Chapter 366

I dialed commander Chen.

Commander Chen of the Yunnan military division.

She and I had an agreement to help keep some of my affairs confidential, and I would pay her some money. If I was caught by the police of Santan City, my identity as a man would be exposed. Therefore, I called commander Chen and asked her to help me suppress the wind.

This is my bet. I trust commander Chen more than ye Zhuqing. At least, commander Chen will not make small moves behind his back.

Get through... Be sure to get through

Looking at the police car slowly coming in from the door, I was burning with anxiety.

Fortunately, five seconds later, the phone finally got through.

"What's up?"

I haven't heard commander Chen's voice for months. Now I'm excited to hear it.

"Commander Chen, do you remember me? Man, Li Jian." I coughed a little and said.

Hearing my response, commander Chen suddenly became silent.

"Is that you? Why are you calling me?"

"I want to talk to you about the $1 billion project," I said with a deep breath.

With that, I sighed, but my heart was beating violently. Can commander Chen help me? In terms of rank, commander Chen is also a ministerial figure. More importantly, she holds military power. Although I am in Jiangnan and she is in Yunnan, now I have to ask her for help.

If commander Chen can't help me, I can only ask ye Zhuqing for help.

My words made commander Chen seem a little interested: "why did you suddenly mention this? Is there something you want me to help you?"

Commander Chen is also from the past. He is courteous and steals if he has nothing to do. I suddenly called her in the middle of the night to talk about the joke like oral transaction project I once mentioned with her. Of course, she was suspicious.

"You're right," I said reluctantly. "I can't tell at once. When I was in Santan City, my people were kidnapped by underworld people. I took people to save them, but they didn't save them. They also killed people. Now the police want to catch me, and I want you to clarify it for me. Call the people of Santan City Public Security Department... Only commander Chen can ask for help now..."

"Causing death? How many people died?"

"I don't know. There are more than 30 dead. More than ten of my people died when they were wounded by my people... Commander Chen, only you can help me now."

"So many people have died? Li Jian, you have made a big mistake." commander Chen was shocked when he heard that more than 30 people had died. It's nothing to die dozens of people on the battlefield, but it's really an earth shaking event to die more than 30 people in the city.

"How do you expect me to deal with such a big thing? A phone call?" commander Chen's voice was sarcastic and atmosphere.

"I don't know... But I know you must have a way." I was in a hurry, "at least for the time being, put this matter down and make it an accident or something... Commander Chen, I can only trust you!" after that, I hung up the phone in a hurry. After hesitating for a while, I sent a voice message to ye Zhuqing's fake Zheng chengshuang, telling her that I wanted to save the hostage, They led people to fight with the underworld. People on both sides died. Now the police want to arrest me. If they are willing to help me, they will help me clarify and excuse me.

For ye Zhuqing, a fickle woman, I really don't want to ask her for help, but there's really no way at present.

Originally, if the hostages were rescued, I could have taken people away, but now the number of casualties exceeded my expectations. In addition, it was too late to escape because searching the hostages wasted too much time. The anti riot team had arrived, and I could only find a way to escape.

Today's business is too big. If I don't find a way to settle it, I'm afraid I'll have to go to the execution ground soon.

"Nobody move!"

Police cars slowly drove in from outside the park. There were five in front and seven in the rear. Thugs on both sides stepped aside to pass these police cars.

Dozens of riot police jumped out of the car, armed with guns and wearing military uniforms, facing the leading figures like us, and the black muzzle of the gun was facing the people around us.

"Don't move anyone!" a young policewoman captain wearing the shoulder badge of the anti riot team captain came out, and a sailor's long blue hair fell down, like a mountain stream spring, a police cap high in front and low in back, and a pair of black military boots, showing a lonely and cool temperament.

"Spread out, or you'll shoot!" said the female leader of the anti riot team, who fired two shots into the sky. The two deafening shots made my ears numb, and all the people around retreated. Then, three large fire engines slowly drove in from outside the park, and many firefighters came down from the fire prevention vehicles, under the protection of the police, Began to spray high-pressure water column towards the crowd, and the thick water column splashed everywhere to disperse the crowd.

Under the spray of the water column, a large number of people began to retreat and escape, while the female leader of the anti riot team slowly walked towards me, the grey Swan and the freckled woman with a gun.

"Hands up!"

The leader of the anti riot team held a gun in his hand, followed by five or six policemen with guns. Facing these female policemen with guns, we all raised our hands above our heads.

"Say, who led the head?" the female leader of the anti riot team glanced at all of us. In the face of the dark crowd, she was not afraid. She seemed to be a very courageous woman.

I and the grey swan, Awaha clothes and the black widow all stepped back, looked at each other, and then shook our heads in unison.

"Grey swan, you are here too." the female leader of the riot team seemed to know grey swan. When she saw grey swan, she smiled coldly, "this is the territory of the black widow. Are you here? Do you want to make trouble?"

The grey Swan raised his hands above his head, but his expression was still relaxed and elegant, kept a consistent smile and said:

"Don't get me wrong. I just came to see the excitement tonight, but my people didn't do it. Ask others or these people next to me."

"Grey swan!"

Seeing the grey Swan say so, I can't help but scold her. When it's time to take responsibility, the woman pushed it all away. If she hadn't been late today, she must have had a share.

The grey Swan still smiled at me, but said nothing.

Because of the grey swan's words, the female captain of the riot team turned her face to me and freckles, and the black muzzle was also facing us.

"Where's the black widow?" asked the female leader of the riot team. "Her territory, why doesn't she come out?"

"Black widow, dead," I said coldly.

When I said this, the female leader of the riot team was surprised and looked strangely at me and the freckled woman:

"Dead? The black widow is dead? How did she die?"

"I don't know," I replied in unison with the freckle girl. When the black widow died, it was obvious to everyone present. She died suddenly by poisoning her hair. At that time, my people didn't do anything to the black widow at all, so even if the black widow's death at my feet had nothing to do with me, people couldn't find evidence for the moment.

The biggest advantage of poisoning people with Gu Shu is that you can't find the real murderer after Gu Shu. The stone Gu of the three saints has long been dealt with, and the police can't find evidence. In the end, it can only be attributed to the sudden death caused by parasites. I thought about this before I started, and I'm still a little confident.

"The answer is quite consistent." the female captain of the anti riot team was even more surprised, but then she knew that we were hiding the truth. "What do so many people want to do tonight?"

"The black widow kidnapped my people. I won't do it. Can your police help me save people?" I said a lot.

"Kidnapping? Such a bad reason? Don't come with me!" unexpectedly, my words angered the female captain. The female captain looked at us angrily and said, "you gangsters can't make trouble here all the time. I really think the government can't cure you? Who planned it? Stand up to me and go back to the bureau with me!"

With that, the muzzle of the riot team leader pointed at my face.

At that moment, I saw the dark and deep round muzzle facing me like a black hole.

I raised my hands, the pressure from the muzzle of the gun, the fatigue of my body and the irritability of my mood made me stand there without moving.

"You've all dispersed," I said to Awaha Yi and them, turning my head.

"My lord..."

"Don't even want to run. Go back to me. Take the lead and take them all!"

"Don't move. I brought all the people tonight. It has nothing to do with my people." I said faintly, "catch me. Or take all our people."

The riot captain looked at the hundreds of people behind me and the big votes of the grey swan. He looked hesitant. Fools know that it is impossible to catch such a large number of people back to the police station.

"Oh, still tell us the terms?" the female captain sneered, and then suddenly fired three shots into the sky, bang bang! The neck of the people around me shrank instinctively, but I was still unmoved. In fact, it's mainly because I played so fiercely just now. I'm a little numb.

"Those who have beaten and killed people, all of them consciously stand up and follow us! Otherwise, none of them will want to go!" the female captain just shouted out. Outside the park, dozens of police cars and suddenly dark police car brigade came, which made everyone's forehead sweat.

It's really a big hair tonight.