Chapter 137

Washing dishes is the easiest task, but even so, it was more than 9 o'clock when I finished washing dishes. At that time, other cooking camp soldiers in the canteen had left, and we were the last to finish it. After all, other soldiers are used to washing dishes, while Xiaobai and I are slow and have a large number of dishes. Naturally, we are relatively slow.

When we slowly came out of the canteen, it was dark, and the training time of several battalions was wrong. Some battalions ended their training earlier than 9 o'clock, while others did not end until after 10 o'clock. When the three of us left the canteen together, at least half of the company training had ended before the lights were turned off, Almost an hour is arranged by the soldiers themselves. In that hour, most of the female soldiers choose to go to the toilet, take a bath or wash clothes.

People who join the army basically have no personal belongings. There is nothing to entertain in the army. Bathing is the most enjoyable time of the day for female soldiers.

However, except on Sundays, the female soldiers usually don't have a good bath. Everyone only has 10 minutes to take a bath every day, and they have to queue up to enter the huge bathing room set up in tents behind several camps. There are special nozzles in it. The other end of the nozzle is an iron pipe, which is connected to the water tank of the water truck outside the tent. There are almost two or three hundred nozzles, Hundreds of female soldiers can take a bath at a time.

However, each nozzle will cut off the water every 10 minutes for 10 seconds, so each female soldier has only 10 minutes to take a bath. After washing, he should withdraw and then change another female soldier to wash. Moreover, women soldiers need bath tickets to take a bath. There is a guard specially responsible for tearing up tickets at the door. Women soldiers are allowed to enter only after they see the bath tickets.

Of course, on Sunday, women soldiers can take a bath for 20 minutes to half an hour after painful training. At that time, women soldiers will be more comfortable.

Bath tickets are also distributed by our cooking camp. There are 7 tickets per person per week. If the tickets are accidentally lost, the female soldier can only wipe her body with water from the faucet. I know all this from the obscene girl, because she and we have the tickets for the three of us.

And today, I and the female wolf head and Xiaobai have been standing on the post all day. They are already sticky all over. Naturally, we have to take a bath. But here comes the problem.

Xiaobai is fine. Although she is stupid, she is not so stupid that she can't even take a bath. But the female wolf head is in trouble. Where does she know how to use bath tickets, showerheads, shower gel and so on when I'm not here?

However, the female wolf head has a large amount of exercise and sweats a lot. She can't help taking a bath, otherwise she will stink all over in a few days. However, I had to take her and Xiaobai to line up at the end of the line outside the bathing tent with towels and changed clothes.

I was really nervous and nervous at that time, because I was a big man after all! I have to take a bath with hundreds of women. Just imagine that I will be so excited that I will spit blood. Of course, I know that taking a bath is the easiest place to expose my identity, so my main purpose is to go in and help the female wolf head take a bath and wipe her body. I'd better wash myself in my underwear.

At that time, I thought so. After all, I had to stay in the army for a while. I couldn't expose my identity as a man anyway, but I couldn't help taking a bath, so I had to wash in my underwear.

When I came to the army, the toilet and bathroom were the easiest places to expose my identity. The toilet is OK, but the bathroom is relatively troublesome. After all, the risk of exposure was great at that time.

"Li Jian... Er, Li Xiaohang?!" I was standing in line with Xiaobai when a woman's voice came behind me, which startled me. As soon as I looked back, I saw the hot girl coming from behind.

"Battalion commander?" at that time, I was used to calling hot female battalion commander. I was surprised to see her holding a green plastic washbasin with towels and happy clothes in it.

"Why are you here?" the hot woman looked at me and asked.

"I... I'll take a bath, too." I said with some guilt and embarrassment.

"You come to take a bath? You..." the hot woman looked at several female soldiers in front of me. After making sure they didn't hear it, she lowered her voice and asked me, "what's wrong with you?! you go into the female soldier's bathroom to take a bath. What if your identity is exposed?"

My heart jumped. This is the most worried and embarrassing place for me.

I looked at the hot girl and said:

"But we sweat a lot today, and she doesn't know how to take a bath. I have to look at her. Otherwise, she will be in trouble." I glanced at the female wolf head next to me and said.

By what I said, the hot woman is also a little difficult. It seems that she also thought of this problem.

"Are you going to go in and wash like this? Fair and aboveboard?" the hot woman lowered her red eyebrows.

"That's not true... I'll wash in my underwear... And then try to wash faster." I said with some embarrassment. Anyway, a big man and a woman will be shy when discussing how to take a bath.

Hearing what I said, the hot woman's frown loosened a little, and she seemed to think what I said was reasonable. Then she looked around and said to me:

"When you take a bath later, stand next to me! Let me cover it for you!"

"Ah? Let me stand next to... You?" the hot woman's words made me feel that I was severely knocked on my head. The hot woman asked me to stand next to her and take a bath?

"Don't think too much! I'll just help you block it so that others won't see through your identity!" the hot woman stared at me and said. Hot girl told me not to think much, but how can I not think much? When I think that the hot girl wants to take a bath with me, I have an unspeakable excitement. It's not that I haven't taken a bath with a woman, but the three saints and the long month princess are too obedient to me. They regard me as the cost Lord, have great respect, and have no sense of distance from me.

But now it's different. Hot women are educated people. They know that men and women are different. She and I have the same level of understanding. Now she asks to take a bath with me... This feeling is naturally different from that when she was in Riyue village. It can even be said that it has to be stimulated too much.

"Oh... Thank you, battalion commander." I touched my head and thanked the hot girl, but my eyes unconsciously fell on her. My eyes seemed to be sucked, and I felt like I couldn't move away.

"What are you looking at? What's wrong with my clothes?!"

"Ah, nothing..." the hot woman found something wrong with my eyes, so I coughed and turned my head. It seems that although I have experienced so much, the hanging wire mentality in my heart has never disappeared... But the trigger of this mentality needs a fuse.

After waiting in line for about 10 minutes, it was finally my turn to enter the bathroom with Xiaobai. A 35 year old woman with glasses tore our bath ticket and let them go to the bathroom.

"Oh, master, many people."

After entering the bathroom, we were all silly. When we were outside, we didn't think the bathing tent was very large, but when we went in, we found that it was very large. It was almost half the size of the canteen. All the walls of the tent were sprinklers. The white heat was filled in the bathroom, and the fragrance of shower gel with faint flower fragrance was filled in the bathroom. Then, As we went deep into the bathroom.

I want to try to find a place like a corner to take a bath, which is at least inconspicuous, but after scanning two eyes, I found that the sprinkler near the four corners of the bathroom has been occupied

"Come on, there are four vacant seats over there!"

The hot girl followed me closely and urged me. I looked forward according to the hot girl's hint and did find four empty seats juxtaposed in front. However, the position there seemed to be right in the middle, which was a little conspicuous.

"Hurry up, wash up early!" the hot woman pushed my shoulder behind me and urged me. I looked around and found that there were only four nozzles left. I had no choice but to pull Xiaobai's bad news female wolf head towards there.

We took off our shoes on the shoe cabinet outside, and then went to the target nozzle