Chapter 151

Our cooking camp is divided into three small companies. Each company has one company commander and three platoon commanders. Each platoon has 30-40 people. The platoon commander obeys the command of the company commander, and the company commander obeys the command of the battalion commander and deputy battalion commander.

And now the people who command us are obscene girls and hot women.

Although the hot girl is a lieutenant colonel and her rank is one level higher than that of lewd girl, it still depends on her military rank to obey orders in the army. Lewd girl is now the battalion commander, so she is the commander.

"The first company followed the infantry camp and camped from the east mountain road to the West Mountain head! The second company moved forward along the river valley and camped on the beach in front! The third company moved forward from the West hillside and followed the route of the field regiment!"

These marching routes of hot women are arranged by the head above. To put it bluntly, it is to let our cooking camps follow those field camps and special forces camps, stabilize the rear and be responsible for logistics.

Military orders are like mountains. No one dares to disobey them. Under the orders of the hot woman, the cooking camp was divided into three teams, taking the East, West and middle routes respectively, and moving along different routes.

The hot woman's own team is the same company as me.

"There are all the people in a row. Come with me!"

There are three platoons in a company, and each platoon has a platoon leader. Because it is going to go to the battlefield, some of the teams have been mixed, so the platoon leader of our platoon is not the same person as the platoon leader in the previous military camp training. The platoon leader I am now in is Sudan Hong, a second lieutenant with sharp eyes. She is 1.72 meters tall, calm and red lips, It makes people feel calm and calm.

"Silly girl, let's go!"


Hearing the platoon leader's order, I hurried to catch up with Xiaobai and the female wolf head without hesitation.

The cooking soldiers of our first company are led by hot women to analyze the terrain, and several company commanders and platoon commanders are responsible for commanding the details in the rear.

When climbing the mountain, the place forced by the cooking soldiers was revealed. Each of us had to carry a huge black iron pot and heavy luggage, and our weight almost doubled. It's not easy to climb the mountain with such heavy luggage. I'm a man with great strength and hard waist. I walk steadily on the mountain road, but the female soldiers are women's bodies after all, It's much more painful. I saw several female soldiers with relatively small stature carrying heavy iron pot bags, breathing heavily, sweating heavily and wearing heavy clothes. They couldn't walk fast.

But marching is about speed. Who cares if you're tired? If you walk slowly, you'll be left behind by the big army, whipped by the officer and swept up by the enemy.

So no one dared to say that they were tired. Everyone followed the big army like the Long March, hurried the road desperately, climbed up the mountain along the path on the hillside, and finally set up tents in the open area of the mountain according to the instructions, that is, set up camps and prepare for cooking.

Although the march was hard, I was still attracted by the dense vegetation and diversified trees around. The army walked through the mountain roads with dense shrubs and weeds and the extremely difficult jungle. All kinds of unknown weeds I had never seen crowded from both sides and rubbed on my army pants. My pants were even pierced by thorny plants, In the dense forest, there are palm sized mosquitoes and wild bees everywhere. In the forest, there are layers of mossy land. The thick black military boots are thick and elastic, and they can't leave footprints at all.

Tall broad-leaved forests, clear streams, ancient trees growing obliquely on the mountain wall, withered branches of staggered twisted old vines falling down the hillside, dark damp hot black soil without sunlight, dazzling rainforest resources, and tropical rain forest wild animals that occasionally run away when passing through the grass give people a primitive and mysterious feeling.

The lofty mountains in the original ecological environment, the magnificent landscape of big trees, the scenery of tall board root plants, the natural scenery formed by the entanglement between vines, the butterfly love flowers condensed at the dripping leaf tips fluttering in the wind, and the sound of hummingbirds in the forest hovers above the endless forest, interpreting the mysteries of the rainforest and the laws of nature.

The ancient and mysterious Canyon and jungle, the strange mountains with waterfalls and streams, and the secluded world with few people... All make me feel like I have entered the fairy tale world. If this is not a March, but a tour, I think it will be very interesting.

This is my first time to join the army, but it may also be the last time in my life. It may be a great pressure for others to March, but it is a field adventure for me, which is very exciting.

After walking for almost dozens of kilometers, our team of 30 people went to the top of a hill on the west side of Huanglian. The terrain there was relatively flat and open, so we stationed there. This is the basic knowledge of marching. The camp must be in a place with a wide field of vision and where potential enemies can be found at the first time. Plain and open mountain flat are better choices.

"Everyone, camp on the spot!" the hot woman commanded all of us to camp at the highest point of the mountain. The female soldiers in charge of carrying the camp obeyed the instructions or set up tents on the spot. The female soldiers were very agile. Setting up tents in strange places was as fast as in their own yard.

I seem to live such a big life that I haven't set up a tent, so I can only pretend and make up for it. I just help fix the shelves and look for stones. Almost half an hour later, small green tents were set up on the edge of the forest. Eat after setting up a camp.

Food is the most important thing for cooks. When soldiers fight, eating is also the most important thing. If soldiers don't eat, how can they fight against bandits?

After a while, the camp was angry with the campfire. The food in the camp was very simple, all canned food. It would be good to ensure the most basic energy and nutrition supply.

Of course, the food on the March can't be compared with that in the military camp. In order to prevent food shortage, the amount of food is strictly controlled and distributed according to the remaining inventory.

The iron pot we carried was used for cooking. The rice was brought from the grain truck by the logistics handling group. Our cooking soldiers were responsible for cooking, and then sent to the infantry battalion, special forces battalion and field camp in front.

"While everyone is eating, I'll tell you something important about the march! No one can get the camp at night except those who stand guard in turn at night and have special tasks! Change shifts every two hours! Send messages and patrol among the three units in a group of three!" the hot girl is the head of our unit. Of course, she should explain the matter clearly, "Vietnam has a tropical rain forest climate. There are many wild mosquitoes and poisonous insects at night. The miasma in the depths of the rain forest is very heavy. Soldiers without tasks are not allowed to approach the depths of the forest! Remember?"


The hot girl took advantage of everyone's dinner time to explain the important things of the March. In fact, these things had been explained before departure, but now she must remind the public again.

After the soldiers hurried and ate their dinner, they took care of their dinner utensils and entered the camp at the first time.

It was already dusk at that time. The Western sunset was heavy and the sky was full of rays.

I don't know when the infantry will attack the bandits. After all, it will wait for the instructions from the top, but I think it should be these days.

After dinner, the hot girl ordered all the cooking soldiers to go back to the camp to sleep in their sleeping bags and not to come out. The soldiers who were responsible for standing guard were arranged by the hot girl to be on duty around the camp in turn. In addition, the hot girl also asked the military camp to be divided into three groups and run back and forth between the military camps on several hills, responsible for transmitting messages and investigating the terrain, so as to prevent bandits We ambushed in the mountains and forests.

Military life is hard. In the army, soldiers are machines. They complete a series of tasks according to the instructions of their superiors. I'm tired after a hard day's journey. After dinner, I plan to go to the military camp for standby, but at that time, the hot woman found me, the female wolf head and Xiaobai alone.

"Li Xiaohang! Qiu Le! Zhu Shan! You three come with me!" the hot girl suddenly found me.

"Yes! Deputy battalion commander..."

I was surprised that the hot girl suddenly came to the three of us, but I still took the female wolf head and Xiaobai to stand by.

The hot girl pulled the three of us to a corner on the edge of the forest. Then she suddenly took out a box, a watch, a mobile phone and a dagger from her arms.

"Li Jian, you three will patrol the camp after 10 o'clock. At that time, you three will escape to the mountain on the east side as far as you can." the hot woman hurriedly stuffed me with the things in her hand.

"What is this... What is this for?" I took what the hot girl gave me in some doubt.

"You were brought into the barracks by me. Now you have left the military area command, which is your chance to leave the army. After 10 o'clock, you will leave the barracks in the name of patrol and go to the east mountain. There is no man's land over there. Don't come back or be found until I tell you with my watch and mobile phone. Try to hide away, at least until the day."

"During the escape, you used the fake blood bag, short knife and cosmetic box I bought for you to dress up as injured, and you said you were attacked by wild animals. Then I will send someone to find you, and then I will send you to the military hospital in the name of the wounded soldiers, and then ask Xiao Lai to help write a certificate to prove that the three of you are disabled for life and can't go to the battlefield again He was sent away. But you must act like a little, you know? "

"Are you... Sending us away so soon?"