Chapter 404

Seeing Xianji like this, my anger decreased a little. It seems that this woman also wants to use my genes to improve their people for the sake of her own country.

When men and women combine to produce the next generation, half of the genes come from men. If Xianji and I combine, it is possible that the offspring will not have diseases that cannot shine the sun. In that case, their people will have the hope to leave this country. It can be said that as long as they have a relationship with me, their people will have the hope of growing stronger.

Having figured this out, my anger gradually subsided, but it still existed. It's bold of Xianji to use me as "Lord Allah".

"Hum, thirteen dream city master, it's not that I refuse to help you, but that you deceive people too much!" I roared with a look of rage.

"Lord Allah, please forgive me!" seeing that I was furious, Xianji knelt on the ground and dared not move, while the other twelve color robed wizards and a large group of maids also knelt on the ground honestly with their heads on the sand. Even Xianji knelt down and begged me for forgiveness. How could they not bow down and become ministers?

"Forgive me, you almost killed me!" I said angrily.

"Lord Allah, I'm sorry... I'm sorry, please forgive my people. All the sins should be borne by me! Don't vent your anger on other people!"

Xianji slowly raised her head, with long white hair, and a pair of purple eyes showed pitiful eyes, which made people feel pity.

Seeing Xianji's purple grape eyes, my heart jumped.

"What do you want?!" I frowned, stepped back and deliberately looked at Xianji with cautious eyes.

"Lord Allah, we just want to help you..." Xianji stared at me with purple eyes and said implicitly, "I don't know if Lord Allah can... But I may work harder for Lord Allah."

Xianji's lips glowed cherry red, like a fox fire in the dark, which made me feel attracted to the past. When a woman is really beautiful to a certain extent, any detail, expression and action of her will be full of temptation.

But I held back. Xianji, they flatter me and frown at me because I haven't had a relationship with them. If I have a relationship with them, maybe their attitude towards me will change greatly. For my personal safety, I decided to restrain myself.

I said faintly, "no! You should give up this idea as soon as possible! If you force me again, I will leave this country now!" I threatened with anger, but I had no bottom in my heart. After all, strictly speaking, I was the guest here. If she really wanted to force me to stay, I still had no way to resist.

Sure enough, after hearing my words of refusing to stay, Xianji's face suddenly sank. She pursed her red soft lips, looked at me and said:

"Lord Allah, if you don't agree, for the future of our country, even if I suffer your God's anger, I can only force you. I'm sorry, Lord Allah!"

Speaking of this, Xianji's tone became cold again. My heart jumped when I heard Xianji's cold words.

"Catch Lord Allah!" Senji shouted, pointing at me.

The voice fell, and twelve color robed wizards on one side ran towards me. Each color robed wizard had a sharp spear in his hand. If it was inserted into me, I'm afraid I would be pierced.

"What are you doing?" I said angrily. "What do you want to do to me? Don't you want to kill me? You kill me... Then you'll never try to unlock the secret of the staff!"

Hearing what I said, Xianji took a deep breath and said:

"I'm sorry, Lord Allah, but in order for our people to get rid of suffering as soon as possible, even if I can't hold the treasure of my ancestors, I'm willing to bear the sin!"

Looking at the purple eyes of Xianji and the long skirt floating like an immortal, suddenly, I felt that everything in my field of vision became blurred and illusory. At the same time, a strong sense of dizziness filled my heart, and then I felt like I couldn't stand still and wanted to fall down.

How did this happen?

I was surprised by the sudden dizziness in my mind. There was no sign, no reason. I felt that my body began to become soft and weak, and my limbs felt paralyzed... How could this happen? Why is that?

"I'm sorry, Lord Allah. I asked someone to put some hypnotic drugs in your cake before. Originally, hypnotic drugs should have worked earlier, but you distributed hypnotic drugs to others, so the effect of hypnotic drugs was delayed. Lord Allah... I'm sorry. I... Want to take your magic power."

Take... My power?!

Is this Shanji crazy?

No wonder she refused to let Xiaobai eat my snacks or let Xiaobai eat pastries with them. It turned out that she wanted to do something to me! Sure enough, it's uneasy and kind!

Looking at Xianji's purple pupil, my heart was shocked. However, the sense of weakness from my limbs made me have no strength to resist. Finally, I couldn't support my body with rapid loss of strength. Then, I bent my knee and knelt down on the ground.

Knelt down in front of Xianji.

Struggling to raise her head, I saw Xianji's dark purple eyes that seemed to be able to absorb people's soul.

The eyes are so cold.

"Lord Allah, I'm sorry!" Xianji said, and then walked slowly in front of me and fixed her toes in front of my knees. Then she put out two Qianqian jade hands and gently pressed them on my shoulder, and I fell back!

The next day I didn't know when I woke up. I only remembered that when I woke up, it was still dark around, and only a candle flickered not far away.

A little dizzy

I realized that I seemed to be lying in a bed. I wanted to get up from the bed, but I found that there was a thin and soft jade arm around my neck. I was surprised. Looking in the direction of my arm, I was startled. Xianji with white hair was lying on the side of my body, closed her eyes and fell asleep. Her white eyelashes were closed together, which looked so quiet and beautiful.

My heart jumped, then I looked around and found that I seemed to be in a bedroom.

In the dormitory hall, the cloud top sandalwood is used as the beam, the crystal jade is used as the lamp, the pearl is used as the curtain, and the fan gold is used as the column base. A six foot wide aloe tree bed is hung with a shark gauze treasure tent, which is embroidered with beads, silver thread and Begonia flowers. The wind makes the gauze move like a falling cloud mountain and a sea of illusion. On the couch, there are Jade incense pillows, soft silkworms and ice mats, jade belts and blankets. There is a huge night pearl hanging on the top of the hall, just like a small moon, shining like a bright moon. The ground is paved with white jade and embedded with gold beads. The ground is chiseled into a lotus. It blossoms into a five stem lotus. The petals are fresh and exquisite, and even the stamens are delicate and discernible.

The decoration in the bedroom is really luxurious, which makes me feel like being in a fairy tale world. This must be Xianji's bedroom.

And I... slept with her all night?

Thinking of the crazy actions that Xianji had done to me before made me feel a little palpitating, but now she is sleeping with me, which makes it difficult for me to be angry with her.

I turned sideways and quietly looked at the queen and Xianji of ariboda Kingdom, a woman called thirteen dreams. What kind of woman is she? Is it cold and aloof, or simple and blank? Or is it fickle and double faced?

I really don't know, but now I'm hugged by Xianji, but I have an unspeakable sense of melancholy.

Think about it carefully. I didn't lose anything except some physical exertion. On the contrary, I took a lot of advantages and enjoyed it well. What else am I not satisfied with?

Think of this trip to the kingdom of aribuda as a dream trip.

Staring blankly at the night pearl on the top of the hall, I sighed, then closed my eyes and fell asleep again.