Chapter 169

Junxia stared at the queen spider and answered with a trembling voice.

"You say the golden city is in the mountains?"

Junxia nodded: "if the password I decoded is correct, there should be a cave or a door on the side of the mountain behind the rift valley to the inside of the mountain. However, there may be other mechanisms inside. If you kill me, you can't pass those mechanisms."

Junxia's words have been made very clear, but the spider queen still seems to refuse to believe Junxia's words. She suddenly picked up the pistol in her hand and put it on Junxia's forehead!

Seeing that the queen spider pointed a gun at Junxia's forehead, I was scared and shouted. However, Queen spider did not shoot.

"I don't believe you, you, go ahead for me."

The queen spider didn't shoot Junxia, but grabbed Junxia's hair and forced her to walk in front.

"If another person dies, the guild will kill you without hesitation."

With that, the queen spider slapped Junxia twice in the face and even kicked her. Junxia said goodbye. Because the light was dark, I couldn't see Junxia's expression, but I knew Junxia's expression was very painful. I gnawed my teeth and scolded myself again and again. I really want to punch the queen spider into cerebral palsy, but my hands are tied behind me by shackles and chains. I can't move at all. I can only look at Junxia and scream.

Although dozens of people have been lost, the spider queen still seems to have no heart for the golden city.

Just when I didn't know the queen spider's next move, the queen spider suddenly shouted.

Hearing the queen spider's cry, I saw several advanced female bandits take out weapons similar to grenades from their backpacks behind them, then pull out the lead and throw them into the swamp ahead!

Boom, boom, boom!

Five violent sounds sounded in front, and the soil and water splashed high. Dozens of crocodiles were immediately blown up by grenades, and the crocodiles in the swamp were blown away by terrible grenades.

Relying on the power of the grenade, the queen spider just blew up a road ahead! In fact, when the crocodiles gathered around, the queen spider could use the grenade, but after all, the grenade was in the bag and needed time to get it. At that time, the crocodile was pressing step by step. The situation was urgent. The female bandits had guns in their hands, so they didn't get the grenade in the bag.

After that, the queen spider asked people to blow down several ancient trees in the dark forest with grenades. She threw herself on the swamp in front and built a temporary bridge for people to trample on.

"Go!" the queen spider shouted and continued to order others to step on the road paved with ancient trees.

Junxia was forced to walk in the front. Seeing that she was forced to walk in the front, my heart also filled with a strong resentment.

Junxia was forced to walk in front, while the lion of the Spider Queen followed me and stared at me, so that I couldn't run far at all.

"Junxia, be careful." I can't help Junxia. I can only call her name behind her and remind her.

Hearing what I said, Junxia turned to look at me, but because the light was too dark, I couldn't see her expression clearly.

"HMM." I heard Junxia's response, and then she stepped onto the long bridge paved with ancient trees. The ancient wood crossed the swamp, and there were crocodiles below the swamp. Although the queen spider scared away some grenades with grenades just now, Junxia still needed great courage to walk on it. Until Junxia passed the ancient wood, she didn't encounter danger, After the queen spider let the remaining female bandits straighten out and said some words of comfort and encouragement, she continued to let others follow through the ancient wood. Our troops of dozens of people crossed the swamp.

When I walked on the rickety ancient wooden tree pole, I also felt something under the water. I knew it was a crocodile, so I walked very slowly. Once there was any movement, I stopped immediately. Because the crocodile had no response to stationary objects and it was dark around, I crossed the swamp as smoothly as Junxia.

On the other side of the swamp is the depth of the dark forest. When we got to the middle of the forest, the number of swamps decreased, and everyone tried to see the terrain clearly and walked around the swamp, so we didn't encounter any danger in the next section of the road.

Of course, although I didn't encounter any danger, when crossing the dark forest, I can always hear the rustling sound from the depths of the dark forest, like the sound of some creature crossing the forest. Judging from the sound, the creature is not small, and the female bandits also feel what creatures are in the forest, However, because their bullets had been exhausted and they could not see the situation in the forest without a searchlight, they did not dare to explore the mysterious creatures in the depths of the forest, but rushed out of the dark forest as soon as possible.

The dark forest stretches for several kilometers, but instead of walking towards the depths of the forest, we go out from the depths of the dark forest and walk towards the side close to the mountain wall, because according to Junxia, the channel to the location of the golden city should be somewhere on the mountain wall.

Because of the crocodile's lesson before, no one dared to turn on the searchlight this time. We completely relied on the little sunshine from the top of the mountain to identify the surrounding scenery.

The mountain wall is not steep, the surface is uneven, covered with thick moss, and many ancient vines fall and connect into a network.

According to Junxia, the intersection leading to the golden city is somewhere on the mountain wall, so after walking under the mountain wall, Queen spider immediately asked the other female bandits to look for a suspicious entrance similar to the cave.

However, the mountain wall stretches for tens of miles. It's not easy to find it. Junxia doesn't know the specific entrance, but can only look anxiously under the mountain wall.

If you follow the conventional ideas in movies and novels, it must be very difficult to find the entrance where the treasure is located. There must be something like a mechanism at the entrance. It's like a sesame in Alibaba. You need a code. But now we don't have these things. We're like a group of blind cats. We haven't found the entrance for several kilometers. At that time, the queen spider was impatient and almost asked Junxia, but just then one of the female bandits shouted, as if something had happened.

Hearing the cry, all the female bandits ran towards the source of the sound for the first time.

I also ran over and ran to the shouting female bandit to check the situation.

The female bandit pointed to a certain part of the mountain wall in front of me. I raised my head and narrowed my eyes. I found that there was a relief inlaid in the mountain somewhere on the mountain wall.

It's like a relief carved of gold. Although the color is very gray, I think it should be gold. Otherwise, after so many years of history, if the relief is carved of metal such as iron and copper, it would have rusted long ago.

The pattern on the relief is a cobra with only five heads. In the 21st century, I heard that people in Southeast Asia such as ancient Cambodia believed in snakes. The five headed snake represents the water depth, the seven headed snake represents the protection god, and the nine headed snake represents the God of the gods.

Seeing the relief on the mountain wall, the queen spider was very excited, because the discovery of the relief meant that the entrance of the golden city was not far away.

Sure enough, just below the relief, the female bandits found a smooth arch concave inward. The arch was about 10 meters high and nearly 4 meters wide. However, the arch was closed and connected with the mountain. It was covered with moss and vines. If you don't look carefully, you won't find it an arch at all, but just think it is an ordinary mountain wall.

At this point, the fool already knows that the door in front is the entrance to the golden city.

The queen spider made a quick decision and asked people to bury explosives under the arch. Then she asked everyone to retreat and detonated the explosives!

There was a burst of explosion. The arch on the mountain wall was blown into countless fragments, earth and rock splashed, and the explosion shook repeatedly in the rift valley.

When the dust dispersed, an arched black passage suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Ha ha ha!"

Seeing the passage on the mountain wall, the queen spider couldn't help but be excited and burst out laughing. She seemed to feel that everything was in hand.

It's no wonder that queen spider and even several generations of leaders of female bandits have been looking for the golden city for so many years, and now they have finally found the entrance to the golden city. Naturally, they are very excited!

While the queen spider was attracted by the entrance of the golden city and laughed, I suddenly felt my hand pulled by a warm and soft hand. I turned back in surprise and found Junxia standing behind me. It turned out that just now when the queen spider and the female bandits were looking for the entrance to the Golden City, she sneaked up behind me.

"Li Jian, run!" Junxia whispered in my ear, and then suddenly took my hand and ran away. I didn't even know the situation, so she yanked me towards the rear.

"What's the matter?" I haven't figured out the situation, but Junxia suddenly ran up with me, and still ran towards the depths of the dark forest!

The cry of female bandits came from behind. They obviously found that Junxia and I were going to run away, and their cry just sounded. Then I heard a huge flood sound behind me, even the ground was shaking.


It's water!

The terrible sound of water came out of the arch, and then the huge flood tilted out of the arch like a water dragon!

"Li Jian, run, that's not the entrance to the Golden City, it's the gate of the zhanpo people's underground reservoir!"

Junxia's voice sounded in my ear, which shocked my heart!!

I finally understood Junxia's plan. When I thought of it, I hurried forward and ran with Junxia. Although we were locked by chains, we were still able to take a step. Moreover, the light in the dark forest was dark, and the Spider Queen could not find the direction we ran away at once!

I don't know what happened behind me, but the rumbling flood and scream came from behind. I knew that many female bandits must have been submerged by the flood!

"Where are we going?" my feet were wrapped in chains. I didn't run fast. I was afraid that female bandits would catch up, so I asked Junxia.

"The center of the forest." Junxia said in an anxious voice.

"The center of the forest?" I was surprised.

"Yes, that's where the real golden city is located! It won't be flooded. Run, Li Jian, come on..."

Junxia took me and ran desperately. Obviously, she has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time