Chapter 162

I spent the next five days in hell. Every morning, I was led around like an animal,.

Five days later, the queen spider was very satisfied with my submission to her. A few days later, she also reduced the number of blows to me. Many times, she would personally give me wound medicine without paralytic medicine to relieve my pain and heal my wound.

Although the queen spider's actions seem a little gentle, I know that in her heart, she just regards me as her pet and a unique plaything. If she is not satisfied one day, she will ruthlessly abandon and execute me.

For five days, every day, the female soldiers were caught by the queen spider's people and taken to the base. After being tortured by the queen spider, they were sent to the arena to feed the jackals, tigers and leopards. I don't know what happened to the bandit suppression plan that hot women participated in at the beginning, but now it seems that so many women soldiers are escorted to the base every day. I'm afraid the payment plan of Yunnan army has failed.

I've also seen bloody pictures several times. At first, I still vomit, nausea and nausea, but isn't this the female major general who wanted to attract female wolf heads?!