Chapter 391

"Really? Ha ha, but it sounds interesting. Ha ha." when the sausage mouth said this, I came up with those terrible mutants with teeth and claws, skin variation and body deformity in the biochemical crisis and desert thieves with big knives in online games. But I think that kind of thing only exists in rumors. Now it's the real world, Where can there be monsters like mutant people?

After talking with sausage mouth, we had dinner in the hotel. The dinner was a specialty of Xinjiang, including double cooked meat noodles, hand-made rice, roast mutton and Nang. The most energetic person to eat should be the female wolf head. The female wolf head doesn't like to use tableware when eating. Grabbing rice by hand just meets her primitive animal nature. Grabbing a big hand is really fun to eat. And Xiaobai drank sour mare's milk heartily.

At dinner, the sausage mouth told me that mutton is much more expensive than beef in Xinjiang, because sheep will be uprooted when eating grass, while cattle only eat stems and leaves when eating grass, which will not lead to grassland desertification. Therefore, beef is much cheaper than mutton.

In addition, sausage mouth also talked with me about Hotan jade. For example, Hotan jade in the lower reaches of the river is generally the worst grade, which is called mountain material, while the better is mountain water, which is higher than mountain material, but second only to seed material.

In a word, the sausage mouth's telling made me more knowledgeable and look forward to the journey to Nanjiang tomorrow.

In the evening, I slept in the same room with Xiaobai and female wolf head.

When sleeping, the female wolf head hugged me with her arms and regarded me as a pillow

In the evening, the three people slept with Xiaobai female wolf head, and the female wolf head went to bed early. Xiaobai is lying in my arms, with her hair scattered on my shoulders and chest, holding a large Nang in her mouth and pressing the TV remote control bored.

"Xiaobai?" I gently stroked Xiaobai's beautiful hair and smooth head and asked softly.

"Well, master, what?" Xiaobai raised his eyes and looked at me. A pair of clear black eyes showed something strange.

"Xiaobai, we've been together for almost a year. Don't you miss your family?" I asked.

"Master, you asked me that again." Xiaobai blinked and said, "Master, I've had a good time now. I have food and drink every day, and I know so many sisters and friends, such as sister Junxia, sister swallow, sister Liuli, sister aowu... I'm very happy every day. And master, you took me to so many places and treated me so well. I'm very happy."

"Didn't you think that your family might be waiting for you to go back and look for you everywhere?"

I looked at Xiaobai and asked with a smile.

Listen to me, Xiaobai's face was stunned, his eyes dimmed a little, his tender little lips moved, and then said with some loss:

"But... I've been away from them for so long. Even if I see them, I can't remember them clearly. They may have forgotten me for so long."

"What if you haven't forgotten?" I asked.

Xiaobai showed some complicated complexion, and then said in some embarrassment:

"Master, do you want me to go?"

Say, some dare not look at me.

Seeing Xiaobai's grievance, my heart moved, and then smiled and said:

"Ha ha, what does silly girl think? Master, how can I let you go?"


Because I was worried that Qiu Yanran would wake up if I was too angry with Xiaobai, in the end, I still didn't do too fierce things to Xiaobai. So I slept until 8 o'clock the next morning. Sausage mouth and Awaha clothes. They had rented two SUVs, prepared all their luggage and waited for departure.

Sausage mouth and two other jewelers prepared two SUVs for us, one of which was Awaha clothes to accompany them, and the other was me, Xiaobai, female wolf head and two full-time drivers allegedly hired by sausage mouth.

The starting point is the desert highway to the south of Turpan, which has been crossing the Taklimakan desert to the west of Bayin dunleng in the south.

There are two gas stations in the middle of the desert highway, and the journey from Turpan to the west of Bayin dunleng takes a day and eight hours, which can be said to be very long.

Although it's autumn, the Taklimakan desert is still very hot during the day. The temperature is very high. When we set out in the morning, we didn't feel much. However, when we drove along for a few hours and approached noon, the weather gradually became hot. We felt extremely muggy in the car. We opened the window to ventilate, but all the hot air came in The hot air made xiaobaixiang sweat and spit out his tongue. He kept fanning with his small hands and made a noise.

"Master, it's so hot." Xiaobai said sweating, and his snow-white face was covered with glittering sweat.

Fortunately, the car has air conditioning, otherwise our group of people will really suffocate.

Seeing the desert for the first time in my life is the second largest desert in the world.

The types of Taklimakan Desert are complex and diverse. The compound sand mountains and sand ridges are like giant dragons resting on the earth. The tower sand dunes are all kinds of honeycomb, feather and fish scale sand dunes. The layers of golden yellow fine and soft deserts overlap together, like layers of waves on the sea. The desert can even reflect light in the sun. When a gust of wind blows, the desert will disappear The sand in the can also change its shape as if it were alive.

The sand sea is vast and boundless. The horizon at the end of the flat desert is connected with the blue horizon. It seems that the whole world is only gold and blue. Above is the blue curtain, below is the golden curtain, and in the middle of the golden curtain, there is a small white line, that is the straight desert highway.

The female driver's name is Amina. She told us that in the Taklimakan Desert, even if you drive with your eyes closed, you don't have to worry about accidents, because there are endless deserts around, and there are no obstacles at all.

Our two off-road vehicles had been driving well on the desert road. Because the weather was too hot, we were all sleepy. Even the female drivers were a little dozing. What they were most afraid of when driving was dozing, so the female drivers told us some interesting stories to refresh our minds and prevent us from falling asleep.

At the beginning, we chatted without a word, but while chatting, Amina told us some anecdotes when she was a driver, including some secrets of the Taklimakan Desert.

"Boss Li, I don't know if you have heard of the rumors of 'Caiyun country'?"

Amina asked us as she drove.

"Caiyun country?" I asked puzzled when I heard Amina's question. In the 21st century, I've heard of a cartoon called the story of Caiyun country, but what Amina says now must be different from what I know.

"What country is that?"

"Hehe, it's a legendary mysterious country in the center of Taklimakan Desert. It's said that on the night of the full moon, when there are colorful clouds in the sky, the colorful cloud country will appear in the colorful clouds, and the princess white horse from the colorful cloud country will fall from the sky and run away in the desert. If the colorful clouds disappear, the country will disappear with it, and no one can find the country Land. "

Amina spoke in a mysterious tone, listening to my heart beating. And Xiaobai was surprised.

"Really? It's so awesome. It seems like fun. I really want to go!" Xiaobai said with crossed hands and envy.

"How can it be? Silly girl, how can there be any clouds at night? How can horses run in the desert? Camels are almost the same. It must be all legends." I stopped silly girl's exclamation and said with some disdain.

Unexpectedly, Amina, the driver, smiled and said:

"Boss Li, you're wrong. I thought it was a legend like you at the beginning... But I really saw Caiyun country with my own eyes and the white horse Princess galloping in the desert under the full moon."

"Oh, really?" when I heard Amina say so, I was a little interested, and my originally dizzy brain woke up a little, "have you really seen Caiyun country?"

"Yes. It was almost the year before last. In August that year, I drove in the middle of the desert highway at night. There were no other vehicles that night. I drove alone to transport a batch of goods. It was very quiet around. At about eight or nine o'clock in the evening, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the Taklimakan Desert. Sand and rocks flew in the desert. After a while, I was in the desert In the sky due to the west, several strange colored clouds suddenly appeared, just like lotus flowers. They are colorful. That's nice. "

"Then after a while, I saw a golden city, golden walls, golden streets, and people dressed like the characters in ancient costume films walking on the streets. It was very prosperous... At that time, I was really shocked and stopped my car on the road to take pictures. Unfortunately, it was too late for me to react, CAI The clouds have disappeared, "Amina said with some regret.

Xiaobai and I were fascinated by Amina's story.

"Then... What happened?" I asked.

"Later, I thought of the legend of Caiyun kingdom. I wanted to go and find out, but I didn't dare to go. Just when I was ready to drive on - guess what I saw?" at this point, Amina's tone suddenly became gloomy, and her face in the car's mirror became extremely gloomy and terrible.