Chapter 107

This is the most spectacular and earth shaking avalanche I have ever seen in my life.

Since then, I have never seen an avalanche again.

That avalanche was several times more spectacular than the avalanche that swallowed the old witch.

It can be said that this avalanche was a natural punishment.

The silvery white dragon went straight down from the top of the mountain several kilometers high. The closer it was to the bottom, the greater the avalanche. Moreover, it also produced a series of chain reactions. Heavy snow began to rush down on the slopes of several small snow mountains around, converging towards the bottom of the mountain, swallowing the experimental base at the foot of the mountain into the vast white snow.

The orcs, the government's military vehicles, the experimental base, and the captured Bai woman were completely buried by the avalanche made by the wolf's howl, and the intensity of the avalanche was more terrible than everyone thought.

Because of the huge avalanche energy, when the silver snow slides down from the mountain, it also causes a large-scale landslide. Huge rocks roll down from the mountain and hit the base at the foot of the mountain like shells. The huge impact smashed the solid gate of the experimental base. In the end, The whole underground base was completely swallowed up by snow more than ten meters high, and even the shadow could not be found.

The government experimental base, which once brought great disasters to the Bai people and orcs, was buried in the snow, just like the old witch.

It's better to bury our compatriots in this way than to see them tortured. This is the determination of the female wolf head.

I saw the female wolf head standing on a raised highland on the hillside, proudly roaring up to the sky, with a sad voice. The world was vast and the mountains were lonely. At that moment, only she in a long red cloak stood on the raised hillside highland and roared under the gray sky.

The red cloak was flying and hunting, accompanied by the messy and elegant long hair of the female wolf head. At that moment, it seemed that she was the only one left between heaven and earth.

I stared blankly at the female wolf head roaring up to the sky in the distant mountain. My heart was also endless desolation and sadness. Unexpectedly, the roar of the female wolf head led countless female orcs to roar together, and finally swallowed the evil government experimental base.

I don't know if the people in the experimental base can escape from the base, but judging from the magnitude of the avalanche, I'm afraid the people inside will be trapped in it for a long time. If there are not enough materials, the people inside will undoubtedly die. What's more, I just saw with my own eyes that huge rocks broke the wall of the base. Even if the people inside didn't starve to death, they would probably freeze to death.

I didn't see anything under the heavy snow until it was dark.

After the avalanche completely stopped, the female wolf head jumped directly from the hillside to the high ground with shallow snow, then followed the road she had run to, found the place with shallow snow, and finally grabbed the vines and the rocks protruding from the cliff from the bottom of the mountain wall, and climbed to the cliff where I was.

The female wolf head's physical strength is really amazing. She moves rapidly and is not afraid to fall when she holds the cane. There is a deep valley hundreds of meters high below.

When the female wolf head stood in front of me and a group of female orcs behind her, there were spots of snowflakes on her head and cloak, her face was tired and panting all the time, but there was a relief of revenge in her eyes.

I looked at the female wolf head, looked at her beautiful but sad face, speechless, but looked at her shining eyes, I found that I didn't have to say anything.

The female wolf head has told me her heart through eye contact. She has no regrets in doing so.

As night fell, a group of us still stood on the cliff and looked at the magnificent scene after the avalanche in the distance.

The government's experimental base, which was what I feared most when I came to the world, but at this moment, it was personally destroyed by the female wolf head.

"Proud dance."

I don't know how long I stood in the cold wind, but the picture of female wolf head roaring and galloping proudly on the snow still appeared in my mind, so the name came out. And the name aowu is consistent with the cry of the female wolf head. It's really suitable.

I stepped forward, smiled faintly and said to the female wolf head:

"You are so proud and can dance. I'll call you proud to dance in the future."

The female wolf head looked at me with a confused face, but soon her eyes showed a clear color.

"Ao Wu (proud dance)!" the female wolf head roared up to the sky, shocked the Thunder Dragon, and seemed to agree with the name I gave her.

Seeing the satisfied appearance of the female wolf head, I also smiled with some pride. Anyway, it's over.

Even if it may not be able to kill the people in the experimental base, this avalanche is estimated to have completely destroyed a large number of equipment in the base. I'm afraid this government experimental base can't bring any trouble to the Bai people and female orcs for a long time.

Of course, at that time, I didn't know that the experimental base destroyed by the female wolf head was only one of the 24 government research bases in China, and it was the smallest and weakest one among them.

We didn't go back to the female Orc tribe overnight. Instead, we found a place similar to a small cave to make a fire and found some hay to be quilts. We spent the night like this, because a large group of female orcs surrounded me at night, slept with me and covered with animal skins. I didn't feel very cold. ha-ha.

But even so, when I woke up the next day, I was still dizzy and a little cold. It seems that it is easy to catch cold when I spend the night outside in a cold day.

It was the afternoon of the next day when I returned to Riyue village. The village was in chaos. All the people in the village were talking about the avalanche at the holy mountain at the end of Shangri La Grand Canyon, which swallowed up the experimental base of the Han government, and it was still noisy.

At that time, I happened to take the female orcs back to Riyue village, so I immediately told Princess Changyue and the three saints about the avalanche in Shengshan and the swallowing of the Han government experimental base.

I told Princess Changyue that the Han people in the experimental base came to Riyue village to catch people. We followed them all the way to the foot of the holy mountain, and then triggered an avalanche and destroyed the Han experimental base.

Princess Changyue and the three saints were shocked when they heard the news, but they also admired me more. They announced at the first time that my Lord had exerted his divine power, destroyed the experimental base of the Han government and punished those hateful Han people.

Now the villagers of Riyue village are even more excited. Every villager is talking about my divine power and worshipping me outside the Riyue hall. They firmly believe that I have the power to move mountains and seas and am the Supreme Lord. As long as I am here, Riyue village will be sheltered. At that time, my prestige reached an unprecedented height.

The relationship between the female orcs and the Bai people is close day by day. The old witch has been solved, and the government's experimental base has been submerged in the heavy snow. For a time, I also feel that I have unloaded the heavy task in my heart. On the contrary, I feel empty and don't know what to do.

In the following period of time, I began to reflect on my life in Riyue village, Yunnan Province. Unconsciously, it has been March. I came here in November. It has been 4 or 5 months. Time really flies.

I don't know what happened to cold and arrogant women, hot women and swallows, because I haven't contacted them for a long time. I don't know where to put my watch and mobile phone. I haven't looked for it for a long time. It's mainly because I'm used to the life of an immortal respected by thousands of people in Riyue village. After getting used to living here, I don't want to go back to a civilized metropolis.

In this way, I enjoyed a long period of leisure in Riyue village. With the gradual warming of the temperature on the mountain, spring finally arrived. The snow line on the snow mountain near the Shangri La Grand Canyon kept moving upward, and many grass seedlings grew on the barren black soil in winter.

It is said that heavy snow heralds a bumper year. After the rare heavy snow in winter, it really ushered in a vibrant spring.

Looking at the hard work of the villagers in Riyue village and the prosperity of the village, my Lord is also very gratified.

The warm and genial golden sunshine is sprinkled from the sky and spreads in the mountains like the hymn of life itself. In the fields, with the gradual melting and evaporation of ice and snow, the cold winter has become the past, and the roaring cold wind has gradually changed into a soft breeze. With the fragrance of soil and vanilla, it floats and flows among the mountain lanes and diffuses into the distance.

Most days, I stand on the corridor outside the sun and moon hall and look at the Shangri La Grand Canyon from a high place. I feel very green day by day.

"My Lord, what's the matter with you? Do you have something on your mind?" one day in spring, Princess Changyue saw me standing on the high platform outside the sun and moon hall, looking out from the railing, so she came forward and asked me softly.

When I saw the snow-white long Moon Princess with long spring silk dress, long hair on the ground, silver wreath on her head, my expression changed, and then I hurried to say:

"No, I'm enjoying the beautiful scenery of this spring." I gave Princess Changyue a smile, then turned my head, looked at the mountains and rivers in the distance again, and said, "I'm thinking that it's been a whole winter since I came to Riyue village. Time really flies."

"Oh, yes. The years always flow away inadvertently." Princess long Moon said gently, and then came to me and looked at the Grand Canyon in the distance with me.

"My Lord, in fact, I've always wanted to ask you a question. You... Are not really my Lord, are you?"

A gentle voice sounded in my ear. When I heard this, my heart was shocked. I turned my head and looked at the elegant and magnificent long Moon Princess in surprise.

"I'm sorry..." Princess Changyue smiled faintly and turned to look at me. "Maybe I shouldn't doubt you. But... For some time after you came, I also did some jewelry business with the Han people, read some history books of the Han people, and knew something about the outside... I know that if you were a very ordinary man hundreds of years ago."

I was very surprised by Princess Changyue's words. I couldn't believe looking at her, but I found that Princess Changyue's face looked guilty.

"You... You know?" my heart began to accelerate. "Then why do you call me Lord?"

Princess long moon looked at me and smiled faintly.

"Because the people need faith. Every year they live in the threat of nature and Han people. The people are very frightened. They believe that only our Lord can save them and bring them hope."

"You came to our village. Maybe you are not special. But you represent hope. Finally, you did. You subdued the female orcs, created an avalanche and destroyed the Han base."

"You have done everything our Lord can do. Although I know your power is only mortal, God has doomed you to be our Lord and our Savior."

"So, I still want to believe that you are my Lord." Princess Changyue smiled faintly and said words that shocked me. Originally, this woman knew from the beginning that I was just an ordinary man, pretending to be my Lord. However, because of a series of things I did later, she gradually believed that I could bring hope to the Bai people. And I also understand why she frowns every time I see the long Moon Princess. It's because she knows that I'm not my Lord and have no real power to save them.

I looked at the long Moon Princess and couldn't speak.

A long silence.

"My Lord, return this to you."

Princess Changyue looked at me quietly. Her quiet face still had a trace of devotion to me. Then, her hand gently stretched out to me, and a fragrance floated into my nostrils. I looked down and saw a ribbon object in Princess Changyue's hand.

That's my watch and mobile phone when I first came to Riyue village.