Chapter 310

In the whole process, the lawyer told me a lot of wordy things, but I was a little absent-minded thinking about swallows, so I only listened to a general idea. It was nothing more than asking me to pay attention to the development of the company, make commitments, act in accordance with the law, etc. anyway, these things can be learned slowly in the future, and I am not in a hurry to achieve them overnight.

"It's done." I was relieved when I looked at a contract signed and sealed. The successful signing of these contracts means that I have become the chairman of the sun moon jewelry company of Awaha clothing! Of course, I'm just a chairman with empty shares, but I don't hold the position of CEO. The position of CEO is given to avaha Yi, who is responsible for the daily management of the company and the decision-making of specific affairs.

When I took the contract, I really felt like a dream. I didn't expect that I would become an old director of a jewelry company. It was just like a dream. Ha ha ha!

I can laugh in my dreams!

Although I used to have the title of gold city discoverer, I didn't have any specific position, but now I'm very different!

I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful! Well, ha ha.

Although the jewelry company of Awaha clothing is still an insignificant small company, I am confident to work together with Awaha clothing and make it bigger and stronger in the future!

Of course, because Junxia hasn't passed the resignation application, she can't take shares, so she can only watch me become the chairman, pout, stare and pinch my flesh. As for Xiaobai and female wolf head, they haven't got the resolution of the chairman of awahayi, so they can't take shares for the time being, but there are opportunities in the future. Anyway, it's just a matter of minutes.

After finishing the paper work in half an hour, I shook hands with the happy lawyer and prepared to go to the meeting place agreed by the shareholders of Lily company to discuss the acquisition of Lily company.

However, I just got out of the Administration for Industry and commerce, but I received a call from Bai Shaoqi, the chairman of Lily company.

"Hello, Dong Li, right? I'm Bai Shaoqi, chairman of Baihe company. Well, the negotiation tonight may have to be changed. My daughter Bai Linghua just accepted a maid today. I attended the recruitment ceremony and banquet today. I drank too much. I really can't come to negotiate with you... Can the negotiation time be changed tomorrow?"

Bai Shaoqi's words shocked me.

Bai Linghua's maid reception ceremony is about to begin?

Seeing my anxious expression, Junxia standing aside looked at me solemnly.

Although I was still shocked, seeing Junxia's expression, I calmed down a little, deliberately pretended to be unhappy, asked Bai Shaoqi at the other end of the phone and said:

"Recruit a maid? A maid is more important than our negotiation? What's the origin of that maid?" I asked deliberately in a cold voice.

"Hehe, boss Li, I'm really sorry. The maid actually has a big background. She was originally the daughter of Yanyue, the chairman of Yanmei company. Yanmei company doesn't know if you've heard of it? It's a clothing enterprise with a good scale. It's small and famous in Santan city. It's also a competitive enterprise of our Lily company, but later the company broke some rules The regulation went bankrupt and was acquired by our company. "

"Several of the chairman and executive directors of Yanmei company owe us a lot of debts, among which Yanyue and her partners were jailed for the crime of deception. It is natural for her mother to pay off her debts, but Yanyue's daughter swallow is a yellow haired girl. She has no money to pay off her debts and would have to pay off her debts for her mother. However, it's a coincidence that the swallow is my daughter Bai Linghua's classmate, my daughter is very interested in her and has always wanted to live with her. "

"However, the swallow is very lonely and arrogant. She has always looked coldly at my daughter, which has made my daughter lose face. Now that the swallow family is bankrupt, my daughter can't bear to see the swallow living on the street, so she begged me to say that if the swallow comes to our house as a maid, she can't bear the debt of her mother. I didn't agree with my daughter's decision, but my daughter pestered her day and night He threatened me with his inheritance, so I reluctantly agreed. "

Bai Shaoqi said a lot, but the more I listened, the more I frowned.

"Just because a maid in a down-to-earth family delayed our business? Bai Shaoqi, this is your sincerity? Do you think I am a very idle person? I just came by plane from Wuhan today to negotiate with you, so you told me that the negotiation should be cancelled temporarily?" I said impatiently.

"... I'm really sorry, boss Li. But tonight... It's really sudden. In fact, my daughter arranged this event by herself, and I just learned about it. It is said that the swallow took sleeping pills and was hospitalized a few days ago. As soon as she came out today, my daughter hurriedly picked her up. There are many guests at home, and I, the head of the family, have to go back to preside over it Take a look at the overall situation, right... "

"You spoil your daughter like this?" listening to Bai Shaoqi's story, I felt that Bai Shaoqi seemed to dote on her daughter Bai Linghua. He doted so much that he could tolerate a series of arbitrary acts of his daughter and even temporarily put aside the interests of the company to attend a maid recruitment ceremony for his daughter.

"Hehe, my daughter is very sticky, but I'm just such a daughter. Later, when I quit, she will have to take over my class..."

"Bai Shaoqi, I've made it clear to you. My schedule is well arranged. In addition to your Lily company, I have several other major projects to talk about. If you don't take time to talk about it clearly tonight, I think you'd better cancel the share monopoly." I deliberately pretended to be old-fashioned and coerced Bai Shaoqi, Actually, where do I have any big projects to talk about? Of course I'm talking nonsense. The purpose is to make Bai Shaoqi feel very impatient.

Looking at me, Junxia standing aside couldn't help giving me an appreciative look, and I also winked at her.

"Well... Boss Li, please calm down. Can't you reschedule this?"

"There's no need to arrange. Since you're not sincere, I'll cancel the negotiation. I'd better keep my billions to buy shares of other companies." I'm a little angry when I hear Bai Shaoqi's words. It seems that I can't do without pressing the lily company. "I tell you, don't fool me. I'm not easy to mess with."

"Ah? No, no, don't do this... Boss Li, don't be angry. I thought you weren't in a hurry. I didn't expect your schedule to be so tight... In that case, I'll leave my daughter's ceremony and come to negotiate with you now. Have you had dinner? Can I reserve a hotel seat?"

"There's no need to arrange for the hotel. I'll sign a contract at the banquet where your daughter recruits the maid. I don't have so much mind to wait." I try to say this in a cold tone. In fact, my mood is quite nervous. Of course, my purpose is not to negotiate, but to meet the swallow.

This time I came back to Santan City, the most direct purpose is to see swallows!

"Ah? Negotiate at the party... This..."

"Don't agree. If you don't give me face, I don't need to give you face." I said coldly.

"Hey... Wait, wait, boss Li, don't be angry. I'm wrong about this. I'm really wrong. The place of negotiation is as happy as you like. But the reception for maids is a little low-grade. I think it's a little shabby as a negotiation. I'll make another arrangement."

"No, I'll go to your banquet. I want to see how wonderful the maid can delay our negotiations." I deliberately pretended to be deep in order to make Bai Shaoqi compromise under my oppression.


"Or don't you welcome me?" I hastened to add another sentence when I heard Bai Shaoqi's hesitation.

"How could that be? We naturally welcome boss Li to come. We are worried that the banquet is not grand enough and is laughed at by boss Li."

"That's enough, I've decided. Just tell me the venue. I'll bring someone right away." I stopped Bai Shaoqi's endless words.

Under my tough attitude, Bai Shaoqi finally compromised. Originally, if my attitude was not so tough, maybe she would fight with me to move the negotiation time to tomorrow morning, but now my attitude is so tough that she can only set the negotiation time at the banquet tonight as originally scheduled.

"Golden axe Hotel, sandeng road..."

Bai Shaoqi told me the hotel address. I quickly wrote it down. After hanging up, I said to Junxia:

"Junxia, the swallow held a maid's passing ceremony in the golden axe hotel. We'll go to the golden axe hotel now."

"Golden axe Hotel... It's not far from here. It should be in time."

Junxia nodded a little gloomily and directly pulled the door to get on the bus to signal me to go up together.

Xiaobai, Awaha clothes and three saints also got on the bus with us. We were 8 people in a car and headed for the golden axe hotel under the driving of Junxia.

I looked at the time. It was already after 7 o'clock. The banquet should have arrived * *. If we rushed there, we should still be able to see swallows.

If the ceremony is over, the swallow will really become a maid of the white family. That's definitely the last scene I want to see.

I sat in the co driver's seat, looked at my watch and counted the time. I was a little anxious. I didn't know if I could catch up with the banquet.

"Why do you want to be a maid?" I make complaints about what I am doing. I can't help but pat my thigh.

Junxia said to me while driving:

"She doesn't want to owe you. Maybe in her heart, you are just an ordinary friend. The debt of Yanmei company is hundreds of millions." Junxia said faintly, "this is an astronomical figure. Swallow, she knows she can't afford it."