Chapter 13

I coughed. Sure enough, the big sister swallow was gone, and the little sister who jumped out of character couldn't mobilize the atmosphere because of her heart. The iceberg beauty speaks concisely, the big eyed sister doesn't understand words, the short haired sister is timid and speechless, and the black girl has no common topic. All of a sudden, the atmosphere is a little stiff.

This feeling is really uncomfortable. It feels like they have done something wrong. They are stared at, but they don't speak.

Finally, the iceberg beauty picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. The atmosphere was better with a little sound.

In fact, I know these beauties don't have to watch any TV at all. As long as they stare at me, they will feel more interesting than watching any TV. They got together so early to see me. But they're embarrassed to say. After all, I'm not an alien who doesn't understand anything. I'm still a human with similar thinking.

Soon the swallow came out.

"Li Jian, are you full?" the swallow patted his hands and asked me.

"Well, I'm full..."

"Well, it's good to be full. Are we still used to living here?" the swallow continued.

"Hehe, very good. Your living habits here are similar to those of our times. Many things have not changed."

"Well, that's good. Is there anything you want to do?" the swallow asked me again. What do you want to do? I glanced at the beautiful women present and found that they were all staring at me. There are no things I want to do, but there are people who want to do... Of course, I can't say that.

"I kind of want to go outside, can I?" I turned and looked at the scenery outside the window.

"I was in a hurry to buy clothes yesterday. I didn't see it everywhere, so I want to see it..."

"Do you want to go outside?"

"HMM... OK? I wear sunglasses and a hat and don't talk."

The beauties made eye contact with each other.

"Well, that's OK, but we'll go with you." after a brief thought, they agreed to my request. "Just in time. Why don't we go out for Western food today!"

Swallow is a very inspiring girl. In a few words, she can inspire other girls to do things together. Then we went out as a group.

I'm still surrounded by six beauties. I feel really uncomfortable. In fact, I really want to go out alone, such as going to the women's bathhouse, women's toilet... And so on.

It seems that this idea is impossible for the time being. As a result, I enjoyed the scenery of "women's city" that day. The swallow also took us to the lake in the city center to take photos. It was summer. When the official lotus was in full bloom, the scenery in the city center was very good. After lunch, they took me to get familiar with the nearby road. The swallow said that in the future, their apartment will be my home. If I get familiar with the road, I can find my home without getting lost.

When I was shopping, I knew that swallow's University was very close to their apartment, only two blocks away, less than 20 minutes away.

I didn't go home until the afternoon when it was hot and everyone was exhausted. Today, I had a rough taste of the scenery of a women's city. I did see all kinds of women at the end of the day.

Slim waist, slim limbs, tall and slim, small bridge, various types of women make my eyes full. Unfortunately... Only eye luck.

When they got home in the afternoon, the swallows were as busy as yesterday.

I found that girls' life is still very regular and simple.

Unlike us, men are crazy about playing games and playing in the dark all day, day and night. I don't know if it's because of my appearance. I didn't forget the shocking scene of the room full of mess when I first saw suite 301.

In a flash, it's dinner time again. I'm going to cook today's dinner myself, because I said I wanted to let beauties taste the delicious food of the 21st century. Unfortunately, although I boasted, I really know how to cook... I knew I should have learned more, otherwise I can show off now. In the end, I can only cook vegetables such as scrambled eggs with tomatoes, shredded potatoes and fried green vegetables. My taste is relatively heavy. I added a lot of pepper and crude salt. As a result, when I eat, the expressions of the beauties can be imagined one by one

After that, the beauties had nothing to do at night, so I handed them flying chess.

I found that there was no flying chess in this era. Now I can show off. I drew a sketch, took a few coins and began to teach them to play flying chess. They thought it was very novel and fun, and I was very proud... But the result ~ ~ I still didn't say it. Anyway, my luck was very bad.

Time unknowingly arrives at night... Night is also the time I look forward to most.

But to my great disappointment, the little sister didn't break into my room that night. One night I was waiting with my heart pounding in the room, but I didn't see anyone. Finally, I had to sleep disappointed.

During this period, I also read yesterday's comments on the Internet. What surprised me was that the comments I made yesterday were even more popular. At night, many people began to guess my true identity. Some said I was really a traverser, and some analyzed that I was a historian. Anyway, they mystified me. However, I didn't dare to comment any more. After looking at the situation, I got off the line.

In the next few days, life was ok... The beauties took care of me one by one and bought a lot of daily necessities with me, but I was very disappointed that I didn't have anything with them. I think this may be a balance effect. Because there are too many beautiful women, everyone is embarrassed to talk to me alone or make a statement to me first, just like the little sister wants to find me secretly. If I had only met one or two girls when I came to this world, maybe I wouldn't have this situation now.

After almost five days, I finally encountered a problem. It was really impossible for six beauties to raise me alone.

The problem is that the summer vacation of beautiful women is coming to an end and they are going to school.

After the beauties go to school, they can't accompany me anymore.

Where should I go?

Two days before the beginning of school, swallow and them discussed this problem.

From them, I also learned about their current academic situation. Swallows are sophomores in the media department. They are classmates in a class. There are 25 students in their class. Swallows choose to rent out of school because the school bedroom is too crowded and not free. They are relatively free outside school. Moreover, iceberg beauty happens to know the landlord of this area. The rent can be very cheap, so the beauties simply moved out.

Swallow, they have rented a house for a long time. They have lived here since they went to college.

"Sister swallow, we're going to school... What about Li Jian?" the first one to ask this question was big eye. It seems that she can't hide her mind.

Now that the problem has been raised, we must start to solve it.

The swallow lowered her eyebrows and weighed: "indeed, it needs to be solved like a way. There are basically classes during the day except for weekends in a week... Maybe you can skip classes... But if you have more times, it's hard for the teacher to explain..."

I'm really sorry to see the swallows embarrassed. I scratched my head and suggested, "swallow, just go to school and I'll stay here. Anyway, I have no other place to go and won't run around."

"How can this do!" unexpectedly, the swallow's tone suddenly became a little heavier, and then she realized that her tone was a little heavier, and her frown loosened a little, "how can we leave you alone at home. If something goes wrong..."

"Don't I run around?"

"That's not good, just in case..." the swallow said in a hurry.

"What if?" I raised my eyebrows.

"There are many things that no one can expect. What if you get sick? What if someone finds you?" the swallow stared at me and said.

I'm really a little ashamed. I didn't expect them to guard me like a treasure. I'll go. It's not a way to go on like this.

"Sister swallow, why don't we take turns at home?" finally, the little sister put forward a good opinion. "Li Jian is the secret of everyone. We have six people. We have only five days to go to class a week. If one person skips class every day and let one person take charge of looking after Li Jian, the impact of the school should not be great."

"It's not feasible!" I objected this time. "Skipping classes? Doesn't that affect your studies? I said, you don't have to look at me like a child. I can take care of myself. In my time, I often stayed at home alone, and nothing happened."

"No!" I didn't expect that my words had just been exported. The beauties unanimously rejected my objection. I fainted. Do I have so no right to speak?

"Li Jian, we really do it for you. If you are found out, you will really be in big trouble." the swallow said to me. "We'd better use Xiaoqing's method. I don't know if you have any opinions, because it may affect your studies. If you don't want to, you can put it forward and we can rearrange the candidates and time. Liuli, do you have any opinions?"

"I have no problem."

The iceberg beauty shook her head and her eyes were cold.

"Canaan, what about you?"

The black girl glanced at me and shook her head slowly.

"Where's the rain?"

The short haired beauty gave me a shy look and quickly shook her head.

"Where's Jiajia?"

Big eyed sister closed her tender lips and shook her head. It seems that these beauties have no problem taking care of me in turn. Shit... Aren't they afraid of being punished for skipping class? But when I think of the scene that I skipped classes for several weeks in college and stayed at home playing dota and dnf, I really think it's light for swallows to skip classes one day a week.

But, let a beautiful woman look after me every day, this scene... How does it feel so ambiguous.

"Then it's settled! If you have urgent affairs or important classes, you can make temporary arrangements!" the swallow said in a few words and set down the care plan for me in the future. Dizzy, is this to guard me as a criminal in prison?

However, it suddenly occurred to me whether the little sister had ulterior motives in proposing such a method? Does she... Want to find a chance to be alone with me and continue what she didn't do the other night?

Thinking of the scene a few days ago, I suddenly felt dry mouth and my heart beat wildly.

Maybe some girls and I can do some unknown things when we are alone... Hey, hey, hey.