Chapter 279

After taking the train ticket, I casually thanked the old woman and granddaughter, and directly took Xiaobai to the platform. After checking the ticket, we rushed out of the platform and got on the train carriage.

It's a close call. I'm half a minute away from the train!

But when Xiaobai and I got on the train and looked at the seats on the tickets we bought, we were silly.

Because there are two middle-aged women sitting in the seat where we are.

When I saw the two middle-aged women on the seat, I looked at the train ticket more than twice and dared to come forward only after confirming it.

"Sorry, did you... Do something wrong?" I frowned and said to the two women who "robbed" our seats.

The two women's Chins were cut and their lips were narrow. At a glance, they knew they were hard to talk. When they heard me, they immediately raised their willow eyebrows.

"Are you kidding? Our train ticket clearly says here! What do you want?" the two women looked up and down at Xiaobai and me, as if they were strangers.

"But here is our ticket. Are you... Sure you didn't take the wrong train?" I took out my train ticket and Xiaobai's to show them, and then asked.

They took one look at our tickets, then looked at each other and took out their tickets.

"Ah, as like as two peas." one of the women frowned.

"But we bought it at the ticket window. It can't be fake!" said another woman.

Hearing the conversation between the two women, my heart sank to the bottom of the valley... Fake tickets, absolutely fake tickets, were cheated by the old woman!!

At that time, I tore up the train ticket in a rage, and then turned to glare at Xiaobai. Seeing this scene, Xiaobai also knew what had happened. She lowered her head, looked at the broken train ticket on the ground, and said nothing.

"See, silly girl? Good people, there are good people in this world?!"

"But... Master..." Xiaobai's face turned red and looked like she wanted to cry. Obviously, she knew she was wrong.

"By the way, master, didn't the old woman give you the phone number? As long as we call, she will certainly pay us back!" Xiaobai still refused to give up.

"Make a fart call! That number must be false!" I said angrily.

"But... Maybe the old woman was cheated too." Xiaobai said distressedly, playing with her fingers.

"Yes, the man who lied to her happened to be an old woman, and he was older, older and stupid. He was so stupid that he could mistake the tickets of Wuhan and Huzhou!" I sneered at Xiaobai. Xiaobai bowed his head and dared not speak.

At this time, a female train ticket inspector in blue uniform came over and said politely:

"Please show me your train tickets."

"I tore it up. We were cheated. We bought fake tickets and we made up for them!" without saying a word, I took out 200 and my ID card from my pocket and checked the tickets for the ticket inspector.

After checking the tickets, I didn't say anything anymore. I took Xiaobai and stood in the corner of the train carriage. Looking at the wall, I smiled bitterly at the corners of my mouth.

I didn't expect that I am also a person worth tens of billions now, but I still have so little money and have been cheated. What a practice.

To put it bluntly, no matter how big the boss is, he is just an ID card, some bank cards and credit notes.

Without money, when you are alone, you are just yourself. What identity, status and money are floating clouds far away from you.

All you have is yourself.

And someone who may be with you.

Although he may have nothing like you.

Through these days, I understand a truth. Never trust any stranger, especially a woman, especially a woman who seems weak! Because they will always deceive you with a look of pity, softness or charity until you have nothing, sink into the mire and never come back!

Later, I no longer had the same compassion, kindness, compassion and kindness for strange women as I did at the beginning, but also had an inseparable relationship with the unpleasant experiences I encountered on my way back to Santan city!

And Xiaobai stood against the wall in the corner of the train. I was a lead cloud on my face and Xiaobai was a white frost on my face. It was difficult to see the extreme of their faces.

"Friend, it seems that we are in the same difficulty."

But just then, a graceful shadow came to me silently and stood against the wall with me. I raised my head, but my eyes flashed.

What a delicate woman

At first I thought it was just a passenger who came up to talk, but when I saw her face, I was really surprised.

The woman standing with me is about 23 or 24 years old. She is about the same age as me. She is 1.75 meters tall and has lilac loose hair. She is neat and hierarchical. She has a melon face, clear outline and straight figure. She looks handsome with a light blue wide narrow collar casual shirt and black tight jeans.

Yes, handsome.

This is a woman enough for me to use this word. After coming to the women's world, I have seen a lot of women, including wild, charming, dignified, elegant, small and exquisite, pure and sweet, indifferent and quiet, but no woman is really enough for me to use "cool", "handsome" or "handsome".

But the woman in front of me did it.

From this woman, I feel a bit of a man's breath.

9.2 points.

The real score of 9.2 is probably the highest score I have ever seen since I came to the women's world. Even the appearance of the little monk in Dengfeng is slightly less than that of LAN Yueer. After all, the little monk is bald, which is detrimental to her image, while LAN Yueer is Lori type, not the cool and elegant type in front of her. There is a deviation in her style. I'm afraid that only when she grows up and improves her score can she be compared with her. Xiaobai can barely compare with this woman, but her temperament is still a little worse. After all, Xiaobai has no temperament. The obscene girl, the little princess and the female wolf head all lost the woman's temperament by 0.1 points in an instant.

I was surprised by the mysterious woman's appearance in front of me, and then I returned to normal.

The purple haired woman didn't express any surprise at my expression. She spread her hand, smiled bitterly and said:

"I also bought a fake ticket."

The purple haired woman smiled, and then she stood with us with her chest in her hands.


I looked at the woman in front of me with some doubts. I felt a little pity for each other, but I didn't trust anyone because of a series of things before. Therefore, I also kept alert to this purple haired woman. Now I won't easily trust strangers.

"Hehe, did you miss the plane?"

The second sentence of the purple haired woman made my heart jump. How did she know?

"Look at your surprised look, I guess it should be right." the purple haired woman smiled faintly and said.

I couldn't believe it. I looked up at the purple haired woman in front of me, frowned and looked at myself. After I was sure there were no flaws, I couldn't help asking:

"How do you know?"

The purple haired woman held her chest and her face was somewhat easygoing and kind: "guess."

Can you guess missing a plane?

I looked warily at the purple haired woman in front of me. Should this woman be the one who followed me?

"Oh, nothing, I'm just guessing casually, not maliciously. Please don't mind my friends." the purple haired girl quickly explained when she saw my suspicious look, "I think you two have black circles in your eyes, untidy clothes and wet eye droppings around your eyes, so I guess you didn't sleep well last night and didn't have time to wash your face in order to catch the bus in the morning. Now you bought fake tickets, I guess you missed the previous shift and were cheated to buy fake tickets in order to be in a hurry. If you weren't in a hurry, you two You can queue up to buy a train instead of buying fake tickets. "

"... well. Then how do you know we missed the plane?" I'm a little surprised. The guy in front of me is not simple.

"Because I think you two should both have great sources. If you weren't in a hurry, you wouldn't take such a low-grade train."

"We... Are people with a background?" I was even more surprised. How could this woman know everything?

"HMM. although you two wear ordinary coats to hide your identity, I can see it. My friend, you see that your real cow leather shoes are an internationally famous' nalol 'brand. The lowest price is 5000, which is not the price that ordinary people can buy. But the texture of underwear exposed from your neck. I think it's the' gillia 'brand. The price of this underwear is about 7000, Your underwear, shoes and socks are both high-end brands, and your identity must be different. "

"But you're wearing a very ordinary coat. The white shirt friend also tied his chest and messed up his hair. Maybe someone is following you or fans are chasing you. You're afraid to expose your identity. But a big man like you caught a fish and dragon mixed, simple and cheap train. You must have missed the plane. Of course, this is not the case It's just my guess. "The purple haired woman told half of the secret between Xiaobai and me. It shocked me. Indeed, Xiaobai and I had underwear and shoes from high families. Of course, they were expensive.

I looked at the woman in front of me in amazement, but I couldn't speak.

"In addition, my friend, your expression is a little stiff. When your feet walk, the force at the joints is a little unnatural. It should be that you have done beauty and leg bone surgery in Dengfeng. You will be discharged soon? What you can do is seamless. I'm afraid only the Gaojia in Henan Province can do it in China."

The purple haired girl smiled faintly and said, like an old friend. But the calm words set off a big wave in my heart!

"In addition, the friend with white shirt and chest has a slight cocoon at the joints of hands and bones, good elasticity of legs, uniform waist, strong breathing and strong chest and lung function. She should have practiced Kung Fu. I think she's good at boxing and feet. But she's very obedient to you. In this way, she doesn't look like your friend... She's like your bodyguard or attendant."

"Who... Are you?" a pair of powerful eyes. This woman is definitely not simple!

"Oh, my friend, don't be too nervous. I'm just guessing." the purple haired girl smiled amiably.

"Who... Are you?" I asked a second time.

But this time, the purple haired woman gave me a bitter smile:

"Friend, I can tell you my name, but I don't know if it's my real name. Because... I'm a person who forgot my name."

I frowned. Don't you want to say your name? Are you a liar again?

"Friend, it's not that I'm reluctant, it's because I really forgot my name." the purple haired woman smiled bitterly, "To be honest with my friends, I have been wandering between cities for two and a half years. The only memory I have is that I woke up in a hotel in Chengdu. In addition, there is only a string of broken purple butterfly pendant around me. Therefore, some friends I know call me purple butterfly."