Chapter 196

I was stunned when I picked up my wallet from the ground.

The girl with long cherry pink hair lifted her hand across the water and splashed some water. She turned her face and looked at me. A pair of pupils like black pearls looked at me straight.

The bath was not deep, only about one meter deep, and the clear water just didn't cross the girl's hip. However, when I saw the moving "Er" shaped curve at her slender waist, I was still excited. What a slender waist. This is probably the most slender waist I have ever seen in my life. The legendary willow waist is like this.

For a moment, the verses in the book of songs and Luoshen Fu flashed through my brain: hands like catkins and skin like coagulated fat. The collar is like a printer, and the teeth are like a bottle rhinoceros. She has a beautiful head and a moth's eyebrow. She smiles and looks forward to it. She turns her eyes to shed essence and moisturizes her jade face. With words without spitting out, the Qi is like a orchid. The graceful appearance made me forget my meal

The appearance of the female thief just now was already quite beautiful, but when I saw the girl in the bath like a lotus in the water, I still couldn't control my heart, because the girl in front of me had surpassed the female thief, and even could be comparable to Xiaobai and obscene girls.

At that moment, I was amazed by the girl's face, and then I almost cried out.

"Willow floating?!"

When I saw the woman in front of me, time seemed to go back, and another girl with almost exactly the same appearance emerged in my mind. As like as two peas, the girl is really the same as her.

That is a goddess I pursued and secretly loved in the 21st century. The goddess's name is Liu Piao.

There is an unknown feeling in everyone's heart that only belongs to themselves. I'm no exception.

When I was in primary school, junior middle school or high school, I had girls I liked or even secretly loved. Of course, my secret love can only be regarded as the most common favor for the opposite sex. When I was young, people judged their love and dislike for others by their looks.

In primary school, I liked a beautiful girl named Wang Mengting in my class. In junior middle school, I also liked a girl named Li Qianqian in my class. In high school, I liked a class flower named Liu Wenwen... But my love for those girls is pure because they are beautiful, not because of their personality or other aspects.

In high school, I would also look at those class flowers or beautiful girls in my class and have love. However, the girl I really like in my life is Liu Piaoping, the sister I met in the freshman editorial department.

In fashionable words, she is my goddess.

In my freshman year, I was just a freshman and didn't understand anything. Holding the longing for love and a bright future, I reported to the editorial department of the student union with complacency.

At that time, the sky was still blue. Birds were flying in the sky and the sun was bright. I didn't spend all day in my bedroom and sitting in front of the computer. At that time, I was not an otaku addicted to computers all day, but Xiao Wenqing who was interested in literary novels.

At that time, I met the favorite girl in my life. That was the director of the editorial department and my sister, Liu Piao.

Although she is my sister, she is younger than most girls of her age. In fact, she is two months younger than me. In a sense, I am her senior.

She is really the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in the 21st century.

I came to the editorial department. Liu Piaoping and I are people valued by the minister. Therefore, we were assigned to work in a group. We worked together for the editorial department and made magazine columns. I had no experience in magazine production, so I asked Liu Piao for advice. Liu Piao's personality is very consistent. Every time I ask her, she will patiently explain to me and give me a friendly and encouraging smile. Every time I make a new page, she will patiently review and modify it for me.

Those days were really the happiest for me. It was really a very happy thing that a beautiful woman was willing to work hard with you and even help you check your work results.

Because of Liu Piao, I have made a lot of efforts for the editorial department.

I am usually a very lazy person, but when I have a whim and make up my mind to do it, what I do will be better for most people.

Just to relieve Liu Piao's pressure to revise for me, I revised my magazine layout repeatedly until it was flawless.

Just to make Liu Piao smile when she sees the beautiful magazine template I made, I would stay up all night in front of the computer, smile foolishly at the computer, and search the Internet for girls' favorite landscape illustrations.

When a person likes a person, there will be endless exuberant energy. Maybe people who don't really like a person can't feel that feeling.

Working in the editorial department was really the most brilliant and proud time in my life. Because of my hard work and efforts, the magazine of the editorial department has achieved success, and the number of readers I like exceeds that of previous years. Also because of my creativity, our editorial department was praised by the school leaders at the student conference. At that time, I really thought I would succeed in whatever I did.

And the relationship between Liu Piao and me has become very close. I don't know how to describe that feeling. Maybe we're just the relationship between brother and sister, but the topic we communicate is really not like brother and sister. I am not a person who is good at communication and has excellent eloquence, but when I call and send text messages to my sister, I can always make up some strange words to make her feel good. At that time, I really felt that my spring was coming.

Sometimes, I will happily announce with those single roommates in my bedroom that I must confess to my sister and marry her. Although I thought I was crazy, I had an inexplicable confidence in myself at that time.

I frequently send text messages with Liu Piao. I often sneak into her space to step on it. When I see the group photo of her and her roommate at the barbecue in the wild, I will secretly right-click to save it and hide it in my folder.

With the passage of time, Liu Piaoping and I are getting closer. In the name of departmental activities, we went hiking together, we went to Xitang together, and we went for a picnic together

One day, on the broken bridge of the West Lake, we took a photo under the pretext of Department commemoration. At that time, I inadvertently asked Liu Piao if she had a boyfriend. Liu Piao told me shyly that she had not

Just because of that sentence, I made up my mind. I decided to confess to Liu Piao on her birthday in October. Therefore, I even searched the Internet for girls' favorite birthday gifts for several days. I bought an LED lantern and planned to give it to Liu Piao. I know she will like it. Maybe someone will laugh at me for falling in love with my schoolsister, saying that I was controlled by the imperial sister and that we were impossible, but at that time, I really naive thought I could.

Once a man has made up his mind, the hurdles all over the world can't be stopped.

Because the express was late, I was late for Liu Piao's birthday party that day. When I walked into the restaurant with colorful LED lights, I was silly.

Liu Piao Piao was sitting in his seat, kissing a handsome man in a white suit. Their lips were close and their arms hugged each other. The surrounding department personnel were screaming, cheering and clapping.

And I stand at the door of the cold restaurant, turning into eternity.

That's a scene I'll never forget. I can't forget it until today.

Later, I learned that the boy was Liu Piao's classmate. They had been dating since their freshman year. They even planned to go abroad for a master's degree after graduation. They had long planned for the future.

Everyone in the Department knows this, except me, a fool who only knows to stay up late for the magazine in the editorial department and never cares about the gossip inside the Department members.

At that time, I finally realized that Liu Piao had never taken me seriously.

What? I don't have a boyfriend. Liu Piao lied to me for so long.

Everything is my own love.

I'm really a hopeless fool.

After that, I gradually began to avoid some work in the editorial department on the grounds of heavy study. Until the end of that semester, I quit the editorial department. Because I can't stand the sight of Liu Piao's boyfriend hugging and kissing her when he comes to the classroom to pick her up at the end of each department meeting.

Since then, I have rarely contacted Liu Piao. With the passage of time, I have never contacted Liu Piao again. In my junior year, I accidentally learned that she had gone to the United States, while I was still alone in the cold university like a prison. I was confused all day and lost the focus of my life.

The LED lamp I bought for her was put in the corner of the cabinet forever. After a long time, I didn't move it. Finally, it was gradually blinded by dust and couldn't send out beautiful colors any more.

Since then, I don't care about any editorial department, community, or even life and study. I began to look for my personal world on the Internet. I began to indulge in all kinds of online games and stand-alone games. Gradually, due to lack of activities, my stomach sagged, my ass relaxed, my life was lazy, and gradually, I became a hanging wire, An otaku, in the end, became a pudgy man.

Perhaps compared with the earth shaking and vigorous life and death love, my little emotional history is nothing, but that experience has really engraved a deep brand in my heart and will never be forgotten.

It's a story of a hanging wire and a goddess.

A story destined to have no results at the beginning.