Chapter 73

Under the pure white cool moonlight, the graceful figure of Princess Changyue pulled out a faint shadow on the corridor, and staggered with the shadow of the white jade railing falling on the ground, as if it had become a part of the railing.

The long white dress, the long black hair, and the silver wreath on her head. At that moment, the princess of the long moon in the moonlight was like a beauty under the moon. The beauty of that moment, the holiness, the quiet beauty, the desolate and lonely feeling, was really enough to suffocate any man.

The faint fragrance floated into my nostrils along the night wind. I felt that the whole person was fresh. I couldn't help it. I walked in the direction of the long Moon Princess.

She seemed to be concentrating on the moonlight in the sky and talking piously. I approached her quietly from behind. She didn't find it at all.

When I walked behind her, Princess Changyue suddenly turned around, and a look of panic appeared on a pair of frozen autumn eyes.

"... it's you, my Lord. See you, my Lord." seeing me, the surprise on Princess Changyue's face immediately turned into respect. She crossed her hands and saluted me.

I was stunned to see the long Moon Princess turn around and salute me. Then I coughed twice, looked at her and said:

"Well, Princess long moon, it's so late. Why don't you go and have a rest?"

While I was talking, I smelled the strong aroma emitted from the long Moon Princess. It was so fragrant... The bursts of fragrance made my vision hazy. It seemed that the long Moon Princess in front of me was shrouded in a dreamy fog, becoming more mysterious and charming.

When I asked, a faint sadness rose between the eyebrows of Princess Changyue. From the first time I saw Princess Changyue, I felt that there was a little sadness between her eyebrows, a little sad beauty.

"Hey..." Princess Changyue sighed softly. The expression on Haojie's face was still deep sadness.

Seeing the long Moon Princess sighing, my heart was a little sympathetic, as if her subtle expression could affect my heart.

This is probably the power of beauty. A frown, a smile and a sad expression can make men sad.

"What's the matter? You're in such a bad mood? Are you... What's on your mind?" I couldn't help asking.

Long month Princess slightly lowered her head and seemed ashamed.

"My Lord, I shouldn't have bothered you. But... Hey..." Princess Changyue looked a little hesitant.

"Come on, what's the matter? Is it because... I came to your family?" seeing the long Moon Princess frowning, I was a little suspicious that she wouldn't be like this because of me?

When I said this, the long month Princess quickly shook her head, looked at me sadly and said, "no, my Lord. You misunderstood. I'm just worried about our people."

I'm a little relieved to hear what Princess Changyue said. At least it's not because of me.

But Princess Changyue's words also aroused my curiosity.

"Clan? What happened to the clan?"


When I asked, the long Moon Princess sighed faintly. She turned slightly, then leaned against the white jade railing and looked at the distant mountains in the moonlight.

"My Lord, look." Princess Changyue stretched out her hand and motioned me to go over.

I went to the railing and looked at it along the direction pointed by Princess Changyue's slender jade hand.

The long Moon Princess refers to the mountains in the distance under the moonlight. With the faint moonlight, I can see that a huge Canyon is formed between the mountains and walls extending in the distance. There are waterfalls in the canyon. Under the moonlight, the water flowers of the waterfall are shining like bright silver stars. They are dazzling and very beautiful.

"What a beautiful waterfall... What's the problem?" I asked puzzled.

The long Moon Princess sighed faintly, then pointed to the end of the canyon ahead and said with some worry:

"Behind the third waterfall in the Shangri La Grand Canyon, there is a hidden cave, which is the settlement of female wolf head and her people."

"Female wolf head?" I was stunned by the name I had never heard before. "Female wolf head... Who is it?"

The princess Longyue sighed softly and said:

"She is the leader of the female ORC. Since seven years ago, after the autumn fight every year, she will lead the female orcs to plunder the fruits of our people's labor for a year. In the twinkling of an eye, a month has passed since the autumn fight this year. I'm worried that the female wolf head will invade our people again soon. Alas..."

With these words, the long Moon Princess once again uttered a faint sigh, and my heart was pulled up with her sigh.

"Female Orc?" Princess long moon's words made me a little confused. Where are the orcs in the world? This is not playing Warcraft, it's the real world. How can orcs exist?

"Well, who are the female orcs? Do they... Look like beasts?" I asked, touching my head for some unknown reason.

"No. the female Orc is a terrible monster made by the 'capital people'."

"Er... Monster? Wait a minute, what are the people in Beijing?"

"It's the Han people." Princess Changyue looked at me with sad eyes and said.

"Oh... Well. Those female orcs were made by the Han people?" I was a little strange. How did I feel like a science fiction movie.

"Yes." Princess Changyue nodded slightly and her eyes were full of anxiety. "My Lord, you see." Princess Changyue pointed to the end of Shangri La Grand Canyon again.

"At the foot of the last snow mountain at the end of the canyon hundreds of miles away, there is an experimental base built by the Han government 20 years ago... They did terrible mixed blood experiments with wild animals and people, and made terrible monsters of half man and half beast... Female wolf heads and female orcs escaped from the base seven years ago."

I looked along the place where Princess Changyue pointed. Unfortunately, the light was too weak at night. I couldn't see anything at the end of the canyon. I could only vaguely see a big gray snow mountain there, which was taller than the surrounding snow mountains. It was estimated that it was the snow mountain that Princess Changyue said the Han government used to build the experimental base.

When Princess Changyue said this, I remembered what Leng aonv had told me. Leng aonv said that the government's scientific research institutions had been doing some secret scientific experiments for decades, trying to extract Y chromosome from animals and transfer it to humans, so that women could produce male offspring... But later, it seemed that those experiments failed.

Can it be said that the female orcs mentioned by Princess long moon are the research results of government scientific research institutions mentioned by Leng aonu?

Princess Changyue's words caused an uproar in my heart. I didn't expect that the Shangri La Grand Canyon was actually used by the government to conduct secret experiments. However, it's no wonder that this secret experiment with anti-human nature can't be carried out openly in a metropolis. Of course, it should be built in unknown mountains and forests, and there are many species, The scenic Yunnan has become the government's first choice.

"Then why don't you... Tell the government about the female orcs?" I asked suspiciously.

"No. my Lord. The Han people and our people are incompatible, and the female orcs are their experimental products. They are afraid of being known by the world about their experiments, so they don't want to send a large-scale government army... So they don't care about the female orcs all the time."

As she said this, Princess Changyue's hand on the railing trembled slightly. In the moonlight, I saw two faint tears falling down on Princess Changyue's face.

"Every year after the autumn, the female wolf head will bring hundreds of female orcs to our family to plunder our harvest. She even cruelly killed our people... Alas..." said the sad place, Princess long moon shook her head bitterly and reluctantly. At that moment, the deep sadness on her body really made people feel torn.

At this stage, I finally understand why Princess Changyue always has a touch of sadness between her eyebrows, and she will be so sad. It turns out that they are all female orcs who come to loot once a year.

I finally understood the reason why Princess Changyue was sad, but I had a sense of helplessness in my heart, because although I was called my Lord by the people of Riyue village, in the final analysis, I was just an ordinary person. How could I deal with hundreds of female orcs?

And listening to Princess long moon, the time for the female orcs to attack the village next time is also very close. My heart suddenly felt extremely nervous and heavy.

"But this year is different. My Lord, when you come to our clan today, it must be that our clan has been blessed by God. I think as long as you are here, you will be able to protect our clan and drive away those vicious female orcs."

As she spoke, Princess Changyue's face was full of light sadness, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

Princess Changyue smiled, but I was in a cold sweat.

Let me protect the people and repel the female orcs? Don't be kidding. How can I do it? I'm just an ordinary person!!