Suzuki Naixi asked for medicine when he met. Some of them were beyond kithara xiuci's expectation, but he was immediately happy: "is that medicine effective? Yes, how many have you taken?"

"Effective, I'm much stronger, and I've eaten ten." Suzuki Naixi carefully observed the facial expression of kithara Xiuji and judged whether he wanted to give it. Kithara Xiuji held her wrist and checked her mobilization skills for a moment. She was not relieved - Suzuki Naixi's physical condition has indeed improved a lot, although the reason for the improvement is that she is too poor, A slight increase is particularly conspicuous, but at least it has proved to be effective, which is gratifying.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He felt that it was not in vain. He smiled and said, "it's good to be effective. I'll give you another 30 pills later, and you can eat them on time."

Suzuki Naixi breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately lowered her eyebrows and said, "can you give some more at a time..." she wanted to be healthier. Thirty tablets are not enough. It's best to come 3000 tablets first, but now she is afraid of Beiyuan xiuci's anger. She quickly said: "I know it's very expensive. I can buy it with money and exchange it with other things. If you ask, just speak."

Kithara xiuci picked her eyebrows and was surprised. He didn't think about taking this medicine to seek any benefits from Suzuki Naixi. Most of them were returning the previous human feelings, and some of them were pitying her. They didn't want her to die in her twenties, but he could also understand Suzuki Naixi - mole ants are still alive. She wants a healthy body. It's human nature to want to live longer. There's nothing to blame.

He didn't think Suzuki Naixi was taking money to insult his kindness. He was very reasonable and said softly, "after fifty pills of this medicine, the body will become resistant to drugs. It's useless to take more."

Suzuki Naixi looked at him suspiciously, half believing, or she didn't want to believe it from her heart - another four courses of treatment were not enough to make her alive, and she could probably only be upgraded from a sick ghost to a sick beauty.

She was silent for a moment and begged in a low voice: "Beiyuan classmate, whether it's useful or not, I want more. Would you please give me more... I know I'm insatiable, but please don't be angry. No matter what you want, as long as I can afford it, I won't make a counter-offer, it's when I beg you."

She put her posture very low, and it was really low. It was not the flirting nature of the "master Beiyuan" before, but earnestly prayed and made it clear that she would recognize the slaughter - tens of millions of people are not negotiable.

Xiuci kithara looked at her pitiful manner, and she didn't know whether it was acting. Naixi Suzuki was used to playing pitiful, but after thinking about it, this guy was really pitiful, so she stepped back and followed her heart: "Then I'll give you more, but remember I reminded you that taking more than 50 pills is useless and may even be harmful. Consider it for yourself."

Suzuki thought for a thousand times and made full preparations before she came here. She just didn't expect that Hideki kithara was so talkative and gave the medicine without mentioning any conditions. She felt that Hideki kithara's mind couldn't not know the great value of the medicine. Instead, she hesitated - this human favor would be too much. It would be a great kindness to help her continue her life. If her grandparents could fake the corpse, it would be 80% of the night Li Neng lifted the coffin and went directly to the door to thank him personally.

She carefully observed xiuci Beiyuan's face and judged whether he was being sarcastic or perfunctory, but she didn't look like it. She couldn't help asking, "just... Don't you want anything?"

Beiyuan xiuci looked down at her and couldn't help smiling: "have you forgotten what you said? You said we were together. Attacking me was like attacking you, so we were friends, and I won't use my friend's health to make profits, which is not in line with my principle of life... I can accept your thanks, but I won't take your money or anything because of this medicine."

He's telling the truth. There's a mess between him and Suzuki Naixi. He saved Suzuki's life. Suzuki helped him save Yoko. He cooked for Suzuki. Suzuki helped him deal with the hidden dangers of his competitors. Some helped dig out his head and little carrot, help clean up the small things, pit his wine, and find trouble for him in school... It's very chaotic anyway. I can't tell a word or two But the relationship between the two sides should be no problem.

He really doesn't want to make money from his friends. Let alone make money, he can accept any loss.

He said it in a joking tone, but the truth came to his face, and Suzuki Naixi's eyes moistened inexplicably for a moment.

"We're together" She said this when she was joking. At that time, she was disgusted by the gang of Yukio Koizumi and Ichiro Oshima. She just did it easily. In fact, she didn't have any good intentions. She just wanted to brush her favor so that she could abduct Xiuji Beiyuan, an excellent bodyguard and chef, and help her baby. When she died, Xiuji Beiyuan was also able to lead the direct subordinates of Suzuki's family in Hequan The Ministry protected her son from being cut off by the lineal blood of the Suzuki family.

She used to attach great importance to Beiyuan xiuci. She was willing to help with ordinary small things, but it was impossible to advance and retreat with him. In case he died, it would be easy to avenge him. But now Beiyuan xiuci is completely honest and friendly, so she doesn't know what to say.

Her eyes flashed, and she immediately fell over to Beiyuan xiuci. Her acting skills burst out. She smiled and cried, "master Beiyuan's saving grace, pear clothes can't be rewarded. We can only make bed and quilt for master Beiyuan, wash rice and cook rice according to the example of crane's repaying kindness!"

She quickly wiped her eyes, feeling the cold on the back of her hands, and suddenly found that she was moved by kithara xiuci. Kithara xiuci frowned and was half dead - the goblin began to do it again, so she couldn't be too nice to her!

He blocked Suzuki Naixi's inverted body and said angrily, "don't make such a joke!"

Snow is playing baseball not far from the back, and there is a tendon in the snow. In case of misunderstanding, what should we do if we really take a knife and cut him four times?

Suzuki Naixi's school was pitiful: "but I can't let people accuse me of failing to repay my kindness! I'm also wronged. I can't help it!"

Without hesitation, kithara xiuci slapped his mouth, didn't mention friendship, but instead mentioned money. "Then the medicine will be sold to you. One thousand yuan, a total of 50000 yuan. After giving the money, we don't owe each other."

"I have no money!" Suzuki Naixi looked sad and looked like a Japanese white haired woman. "I can't use the money of the foundation at will. I don't want to sell the collection and real estate left by my grandmother at will. Now my body is still worth some money. Master Beiyuan can take it directly."

The more he said it, the more outrageous it became. The freshly baked Beiyuan Shiren's face was black. He had no way to deal with the shameless man for a moment, and Suzuki Naixi had adjusted his mind by talking nonsense. He smiled at him and said angrily, "you're really old-fashioned!"

Hideki kithara raised her hand and chiseled it on her head. She said, "you should know some self love. You should learn more about winter aesthetics at ordinary times!"

Suzuki Naixi covered her head and sniffed at Dongmei. She was a hundred people who didn't agree with her, but now she asked for xiuci beihara. It's inconvenient to attack his heart and flesh face to face. She can only be serious and don't mention the debt of human kindness - it's too big. The verbal thanks are insignificant. It's better not to say it.

But she was curious about how the medicine came from, and immediately said, "master Beiyuan, did you make the medicine yourself?"

Kithara xiuci glanced at her obliquely and said with a smile, "so what if it's me?" he didn't have a way to contain Suzuki Naixi. There was a daughter squatting at home!

Suzuki Naixi was very knowledgeable and immediately said, "I won't tell anyone about this. I guarantee it in the name of Hequan Suzuki's family!"

Kithara xiuci obviously didn't mean to sell this medicine. She should be afraid of causing trouble that she can't resist now. It's actually a great trust to give Suzuki Naixi, and Suzuki Naixi immediately expressed her willingness to cooperate and resolutely keep the secret - even if kithara xiuci doesn't ask, she won't publicize it casually. This resource is too precious. She should keep it for herself.

Both of them are good at circling inside their stomachs. They don't have to say a lot of things very clearly - if Suzuki Naixi doesn't act as a demon every day, in fact, xiuci kithara thinks it's very pleasant to chat with her, and it's easy to say more nonsense - while Suzuki Naixi has expressed his courage and asked with a further smile, "what formula is it based on?"

Before, Hideki kithara could only be regarded as a general doctor, and this medicine was so magical that Suzuki Naixi was full of doubts when he got it. Beiyuan xiuci knew what she was thinking. She didn't have a good way: "I figured it out myself. You don't have to think about it. I don't have any hidden secrets... Well, you need so many drugs. I don't have so many ready-made ones. I'll prepare them when I get home. If you want to be interested, just watch."

Suzuki Naixi was surprised: "can I see it?"

Kithara xiuci said indifferently, "if you want to see it, it's not against the law to make some tonics at home." he couldn't understand how to make this medicine. Suzuki Naixi could see the clue to calculate her ability. He immediately lay on the ground and put the word "service" for Suzuki Naixi.

"It doesn't matter to break the law. I have a lot of lawyers..." Suzuki Naixi began to talk nonsense again with a smile, but his heart was full of doubts - why did he suddenly trust me so much? Can I know such a valuable secret recipe? At least it's worth hundreds of billions!

Even dwarf white gourd and snow sauce should hide this kind of thing? Don't you understand the truth that if you don't keep secret, you will lose your minister, and if you don't keep secret, you will cause harm? Impossible! He's not a fool!

Why so much trust? What have I been doing lately?

Just now it seems that he helped him repair the big stone tail and Xiaoyou. Did he care about it? Did it please him? It seems that Xiaoyou's father is also a middle-level cadre of the consortium

She smiled and talked nonsense. Her mind was full of nonsense. Somehow, she was ready to mobilize important officials and subordinates who were still loyal to Suzuki's family. She turned around and cleaned up Xiaoji Youfu and his father directly - this kind of thing is wrong. Xiaoyou's family is worthless in her opinion, and it's not a descendant of family officials. It's not worth paying attention to at all. It's not worth selling human feelings, It can only be regarded as an addition to show sincerity.

Beiyuan xiuci keenly found that she looked slightly different, interrupted her nonsense and said warily, "what are you thinking?"

It's true that he is a friend, but he has always been a little wary of Suzuki Naixi. Suzuki Naixi is sick all day. She lies down like a lazy cat and looks very harmless. But he won't be too surprised to say that she imprisoned her father or sent her to prison one day - Suzuki Naixi is actually a girl who can laugh when she is chased, You said she was a soft egg. How could that be.

He was worried that Suzuki Naixi was making some bad ideas, and Suzuki Naixi rolled his eyes and smiled cunningly: "nothing, just a little moved by master Beiyuan."

She was half empty and half real. Beiyuan xiuci was sincere and had nothing to ask for. She really took her as a friend. She felt very warm in her heart. Beiyuan xiuci looked at her carefully and found that her expression was very sincere. It seemed that it was an illusion just now, so he said, "let's go and see what's wrong with me and Xueli."

Suzuki Naixi didn't have any air traffic control, so she wanted kithara xiuci to hurry back to fill the medicine, but now she had to follow him, and she didn't object. After looking at him for a few times, she confirmed that there was no problem - there was no big problem - and she immediately called the people home because she seemed to be suffering from hay fever and her eyes were a little uncomfortable.

She brought a car with her and was very enthusiastic about taking everyone back, even including Tada Kouma and Shijima law - she didn't want to annoy Beiyuan Xiuji. She was very polite to his friends and friends, but Shijima law was nothing. Tada Kouma was a little flattered.

Shijima wanted to take the subway back with naoda, but xiuci beihara thought it would be good to send someone for help. After all, Suzuki was the first one to go to Jiazi garden. He didn't have to be polite to her at all, so he advised her. So Shijima didn't insist anymore. A group of people talked and laughed and went home together - to send Shijima and naoda first, in a big circle.

Tada's temperament was very active. When he got on the bus, he began to joke, which attracted a lot of laughter and scolding, and he himself didn't stop laughing. Looking forward to the future of Jiaziyuan winning the championship (in order to flatter Suzuki Naixi), he was talking happily. Suddenly he saw a familiar figure in the alley on the side of the road. He was stunned and shouted, "stop, stop!"