The extra large Shouxi was burning on the induction cooker, bubbling with "Gulu Gulu". The lid of the pot trembled slightly, and the aroma overflowed. Xiuci Beiyuan assigned sauces and raw egg juice. The spring vegetables were placed with side dishes. In the snow, she focused on the cherry blossom shuixinxuan cake and cherry blossom plain noodles in front of her. She didn't dare to move without permission - she hasn't got an order to eat, and she's silently enduring.

Dongmei takes akitaro to wash her hands and comes back. She habitually wants to sit on Beiyuan xiuci's left hand, but she finds that Yangzi has occupied a good place. She is carefully putting chopsticks and dishes for Beiyuan xiuci. She is a kind and kind sister.

She didn't care. She took akitaro to sit down on the right side of kithara Xiuji, then looked at both sides of the long table, nodded her head and said strangely: "hasn't the fart spirit come back yet?"

As soon as her voice fell, Suzuki Naixi entered the door. With a satisfied face, she smiled and scolded, "short white gourd, you speak ill of me behind my back."

Dong Meibai glanced at her and said angrily, "I have to wait for you to eat free food all day. I don't scold you or anyone!"

Suzuki Naixi didn't care about her. She sat down next to the snow and saw Yoko in the twinkling of an eye. Yoko smiled at her sweetly: "Hello, sister Suzuki."

Suzuki Naixi smiled and nodded, "you're good, caviar!"

Even if there is no shenlezhigang, she should be polite to Beiyuan Xiuji in terms of her face. She has a very kind attitude towards Yangzi. Then she greeted shenlezhigang and Yangzi answered politely - they are not familiar with each other. The only thing they have in common is that they both know Beiyuan Xiuji.

Beiyuan xiuci Xin opened the lid of the pot, tried the softness and hardness of the ingredients, saw that everyone was here, and said with a smile, "OK, let's eat!"

"I'm moving!" everyone shouted, and then several pairs of chopsticks all ran to the beef - Fuze's family raised a group of meat eating animals.

Kithara xiuci also ate. The hot food was very comfortable. After looking at Suzuki Naixi, she found that she was very happy. She couldn't help laughing and asked, "has the registration been completed?"

Suzuki Naixi was sipping Cherry Blossom plain noodles and smiled at the sound: "it's all right." then she was a little strange, "several old die hards suddenly changed their mind. They didn't object any more and don't know why."

When Hideki kithara smiled, she thought it was expected - Naixi Suzuki has a certain ability to move, and shenlezhigang has a wider network of contacts. She directly expressed her attitude and worked hard behind her back. It is estimated that Asahi news will be very easy to speak.

Besides, Suzuki Naixi didn't want to do anything about Jiaziyuan. He just asked Xueli to sign up for the competition. Does it mean that if there is an official female player in the college baseball club, Jiaziyuan will be finished?

In the past, there were no female managers and female recorders. Now they have been recognized by the public and enjoy talking about it. No matter how many formal female players are, it is not impossible for the baseball team organized by women's colleges and universities to enter Jiaziyuan in 20 or 30 years.

The organizers have no loss. They can even shout slogans such as "conforming to the times and equal rights for men and women". Even if the people quarrel, it may make Jiazi garden more topical this year, and even beneficial.

He was not surprised, but Suzuki Naixi was very smart. He found his expression very calm. He immediately looked at Yoko and asked with a smile, "did you ask Mr. Shenle for help?"

"It's Yangzi who wants to help Xueli."

Yangzi immediately smiled and said, "I also want to help sister Suzuki. Sister Suzuki has helped me before!"

Suzuki Naixi didn't expect this unexpected help. He felt that it was a kind of good cause and got good results. He couldn't help but be more happy. He was satisfied with kithara xiuci and said, "the headache has been solved. Next, you take time to practice with Xueli. We have to make final preparations."

Aichi county is a big county, which is divided into two competition areas. There are still many teams. The regional competition started earlier. Now it is almost the end of March, and there is still one month to prepare for entering the regional knockout competition. Finally, one team from North Aichi and South Aichi enters the Jiazi Park, then enters the single defeat knockout competition, and finally decides the Xiajia champion - this is even dominating the country!

Suzuki Naixi is confident. She is good at data analysis and can be competent for on-the-spot command. She also caught Beiyuan and Xueli, the "jiaoxiong Shuangsha", super powerful helpers. After scientific training, other team members are at least medium level. It's no problem to be called by coolies. She feels that she has the power of World War I as long as her luck is not too bad!

For the first time, as long as you rush into Jiazi garden, you will win!

Kithara xiuci has long agreed to participate in the competition, and even if he doesn't pay attention to it, as long as it's a competition, he will do his best. Naturally, there's no problem practicing together. He promised happily: "pick a rest day."

"Just this Saturday. It's just a weekend." Suzuki Naixi made a direct decision, while Yoko listened with his small ears and clenched his small fist: "o'nissan, come on!"

Kithara xiuci touched her with his fist and said with a smile, "come on!"

Dongmei doesn't care about this. She supervises akitaro to eat. When she sees that the bowl is empty, she reaches out to get it and is ready to add rice to him. Beiyuan xiuci gives the cherry blossom plain noodles to the snow. He's not used to eating cherry blossoms. The locust flower can still think about it. But Dongmei holds the edge of the bowl and doesn't move it. She finds Yoko holding the empty bowl on the other side and laughs: "Sister Dongmei, take care of her brother. I'll take care of o'nissan."

"No, Yoko, I'll just come."

"It doesn't matter, sister Dongmei. I'm not a guest. I used to add rice to Ernest."

They are both short and small. One side grabs the empty bowl across from kithara xiuci, and kithara xiuci looks around - I'm not disabled either. Don't you take care of me for dinner?

He was going to take the bowl to add rice by himself, but Yangzi tried his best to take the bowl away. He went to add rice and held it to Beiyuan Xiuji. Tiantian smiled and said, "o'nissan eats more and grows tall!"

Dongmei felt a little strange, but she didn't take it to heart, and Beiyuan xiuci hesitated, took over her job and picked it up. He couldn't say anything. When he used to live with Yangzi, Yangzi liked to be busy at the dinner table.

As they talked, the dinner was soon finished. Beiyuan xiuci went directly to the kitchen. Dongmei began to assign tasks to her younger brothers and sisters, and hesitated when she ordered Xiazhi Xiasha. After all, Yangzi always had to stay with her when she came to visit. Xiazhi Xiasha of the same age was the most suitable, but Xiazhi Xiasha was very determined to make money, refused to rest and insisted on dying at her post.

Yangzi immediately said that it didn't matter. He wanted to take a walk around Fuze's house, especially in the attic.

Dongmei agreed without hesitation. It's not inconvenient for a girl to have a good relationship. She immediately said, "just take this place as her own home, Yoko. You're welcome."

Yangzi smiled sweetly: "thank you, sister Dongmei!"

Dongmei touched her head and felt a little soft in her heart. This little sister-in-law is very sensible and easy to get along with. It's good!

Chunwei house started business and soon became busy. Yangzi wandered around Fuze's house at will, and soon went up to the second floor. After a while, she climbed up to the attic, that is, into Beiyuan xiuci's room - she used to help Beiyuan xiuci clean up her room and go in and out at will.

The attic is very warm, but it is a little messy, which is not in line with kithara xiuci's character. Yoko looked around and found that it was not only Hideki kithara who was here at ordinary times - there was a TV in one corner of the attic, followed by a game console, with handles and CDs next to it. There were some children's toys in the other corner, and a pile of recipes and food records. These were obviously not Hideki kithara's things.

She wandered around twice to make up for her usual situation

Xueli, Xiazhi and Xiasha often come to play games and make a lot of noise. When everyone in the family is busy, akitaro will be placed here to play with toys. Even spring vegetables may occasionally read books here - Yoko can even imagine that Xueli and Xiazhi and Xiasha are crowded under the attic and clamoring to come up. Maybe they have a headache for xiuci Beiyuan, I have to go to the first floor to review my lessons.

It seems that the relationship between o'nissan and the fuze family has been particularly close

While thinking about it, Yangzi put everything in order, then opened the cabinet, picked up the clothes and smelled them. He frowned, looked carefully at the way of folding the clothes, and judged that the clothes were not folded by Beiyuan xiuci. It should be sister Dongmei

It's a good life to live together. Feelings are accumulated over time on such insignificant things. No wonder Ernest changed his heart. She sighed and cheered up. She began to clean up the house, fold the clothes again, and thought about adding something and changing something secretly - this will be her territory in the future, and her sister can do what her girlfriend can do!


The business of Chunwei house is gradually recovering. Many old customers heard that xiuci Beiyuan was in charge of Chunwei house again, and immediately ran back. They want to recover to its peak soon.

Beiyuan xiuci was busy until more than 11 o'clock. During this period, she had a lot of professional ethics and apologized to many complaining old customers. Many old customers praised Chuncai face-to-face and thought that she was still qualified to be a top general - Chuncai was silent, not surprised by honor or disgrace, but just bowed repeatedly to thank her.

When the work was over, xiuci kithara took a shower and returned to the attic. She found Yangzi kneeling in a corner reading. When Yangzi heard the news, he looked up and said with a quick sweet smile, "o'nissan, welcome back, hard work!"

Beiyuan xiuci was stunned and said with a smile, "I thought you went back, Yoko."

"I want to be here, o'nissan. No one will talk when I go back."

Kithara xiuci understood what she wanted to do here, but she didn't care. She got along with her as usual. She waited for her stubbornness to pass before persuading. She just put down the door of the attic again, opened it so wide, insisted on avoiding suspicion, changed the topic and asked, "Yoko, does anyone over there return to Tokyo recently?"

Yangzi nodded. No one needs to go back. She can also send someone back. It's not far away. She just asked, "what's the matter with o'nissan?"

Beiyuan xiuci turned and took out a stack of manuscripts from the desk drawer and handed them to her. She smiled and said, "this is for your grandfather. If someone goes back, let him take it for me. Don't worry. Don't send someone specially."

Yangzi took it over and turned it over. He found a thick stack full of words and a large number of charts. She couldn't understand it at all. She asked curiously, "what's this, o'nissan?"

Beiyuan xiuci joked: "I answered the test questions your grandfather gave me orally at that time. I added them carefully in the past half a month. I just don't know whether they are right or not. Send them to him. I also have some questions to listen to him."

He sorted out the relevant omens before Japan's economic collapse in 1991, and how he should take advantage of the situation. In addition, he also studied the process of how shenlezhigang entered the Imperial Bank and became a top power figure through the Asian financial storm in 1998 - of course, he is not sure to be realistic. This is to give shenlezhigang a score, which can also be regarded as an exam!

Yangzi was in a good mood and immediately promised, "I'll send it safely, o'nissan." she always hoped that xiuci Beiyuan would perform well. It's best to make shenlezhigang particularly satisfied. It's best to marry her directly in five years.

"It doesn't matter if you lose it, it's not this one!" kithara xiuci still has the manuscript in his hand, and it's not a secret. It doesn't matter if you lose it. He said with a smile: "but I still want to take a gift. Don't lose it."

He took Yangzi downstairs and prepared to give her the return gift to the old man shenlezhigang. He went all the way to the backyard warehouse and turned on the light

Huh? Where's my wine?