Chapter 386

The storm back to Santan city finally came to an end. In the next days, I was busy and free. The best news is that half a month after I called Qin Yueyin, swallow's parents finally passed the retrial and got out of prison safely.

On the day when they got out of prison, swallow and Yanyun took their two mothers to Junxia's house to thank me. Tears filled their eyes. The swallow was even more excited and burst into tears. After all, she had been waiting for this day for too long.

The swallow's mother and the swallow are still very similar. They are easy-going, but easy to get excited, because they know that they can get out of prison by me. Of course, they are very grateful to me.

While my two mothers were grateful to me, I asked about the possibility of living with the swallow. Naturally, the swallow's mother had no objection. After all, the relationship between me and the swallow was a good friend, and they all knew very well.

On the day the two mothers got out of prison, Bai Shaoqi and Bai Linghua personally invited them to dinner and apologized. And asked me to relieve her of her magic, of course I agreed. However, I was also worried that Bai Shaoqi would start to suppress Yanmei company again after removing the demagogue, so I directly asked Awaha Yi to catch Bai Linghua and take her to the swallow's home, saying that she would "stay for a few days" and give it back to her when Yanmei company was on the right path.

In this way, Bai Linghua was caught by me and sent to Awaha Yi's apartment to continue to be a maid. Occasionally, I would go to see if Bai Linghua was qualified as a maid. When the training reached a certain level, I decided to send the white Linghua to the swallow as a maid, so that she could experience the feeling of being sent.

In this way, the swallow came back safely, but the swallow still has to continue to go to college. Because of things at home, the swallow has almost asked for more than a month's leave. Fortunately, the university course is relatively easy. With the guidance of Liuli, the swallow can barely keep up with the course. The swallow is an excellent girl, a month's course, You can still keep up through your own efforts.

Since the previous kidnapping, for their own safety, swallow and Liuli have basically lived in the university dormitory instead of renting a house outside. Although the university dormitory is narrower, at least life safety is guaranteed

Swallow, they are almost in their junior year. In the next year, they have to finish the rest of their studies. Although I said that they can work in my company, it also needs cultural knowledge. Therefore, at this stage, it is most important for them to study hard.

Work has fallen behind. All I have to do is build my own house.

I am not a noisy person, so I contacted the real estate developer to buy a large piece of land near the suburbs of Santan city and contacted the Construction Bureau to build a palace like manor building.

In order to build this manor style building, I spent a lot of investment. The land and construction cost me nearly 100 million. You know, this is a women's era. The cost of building a house is much cheaper than that in the 21st century, but it still needs 100 million, which shows the luxury and luxury of the house I want to build.

The reason why I am willing to spend so much on the house is that so far, my assets can be said to be picked up. I always have an inexplicable sense of crisis that I will lose sooner or later if I don't spend it, so I never keep my money. And really speaking, the money for the discovery right in golden city is really enough for me to spend my whole life.

In the days when swallow's parents were discharged from hospital, I went to Yunnan with Junxia. The purpose is naturally to confirm the development progress of the golden city. At the same time, it is also convenient to sign and resell with LAN Yuer in the second step.

To my disappointment, when signing the contract for the second time, LAN Yueer didn't come in person, but Ms. Howard came to sign the contract with us.

Because of this contract, my assets soared again, and my total assets increased by 50 billion! At present, my total assets have reached more than 66 billion! Moreover, along with the shares of female wolf head and Xiaobai, they all belong to me. Although the shares of Awaha Yi and Junxia belong to themselves, they can also be used at will if I want, so in fact, my total assets have reached more than 300 billion!

In comparison, buying land, entertainment centers, running clothing companies and restaurants are just a drop in the ocean for me.

I wanted to buy my own car to drive, but sadly, I didn't have a driving license in women's world, so I had to give up. Anyway, I have a fierce woman as my professional driver. It's the same whether I buy a car or not.

Time passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, I came to the women's world for nearly a whole year. I still remember that when I came to the women's world, it was the end of August in the women's world. With the end of the summer vacation in 2469, swallows and their new life in college.

About a week after school, I suddenly received a phone call from my little sister, saying that tonight is the swallow's birthday and asked me to attend their party.

"Today is the swallow's birthday? Why didn't it be held last year?" I said strangely.

"Oh, you came last year. Everyone was busy taking care of you and forgot your birthday. Li Jian, come quickly. We'll wait for you in the bedroom!"


Er... The bedroom mentioned by the little sister should not be... A girl's bedroom?

"Yes, we don't live in the apartment for the time being. Of course, we have a birthday party in the bedroom. Will you come?"

"OK, I'll come right away." since today is the swallow's birthday, of course I have to go. Moreover, it has been more than one year since I came to the women's world, and the anniversary has not passed yet.

Since today is the swallow's birthday and the first anniversary of my coming to the women's world, it's better to celebrate the two things together. Thinking of this, I picked up the phone, got through to avaha Yi and asked her to contact the flower company for me.

Coming to the first anniversary of the women's age is definitely a very memorable day for me.

In this year, I have experienced too much, wind, frost, rain and snow, ups and downs, joys and sorrows, and I have spent all of them.

"Li Jian, what are you doing ordering roses?" Junxia asked me puzzled.

"Commemoration. Today is the swallow's birthday, which is almost the first anniversary of my coming to the women's world. I'll celebrate with them."

"Really. Come back early." Junxia said with a soft smile. These days, Junxia basically stays at home. Except occasionally helping me look at the documents and analyze some company account documents, she is completely a big house girl.

"Well, I'll try to come back as soon as possible. Swallows are still college students, and I won't let them stay up late." I said to Junxia while selecting the clothes to go out at night. Junxia helped me with my clothes very gently. Junxia and I are really like husband and wife.

For more than a month, Xiaobai, the female wolf head and the three saints can be said to have been quite comfortable. Xiaobai learns to cook with the four maids in spring, summer, autumn and winter. The female wolf head eats and drinks all day, and engages with me except drinking. It seems that she doesn't miss her hometown in Yunnan at all. The two or three saints are sisters who work together in the underground warehouse to study the art of insects, cultivate insects, and occasionally watch TV with other girls.

Then the worst is Bai Linghua. Bai Linghua is temporarily staying with me to threaten Bai Shaoqi. Bai Shaoqi was once one of the little sisters of the black widow. Her status is equivalent to that of the freckled woman now, which is deeper than I thought. Later, she withdrew from the power of the black widow in order to take care of her family. What I have to do now is to let Bai Shaoqi develop again, at least not to take refuge in the Golden Toad. The best way to keep her from taking refuge in others is to detain her daughter with me.

I know that Bai Shaoqi has a deep resentment against me. Detaining her daughter is one of the good ways to let her live in peace.

"Just come back early." Junxia looked at me affectionately and said.

I straightened out Junxia's hair and planned to turn around and leave. When I left, Junxia suddenly said:

"By the way, Li Jian. I haven't had menstruation for two months. It seems that I'm really pregnant with your child."

Junxia's words shocked my body who was going to leave!

"Really, Junxia?" I looked at Junxia in surprise and said.

"Really." Junxia also said with some joy, "Li Jian, i... I'm going to be a mother."

"Great. Wow, ha ha." I laughed and gave Junxia a big hug.

Junxia twisted her waist and slipped out of my arms. She looked at me angrily and said:

"Be careful, it's so strong. What if you squeeze the child?"

"Go, Junxia, you're really nervous. For the past two months, you have strictly followed the pregnant woman's menu every day, and you don't even eat meat dishes. You sleep on time every day like programming and listen to some prenatal education music all day. You've made my head big." I said silently.

"After all, it's my first time to be a mother. And your children are so important that I must protect them well. If they are like Xiaoying, it's bad if they get hurt by Gu Shu." Junxia's eyes have a bit of maternal brilliance.

"It's only two months. The embryo hasn't formed. How can you be so nervous?"

"Always get used to it first. If you wait until your stomach is big, it will be too late. Well, Li Jian, go and get together with the swallows. They are all waiting for you." Junxia touched her stomach happily, as if she had hidden a treasure there. Since she was pregnant, Junxia has no appearance of a female doctor at all. I can't persuade her anyway.

Of course, I'm also looking forward to Junxia's children. What will Junxia's children and I be like? Could it be a boy or a girl?

If it is a boy, it means that there is really a second man in the world, a healthy man. Moreover, it's still my child. I'm a little excited when I think about it.

However, I am more concerned about the fragrance of the Gao family, the little princess and the purple butterfly. I just don't know if I'm pregnant with my child like Junxia