Chapter 281

The gloomy sky surprised a large number of passengers. Some even scolded and went crazy on the spot. Women's temper is small, and this little thing will make a lot of noise. They chirp for a long time, which makes the leading conductor very embarrassed. The stewards are also busy with persuasion, but they are not effective.

"Don't worry, don't worry! There is a small village in front. There are farmhouses in it. Our railway company is very familiar with the village leaders in that area. We can arrange accommodation for you temporarily, and all the expenses will be borne by our company!"

Sure enough, we looked up. At the end of the flat field two kilometers ahead, there appeared a row of uneven low houses next to willows. It seemed that they were farmhouses and villages outside the county.

Looking at the gloomy sky, I know that I can't get to Wuhan today. With a sigh, I had to move forward with the crowd. Looking at the women's faces full of resentments around me, I always felt that the thunder on the ground would be louder than that in the sky sooner or later.

"Friends, people are on the road and help each other. Shall I help you with the bag?" the purple butterfly smiled and asked when we saw the bag in Xiaobai's hand.

"No, No." I quickly pulled the bag and refused. It's too unsafe for me to hang out. The woman in front of me doesn't know the origin. If I'm with the fortune teller, I'm afraid I won't be safe.

"Really." Purple Butterfly seemed to see my caution to her, her eyes moved, smiled, and didn't say anything. But the purple butterfly's smile made me dizzy. What a high score girl.

In this way, I walked all the way to the nearby lijiazhai, which is quite close to Jigong Mountain, the border of Henan Province.

When we arrived in the village, it was raining heavily. The whole sky was like a river falling down. There was no gap. We were glad to get to the village before the rain. Because of the relationship of the conductor, the village head in the countryside brought people to meet us for the first time, arranged the big temple in the village for us to stay temporarily, and beautiful female villagers sent us soup and water, which was simple and warm.

"Come, big sister, have some hot ginger soup!" the little girl in simple rural clothes hopped to send us hot water and ginger soup. Her face was full of joy. She was obviously very excited about the sudden arrival of so many guests in the village.

"Ah, thank you." seeing food and drink, Xiaobai naturally took it down impolitely. "Master, have some raw ginger soup. It smells delicious!" Xiaobai also pushed me with a pottery bowl and motioned me to drink with her. This silly girl is very moving and filial to my master.

"It's really 'it rains at night when the house leaks, and the boat is late. It seems that it's going to rain for a long time." zidie sat opposite us with emotion, holding a bowl of ginger soup in her hand and sipping it leisurely. At the same time, she politely asked the villagers' little girls to thank them.

I looked at Purple Butterfly and didn't say anything. I just drank soup silently. I don't know how to describe my current situation. Is it down? Or helpless? I never thought that I would encounter so many stumbling problems just for such a simple thing as going home. It was like God had arranged the script not to let me go back.

Why is that?

I sighed, but I flew back to Santan city.

Xiaobai looked at me with two big eyes flickering and didn't say anything.

"Missed something urgent, friend?" Purple Butterfly looked at me and asked.

I paused and nodded in silence.

"In a hurry?"

"Very urgent."

The dripping rain washed the tiles of the temple, slowly flowed down the sparkling tiles, and finally dropped on the shallow grass in the corner, and the dew burst.

"Ah, master, there are chickens! There are ducks!" Xiaobai, a silly girl off-line, was attracted by the chickens and ducks running in the temple before she could stay a little longer. She was happy to drive ducks next to the majestic mahogala statue.

My eyes were immediately attracted by three mahogara statues in one niche.

"It's a good thing to steal a little rest in the midst of all the fuss," said purple butterfly with a smile.

"You don't understand how anxious I am." I turned back to answer purple butterfly.

"Yeah. It's obviously urgent." zidie Ya ran smiled and sipped ginger tea.

The rain rinses and the heart is clear. The foggy sky was always misty, and there was no reduction in rain.

I sighed and prepared to drink the second mouthful of ginger soup. At this time, the sound of my mobile phone rang and asked me to put down the soup bowl. I was slightly surprised to see the caller ID above.

It's a swallow.

However, although it was the swallow's phone, it was not the swallow's voice.

But Junxia's.

"Li Jian." the rain was very cold. I felt Junxia's voice trembling, as if she were in the rain.

Junxia seems to be afraid of something.

"What's the matter?" I asked softly, but my heart jumped.

"Swallow... She killed herself by taking sleeping pills."

The wind passes without trace, and the rain falls silently.

Everything is quiet.

"Swallow... Committed suicide?"

I felt like I fell into the ice abyss in an instant, and the cold breath penetrated into my skin in an instant, like golden needles inserted into my flesh and skin.

At the moment when the golden light flickered in front of me, I seemed to see the gentle smiling face of the swallow.

It took me a while to recover.

The swallow committed suicide... The swallow committed suicide

I feel like my heart has been evacuated.

"She took a bottle of sleeping pills... Now she has been sent to the hospital for rescue... But the situation is very critical. I don't know if she can rescue it. Xu Liuli told me the news. She told me not to tell you, but I thought about it and told you."

Hearing Junxia's words, I finally left a glimmer of hope in my heart. I stood up in an instant, almost crazy:

"Swallow, can she live? Is there any hope?"

"I... don't know. I'll tell you the news. Li Jian, please be strong. You'd better prepare for the worst."

"Swallow, why did she do that? Why?! it doesn't make sense!" I clenched my fist and roared angrily, as if crazy.

"The swallow's family sold off its original shares and still couldn't pay its debts. Today, her family was photographed and will be ruined in a few days. In addition... The swallow's mother has been imprisoned. It's a great blow to the swallow."

I felt a cold fist passing through my face. The cold wind and rain hit my face and made my whole face ache.

"Then why don't you use private funds to help her, Junxia? Aren't you also the one who holds the shares of the Luo family?! why don't you help the swallow first!"

"I'm a civil servant, Li Jian. Have you forgotten that civil servants can't hold private shares, and my resignation application hasn't passed yet..." Junxia's voice was obviously weak, "and I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Sorry... I forgot."

"Li Jian, calm down. I know you're in a hurry."

I'm disillusioned. I know it's not Junxia's fault.

But I felt almost desperate when I thought that the girl I saw for the first time in the world might go to sleep forever.

At that moment, I found that the swallow, a girl who seems to have little intersection with my life, actually occupies such a large proportion in my heart.

It seems that swallow and I haven't seen each other for more than half a year since we first met. However, every time I go to a place, I will report to swallow, and I will contact her and tell her what I have seen and heard, whether I go to Junxia's house, Yunnan or Henan, one stop after another. At each stop, I will tell swallow my story and my experience, The swallow is like the audience standing behind me forever. Although I can't see her, I know that right there, in the distance behind me, a pair of eyes look at me silently and pay attention to me.

The swallow is like a spiritual pillar of me. It's like when a duck is born, it takes the object it first sees as its mother. I also have a special feeling for a swallow.

That kind of feeling is not clear, not as clear as Junxia, not as ambiguous as Xiaobai, not as direct as a female wolf head, but she does exist.

But at this moment, this emotion seemed to disappear.

"Junxia, are you going to the hospital now?"

"I'm outside the operating room. Li Jian. Swallow's cell phone is here." Junxia gave me an anxious reply. I clenched my teeth, not only scolded the swallow for doing stupid things, but also prayed that the swallow would never have an accident!

"If you tell me about the swallow, if something happens to the swallow, I will kill the Bai family!"

I hung up and then called little Taimei and iceberg beauty, but little Taimei and iceberg beauty didn't answer the phone. I don't know what happened. I couldn't get through all the time. I had to be anxious in my heart and wanted to fly to Santan city.

Swallows hover between life and death, but I can't find a way back thousands of miles away. This feeling really makes me almost collapse.

"Master, what's the matter with you? Your face is so scary." Xiaobai heard my voice on the phone, came up and looked at me and said.

I looked at Xiaobai. When Xiaobai saw my eyes, he trembled and shut up.

"Xiaobai, let's go, let's go now!"

"Go? Where are you going?"

"Go to the county to find a car. We're going to Wuhan now! Sister!"

Looking at Xiaobai with a worried face, I finally felt cruel, took her hand and ran out of the temple in the rain.

However, because I was too anxious, my feet hit the high threshold with a slap when I ran. As a result, I just elongated my legs not long ago. There was a click. Then I felt that my left leg couldn't connect with the force in an instant. Together with me, I fell limply to the ground and fell into a big puddle outside the temple, The mud and rotten water accumulated all over the ground rushed towards me and my face. I was covered with mud and water and was very dirty.

Suddenly I fell and gnawed at the mud. I finally couldn't restrain my grief and anger. The violent rain wet my hair and face. I was crazy and splashed the rain on the ground, but the pain and desolation in my heart were even worse.

"God, you're kidding me, aren't you? It's fun, isn't it?"

Angrily pointing to the sky, I scolded wildly, which attracted all the people present to look at me.


"Friend, come on."

Seeing me shouting madly in the puddle, Xiaobai and zidie were startled and hurried to help me up. But at that time, I was really in an extreme mood, struggling madly, and my dislocated left leg kicked madly. Although there were no tears, my face was wet.

I limped back to the temple, covered my face with mud and water, and didn't say a word. Others asked me what was wrong, but I didn't answer. I just covered my face, lowered my head and was annoyed.

Ice cold.

It's freezing.

Because I suddenly realized. This is providence.

God forbids me to go back to Santan city.

God forbids me to see swallows