Next Afternoon,

"Sophie, Lance teacher said review all the math books and old exam papers that she gave you last day."Class monitor said.

"Okay thank you class monitor."Sophie said Lance vow.

"I'm going ahead."Class monitor said and he walked away.

"When is the math quiz bee?"Zeya said.

"Uhm...teacher said next week Wednesday."Lance said.

"Oh...did you two prepared?"Zeya said.

"Lance gave me the art that he review and I do the same thing to him."Sophie said.

"Ah...nice one good luck you two."Zeya said.

"Wait a minute where is the others?"Lance said.

"Yes...where are they school hours is about to end."Sophie said.

"They went to cafeteria Dei said she wants to buy some snacks and they go over there."Zeya said.

" come I never knew that?"Sophie said.

"Remember we went to other class to supervise them."Lance said.

"Yes, when you two not here they went to cafeteria that's why you never knew."Zeya said.

"Humph...let's go there too I want to eat I'm hungry."Sophie said.

"Okay...I'm in..."Lance said.

"You Zeya?"Sophie said.

"Uhm...I'm fine you two go ahead."She said.

"Okay...see yah later we buy you some snacks when we came back."Sophie said.

"Do as you please...He...he..."Zeya said and the two left her.

"Ring...Ring..."Zeya's phone is ringing.

"Hello dad?"She said.

"Dear, I'm near at your school I pick you up after your school."Mr. Cheng said.

"Okay see you dad."


At the Cafeteria,

Sophie and Lance approaches "Hey guys..."They said.

"Baby sis is you two done with your works?"Dei said.

"Yeah...why you didn't tell me that you're going here...Humph..."Sophie said.

"Okay sorry were just hungry and you two are in the other class so we go ahead without you."Dei said.

"Treat me..."She said.

"Fine..."Dei said.

"How about you Lance what do you want?"Sophie said.

"No, I'm okay were about to go home I think my mom is at home."He said.

"Can I go to your house bro?"Rein said.

"Why?"Lance said.

"Tsss...Rein are you beggar?"Mica said.

"Hahahaha...Yeah...I know he wants to eat to your house because he heard that your mom is at home."Sheen said.

""Lance said.

"So, he can eat delicious food made by your mom."Ford said.

"Hahaha...Bro, am I not clear to you? I said I think my mom is at home but I never said my mom cooks me food silly you."Lance said.

"Of course mother always makes food for his son or her daughter."Rein said.

"So, why didn't you eat to your house?"Mica said.

"My mom always busy at work together with dad."Rein said in sad tone.

"But you have grandma that cooks for you just visit her."Lance said.

"Oh...Yes...I forgot that she said to bring her some herbs...Geez...I almost die for that..."He said.

"I can accompany you...but don't get me wrong I...I...just want to eat and I pay this time."Mica said.

"Blush...Hmmm...Okay...if that's what you like."Rein said.

"Tsss...Stop flirting you two if you guys are done lets go back to the classroom."Carl said.

The two are blushing..."Who is flirting???"Rein and Mica said.

"Sigh...okay...let's go and Zeya is waiting for us. Humph..."Sophie said and they left the two.

"Hey little Sophie don't get us wrong too."Mica said.

"Heh...just used to this. Come on let's go."Rein said and he grabs Mica's hand and she blushed.

"Wait, why Zeya didn't come with us is there something wrong with her?"Dei said

"Yes...she seems sad today what did you do brother?"Sophie said.

"Calm down baby sis I don't do anything to her although I have in my mind."He said.

"Perv..."Sophie and Dei said and they runaway.

"Hey you two what did you said? Come back here."Ford said but Sheen and Lance holds him.

"Calm down bro Sophie and Dei are just joking...."Sheen said.

"Ha...ha...ha...yeah..."Lance said.

"You two let go of me or else..."Ford said and the two let go.

"Okay...chill bro..."Lance and Sheen said.

"Tell me honestly and don't lie to me are you into with my sisters?"He said.

Rein and Mica approaches "Oh why the sudden stops here guys?"Rein said.

Sheen and Lance look to each other "Geez...were saved."They said in thoughts.

"Guys?"Mica said.

"Nothing..."Ford said and he walked away from them.

"Hey bro...What is happening here?"Rein said.

Lance and Sheen saw that the two are holding hands "Uhhhh...What about you two?"Lance said.

"What happened to you hands?"Sheen said with smirk.

Rein and Mica let go of their hands "What are you two mumbling?"Rein said.

"Bye guys I'm about to go.vHe...he.."Mica said and she let Rein to Lance and Sheen.

"So..."Lance and Sheen said with their creepy look to Rein.

"G...guys...I think I need to go to...bye..."Rein said and he runaway too.

"That jerk..."Sheen said and they go after them.

Sophie opens the door of their classroom "Oh, where is Zeya?"She said.

"I think she left us look at your phone."Dei said.

Sophie takes out her phone to her bag "Ah...her dad fetched her."She said.

Ford is approaching "Oh you two where is Zeya?"He said.

"She texted us uncle went here he fetched Zeya."Dei said.

"Oh...I think there's really something wrong with Cheng family."Ford said.

"Their family?"Mica said.

"Why?"Rein said.

"Oh what happened guys?"Carl said

"Gasp...hey Rein..."Lance and Sheen said.

"What happened where is Zeya?"Sheen said.

"Uncle fetched her."Sophie said.

"Oh? This is the firstime uncle fetched Zeya."Sheen said.

"Huh? Why?"Lance and Carl said.

"Ah yes...You two are new here Zeya is an independent person among us she leaves to her condo unit her mom and dad are separated but they keep in touched for her."Rein said.

"I never knew that..."Carl said.

"Wow...I envy her so she is an independent who leaved with her?"Lance said.

"I think she leaved with her housekeeper and a nanny."Dei said.

"Yes...I think she owned the big condo unit in her place."Sheen said.

"Wow...her parents really loved her to buy that."Lance said.

"Of course, she is the only daughter of her mom and dad."Mica said.

"So her mom and dad never married again?"Carl said.

"Actually, her parents are separated but they're not the typical broken family her mom decides to explore the other business that her family clan made in the other country as for her dad he continue the Cheng family business."Ford said.

"Really?"They said.

"Bro, we never knew that I guess you background check her."Rein said.

Dumbfounded, "Of...of course not she...she...tell me about that."He said.

Dei teasing "'re that close to her huh?"She said with a smirk.

"You know that much but how come you didn't know what happen to her?"Sophie said.

"Ah? What do you think of me her boyfriend?"He said.

"Why bro, you don't want to date her?"Sophie said.

""He hits Sophie heads lightly "Bro..."She said.

"Stop thinking nonsense we're still young don't talk about that matter if you two went a date without my permission you two are doomed especially the guy that invites you."Ford said and the two Lance and Sheen are getting pale.

"Brother..."Dei and Sheen said.

"Rein noticed Lance and Sheen "Oh bro's, are you two okay."He said.

" fine right Lance?"Sheen said.

"Of...course..."He said.

"But why are you two looking pale?"Ford said.

Carl smile secretly "Bro, don't mind them just mind your own business like Zeya."He said and he looked to Lance and Sheen and he winks and the two look to each other.

"Carl is helping us out?"Sheen's thought.

"I think so..."Lance thought they understand each other by looking to their eyes.

"Who business is Zeya stops that crap bro."Ford response to Carl.