Chapter 287

Purple butterfly has a belt around her waist, and the white apron wraps her in a perfect outline.

Purple Butterfly handed out her head. Her beautiful hair like purple vines flowed down, looking elegant and elegant. She was wearing a light blue lattice shirt, which was not tightened, but could vaguely highlight her slender and symmetrical posture. The slim curve extended from her back to her crotch, then suddenly released, separated towards both sides, and converged again after a circle of beautiful arc.

When I was cutting vegetables, I could see her eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and then her slender fingers gently plucked the hair in her ears. The action was gentle, but it was leisurely and elegant, which made people feel very excited.

Every action, every casual detail, purple butterfly is so attractive. When I was washing rice by the sink, I inadvertently looked at the back of purple butterfly and was a little crazy.

It has to be said that purple butterfly is really the woman with the highest comprehensive score I have ever seen. Whether in terms of temperament or appearance, purple butterfly is so impeccable. Her figure is not as good as the small willow waist of the little princess, but in terms of beauty, purple butterfly is indeed more beautiful. Just the calm, generous and elegant temperament on her face, there is a kind of Fairy Spirit, which is difficult to look directly at.

Such a beautiful woman has such strong ability. If only she could be my woman and my wife, even a confidant... Looking at the back of purple butterfly, I suddenly had a bit of fantasy.

"What are you looking at?" seems to be aware of my eyes. Purple Butterfly turned her face to look at me and smiled.

"Nothing." I quickly looked back and scolded myself in my heart. Junxia is waiting for me to go back in Santan city. The swallows are still alive and dead in Santan city. Now I have fantasies about other girls, which should be cut thousands of times!

Thinking of swallows, my mood was depressed again. After washing rice, I called Junxia directly.

"Junxia, how's the swallow?"

"Hey, she's still in a coma. She's been treated with hemodialysis and her condition is much better than yesterday. But the doctor said she didn't know when she would wake up. If she kept sleeping like this, she might... Become a vegetable."

"Vegetable?" my heart clicked. Will a swallow become a vegetable?

"It's possible." Junxia whispered a cruel answer to me, and my heart closed in an instant.

If the swallow becomes a vegetable, what's the point if I go back?

I suddenly felt a loss. When I returned to Santan City, the biggest driving force was the swallow.

But if the swallow will never see me, what's the point of my going back?

I feel like my heart has been dug out. No matter how I fill it, I can't fill it.

I really feel the unprecedented confusion, the confusion about the future, the confusion about life, and the confusion about feelings.

I suddenly don't know where I should go.

"Wait for me." I can only say this, "wait for me to come back. Everything will be different when I come back."

This is my promise.

I believe that as long as I can return to Santan City, I will let those who hurt the girl I like pay the price.

The most painful price!

After turning off my mobile phone, I walked around the living room for a few times and calmed down. I saw Purple Butterfly coming out with a large plate of fish and smiling. My mood was a little better.

"Try it. Wuchang Fish stewed and fried ham made by me and Xiaobai."

"Thank you." I thanked zidie, and Xiaobai came out of the kitchen with a simple smile. She seemed very satisfied with her dishes.

The delicious smell of fish and ham made us hungry for most of the day. We filled up a full of rice and began to eat.

I took a chopstick of fish made of purple butterfly and put it in my mouth. Suddenly, I felt the fragrance in my mouth. The soft meat with a little hot soup opened my appetite and sighed involuntarily:

"Purple butterfly, you cook very well."

"Ha ha, it's just that you can swallow it." Purple Butterfly smiled easily. "Eat more. We're leaving tomorrow. It's a pity if we don't eat clean tonight."

"HMM." we started directly, too.

"By the way, would you excuse me for asking?" purple butterfly, who was moving with a chopstick of food and a chopstick of rice, suddenly asked.

"What's up?" I put down my chopsticks, slightly put away my eyebrows and looked at purple butterfly.

"Don't be so vigilant. I'm just asking casually. If you don't think it's right, don't answer, just think I'm curious." Purple Butterfly saw that I looked different and hurriedly stopped me.

I nodded, relaxed a little, and asked, "what's up?"

"You are the man in the legend of Dengfeng City." Purple Butterfly suddenly said.

PA, my chopsticks didn't hold steady and fell on the table.

Sure enough, did she see it.

This woman.

Nevertheless, I didn't panic too much, because I knew she would see it sooner or later. With this woman's IQ, if you can't see it, there's a ghost.

"Do you know me?" I looked at purple butterfly, picked up chopsticks and continued to eat.

"No. I just guessed according to the characteristics of your appearance. You have an Adam's apple, have a strong body, are taller than ordinary women, have a rough voice, and are taller than ordinary people. In addition, your facial contour is also different. In addition, you have had cosmetic surgery in Dengfeng City, so I guess so." zidie whispered, "it seems that I'm right."

She used a positive tone. I know she must have seen through me completely.

Xiaobai looked at me with a nervous look. For a moment, the whole living room was quiet.

"Don't worry, I won't say a word, friend." seeing me silent, purple butterfly smiled, "can you trust me?"

I looked at Purple Butterfly and wondered how much the woman could believe what she said.

"Did you know that? When you came to talk to us on the train, you saw the thread, didn't you?" I asked.

Purple Butterfly smiled shamefully: "at that time, I guessed nine points. But I'm not sure. And there are many people. I didn't think we could walk so long together."

"So you are by my side. When I have a fever, you kindly look after me because you know my identity?" I narrowed my eyes.

"I promise I don't mean to be courteous." Purple Butterfly smiled. "Friend, do you believe me?"

I took a bite of Wuchang fish, sighed and said faintly, "if I don't believe you, I won't risk kneeling with you in lijiazhai."

Hearing this, purple butterfly smiled.

"Thank you for trusting me like this. There are not many people in the world who have known me for two days and believe me like this. You are one. Eat." zidie sandwiched me a ham. I thanked and ate it.

Purple Butterfly doesn't ask much about my status as a man. Although I guess she must be full of curiosity, out of respect for me, she is very knowledgeable and stops right away.

Xiaobai watched our conversation nervously, and then ate fish.

However, the originally quiet atmosphere was completely broken at the next moment.

"Do you... Think there's something wrong with this dish?" after eating a small half of the fish, purple butterfly suddenly raised her head and looked at me. There were two faint blushes on her snow-white cheeks, and even her breathing was slightly hurried.

When Purple Butterfly said this, I also felt something was wrong. At first, the fish was fine, delicious and crispy. However, after eating half of the fish, I felt that the body temperature of the whole person was rising, and it felt like it was going to catch fire.

"It seems a little hot." I said with a dry smile, but I didn't care too much. Instead, I continued. Because dinner was too late and I was hungry now, I had a strong appetite and didn't take it to heart. I just thought it was caused by the hot weather.

Watching me eat fish, purple butterfly frowned slightly and didn't take much precautions. She ate it in small bites and ate the whole fish all the time.


I don't know whose chopsticks fell to the ground first, or the chopsticks of me, Xiaobai and zidie fell to the ground at the same time. At the moment of eating the last bite of fish, I felt my body getting hot and dry.