Once the identity is determined, it is still very powerful. Most of Dongmei's heart knot has disappeared. Even if she is very close to Beiyuan xiuci, she will naturally get up. However, occasionally she looks at Beiyuan xiuci, but her mind turns to another direction - she is much shorter than him!

The top of her head is slightly higher than the chest of kithara xiuci. This still has the effect of wearing inner heightening shoes, which is five centimeters more out of thin air, and there is still a big gap from her shoulder. From time to time, she looked at Beiyuan xiuci and considered whether to change the inner heightening shoes to 10 cm or 15 cm. She just didn't know if she could walk with such a high shoes

It's not surprising that she thinks so. The height gap is large, and there are many inconveniences - of course, they have to take photos when they go out for a date, but they can't take half body photos because they are close to each other. In that case, xiuci Beiyuan has half body and only half head.

Fortunately, there is a place to take photos on the Tokyo Tower. The experienced staff padded a small wooden pier under her feet, which finally made them take a serious picture. It doesn't look as awkward as self photographing, but she is still a little oppressed in her heart.

In addition to this little unhappiness, the whole date is still very warm.

They bought a lot of small handicrafts together, engraved metal key chains with two people's names, and took an elevator from the second floor to the high-altitude observation platform 250 meters away - here the field of vision is wider, the Fuji mountain at the end of the field of vision is clearer, the Tsukuba mountain can be seen faintly, and the Tokyo Bay can also see the whole picture... It seems to be under construction. Listen to the staff, It seems to be building a sea crossing bridge.

Overlooking the whole Tokyo, all the prosperity has a panoramic view. Xiuci beihara's mood is agitated and ambitious. Her eyes are shining and her fists are light. She seems to want to master all this in her hands.

He likes the feeling of being superior. He is a big layman.

Dongmei is a little sorry that she can't see the legendary "big starfish", mainly because the time is wrong. She can only see it at night. When Tokyo is brightly lit, a "starfish" composed of lights will be formed along five prosperous main traffic roads. It is said to be very beautiful. It will be very romantic to watch it with your boyfriend.

However, some mystics said that it was a five pointed star array. It was suspected that there was something suppressed under Tokyo, but even if there were any demons and ghosts, it was none of their little couple's business. Anyway, they didn't live here.

After playing in the Tokyo Tower, they went to the nearby Tofu House to eat tofu rice and roast tofu. After eating, they were still in the mood. They wandered around the Tokyo Tower. They didn't have any destination. They just looked at the flowers and smiled at each other occasionally.

Dongmei found a street that specializes in all kinds of delicate toys used by little girls. In fact, she was an ordinary girl. She had to be self-reliance before. When there was xiuci Beiyuan, she became more and more relaxed. She gradually looked like an ordinary girl. She was naturally excited, but she still couldn't bear to buy it, I walked down the street and bought a bottle of hand cream - it took me ten minutes.

When the lights were on, both of them felt that they had a great harvest today and were very satisfied. However, Dongmei looked at the orange lit Tokyo Tower. She was a little sorry that she couldn't wait until the light went out at 0:00 - it is said that when couples saw the lights go out together, they would have an eternal relationship.

Unfortunately, they can't. They have discipline requirements. Although the teachers who lead the team won't lock them up and don't go out, they will be scolded when they go back in the middle of the night.

They are ready to go back. Dongmei looks up at kithara Xiuji, and then looks at the little hand holding his arm. After thinking about it, she is even his genuine girlfriend. Although it is a half version, it is also his girlfriend. She needs unconditional support. She cares about him and can't sing the opposite tune with him. What about the thing that she wanted to win him once before?

The feud between the two sides. So many things have happened for so long. I can't care about it for a long time. Now I'm washing my underwear for this boy. What else can I care about? But I still want to win him once. At least I have to solve the "enemy of the first life".

She was thinking about things there. Xiuci kithara found out, looked down at her, smiled and asked, "what's the matter, Dongmei?"

Aren't you willing to go? I really enjoyed myself today.

Dongmei looked around, found a long ladder and asked him, "do you want to play a game?"

No matter how big or small, even the game is OK. If he wins once, he will feel at ease and try to be a qualified girlfriend in the future.

Beiyuan xiuci thought she wanted to play for a while. That's OK. Anyway, the time was not very tight. She immediately smiled and asked, "what do you want to play?"

It's natural to spoil your girlfriend. Can you find a girlfriend to abuse her every day? He showed great cooperation.

Dong Mei pointed to the long ladder and asked with some expectation, "how about we play guessing? Who climbs to the top first will win."

She has been abused by xiuci kithara for nearly a year. She knows very well that she can't fight. She has no confidence earlier than her brain, but she thinks there is at least 70% chance that she will win.

It's a children's game all over the world. Xiuci Beiyuan hasn't played it, but she's also heard of it. Naturally, she has no problem. Put the things she bought today on the ground and said with a smile: "yes, come on!"

Little carrot head with childlike innocence looks a little cute!

Dongmei shook her small fist and said seriously, "this is a game. I will go all out!"

match? Kithara xiuci's eyes lit up immediately and his attitude was corrected a lot. He asked carefully, "is that Fox boxing, stone boxing, or counting boxing?"

Japan is a special country that is good at absorbing the culture of other countries, and there are many kinds of fist guessing. There are several fists from China, that is, when you shout a number, you stretch out your fingers. The number added up by the fingers of both sides is who wins. There are also Britons who invented the "stone scissors cloth" promoted by the Americans. There is also the "Fox fist", which came from Japan in the Tang Dynasty and improved by Japan. The fox plays with the village head, who is in charge of the hunter, and the hunter shoots the fox, It is also a gesture. For example, only bending the middle finger and ring finger represents the fox.

Dong Mei thought a little and said, "use stone fist!" she is most proficient in this.

Hideki kithara doesn't mind. This is also commonly used in China, but Japan has to change anything. He forcibly changes the cloth into paper, but the nature has not changed - when he plays in his hometown, both sides shout "general Bao" (homonym) when guessing boxing, and the Japanese pronunciation of "Jan ~ Ken ~ pong" may be influenced by Japan.

He stared at Dong Mei's little fist and calmed down: "let's start!"

Dong Mei is very serious. This is an opportunity for her to settle her last feud with the man who is destined to be together all her life. As long as she wins the game, she will be at ease in the future. Moreover, she is actually very good at guessing boxing, otherwise she can't think of 70% win - what she wants to win, which she studied carefully in her childhood.

The other party is male, and the first stone is the most likely;

Cloth is the choice with the highest winning rate, and the other party may choose cloth for the first time;

If the other party makes the same twice in a row, the third instinct will be the same;

If you win the last one, the other party's instinct will imitate what you got out of the last one, and you can take the opportunity to counter it;


In her mind, she remembered a series of fist guessing strategies like lightning and flint, and made up her mind to use this last opportunity to end her old grudge and win the enemy of the world once. She shouted and took action - although she didn't know that he used to play often, he was very smart. The first choice was cloth (paper), which was the most likely!

Fight to the death, right now!

Beiyuan xiuci's movements are synchronized with her, but he is currently agile and intelligent, and his observation and reaction are far better than ordinary people. In a moment, he saw that her little fist protruded slightly in front of the food finger festival, and her little finger buckled to the palm of her hand. In an instant, he realized that she wanted to produce scissors!

Both sides made moves at the same time. Kithara xiuci made the "stone" and Dongmei made the "scissors". Kithara xiuci smiled and said, "then I'm on the next step?"

Dongmei nodded. There was no big reaction. It was just the beginning. No matter how impatient she was, she didn't explode to a slight disadvantage. She watched xiuci Beiyuan go up a step and thought: he made the first choice for men and didn't choose cloth, that is, he doesn't have much experience? In the first game, he won with a stone. In the next game, the possibility of a stone is 35.4%. He lost with scissors. The possibility of using scissors again decreased to 29.6%, and the possibility of a cloth is 35%

If you want to win, of course you have to choose cloth. In this way, the possibility of failure is less than 30%! Once you enter multiple rounds of competition, you have perfect coping strategies, and the winning rate will continue to improve.

She yelled and shot again, while xiuci kithara stared at her little fist. She didn't even start the [pre reading] skill, so she judged that she wanted to produce cloth and, of course, scissors.

He took another step up.

Dongmei thinks a little and judges that he is a super rookie. It is very likely to act in the order of "stone, scissors and cloth". The next time, the greatest possibility is "cloth", so she decisively chose scissors, but Beiyuan xiuci took another step up again.

She was a little confused, but these were only three. It didn't matter. She just focused more on judging the internal logic and law of kithara xiuci's shot, so the two shouted and played a guessing game together under the starry sky and next to the street lamp.

Eight minutes later, Dongmei looked at Xiuji Beiyuan, who was only three steps away from the top of the steps, and was completely stunned

What is this?

Why didn't I win more than 20? It's unscientific!? Should I move a few steps, too?

Why didn't I move a step? You're going to the top first?

Are you a nemesis sent by God to restrain me?

I'm your girlfriend. I'll take good care of you, care about you, wash your clothes, make your bed, and have your last name in the future. Is that how you treat me?

It's no big deal. There are only two of us here. Can't you let me win once?

Playing games with your girlfriend, you won't let your girlfriend win once. Are you human?!

She was very wronged for a moment. Crescent moon eyes could not help being wet. She looked crystal clear under the street lamp. Beiyuan xiuci's victory was in sight. She was still concentrating on her little hand, ready to judge what she was going to do next time, hoping to win the victory. But she didn't move for a moment. Look carefully again, she found that she looked back at her little face with grievances and tears rolling in her eyes, I was startled.

After nearly thirty steps, he jumped down two steps and asked with concern, "what's the matter?"

Dongmei tilted her head, wiped her tears on her back, and said sadly, "nothing. You won again. You're powerful."

Hideki kithara is a little speechless. Isn't that what you said you wanted to do? Can you play children's games and cry?

He is also very competitive, otherwise he would not be so cruel to himself. He was very involved in playing just now, but he really wanted to win. But at this time, he looked at his short girlfriend and felt aggrieved. He didn't feel very good - it's really inappropriate to play a little game with his girlfriend too seriously.

Dongmei mentioned the things on the ground and said, "let's go back to the apartment."

Beiyuan xiuci picked up the things and asked softly, "there's still time. Do you want to play again?"

He's going to put some water. He'd better win his girlfriend by one step - he still doesn't want to lose, but he thinks it's necessary to give his girlfriend some face. After all, his identity is different.

Dongmei shook her head, took back some small bags and said, "forget it, that's it. Go back."

I may never win him. I can't see the day when he bows to himself. This is probably fate... Maybe I can beat his son in the future?