Chapter 104

The words of the three saints brought the atmosphere to the lowest point. After listening to their words, I deeply realized that although the old witch had died, the crisis of Riyue village was far from over.

"It's more than a month away from early spring... I'm afraid the time is really running out." I said in some consternation, but soon I thought of another question, "ah, no, Ma shouldn't want to harm her own people. She must have other ways to dispel Gu Gu." when I think about it carefully, I don't think it's right. According to the words of the three saints, The villagers of Riyue village seem to be hopeless. After all, they can't find bees in winter. Even if the old witch lives, it won't help. However, no matter how crazy the old witch is, the ultimate purpose of her actions is for the sake of her own people. She can't be right without leaving behind.

The old witch must have left other ways to detoxify.

"That's right... But secretary a didn't write it." the three saints said in some frustration, feeling extremely depressed.

And my heart is extremely heavy. If so, I'm afraid more than 40000 villagers of the Bai nationality will die.

"I'd better inform your patriarch tomorrow. It's very serious and they must be prepared. You can also find out if there are other ways to detoxify." finally, there's nothing I can do. Although I'm my Lord, I can't be used at this time. I can only use the great God Princess Changyue. Although I don't think the long month princess can solve any problems.

In this way, the three saints and I couldn't find any other way to detoxify that night, and we didn't know what the old witch left behind. We were all busy, but in the end, there was no result.

In this way, until dawn the next day, the three saints secretly found Princess Changyue early in the morning, invited her to the sun moon hall in my name, and told Princess Changyue about the whole village being poisoned by lice.

The reason why I secretly told Princess Changyue was to prevent the prestige of the old witch from collapsing, because if the villagers knew that the old witch had poisoned them, I'm afraid the image of the old witch and even her aunt in the eyes of the villagers would collapse, so it's better to let a few people know about it first.

When Princess Changyue heard that the old witch had poisoned the livestock in the whole village, and the villagers who ate those livestock were poisoned, Princess Changyue turned pale:

"Ma... Poisoned all the people?"

Princess long moon couldn't believe the truth she knew. But when she saw my face nodding solemnly to her, her expression changed from surprise to solemnity and tension.

After listening to our crazy stories about the old witch, Princess Changyue's face looked pale and dignified. It was obvious that the old witch had always existed as a saint in her heart. When she knew that the old witch had actually poisoned the whole village, it was of course hard to accept at once. But if you don't accept it, you have to accept it, because at this point, the lives of the whole village have been hung on the rope by the old witch, and maybe they will fall into the abyss.

"It's winter now. Most wild bees hide deep in the mountains and forests and refuse to come out to collect honey, but it's so far. We can only send people to search the mountains for wild bees that can detoxify."

I told Princess Changyue about it. Although Princess Changyue was young, she also knew the importance of the matter. She also had the ability to control the overall situation when she carried her mother's flag.

"OK, my Lord, I'll send someone to patrol the mountain. Go to the mountain forest to find the hive of wild bees." although I still can't fully accept the old witch's poisoning, compared with my personal feelings, the life of the whole family is more important. Without delay, Princess Changyue gathered hundreds of members of the village's defense team to start patrolling the mountain. Of course, Princess Changyue didn't tell the people of the defense team about the old witch's poisoning, but told them that they were looking for bees to pay tribute to me and ensure a fruitful harvest in the coming year.

As for me, because I want to take care of the female orcs, I naturally follow the female wolf head and dozens of female orcs to search the mountain. Speaking of mountain search, female beasts are very experienced. They often hunt in the mountains, but they know the mountains around the Shangri La Grand Canyon like the back of their own backyard.

Moreover, since the female orcs began to trade with the Bai people with precious stones, the female orcs have begun to do nothing. In previous years, the female orcs hoard food for several months, hide in the cave in winter, and occasionally go hunting or grab food. However, if they have enough food this year, they don't have to worry about food at all, They can do whatever they want.

Because it was boring to see the female orcs idle, so I called the female orcs up the mountain to search for the hive.

I took some samples of dead bees and showed them to the female wolf head and cat girl. Then I pointed to the mountain forest, which meant to tell them that we were going to find wild bees.

The female wolf head was smart enough. She understood what I meant when she saw my hint. She took dozens of female orcs to the front of the team and led me up the mountain with hundreds of members of the Bai defense team.

In addition, there are princess Changyue and the three saints in the team of searching the mountain this time. Princess Changyue is the patriarch. She naturally wants to go in person for such a big event, and the three saints know the witchcraft of the old witch, so of course they will follow. As for Xiaobai, I didn't let her come. I let her go to the sun and Moon Palace to hibernate by herself.

The mountain road after snow is not easy to walk. There is thick snow everywhere on the mountain road. Walking on the snow, you only feel that the soles of your feet are cold. Sometimes, because the snow is too thick, you don't know whether there are pits below. If you step on it carelessly, it's easy to sink and fall and chew the snow.

It was still cold on the mountain. The mountain wind blew out of the tall spruce forest, and it was still cold when it scraped on my face, which made me tremble. Fortunately, I wore warm animal skin cotton clothes and animal skin boots with animal hair as insole. I could still persist after walking a few kilometers of mountain road. Compared with the last time I climbed the mountain semi naked, this time I was much easier.

The female orcs opened the way in front, and a large group of hundreds of people detoured around the mountain road. Many defense team personnel carried props such as nets, pottery pots, baskets and canvas, which are used to catch wild bees. We climbed over two mountains. Finally, on a relatively flat mountain, we stopped.

When I stopped and looked into the distance, my eyes lit up.

What a beautiful view. In front of all of us is a bright and clear lake. The Silver Lake has no ripple. It lies quietly in front of us. The water surface is as smooth as a mirror. It can even clearly reflect the yellow sun in the sky and the white moon as bright as a wheel.

Clear and clear, ethereal and calm, this is a large lake with irregular shape, which is as clean and refreshing as a natural reservoir.

In the center of the lake, there is an island in the middle of the lake covered with snow. The island in the middle of the lake is like a spoon. The slender end is connected to the lake shore, which can let people go to the island in the middle of the lake. In the middle of the Lake, there is a tall spruce forest with snow stained leaves. Large spruces gather together, like hazy fog.

The female wolf head took the lead and ran directly towards the island in the middle of the lake. Obviously, that was their destination, so other Bai people hurried to follow.

I followed the female beasts to the island in the middle of the lake. From a distance, I didn't feel how big the lake island was or how high the spruce inside was, but when we ran business on the lake island, we were shocked by the tall spruces around us.

Each of these spruces is 10 to 20 meters high, with tall and straight branches and canopy. It is quite ancient, and more importantly, the surface of these spruces is straight, which is difficult for ordinary people to climb.

When I entered the spruce forest on the island in the middle of the lake, I was really shocked by the spectacular scene of the spruce forest, but just then a cry rang out in my ear:

"I see the beehive!" I turned my head and saw that a member of the defense team was screaming excitedly. At this time, some excited cries of the Bai people were heard in other places: "I found it, too!"

"There are beehives here!"

"Here too!"

The cries one after another made us happy all at once. I also raised my head to look around the spruces and looked up at the spruces above my head.

Sure enough, on the trunk of several spruces, there are several honeycombs covered with snow, each as big as a pot cover!

However, when we saw those hives, we were not happy for long, because each of them was more than ten meters high. How can we get them?

We were in trouble, but at this time, the long Moon Princess came to the middle of an open space surrounded by the surrounding spruce forest. At that time, there was a breeze blowing in the spruce forest. The warm sun shone through the gray clouds, through the uneven tree poles of the spruce forest, and shone on the white almost transparent face of the long Moon Princess, The long Moon Princess's long black hair also fluttered in the wind at that moment!

The long black hair spread like willows in the wind. For a moment, the thick fragrance floated out of Princess long moon. I could clearly smell it when I stood more than ten meters away.

At that moment, seeing the action of Princess Changyue, I was refreshed.

By the way, I heard that the fragrance of Princess long moon can attract bees and butterflies. Can you say

Thinking of this, I quickly shouted:

"Everybody, cover your head with a cloak, come on!"

Needless to say, the Bai people also began to do so, because in the next second, there was an earth shaking hum above our heads!

I looked up in horror, and then I saw large groups of bees gathering together like black fog after black fog towards the long Moon Princess standing in the forest and wearing a white cotton skirt!