Chapter 261

I'm going to send it.

I am acutely aware of this. As long as I sign the contract, I'm a big man. A real local tyrant, a millionaire.

Even compared to the leader of Shangwu alliance.


Sign it.

When I said this, the Council hall was very quiet. Everyone looked at me, and I finally couldn't help but say it with excitement. I admit that when I said this, there was a little woodlouse like a little citizen, but woodlouse was woodlouse, and Lao Tzu wanted to be a big woodlouse with 100 billion assets.

Hearing my words, Junxia breathed out. She peeled off the bangs on her forehead with green fingers, and then woke up Xiaobai sleeping aside. They asked one by one:

"And you?"

Bleary eyed, Xiaobai asked, "what?" seeing Xiaobai's idiot face, I sighed and spent the boss's effort to explain to her that we are going to sell the gold city and become a millionaire.

"Wow, do you have money after signing the contract? Great, I'll sign it." Xiaobai passed, not to mention the obscene girl and one eyed woman. We've been waiting for this opportunity for too long. We've been waiting since the day we found the golden city.

Howard narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the confused little white face, but there was still a smile on his face. She seemed to understand something, but she didn't say anything.

The last thing left is a female wolf head. I shook her for a long time before she woke up. This woman who doesn't understand anything is also one of the discoverers of the golden city. Naturally, she also has her share, but she can't sign or speak. It's really difficult for her to understand the concept of money. I can only speak for her and say it's no problem.

"Zhu Shan has a congenital disorder in her brain... But we can testify that she has no problem." I pressed the female wolf's head to make her nod. Howard smiled at this scene.

"I can see that she is different from you." Howard looked at the female wolf head and kept a consistent smile on her face, "According to the video, she is indeed one of the discoverers of the golden city. According to the regulations of the antiquities Association, as long as she is the discoverer and reports it, she has the right to become the owner. So even if she has some physical disorders, she is now the rightful owner of the golden city. I'm glad to conclude this business with you. Since you have no opinion, let's... Sign a contract now."

Howard took out a small stack of contract documents from the file box and gave them to us respectively.

"Now start video recording. There are video witnesses in the process of signing the contract to show fairness." Ronaldo, the notary public, prompted us to start the video recording. After taking Howard's contract and looking at the signature items above, we still started to sign. The content of the contract is very complex, involving share transfer and risk bearing. After all, it's not so easy to become a new shareholder of an enterprise.

I don't know how many times the signing process is more complicated than bank card handling, and we also need our ID card and passport during the period. I helped sign the female wolf head's signature. Anyway, nominally, I am her guardian now, and she doesn't have any opinions on signing for her.

It took us two hours to finish the share transfer contract of ten enterprises. At that time, we were all able to write it, and we were numb. Xiaobai wrote it like Junxia. How Junxia wrote it, where she signed it, she signed it. This is the smartest thing this silly girl has ever done.

At the end of the signature, we also need our fingerprint records and video tapes to show our personal recognition. After several witnesses of the antiquities Association, Howard and two lawyers signed their names, the contract was completed. The contract was divided into three parts, one for the antiquities Association and one for us and Luo family to ensure the fairness of the contract.

"I'm glad to reach this agreement with you. Mr. Li, Miss Lin, Miss Zhu Shan, Miss Gao, Miss Qiu and miss AVA, I must congratulate you. From the moment you sign this contract, you are the shareholders of the Rothschild family. Your fate will also affect the fate of the Rothschild family. The identity of the shareholders of the Rothschild family lies in you It will not change until the shares are transferred to a third party. "

Howard smiled and saved our contract with sealed documents, and we also carefully saved the contract without any negligence. The contract is worth tens of billions!

When I held the contract in my hand and met Howard face to face again, I was inexplicably excited.

Because from this moment on, I am a real and complete world-class millionaire.

Now the value of my shares is equivalent to 16.7 billion assets!

At this moment, at 3:16 p.m. on April 23, 2469, I had a stock value of 10 billion, which was enough to rank in the top 50 of China's personal assets rich list. Among those who squeezed into the list with me were Xiaobai, female wolf head, obscene girl, Junxia and Awaha clothes. At least, the shares of Xiaobai and female wolf head belong to me... Hey.

If in the 21st century, I really want to rush out of the Gaojia residence and run naked for ten times on the street outside.

"You can choose to attend the general meeting of shareholders. You can transfer your shares through an international bank or convert your shares into cash. These are your freedom. The Luo family will not make any restrictions. But the only condition is that your monopoly party must inform us." Howard still explained some matters needing attention to us, and from this moment on, As a shareholder, I became one of the top ten enterprises in the world, including blue international bank, blue gold, super Microsoft, amslow new oil group, Solomon energy, James electronic technology, etc.

Besides the shares, I also got some power. I also have the right to participate in the shareholders' meeting of the Luo family. Unfortunately, the Luo family is also very smart. The total shares of the nine of us are less than 10%, which is not a major shareholder, so I can't decide the future of the Luo family. From this point, the Luo family has also been carefully considered.

"We understand the rules," I nodded. It's nothing more than worrying that your company's shares will be taken away by other shareholders and controlled by the company.

"Then let's settle it. Let's take a group photo." Howard was very professional during the negotiation, but he was a very easygoing person. We took a group photo after we signed the contract, which shows that our negotiation has been completely settled. In addition, Junxia and I, the discoverers of the six anugaye king gold cities, have also obtained several ID cards and some plug-ins. These ID cards are proof of our identity as a shareholder of the Luo family. With these ID cards and plug-ins, we can log in to the Luo family's securities account for stock operation.

"I wish us a pleasant cooperation in the future. The first stock transaction this time is only used as an advance deposit. The next meeting will be held in a more formal stock exchange. I hope you can arrive as promised." after getting the contract for share trading, Howard shook hands with us and wished us further cooperation in the future.

I shook hands with Howard. The 60 year old man looked really energetic and friendly.

"Hello, Mr. Li Jian, Miss Luna is very interested in you. She has something for me to give you." just as I shook hands with Howard, little Lori who has been standing aside suddenly came over with a smile. This little girl who looks only 7 or 8 years old can speak fluent Chinese, which really surprised all of us.

"So you... Can speak Chinese." I looked at the little girl with long green hair smiling at me and was shocked.

"Hee hee." little Laurie smiled at me. Her blue eyes, which were more earth than ordinary people, flashed a smart light. Then she took a string of gold pendant from her neck, which was like a small music box.

"Here you are." little Lori gave me the pendant, which really stunned me.

"Thank you. This is..." I took little Lori's pendant box and took it in my hand. The pendant looks like a pigeon egg. "Is it a pendant?"

"No, this is a communication machine." little Lori smiled at me with her little finger against her lips. "You can contact Miss Luna's phone! But it can only be used three times!"

"Ah?" I was stunned. This little thing is actually a communication machine?

"Well, Miss Luna can do you three favors!" said little Laurie sweetly.

"Help me three times?" the world's richest man will help me three times? Why? Is it because you are interested in me? Holding the pendant in my hand, I couldn't believe it. "Why?" I asked

"Because miss Luna is very interested in you! Well, Mr. Li Jian, put your ears close to me. I'll tell you how to use this communication machine quietly! Don't let others hear it, otherwise miss Luna will be unhappy!" little Lori can't whisper to me because she is short, so I have to lower my head to listen to her whisper.

So I bent down and lowered my head, while little Laurie in a crescent hat came to my ear and said to me quickly:

"Mr. Li, no matter what I say next, don't look surprised. Open the box. There is a fingerprint recording system in it. Press 3821 to record your fingerprint. In the future, you have to enter 3821 and your fingerprint every time you use it to contact Luna. Of course, you can also choose to throw it away before the third help. As long as you are sure that you won't encounter greater problems in your life Trouble. "

"Oh, really... Well."

I looked at the people around me, Junxia and obscene girls. They all looked puzzled. They didn't hear what little Lori told me, and they couldn't imagine what she told me.

So far, although little Lori's tone has changed a little, generally speaking, the dialogue between little Lori and me is still within the normal scope, but the next dialogue has seriously exceeded my expectation.

"Mr. Li, I have to tell you. If Miss Luna didn't help replace Zheng chengshuang's genuine antiques with fakes, Zheng chengshuang, the real behind the lotus Gang, wouldn't let Li Qinglian, the puppet, hand over the position of leader of the military alliance so easily."

Little Laurie said to me sweetly, but listening to her words, my heart set off thousands of waves!

I looked up at the little girl in front of me, looked at her big, innocent blue eyes, looked hard, and finally found that in the depths of her seemingly clear eyes, there were unspeakable vicissitudes and shrewdness.

"What are you talking about?" for a moment, I felt that the whole world was subverted, as if I were dreaming. Who the hell is this little girl?! How do you know so much?

"How do you know these things?"

Little Laurie patted my hand, pulled over my ear again, and said a sentence that almost blew my head in a voice that only I could hear:

"Because I'm blue moon. Mr. Li, I'm Luna Rothschild."


A simple word, but let me cool from the bottom of my feet to the bottom of my heart!