Chapter 145

The female wolf head was surrounded by a large group of people. The female soldiers looked at the female wolf head one by one as if they were celebrities, and the recorders compared the achievement records of the female wolf head and other female soldiers, with an unstoppable look of surprise on their faces.

At that moment, the female wolf head seemed to become a new star in the army... And Xiaobai and I, two backward people, naturally did not receive attention at all.

Seeing the female wolf head surrounded by the crowd, I suddenly felt left out.

I suddenly felt that I and the female wolf head did not seem to be in the same world.

She has great physical strength and superhuman talent. She's like a hero in a movie. What about me? Although I am a man, I am just an ordinary person. Compared with the female wolf head, I am really not a person in the world. Even the women's world is a world that abides by the laws of physics, not a world that can do whatever you want in fantasy novels and science fiction movies. And I am not the protagonist of the world.

At that moment, I had a deep sense of difference in my heart.

I saw a female officer in her early 18's standing next to the female wolf head. Seems to be praising the outstanding achievements of the female wolf head, and seems to be talking about something.

I dragged my tired body forward and heard what the senior female officer said to the female wolf head.

It was a middle-aged female officer with scars on her face. She had sword eyebrows and stars. She looked plump, handsome and proud. From the two silver five pointed star epaulets she wears, I infer that she should at least be an officer at the level of major general. I just don't know whether she is the commander of the headquarters, the political department or the logistics department, but her military rank will not be low.

Wenshan County military region is the location of the military sub region of Yunnan Province. There are two divisions, two division commanders and three command level ministers of the headquarters, political department and logistics department. The female major general in front of us should be one of the five big men.

"What's your name and where are you from? Are you interested in being my personal guard?"


The female major general looked at the female wolf head with interested eyes. It seemed that she was very interested in the female wolf head, a female recruit who said and did strange things and said little, but her physical strength and skills were different from ordinary people.

But where does the female wolf head understand the words of the female major general? The female wolf head breathed heavily in her mouth, shook her hand, looked up and down at the female major general, and there was only confusion in her eyes.

"I ask you something! I ask you, would you like to be my guard?" the female major general frowned slightly and asked the female wolf head, but the female wolf head still touched her head, looked at the female major general and shook her head, indicating that she didn't understand. Seeing that the female wolf head didn't speak, the female major general was a little angry. The company commander, battalion commander and platoon commander beside her all respectfully bowed to her, but the female wolf head hesitated and didn't even answer her?

I'll pull it. It's really bad! Unexpectedly, the female wolf head was appreciated by the officer because of her excellent physical ability. The female major general, who didn't know what position, obviously took a fancy to the personal talent of the female wolf head and wanted her to be a close guard. How can I be good?

"Answer me!!" after a few words, the female wolf head didn't answer. The female major general seemed a little impatient, raised her voice and pressed the female wolf head.

"Ow!" in the face of the female major general's roar, the female wolf head didn't give in at all. Instead, she opened her mouth and a cluster of beautiful eyebrows, and issued a roar similar to a warning.

The female major general was surprised, and her face was even more surprised. She was also a big man at the level of major general. Ordinary sergeants were obedient and respectful to her, but the female wolf head didn't pay attention to her?

Not only the female wolf head, but also the female officers who stood nearby were all surprised. They didn't know the female wolf head. Naturally, they didn't know the name of the female wolf head.

But they also knew that the female wolf head had offended the major general, so a company commander angrily said:

"Commander Chen asked you something. Why didn't you answer?"

Obviously, in the eyes of those female officers, the behavior of the female wolf head is treacherous. They obviously can't understand that in the face of the appreciation of a superior big man, someone ignored it, ignored it, and didn't even answer a word.

The female wolf frowned and seemed more and more impatient. In the end, instead of seeing the female major general, she looked around and scanned the crowd. Then the female wolf's eyes fell on me. When she saw me, the female wolf's expression was not very rich, and her face showed a happy look. Then, she actually did something that shocked everyone!

The female wolf head pushed away the female major general. She pushed away all the people around her and stumbled towards me. Although she was panting, covered in mud and sweat, she looked very energetic and seemed to be happy that she had won the first place.

"Ouch!" the female wolf head suddenly shouted happily, then pushed aside the crowd, crossed the encirclement, trotted all the way to me, picked me up and held me in her arms, and two groups of elastic breast meat pasted on my face!

"Ow, woo ~ ~" the female wolf head was particularly excited when she held me. She kept cheering. Her eyes were filled with pride and satisfaction. It seemed that the cross-country race just now made her prove herself and obtain a great sense of achievement.

I have been with the female wolf head for some time. I can understand why she is happy and why she is lost in an instant. The female wolf head suddenly ran through the crowd to hold me. Naturally, I knew that she was glad that she had won the first place for herself and left others far away.

"Well, well, I know, I know you are the best, well, well ~ ~" I patted the back of the female wolf head and comforted her with a bitter smile, but I was secretly complaining in my heart. It's really troublesome. I've really offended many people. The female wolf head didn't look at the people around her just now. She even pushed away the major general and ran over to hug me. She must have shocked everyone present.

Sure enough, as soon as I let the female wolf head go away from my arms, I saw a pair of sharp eyes, and the most sharp and angry one was the female major general who had just been pushed by the female wolf head. Her eyes were quite strange. The whole process of hugging hundreds or even thousands of people in front of me and the female wolf head had been caught in their eyes, At this moment, the female wolf head and I are two clowns standing on the stage and watched by the crowd below.

"What do you two mean? Cuddle, don't you pay attention to military discipline?! stand at attention!"

The sonorous and powerful cry scared me to almost retract my head into my clothes. I saw the rigid and angry face of the female major general. It seems that the great man is really angry.

I quickly stood up straight, but my heart sank to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. This is really a big trouble. I've gone too far with the female wolf head, especially her lack of military discipline makes everyone suspicious. If the major general checks the identity of the female wolf head at that time, I'm afraid that I, the female wolf head and Xiaobai will all die and hide their identity and sneak into the military camp. If it is found out, we may be regarded as military spies or gangsters, Will you be in prison or tortured to extract a confession... I can't imagine.

At that time, I was so nervous that I broke out in a cold sweat. It was not my stupid mouth, but I really didn't think of a way to deal with this sudden situation.

Just when I was embarrassed, a fire red light flashed, and then a girl with perfect figure stood in front of me and the female wolf head, stood up straight and said:

"Report to commander Chen! Zhu Shan and Li Xiaohang were injured in the bandit invasion a few days ago. Their vocal cords and brains were damaged, so they couldn't speak and behaved abnormally! Zhu Shan didn't mean to offend the commander just now! It's all the responsibility of the lower officer! Please commander Chen to investigate!" the hot female Ju ran took the initiative to stand up and intercede for me and the female wolf head, which surprised and moved me, I know that the hot girl is also helpless to stand up. After all, the three of us were also transferred into the army by the hot girl. At this time, it is reasonable for her to intercede for us out of a sense of responsibility, but I am still very grateful to her.

I was puzzled, but the hot girl suddenly turned her head and squeezed her eyebrows at me, making a wink, as if reminding me to cooperate with her.

My head was excited. I immediately understood the hot girl's eyes, and then said in a hurry:

"Tell commander Chen! Zhu Shan, she's my sister. She's from the countryside. Her brain is hard to use. She was beaten silly by the bandits a few days ago. She doesn't understand anything. She's stunned. You see." then I stretched out a finger and shook it in front of the female wolf head, and then asked:

"Sister, what time is this?"

"Ow?" the female wolf looked at my fingers and looked puzzled.

"Sister, what's this?" I stretched out two fingers.


"What's this?" I stretched out three fingers.


"What's this?" I stretched out five fingers.

"Ow?" the female wolf head was still full of doubts.

What I want is the response of the female wolf head. I grabbed the female wolf head's arm and asked her to say timidly to the female major general:

"Commander, you see, my sister can only howl. Her head is broken." as I said, I slapped the female wolf head on the face and was slapped by me. The female wolf head turned to look at me with confusion and surprise, but I didn't care about the female wolf head, but said to the female major general:

"You see, she didn't respond when I hit her. My sister is out of her mind!"

The female major general was stunned at the actions of me and the female wolf head