Chapter 167

The Huanglian mountains run from north to south. At the beginning, the army marched southward from the north of the Huanglian mountains, and the place where Xiaobai and I separated was a mountain in the northwest of the Huanglian mountains. Now the place where the queen spider went was just the place where Xiaobai and I were separated from the wolf head.

At the beginning, Xiaobai and her family fell off the cliff, and there was no news from then on. The cliff was just below the cliff. Is it possible that Xiaobai and her family fell into the Rift Valley?

If Xiaobai fell into the rift valley, they would really be near death.

I feel heartache when I think of the girl Xiaobai who can only speak silly words and simple language, and the female wolf who can't be spoken, but has always been with me.

Do I never see them again?

Thinking of Xiaobai and female wolf head, I couldn't help lowering my head and didn't dare to see the mountain and the cliff again.

"Then, enter the mountain."

After hearing Junxia's words, the queen spider thought a little and asked her subordinates to lead her into the mountain in a cold voice. However, the queen spider added, "you walk in front."

As expected, the queen spider did not fully trust Junxia, so she still let Junxia lead the way.

Junxia's face withered. She didn't say anything, but looked at me deeply, then bowed her head, her long hair fell, and walked to the front of the team.

"Junxia..." I couldn't help calling Junxia, but Junxia didn't look back. On the contrary, the queen spider gave me a gloomy and fierce look.

Seeing the Spider Queen's eyes, I squeezed my fist and shut my mouth.

After that, the Golden Lion of the queen spider was also put down. The queen spider took the iron chain in one hand and followed behind the queen spider like a pug.

When the female bandits put the golden lion down, I also paid special attention to the number of off-road vehicles parked on the edge of the forest. I counted roughly and found that the number of off-road vehicles had become 20. It's strange. When I was on the road, I remember that the number of off-road vehicles was 21. Now how has it changed back? Am I wrong.

I didn't care much about this detail, because soon a large group of us all entered the primitive dense forest, and I had to follow.

Although it has reached a desperate situation, it is probably the memory of the 21st century. When I entered the forest, I inexplicably thought of the dark forest in the online game dungeons and warriors in the 21st century.

Now the forest blocks out the sun, towering and grounded. The ground is covered with nearly 10 cm thick moss. There is thick fog in the forest, which is really a bit of the mysterious atmosphere in the adventure film. In the rain forest, woody vines can be seen everywhere, some of which are 20 to 30 cm thick and 300 meters long. They climb from one tree to another along the trunk and branches, from under the tree to the top of the tree, and then hang upside down from the top of the tree. They are intertwined like dense nets.

Although it is broad daylight, it is also very dark after entering the forest. Banyan trees with a history of hundreds or even thousands of years will be encountered every few tens of meters in the primitive forest, and the broad-leaved trees with twin leaves covered with associated plants do not know how many. The primitive forest is really the Kingdom of plants.

If I was walking alone in the forest, what I was most worried about was meeting wild animals, but this time it was different. The queen spider brought a giant lion. With such a terrible giant lion with a length of 5 meters, no matter how terrible the beast was, it could not be regarded as a wild animal.

After entering the forest, the giant lion roared wildly under the whip of the queen spider. The terrible roar of the lion shocked all directions and shocked the world. The terrible roar of the beast drilled in along the gap between the trees and spread to the distance.

Since ancient times, there has been an idiom about the roar of lions in China. It is conceivable that the roar of lions is terrible. Under the roar of giant lions, those wild animals in the forest fled one after another. Some small wild animals hiding in the forest, such as moles, hyenas, hares and hedgehogs, all fled quickly. One by one, they escaped from the bushes and ran desperately to the depths of the dense forest. The wild birds in the forest flew towards the sky in large groups. For a time, there were wild birds flying and fleeing like clouds above the forest.

"Ha ha..." when she saw those wild animals fleeing in confusion, the queen spider laughed. She was incomparably coquettish. After laughing, she pulled the iron chain of the giant lion and motioned us to move on.

Everyone was shocked by the deterrent power of the queen spider. Although this woman is crazy, she is really not simple.

The queen spider easily cleared all kinds of obstacles that might appear on the road. We didn't encounter any wild animals all the way. Shuttling through the dense forest is like walking in the desert.

We almost shuttled through the forest. After an hour and a half, the trees in front became sparse. Then, a black rift suddenly appeared in front of all of us.

It's a 10 kilometer long and narrow rift valley. I don't know how earth shaking crustal movement and mountain cracking can form such a rift valley, but when I came close to it, it was really shocking.

The shape of the rift valley is similar to a cut watermelon, and it is a bit like a half open human mouth. The rift valley is dark and deep, with a small opening. It is only more than ten meters long, and the narrowest place is even more than one meter, but it looks very scared below. This rift valley seems to be a structure with narrow top and wide bottom. The wider it is from the bottom, and because the rift is relatively narrow, Standing on the rift valley, you can't see the scene below the rift valley.

Looking from the edge, the valley has a vertical drop of almost hundreds of meters. The vines on the cliffs on both sides of the rift valley are hanging, intertwined and densely covered into a network, and are also covered with all kinds of moss and dangerous trees growing laterally.

Although the rift valley is very deep, it is not that there is no way to go down, because there are two underground mountains similar to slopes at the front and rear ends of the rift valley, just like inclined ladders, which can let people go down.

The queen spider led the giant lion to stand on the edge of the rift valley, narrowed her eyes and scanned around. After that, she asked the treasure hunters to move forward along the edge of the rift valley and straight to the end of the rift valley.

Almost no one spoke along the way. We walked along the rift valley for almost 5 kilometers. Finally, we stopped at a narrow mouth of the triangle. There is a slope that can go down at the narrow mouth of the rift valley.

The rift valley is very dark and bottomless, making it impossible to guess what kind of amazing secret is hidden below. But all the female bandits were in high spirits, as if they had seen the golden city.

Queen spider asked people to explore the terrain near the rift valley. After confirming the approximate terrain distribution, she ordered the treasure hunters to go down from the gap of the rift valley.


The queen spider led a giant lion, stepped on the ground with military boots and walked majestically in the middle of the crowd, while Junxia took the lead with several female bandits. Junxia looked very nervous. After all, she had a lot of places to go. She knew exactly what was hidden. All she knew was the password information recorded in ancient books, but no one had arrived in this rift valley for hundreds of years, The terrain is likely to have earth shaking changes. No one knows what dangers lie below.

"Baby, let's go."

The queen spider turned her head and gave me a charming and dark smile. I narrowed my eyes, and then followed the army towards the slope of the rift valley.

Along the way, I don't know how much moss and fallen leaves I stepped on. As we went deep into the bottom of the valley, the surrounding light became darker and darker. The originally lush forests and grasslands turned into cliffs surrounded by all sides. If people with claustrophobia saw the wet and dark mountains surrounded by all sides, I'm afraid they would break into a cold sweat.

The rift valley is hundreds of meters deep, and the length of the slope is longer. All the way down, we walked almost more than a kilometer. When we reached the bottom of the valley, I smelled the thick smell of moldy fallen leaves, but the light falling above is very dark, and the surrounding is dark, like a dark night.

The more you go down, the more humid the ground is. The temperature in the tropics is very high, and the air is full of water vapor. The smell of animal and plant corpses rotting is distributed in the air.

After walking for almost half an hour, our hundred people finally came to the bottom of the valley. After reaching the bottom, I was shocked again because I found that there was a different world here.

Under the rift valley, there is a very open area, and there are also large areas of dense forests. The forests here are very tall and strong, older than the ground, and the leaves are sparse and dark. It seems that the color of the leaves will become darker in order to absorb more sunlight.

Under the rift valley, there is an ancient dark forest, which is really eye opening.

What's more surprising is that this dark forest does not grow on the soil. There are spacious swamps, winding streams and small potholes everywhere in the dark forest. Most of the trees in the dark forest are rooted in the swamp shoals, and some even drill directly out of the water.

The sights in the rift valley are indeed eye opening, but they are not enough to be pitiable compared with the golden city. Under the leadership of Junxia, the treasure hunt team continued to move forward.

Although there are swamps and pools everywhere in the underground Rift Valley, there are narrow Highlands for people to pass through in some places, so we step on those narrow roads.

The soil on the ground is soft and wet. Although I try to choose a place where there is no swamp, my military boots will even sink into the ground, which is very difficult to walk.

With the deepening of the treasure hunt team, we gradually entered the dark forest. After entering the dark forest, the light around us became darker. The treasure hunt team members had to take out searchlights to illuminate the surroundings, so as to ensure a clear view of the surrounding scene and avoid falling into the swamp.

I followed the large army and shuttled through the dark forest for hundreds of meters. At the next moment, the team in front stopped. Then, suddenly, there was a slightly panic cry from the female bandits in front.


At that time, I didn't understand Vietnamese, so I didn't understand their meaning, but when I looked forward, I was firmly frightened.

Because in the middle of the dark forest ahead, there is a huge swamp, and at the edge of the swamp, there are dozens of huge crocodiles with brown and black bodies crawling. Those crocodiles have slender bodies, their skin is covered with pimples, and their long pointed crocodile tails are like spikes.

What's more chilling is that each crocodile is more than 3 meters long!

Just when I was frightened, there was a cry behind us.


Hearing this sound, I hurried back and found that dozens of terrible iron crocodiles had also climbed out of several relatively small swamps behind us!

No, we're surrounded by crocodiles!