Chapter 132

"I'll go... Beauty, calm down!" the obscene girl thought that the female wolf head was just getting up for a moment, but she didn't expect that the female wolf head continued to pounce on the obscene girl mercilessly. Now the obscene girl immediately understood that the female wolf head wanted to attack her. The wretched girl also hurried back towards the oblique rear and avoided the attack of the female wolf head.

The reaction speed of the obscene girl is really fast. The reaction speed of the female wolf head has exceeded that of normal people. Generally, unless they are prepared, it is difficult for ordinary people to avoid the explosive attack of the female wolf head, but the obscene girl can barely escape!

The female wolf head threw herself into the air, half squatted on the ground, glared at the obscene girl, and made a low roar in her mouth. I know that the female wolf head is very sensitive to the stimulation of sound, just like a dog roaring when hearing the sound of firecrackers. The female wolf head was stimulated by the iron plate noise of the obscene girl just now, and she was naturally angry when she got up.

The female wolf's head and claws were sharp. She was even more angry after flying twice in a row. She yelled and rushed at the obscene girl,

After biting her teeth and looking at the female wolf head, the obscene girl turned and ran out of the room!

Seeing that the obscene girl turned and ran out of the room, the female wolf head rushed out in anger!

"Proud dance, come back quickly!" I knew that the female wolf head was hard to discipline, but I didn't expect that there would be an accident, so I hurriedly put on camouflage clothes and rushed out with the thief eyed women. The difference is that they go to watch the excitement, while I go out to persuade!

But when I rushed out of the room, my head grew big, because I saw the female wolf head fighting with the obscene girl in the hallway outside!

The female wolf head used both hands and feet, suddenly took off, suddenly rushed forward, roared, and attacked the obscene girl with claws and fists. The female wolf head completely shot the obscene girl with a killing heart. There was no law in every move and fist. It was simply the most direct swoop, tear and bite!

On both sides of the corridor are the dormitories of other female soldiers. They all ran out to watch when they heard the roar. When they saw the female wolf head attacking the obscene girl, they were all silly.

The wretched girl smiled helplessly and stumbled back in front of her with two blocks, while the female wolf head waved her claws up and down to my heart.

Because I still clearly remember the scene when the female wolf head tore the skin and flesh of the fierce woman's men with her claws. If the female wolf head injured or killed the obscene girl, I'm afraid I'm finished with the female wolf head!

"Hey, don't play anymore, stop!" the wretched girl shouted nervously, trying to stop the female wolf head, but the female wolf head didn't let her go and pursued her all the time. Although the distance of the aisle was not short, the obscene girl was forced to the corner when she kept retreating!

At the moment when her back was pasted on the wall, the eyes of the obscene girl gradually calmed down.

"Sorry, you forced me!"

Said, the iron plate on the wretched girl's hand was thrown, and then her eyes suddenly became bright and sharp, and the look of wretched retreat was swept away!

The wretched girl who was forced to the corner of the wall slowly picked up her right foot, and the soles of her feet were close to the wall. Then, the wretched girl's arms were lifted from the side, blooming like bird wings, and finally held into double fists. Finally, the soles of her right feet suddenly kicked on the wall, and the whole person rushed towards the female wolf's head like a bullet!

The wretched girl was about the same height as me, but her sudden impact directly threw the female wolf head to the ground. The female wolf head grabbed her arm and wanted to catch her, but the wretched girl directly hit the female wolf head's abdomen with two fists. The fist seemed to have internal strength, which made the female wolf head's body soft and her hands almost soft, but the female wolf head also refused to admit defeat, The female wolf head suddenly opened her mouth and bit at the obscene girl.

Who has ever seen a fight with his mouth? This kind of situation is really rare. The obscene girl is also surprised. She quickly retracts her shoulder and retreats from the female wolf head, but the obscene girl retreats a little, and the female wolf head swings her claws at her body!


The obscene girl's camouflage clothes were torn a huge hole by the female wolf head, and even blood was caught. But at that time, the obscene girl also left the female wolf head's body with a gloomy face.

"Meow! It's crazy!" seeing that the female wolf head really killed her, the obscene girl spit, but the female wolf head still pounced on her. Helpless, the obscene girl's feet suddenly moved. Then, her steps began to float away lightly. Her blue soft hair shook in the air. The obscene girl was like performing a space dance and supported on her toes, Then the body jumps back like a piano key!

This is really an incredible scene. Although it is not as fast as the virtual shadow in the martial arts TV series, the steps of the obscene girl are really amazing. She retreated rapidly there, just like a dance performance, and quickly opened the distance from the female wolf head.

At this point, the obscene girl finally showed her ability of coming from a family of Martial Arts Alliance. While her feet flew back, the obscene girl's hands also began to accumulate strength, and her eyes locked on every move of the female wolf head. When the female wolf head saw the obscene girl retreating wildly, she ran after her wildly, but the obscene girl's body tilted back slightly. With the falling gravity of the earth and her steps, the female wolf head who ran at an amazing speed couldn't catch up with her.

The wretched girl's skill was really good. The female wolf head was chasing the wretched girl for a time, but the wretched girl suddenly made an extremely abnormal action, that is, she suddenly stopped all the way back, and then grabbed her fist and ran towards the female wolf head. I'm not a martial arts expert. Naturally, I can't understand what kind of boxing is used by the obscene girl. However, when I see the obscene girl, she punches in front of her, slightly closes her fist, follows her up and down, and changes her steps with her hands. Her body is like a rudder swing. It's flexible and changeable. It seems to be a bit like Luohan boxing in the movie.

When the female wolf head saw the obscene girl face to face, she was even more aggressive, but when I saw the posture of the obscene girl, I realized that the female wolf head was in trouble.

"Proud dance! Stop!"

"Ouch!" I called the female wolf head and looked at me, but she couldn't stop her momentum at that time.

The next moment, the fierce claws of the female wolf head hit the unpredictable boxing of the obscene girl.

The last scene I wanted to see happened. The claw of the female wolf head grabbed the obscene girl's chest, and the clothes on the obscene girl's chest were scratched, but at the same time, the obscene girl's fist also hit the belly of the female wolf head. The female wolf head had a strong ability to endure pain. She took a few steps back after being punched, and the obscene girl took two steps back with one hand over her chest.

This is the first direct confrontation between the female wolf head and the obscene girl, but this is only the beginning, because the female wolf head who eased from the pain suddenly issued a stronger roar and rushed towards the obscene girl. The obscene girl was surprised. She suddenly kicked on the ground, flew up in the air and kicked at the female wolf head!

But what's more terrible is that while the obscene girl jumped up and kicked her legs, the female wolf head also jumped suddenly, and the height is not lower than that of the obscene girl, even higher!

The female wolf head jumped a little higher than the obscene girl. Her hands suddenly pressed the obscene girl's shoulders, and then fiercely pressed her back to the ground!

The wretched girl immediately fell to the ground, but at that time, the wretched girl firmly grasped the arm of the female wolf head with one hand in mid air, and then at the moment when the ass landed, the wretched girl's fist suddenly turned into two fingers, which were like a sharp cone, and suddenly hit the waist of the female wolf head!


The female wolf head was pressed on the obscene girl, and the obscene girl was pressed under the female wolf head with her ass on the ground. She was unable to move temporarily because of the impact.

The obscene girl and the female wolf head stuck up and down for a moment, one pressing on the other. In a few seconds, neither of them made much action.

But then a scene of great joy happened.

That is, the body of the female wolf head pressed on the obscene girl actually began to twitch violently. Then, the female wolf head actually laughed "hahaha..."!

The female wolf head suddenly laughed and made the onlookers speechless, but the obscene girl took the opportunity to push away the female wolf head, then climbed up, pulled the broken corner of her clothes and looked down at the female wolf head.

As for the female wolf head, she laughed on the ground with her stomach, curled up and twitched.

Seeing this scene, I knew that the obscene girl hit the smile hole of the female wolf head.

"Meow, this dumb girl is crazy! She almost killed my mother!" the obscene girl sorted out the sweat on her forehead and said angrily. Then she grinned, "fortunately, my mother is still alive."

"Proud dance." seeing the female wolf head laughing wildly on the ground, I hurried forward. They fought so fiercely just now, and I had no room for thousands of dissuasion. Now the female wolf head was hit by an obscene girl and lost her combat effectiveness. Of course, I should be on the stage in time.

The female wolf head laughed on the ground. I quickly squatted down, grabbed her arm and patted her face.

"Proud dance? Proud dance?" I patted the female wolf's face, but the female wolf still laughed "quack".

"I can't stop. I ordered Zhishi acupoint, that is, Xiaoxue acupoint." the obscene girl clapped her hands. After releasing her breath, she skimmed her mouth and said, "meow! I'm really lucky this time!"

"Deputy battalion commander, I apologize for her, proud dance... Zhu Shan, she just came out of the mountain and didn't understand anything. She was so excited. In fact, she didn't mean to. Please help her. I'll persuade her." the female wolf head laughed more and more. I had no choice but to beg the obscene girl to solve her acupoint.

The obscene girl's expression was a little stiff. She frowned and looked at the place where she was scratched by the female wolf head, the female wolf head laughing on the ground and me pleading for the female wolf head, saying:

"When she has no strength to laugh, she will stop. If she tries hard with me again, I can't afford to play."

The wretched girl looked very embarrassed. She sighed, looked at the female wolf head lying on the ground laughing with her stomach, turned her eyes, touched her wound, and spit out her tongue in pain.

"Meow... What exactly are you? You are a pervert... You can beat me into such a pervert. You haven't seen it in five years..."