook dinner at all.

"Thank you." looking at Xianji's purple eyes and red lips like Dan, I smiled, took the Hami melon in her hand and took a sip.

Xianji's watery purple eyes looked at me quietly. The white eyelashes covered her eyelids like banana leaves. With the slow flow of the fire light of the campfire, I could see a little starlight dancing in the depths of her purple pupils.

"What's the matter, staring at me?" seeing Xianji staring at me without blinking, I swallowed saliva, but there was no desire to eat Hami melon.

"No, nothing. I... I just want to see your face, Lord." I found that she had been staring at me. Xianji lowered her head a little shyly and kept rubbing her small hands on her thighs.

"What's wrong with my face?" Hey, this chick doesn't really love me, does she? I took a bite of cantaloupe and pretended that the rich and handsome people who didn't know about it on TV were attracted by girls and pretended to be innocent.

"It's nothing... I..." in the age of women, there were no words to express the feelings between men and women, so Xianji was a little confused. But at the moment, Xianji's head was slightly lowered, and her white hair half covered her blushing little face. She was really very lovable. Even the red little love on her face became more and more red and dazzling.

"Lord!" Xian Ji blushed, suddenly raised her head, looked at me with Amethyst eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I always doubted your identity and didn't trust you so much..."

Hearing this, I stopped eating half of the Hami melon.

"Ha ha, that's nothing. It's all over. I have a poor memory and have long forgotten." my heart still trembles when I think of the scene that Xianji pushed me away and wanted to commit suicide during the day. I know that at that time, Xianji really had the idea of not wanting to live. But now, Xianji's mood has obviously stabilized.

Xianji rubbed her hands, and then suddenly took a breath. She looked at me with a slight sadness in her eyebrows and said:

"Although China has religion and believes in gods, in fact, because the poisonous dragon is cruel and devours the relationship between the country and our tribute people every year, our people hate and distrust gods, and think that there is no God in the world who can really protect our people... Until you appear, Lord," he said, The eyes that Xianji looked at me were full of love and excitement. Those eyes were like a little girl admiring the hero in her dream.

"Lord, you saved my life and protected my country. I... I don't know how to express my gratitude and respect for you..." Xianji blushed and said hard. In the end, she even closed her eyes and didn't dare to say any more.

Ah, wow, ha ha, what's the rhythm? Isn't this the rhythm of girls confessing to boys? My mind began to fill up automatically.

On second thought, I said:

"I have a request."

There was a worried look in Xianji's eyes, but she was still calm:

"Lord, please say."

"I want Heibao."

I'm kidding. Black treasure is priceless. With this black treasure, gold city is a fart. I can sell oil!

I remember that in the 21st century, the president of the Philippines once said that the oil in the South China Sea was 15 billion tons, worth $2.63 trillion! Xinjiang has 19.2 billion tons of oil reserves, more than the South China Sea!

Although the amount of oil in the Taklimakan Desert does not represent the whole of Xinjiang, at least it accounts for one tenth? In addition, the entire era is extremely short of oil resources, and the oil value of aribuda kingdom is at least $1.5 trillion according to gross calculation? China's trillion is 1 million, so it's 1500 trillion P gold!

The total value of the golden city is only 250 billion P gold!

The total oil value of aribuda kingdom is 6000 times the total value of golden city!!

I don't want the golden city directly. Give me the oil of this kingdom

After such a calculation, I realized why LAN Yueer's family was so rich. I'm afraid, with her family's heritage and strength, I don't know how many oil fields in aribuda kingdom can I afford

"Black treasure? Does the Lord want black treasure?" asked Xianji, looking at me blankly.

"Can you...?" I asked nervously.

Xianji nodded and said, "Lord, you found the black treasure. This treasure... Of course it's yours."

Hearing what Xianji said, I couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

This is the complete hai