Chapter 186

"Luna Rothschild?! the richest man in the world? I'm going to faint. The world's famous people actually want to buy the golden city we found?" the thief eyed woman chattered. A group of us gathered in the military tent and were shocked by the news we just heard.

"Junxia, is your news... Credible? It's not just a prank?" I can't believe what I heard. 250 billion, what is this concept?

"No, only the International Association of monuments knows our contact information now. The International Association of monuments will only provide our contact information to some assets and tycoons who have assets and the ability to buy antiquities. If the Rothschild family can contact us, it has proved that they have the strength to buy the golden city."

"I'll go... So it's true." I took a breath of air conditioning. My demacia, it's a $250 billion asset. 250 billion. What's the concept? This is equivalent to the total assets or total market value of the world's top 500 in the 21st century.

"Sister Junxia, Luna, what did she say?"

"She said that she was willing to deal with us with the shares of the top ten enterprise groups in the total market value controlled by her family. As long as we agreed to the deal, she could transfer the shares of the top ten beneficial enterprises controlled by her family to us at the limit of 10% for each, that is, if we agreed to the deal, we would almost have a world Ten percent of the shares of each of the ten enterprises in the world... If the total market value of those enterprises is accumulated, it will be about 250 billion... "

At last, Junxia's voice trembled with surprise. And we were shocked.

What is the concept that each of the top ten enterprises in the world gets 10% of the shares?

Although it's only 10%, the problem is that it's the top ten in the world! Let alone an enterprise, even if the shares of any of the top ten enterprises are distributed to anyone by one percent or even one thousandth, it is enough to make that person a billionaire. Now, this limit has risen 100 times!

"My mother, that big man is really willing to write such a big pen?" the round faced sister's habitual words expressed her shocked feelings.

"It seems to be true now. The Rothschild family almost controls the gold market in all countries in the world. Their tentacles are everywhere except the Treasury of some countries. They do not hesitate to buy the gold city by means of share transfer in order to stabilize the price of the gold market. They do not want the price of the gold city market to appear because of the emergence of the gold city Fluctuation, which is very unfavorable for their family. "

"So they are willing to buy the golden city. And the Rothschild family will contact each of you. I think it's time for everyone to discuss whether the golden city should change hands. If we agree, the Rothschild family will come to us to sign a contract in the near future, and then the ownership and development right of the golden city will belong to them."

Hearing Junxia's words, everyone looked at each other.

"Junxia, you say that the development right of the golden city also belongs to Rothschild? So we don't need to hire a mining team for spontaneous mining?"

"Well, that's right." Junxia looked at me and nodded, "The Rothschild family has sent experts to review the value of the gold city. They are willing to buy the gold city at a one-time price of 250 billion P gold, which is to buy the ownership and development right of the gold city. The Luo family will organize a mining team to mine and utilize the gold city, that is to say, we don't need to develop at all. Just take care of the money."

I'm just making money and saving trouble.

When Junxia said this, I was really moved. I looked at the obscene girls and thief eyed women, and they seemed to be moved. After all, how to hold on and develop the golden city has always been a headache for us. Now that the Luo family are willing to buy the ownership of the golden city and develop it independently, it really saves a lot of things.

"Sister h, otherwise, shall we agree?"

The thief eyed woman couldn't help it first. She always said something frankly. Before that, she was surprised and trembled. The exchange rate between P gold and Chinese currency was 1:6, and if it was divided into Chinese currency of women's world at the ratio of 1:6, it would be equivalent to 150000 billion! If we divided it equally among the eight discoverers, almost everyone could get 200 billion Chinese currency!

In this way, we will become millionaires in China! And you know, the total personal assets of Jin Chengming, CEO of Dalong group, the first group in the world of women, is only 270 billion Chinese dollars. If each of us can get 200 billion, it is equivalent to the emergence of eight domestic richest people in China. What's the concept? Just think about it I shudder.

Everyone's heart did not prepare for this huge asset, and even did not plan to make a life goal. Everything fell in the air, which really made people feel like they were dreaming.

"Junxia, is that big man serious? Why does she believe that this golden city must be worth 250 billion?" I asked with some guilt.

Junxia looked at me and said: "The great man named LAN Yueer is also very proficient in history. One of her identities is the honorary consultant of the International Association of monuments. I think she should not lose too much in making this choice. Moreover, although she has the risk of loss, it is also possible to make a profit. 250 billion is only the great man's preliminary evaluation price of the gold city, and the gold city of King anugaye is possible It is only worth 200 billion, but it may also be worth 300 billion. The big man bought the golden city at a buy it now price, which is not only risky, but also profitable. Whether he is willing to change hands depends on us. "

Hearing Junxia's words, everyone gradually understood that the big man was also making investment. No matter how much the actual value of the gold city was, she bought it first. Besides, if the value of the gold city was less than 250 billion, she would lose, but if it was higher than 250 billion, she would make a profit. It was really great for the big man to dare to make such a big gamble.

Junxia's words made everyone silent. Everyone fell into a long silence and seemed to be considering whether to accept the big man's agreement.

"Why don't we make statistics? Those who are willing to resell the gold city raise their hands. If they are unwilling, they will retain their part of the ownership, that is, one eighth of the ownership and development right of the gold city."

The thief eyed woman suggested, I know she can't help but want to agree.

"Well, that's it. Let's say our own views." Junxia also nodded in favor.

Everyone nodded unanimously, indicating that they had no objection to this method.

The thief eyed woman raised her hand first and said, "I agree to resell the gold city, because when the money reaches a certain amount, there is no difference between 100 billion and 200 billion. Anyway, I can't spend all my life. I don't care if there are tens of billions more."

"I and I agree. Xiaoyun's words are reasonable. I only wanted to make big cakes before. I thought I would be satisfied if I could earn millions in my life. There was no difference between 100 million and 1 billion." Round faced sister also raised her hand to agree.

"I also agree. I have the same idea as Xiaoyun and Ruoyan." the Hui woman also raised her hand to agree.

Then it's Junxia's turn to raise her hand and say, "I agree. Indeed, from all aspects, our transfer of gold city is the best choice, because we don't have the ability to hold and develop gold city now. Transfer is the best way. It can not only obtain actual benefits, but also avoid development risks. It can be said to be a superior choice. Li Jian, what about you?"

Junxia still asked for my opinion. I looked at Junxia and said:

"I agree. The reason is, everyone said that when there is a certain amount of money, it is meaningless. There is no difference between 100 billion and 200 billion, because we can't spend all our life. What's more, Junxia makes a lot of sense. We don't have the ability to develop the gold city now, and we have to hire someone like a treasure guarding team to guard the gold city. It's really too troublesome. It's better to change hands as soon as possible. Everyone took the money and enjoyed the day. It's real. "

My words were very real. Everyone nodded. Then it was the turn of one eyed woman, Xiaobai, aowu and obscene girl. In fact, there was no need to ask for their opinions.

The wretched girl raised her hand and said, "you can't make money unless you're a fool. I have no problem!"

Seeing that everyone raised their hands, Xiaobai raised his hands and said, "although I don't understand, the master and everyone raised their hands. I agree!"

As for proud dance, I winked at her and asked her to raise her hand. She raised her hand in a daze. The barbarians who came out of the mountain didn't realize that they had become a billionaire.

As for the one eyed woman, it's easier.

"My Lord, I think it must be your blessing to find gem mountain and golden city. These treasures can appear in the world because of you. We Bai people are all your believers. Your choice is our choice. If you decide to transfer the Golden City, I Awaha Yi won't have any opinion." the one eyed woman raised her hand.

Since she found the gem mountain, the one eyed woman has regarded me as a God. Now I have found the golden city. The one eyed woman has regarded me as a super God. Her belief in me has reached an extreme level. She thinks I am a God walking on earth, so naturally she worships me.

In this way, the eight of us raised our hands together, and no one objected.

"OK, that's it. Since everyone agrees to change hands in the Golden City, let's contact the Rothschild family to sign a contract and transfer the golden city." Junxia was relieved to see everyone raise their hands, and then she dialed the contact number of the Rothschild family contact again.