Chapter 52

I thought I had got rid of the spy for ten blocks. Unexpectedly, the beauty in snow didn't know where to find a motorcycle to catch up.

I felt a little numb when I saw the snow clad beauty coming from behind, approaching from the right and finally keeping pace with us.

What surprised me more was that the beauty in snow still drove the motorcycle with her right hand, and took out a silver glittering anesthetic gun in her left hand and aimed it at the cold and arrogant woman!

"Junxia, be careful!"

When the beauty in snow caught up on her motorcycle from the right side, Leng Ao girl was already aware of the crisis. She suddenly made an emergency brake and the speed suddenly slowed down. The beauty in snow's car failed to stop in time because of inertia and continued to drive forward for a long time. Also because of the emergency brake of Leng Ao girl, the beauty in snow's anesthetic gun failed to shoot Leng Ao girl.

Because of the cold and arrogant woman's sudden brake, my head hit the front seat hard and almost broke the bridge of my nose.

"Is Li Jian all right?" came the anxious voice of the cold and arrogant woman.

"I'm fine, Junxia, let's go!" I covered my nose, raised my head and said to the cold and arrogant woman.

Lengao turned to look at me. Her brown and black curly hair flowed. Finally, she bit her silver teeth and stepped on the accelerator again. Before she had time to turn around and catch up again, lengao turned the steering wheel greatly, then turned the front of the car, turned the car in one direction, and then began to escape again.

Now we can't go to swallow's apartment. We have to find some remote places to hide.

Just now, the beauty in snow wanted to shoot me with an anesthetic gun, which gave me a little inspiration. She has an anesthetic gun, and so do I. I took out the anesthetic gun from my pocket. There was one anesthetic bullet in the magazine of the anesthetic gun, and there were five bullets in my pocket. I could shoot six bullets at most. If one of the six bullets could hit the beauty in snow, I could get rid of the current crisis situation.

Thinking of this, I quickly took out the anesthetic gun in my pocket, then turned around and looked at the snow beauty who was temporarily left behind. The beauty in snow also just installed the anesthetic bomb. She saw us turn around and run away, and unexpectedly started the motorcycle to catch up again.

The advantage of a convertible is that it has no windows, which is just convenient for me to shoot. The motorcycle speed of the beauty in snow is much faster than that of the cold and arrogant woman. Seeing that we haven't escaped far, the beauty in snow is about to catch up. I quickly grabbed the anesthesia gun and stared at the approaching beauty in snow and was ready to shoot.

Come closer and I'll shoot you.

At that time, I make complaints about it.

If I can, I even want to shout at the beauty in snow, but now I can't have that leisure. My shooting experience in my life is only the one just in the hospital morgue, and I still shoot at close range. Now the beauty in snow follows us on a motorcycle, with a distance of more than 10 meters. I don't know if I can shoot her. The long-range shooting I used to play in the 21st century was only model guns and cf. the real guns and live ammunition are not a concept at all.

I know it's troublesome for me to miss a shot, so I have to seize the opportunity. At this time, the beauty in snow also saw that I pointed the muzzle of my anesthetic gun at her. She was obviously shocked to see that I also had an anesthetic gun, but soon she leaned down wisely, and the two snowballs on her chest were close to the body of the motorcycle, The perfect streamlined body and streamlined body closely fit together, and people and cars are perfectly combined, as if they are integrated and inseparable from each other.

The beauty in snow obviously wanted to use this method to reduce my chance of shooting her. I pulled my leg. The woman was very smart. I was surprised to see the beauty in snow lying on the motorcycle and her two big snowballs pasted on the motorcycle body.

But at this time, I can't lose my mind because of the perfect figure of the beauty in snow. When she approached, I couldn't help shooting out with a gun!

There was a bang!

The powerful recoil force slightly shook my arms, but what surprised me was that at the moment I shot, the beauty in snow suddenly pulled the body of the motorcycle, making the inclination angle between the body and the ground 45 degrees. She tilted and avoided the anesthetic bomb in her head.

It's just like a Hollywood movie. How can this woman react so fast?

I was really frightened by the beauty in snow. Her reaction speed shocked me too much. However, just after I lost my mind for a while, the beauty in snow actually picked up the anesthetic gun to shoot me. Seeing that she wanted to shoot me, I quickly shrunk up and my head shrank under the seat to avoid the anesthetic bomb she might shoot, Of course, I also took advantage of the time when I was huddled under the seat. I took out a new anesthetic bomb and put it in the magazine to prepare for a new round of shooting.

After loading the anesthetic bomb and waiting for a while, I raised my head again and wanted to look behind me secretly, but I found that the beauty in snow disappeared behind me!

The back is an empty street. Where is the figure of beauty in snow?

Seeing the emptiness behind me, I suddenly realized that the situation was bad. Turning my head to the left, I saw the face of the beauty in snow with a trace of success.

She has caught up! Now she is driving side by side with us, and what makes my heart beat faster is that she is driving a motorcycle with one hand and pointing an anesthetic gun at me from the side.

I saw that the snow-white face of the snow-white beauty was filled with the joy of victory, her cherry red lips inadvertently rose a small radian, and her dark beauty pupil was shining with the light of stars.

At that time, I realized that I couldn't escape, because the beauty in snow shot me from the side, and I had no place to hide.

I'm really nervous, especially when I've seen the muzzle of the silver anesthetic gun pointed at me.

Shit... You can't shoot me with an anesthetic gun anyway.

At that time, when I saw that the beauty in snow was about to shoot me, I was also excited. Then I thought that I would die anyway. I might as well shoot you.

Then, while the beauty in snow shot at my right chest, I also picked up the muzzle of the gun and shot out at her chest!

Thump! Thump!

Two crisp gunshots sounded almost at the same time. I felt a stabbing pain in my right chest, like being stabbed by a needle. I knew I was shot by an anesthetic gun, but at the same time, I also saw a silver needle object on the neck of the beauty in snow. I know, I also shot the beauty in snow!

When I shot the beauty in snow clothes, she was surprised, and her speed immediately slowed down. Although the effect of the anesthetic gun was not so fast, it took at least more than ten seconds from being shot to being unconscious, but the moment the beauty in snow clothes was shot, she knew that she could not continue to chase me, so she immediately stopped the motorcycle, Then I saw that the beauty in snow seemed to take out a silver walkie talkie and say something. After that, she fell on the body of the motorcycle and watched us run away helplessly.

"Li Jian, how are you?"

"Junxia, I was hit by her, and she... Was also hit by me!"

I answered Leng Ao's words, and then touched the needle in my chest, as if half a needle had been inserted into my chest. I endured the pain, bit my teeth and pulled the needle out of the meat. When I took it to my hand, I found that it was a silver needle similar to a small dart, with iron tail feathers like the tail of an aircraft, and the interior seemed to be a hollow tube, obviously filled with a lot of anesthetics, As soon as I pulled out the needle, I felt numb in my hand, like sand flowing in my skin. Moreover, I felt that my eyes also began to turn black, and the whole person began to become weak, and sleepiness surged up.

"Li Jian, you... Hold on!" the cold and arrogant woman kept turning her head to look at me and hurried me. She didn't want me to sleep, but I couldn't sleep if I was hit by an anesthetic bomb.

"Junxia, I can't open my eyes... Back... Rely on you..." I felt my eyelids fighting, so I had to cross my body, fall on the seat, slowly close my eyes, and before my vision became dark, I gave my last hope to the cold and arrogant woman, because at that time, I had no one to trust.

It was the first time in my life that I realized the feeling of being put into a coma by someone using anesthetics. It was really uncomfortable. When I was in a coma, it was not as stable as usual, but dizzy and unspeakable.

I don't know how long I was in a coma after I fell in the car. Before I woke up, I felt whether my body was still there, and there was no other movement around before I opened my eyes.

I woke up in a very dark room. When I opened my eyes, I felt the whole field of vision turning. I knew it was because the effect of the anesthetic had not subsided.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the knowing and relieved face of the cold and proud woman. Of course, in addition to the cold and proud woman's face, I also saw several familiar faces

Swallow, iceberg beauty, little sister, pure sister, short haired sister and black girl, they all look around me at the moment.

"Junxia...? swallow...? why are you all here? Where is this?" I felt my forehead and bent up. When my body moved, I found that there was no place in my body that didn't hurt. The wounds of appendicitis and those shot by the beauty in snow with anesthesia are all burning.

"Great, he's awake." I heard the little sister say.

"This is the hotel at the junction of urban and rural areas. Li Jian, do you feel uncomfortable?" the swallow answered my question and looked at me anxiously.

Urban rural fringe?

I rubbed my temples and got up. Although I don't know why I came here, since the cold and arrogant woman and the swallow are here, it seems that I am safe for the time being.

"Fortunately, just a little dizzy..." I raised my head and glanced at the women around me. I couldn't say how moved I was.

Then I looked at the swallow: "swallow, how did you come here?"

"Junxia called to tell me that she wanted us to come here to see you." the swallow looked at the cold and arrogant woman beside her and said.

"Oh... Junxia, how long have I slept? And those who chased us... How are they?" after listening to the swallow's explanation, I turned and asked Leng aonv.

The cold and arrogant woman's face was full of haze, and her eyes were a little dim. The color of joy just appeared because I woke up disappeared.

"You slept for 8 hours. Now it's night. I've got rid of those spies for the time being, but now... Things seem to be a little big," said the cold and arrogant woman with evasive eyes. "The people of the government pay more attention to you than I think. They sent more spies. Now... Their cars are everywhere in the city."

"The people of the government have got the image you left in the hospital camera. They are now arresting you in the name of 'wanted man'... The purpose is not to let the people know that they are actually arresting men..."

"Ah? How can it be like this?" I really feel cold when I hear the words of Leng aonv.

A lost and helpless look flashed on the cold and arrogant woman's face.

"No way. Li Jian... Now you have to leave the city."

"Leave? Want me to go?" the simple words of the cold and arrogant woman seemed to hit me hard on the head.

I can't believe looking at the cold and arrogant girl.

"Then... Where am I going?"

The cold and arrogant woman touched my chest, where there was a ointment. She lowered her head, then started her red lips and gently said to me:
