As soon as kithara xiuci returned the clothes, daily necessities and books he had brought to Kansai, he vaguely heard an alarm.

He was a little strange. He hurried to open the attic door and looked down. He found that the smoke alarm in the corridor on the second floor was flashing blue light and beeping.

Is this a fire?

His heart tightened and he jumped down from the attic. At this time, the door of the spring vegetable room also opened, and she heard the sound of the smoke alarm. She hurried to the corridor to check - it may not be a fire. Sometimes the household fire alarm will scream when the battery is almost dead, but of course, she can rest assured by looking at the home.

Kithara xiuci just wanted to ask her to look around, but her pupils suddenly shrunk. Why are you dressed as a maid? Is this playing Cosplay in your room? I didn't notice that you still have this hobby before. Is it the legendary house girl?

I didn't expect you to be such a spring dish!

Chuncai looked at him calmly for a moment, then looked down at his maid clothes. He was silent for a moment and didn't explain. He just said, "o'nissan, please go to the first floor and have a look. I'll call Xia Zhi them first."

At present, it seems that there is no big deal, but it is obviously not the time to sleep. We must gather the small children first just in case.

"OK!" kithara xiuci didn't say much and asked more. Playing Cosplay was a personal hobby. What family members loved in their own room was absolutely personal and private. Their parents couldn't control him, let alone him. But as soon as he turned around, the door of Xiazhi Xiasha's room was suddenly kicked open. The two little things rushed out with akitaro's hair and shouted: "Fire, run!"

The two men slept in a daze. When they heard the fire alarm, they got up and ran fast. As soon as Chuncai turned around, they were pushed out by them. Xia zhixia and qiutaro also fell on their back - Chuncai and Xia zhixia were close to each other's room, and they ran into each other when they opened the door.

Beiyuan xiuci was surprised. She hurried forward to help the spring vegetables up and shouted to Xia zhixia yarn, "don't panic, there will be no danger."

This is the second floor. Even if there is a fire, there will be no danger. Just jump out.

Chuncai leaned in his arms, gently pushed him, and said calmly, "I'll take care of them. Ernest went to the kitchen first. There's the most likely accident."

"OK!" after holding up the spring vegetables, Beiyuan xiuci turned around and left, but hesitated and turned back to help her straighten the lace bow at the neckline. She also smiled and said: "next time, make a double button bow, so that the symmetry will be more beautiful... This dress is very beautiful and has a good eye."

He always thinks that spring food has a good character, but it's a little too cold. He's silent and likes watching others. Sometimes he's really like a little ghost - changing her into white pajamas and plugging it into the TV is the junior high school version of zhenko. It's good to have a hobby at present, even cosplay. Maybe he can find some friends with similar interests!

Besides, it's really nice.

Beiyuan xiuci hurried downstairs, smelling the smell and entering the lobby. She found that smoke was billowing in the semi open kitchen. Dongmei was spraying a fire extinguisher at the stove.

It's really on fire! Fortunately, everyone in the family is here, otherwise the family will lose a lot if it is burned!

Beiyuan xiuci hurriedly went to help, but the fire was not big at all, and was completely suppressed almost instantly. The smoke was very thick, and Dongmei's small face was black and white. One hand covered her forehead, her eyes were swollen like peaches, and her body was covered with dry powder. Beiyuan xiuci was very embarrassed. She swept around and confirmed that there was no open fire, and asked Dongmei: "What's the matter? Are you hurt?"

Dongmei tightly pursed her mouth, and two small pear vortices appeared on her cheeks without saying a word. At this time, the spring vegetables also arrived, and hurriedly ran to help Dongmei: "elder sister, what's the matter with you?"

Dongmei opened her mouth depressed, but suddenly coughed. Beiyuan xiuci suspected that she was choking on smoke. She quickly ordered: "take her to drink some water first, wash her face and check whether she was hurt."

Chuncai quickly said hello, and Xia zhixia Sha, who was guarding Qiu Tailang's observation in the corridor, also ran over. Ignoring Dongmei's cough, waved and refused, the three set up her and left - in just a year, the four guys looked almost tall, and Dongmei's pet Bati didn't know where to come out and followed closely.

When they left, xiuci Beiyuan heard a knock at the door. She quickly opened the door and found that it was the uniformed police and the people of the commercial street autonomous committee who came near. They didn't come together. The community police happened to meet them while walking on patrol, and the people of the autonomous Committee found that there was an automatic fire alarm in Chunwei house to verify.

Kithara xiuci quickly thanked him and said that it was just a small accident in the kitchen that touched the smoke sensor in the residential part, which made you run. I'm really sorry. The people who came didn't study deeply, just reminded you to pay attention to the safety of daily fire use, and then they all left again. Kithara xiuci returned to the kitchen to check the situation carefully.

He turned around and found that it seemed that someone wanted to roast beef, but the beef was on fire, but it didn't matter much except that the grill was black. Then he looked at the kitchen and found that the seasoning bottle was upside down, the cutting materials on the kitchen board were messy, the faucet was not tightened, the water line was still flowing, and the ground was white ——It's a bit like the place where the civet monster in Japanese mythology and legend has just finished smashing.

He frowned and found that there were two pots on the stove. He couldn't help lifting the lid to see what it was, but as soon as he lifted the lid, a burst of hot air gushed out, which almost smoked down his long-standing strong man.

He couldn't help taking a big step back. What the hell is this? Super kill dark cuisine?

He pulled a towel and wrapped it around his mouth and nose with one hand. Then he took a long handled spoon and stirred it at a distance. He found that the smell was stronger. It's not smelly. It should be the smell double killing effect formed by the smell of fishy, mutton and plant decay after careful seasoning. It's a taste that's hard to describe.

In short, it feels like stewing three-year-old salted fish, weasel and skunk!

He pulled it twice. He couldn't see what it was originally. He couldn't help being a little distracted - little carrot wouldn't go on the road of crime. He killed a man while he was going to Guanxi to participate in the Jiaziyuan competition. As a result, he had been secretly dealing with it in order to destroy the corpse, but she didn't deal with it too early. Is this the last part left?

No wonder he thinks so. It's really not like something in the world. It's very easy to think of some horror films, such as barbecued pork buns, human head viscera soup and the heat treatment scene of destroying DNA evidence after crime.

However, he was distracted for a moment and then took back his thoughts. It was obviously impossible to kill. Dong Mei was a hard spoken and soft hearted carrot head. He regarded the family reputation as life and could not do anything illegal. However, he felt a little hard to breathe. He quickly covered the lid again, looked at the long handled spoon in his hand, and threw it into the trash can without hesitation - finished, this pot I can't ask for spoons and so on. I can't allow myself to use these kitchenware anymore.

He didn't clean up the kitchen. Although he looked very upset, he didn't know what happened to little carrot head. He'd better go and see what happened to her first. He hurried to the public activity room and found that Dongmei had washed her face and was kneeling there, shrinking into a small ball and crying.

He quickly asked with concern, "are you hurt? Does it matter?"

Dongmei completely lost her usual mental head. She knelt down and didn't say a word. Just like waiting to be beheaded, she occasionally wiped tears with the back of her hand - the cooking didn't come out, and burned the kitchen. She had no face to see people. She wanted to die.

Beiyuan xiuci even asked her a few times, but she didn't answer. Spring food gently leaned over his ear and explained: "o'nissan, elder sister wants to cook some soup for you. Maybe it's the kitchen utensils at home. She's not used to it. She didn't control the heat, so she burned the kitchen..."

Beiyuan xiuci was stunned for a moment. Her heart softened. She quickly said to Dongmei softly, "don't worry about the kitchen. Just clean it up. Don't blame yourself."

Dongmei still bowed her head and didn't speak. Xiuci Beiyuan advised several times. She just didn't say a word and didn't understand. She looked at spring food again. Spring food can only be heard again and explained to him: "my sister is not familiar with the seasoning at home. She seems to have drunk some mountain root essential oil."

"How much is... After drinking a little?" xiuci Beiyuan was dazed this time. That thing is only used in some special dishes. It's super spicy. Generally, only one drop of a pot of soup is enough - why? Don't talk about that. It's normal vegetable oil. Who will drink it?

Chuncai didn't know what her eldest sister thought at that time, and her voice was as thin as mosquitoes and ants: "it seems that she drank a small plate."

Kithara xiuci understands. No wonder she doesn't want to talk. It's too hot to speak. She must have a sore throat when she speaks. He looked at Dong Mei sitting there with her head down. She was really helpless - is this the girlfriend of little Rob's head becoming a little dumb girlfriend?

He quickly put on Dongmei's hand and checked it with the [look, hear, ask and cut] skill. He found that the throat and stomach were strongly stimulated and there was no big problem. However, he was still a little worried. He gently asked Dongmei to open her mouth and show him, but Dongmei bowed her head and refused to pick it up. He coaxed for a long time, and Dongmei reluctantly raised her head. Beiyuan xiuci was surprised to find that she had rolled a small piece of the sea neatly, probably because she was caught by the fire.

You shouldn't laugh. It's immoral to laugh now, but xiuci Beiyuan can't help watching Dongmei's hair curled up in front of her forehead, her crescent eyes swollen, her small fine eyebrows pulled, her small nose red, her small mouth pouted high, and her small face with a big palm, like an aggrieved little milk dog.

Dong Mei saw that the corners of his lips were warped, flattened and warped. She obviously wanted to laugh. As soon as she stretched out her hand, she grabbed his collar, opened her mouth, and her throat was too painful to scold, but she couldn't help bursting into tears again - her girlfriend wanted to cook for you. It's sincere. Now you can laugh after such a big loss! Do you still have some humanity?!

"I'm not laughing!" kithara xiuci knew her very well. Knowing what she wanted to do, he quickly pressed her head, that is, he didn't let her stand up and don't let her rush up.

Spring food also quickly hugged Dongmei: "elder sister, don't do this."

Dongmei was really angry. Originally, she felt super humiliating. Now xiuci Beiyuan still wanted to laugh, which was absolutely unbearable. Even her boyfriend had to beat her up and insisted on fighting with xiuci Beiyuan. At this time, as soon as the door of the activity room was pulled, she came in happily wiping her hair in the snow. Ha ha smiled and said, "it's so comfortable to take a bath!"

Beiyuan xiuci turned his head to look at Dongmei and felt quite speechless - he forgot these two goods, but did you still insist on taking a bath when the house was on fire?

Xueli came in and looked at the room. She found that Beiyuan xiuci pressed Dongmei, while Dongmei grabbed Beiyuan xiuci's collar and said strangely, "ah? What happened?"

Xia Zhi and Xia Sha hid aside and were gloating. Hearing the sound, they laughed: "second sister, eldest sister cooked the soup herself!"

We have long said that our eldest sister is not the material for marriage. Everyone doesn't believe it. Now let's see that we have foresight and are too smart - great. Cooking soup and burning the kitchen will stain her for a lifetime. We can laugh at her for at least 60 years!

"Boiled soup?" the snow touched his stomach. He was refreshed. After taking a bath, he had to replenish water. It was just right to drink a bowl of hot soup! She turned and ran quickly to the kitchen. "I'll help you with the soup!"

"Don't go, in the snow!" kithara xiuci shouted quickly. It's definitely huangquan soup. You can't take a sip of it into reincarnation and never exceed life, but you've run away in the snow. Then a moment later, there was a shout outside: "ah? What soup is this? Sister, did you stew a pot of shit?"

"Hahaha, it hurts to laugh!" Xia Zhi and Xia Sha directly laughed down, and Dong Mei trembled. She opened her hand, climbed up and rushed out of the activity room - I can't cook, but you can't insult me like that!

I'll drink my own soup!