Dongmei looked surprised. She saw a tall girl. She looked carefully and asked in surprise, "Matsumoto, is it you?"

She was very surprised. Why didn't she grow so much in a year? Ten centimeters higher?!

The girl came over and sat directly in the seat opposite Dongmei. She smiled unkindly and said, "you're still so impolite, classmate fuze! But... Haven't seen you for a long time. Are you okay?"

Dongmei secretly tilted her mouth. This person is Meixing Matsumoto. She was a classmate in junior high school, but her classmates in junior high school are basically enemies. She didn't want to deal with this person, let alone talk about her classmate's old relationship at the moment, but at least she was an acquaintance, so she was patient and polite: "I'm ok, how are you?"

"How are you? I don't think you're very long..." Matsumoto masked his mouth and smiled, turned his head and said, "green sauce, weigh the son. Come too soon, Mr. Fukuzawa is here."

Japanese girls are made of small gangs. There are few lone Rangers like Dongmei. Meixing Matsumoto also has two small partners. At this moment, she came over as soon as she heard the greeting. Looking at Dongmei is very strange, and her mouth showed a strange smile: "Wow, it's Fukuzawa classmate, what a coincidence!"

When they were in junior high school, they didn't deal with Dong Mei. It's not a big contradiction. It's just a small verbal friction. However, it's hard to accumulate in three years - mainly because they don't care about the little bully in the snow. Otherwise, the whole class of girls would have united to kill Dong Mei's violent temper and Rob's head.

This is a seat for four, but none of the three girls wants to sit with Dongmei. They all squeeze aside and look at Dongmei covetously. Miyuki Matsumoto smiled and said, "did you come by yourself? I heard you went to a private university. Can't you make friends there?"

In Japanese schools, no friends will be ridiculed, which is a bit humiliating. Dongmei usually hates others to mention her height. She was a little angry just now. Now she added her eyes and directly began to spit fire. She whispered angrily, "who am I to do with you!"

The other two girls laughed together. One of them said, "it's impossible to come to the Tokyo tower alone. I should still take my sister, but the students in the snow are so poor..."

Another said with a smile: "it's not necessarily Xueli's classmate, but also his boyfriend!"

Matsumoto Meixing immediately answered: "Mr. Fukuzawa is so powerful that no boy can stand it. Moreover, Mr. Fukuzawa has high aspirations. How can he communicate? Don't talk nonsense! This is a public place. If Mr. Fukuzawa shouts like before, it will cause trouble to everyone!"

Dongmei's self-restraint was not very good. She was so angry that she trembled all over after giving them a few words. Huoran got up and was about to turn her face, but a big hand pressed on her shoulder. When she turned her head and saw that it was xiuci Beiyuan, she suddenly became angry and turned into grievance. Some pitifully looked at him - these three bastards bullied me!

Beiyuan xiuci's ears are very easy to use. Hearing that this is wrong, she hurried over, smiled at Dongmei and asked softly, "Dongmei, did you meet a friend?"

Wronged, Dongmei rowed and introduced him: "my middle school classmates, Matsumoto Meixing, Pu shangbi and sanshang Meizi."

Beiyuan xiuci immediately turned around and saluted, which was impeccable: "I'm Dongmei's boyfriend, Beiyuan xiuci, please take care of me in the future." after that, he stood up and smiled brightly, showing only the perfect smile of eight white teeth. He was gentle and elegant. His eyes swept over the three people opposite in turn, and the title "dare to fight" was worn. His charm was fully open, which directly distracted the three little girls opposite, Heart deer, no, donkey, no, rhinoceros.

After thirty seconds of hesitation, the three girls reacted together, jumped up like a spring, saluted together and said, "Hello, I am... Please give me more advice in the future."

The three of them talked together. Their names were mixed. Xiuci Beiyuan didn't hear any of them clearly. If it weren't for the introduction before Dongmei, he might have to ask again.

He laughed and said, "please sit down, please sit down!"

The three girls instinctively sat down together. Looking at xiuci Beiyuan, who also sat down, they saw that his eyes were like cold stars and his mouth was smiling. They just looked at him from a close distance and felt drunk. They inexplicably thought he was handsome and heinous, but they couldn't stare at him all the time. They endured heartache and moved their eyes to Dongmei. They said in disbelief: "Mr. fuze already has contacts?"

The boy is blind? He just met this grumpy little devil fuze and hasn't found her true face? Just playing... Yes, it's probably just playing!

But it's good to play, no loss!

Dongmei's little face is red. She always feels that she is not Beiyuan xiuci's girlfriend, but Beiyuan xiuci admits everywhere with a shy face. She can't clearly object, but if she accepts it, it seems that there is something wrong.

She whispered, "not yet... Not yet."

Beiyuan xiuci gave a low sigh, and her face was a little dark, but it was replaced by warmth in the twinkling of an eye. She just looked at Dongmei and said, "I take the liberty to pursue Dongmei, but I didn't get her consent for the moment. It's really not a relationship."

Matsumoto was almost heartbroken on the spot by the trace of sadness inadvertently revealed by kithara xiuci, but in the twinkling of an eye, they were stunned by his words. Looking at the tangled Dongmei secretly pinching her thigh - she was dreaming? How dare you disagree with such a boy? You... You are a monster!

The third son stuttered and asked, "does Beiyuan know fuze? She... Her..."

Don't you know her narrow-minded, stingy and dog temper? I might as well choose her!

Hideki kithara had a smile on her face, but she was not very happy in her heart. In his opinion, attacking Dongmei is like attacking him. The more others want to be angry with Dongmei, the more he wants to protect the little carrot head and use himself as a cushion - this is my carrot head. I usually pull her radish tassel and bully her. It's called meat rotten in the pot. It doesn't matter, but outsiders can't, no one can!

It's just that there is a quarrel between girls. It's still the old classmate relationship. It's not convenient for the boy to speak evil words directly, and it's more inconvenient to draw his fist and give the other party some color. In that way, the style is too low, which also humiliates Dongmei.

He answered softly, "of course I know Dong Mei. I really don't deserve her, but I will strive to make progress and strive to be a person worthy of her as soon as possible."

Dongmei was so ashamed that she almost shrank under the table. Her voice faintly resisted: "you, you don't, don't do this, me, me..."

She understood her kindness and was a little moved in her heart, but when she suddenly talked about love, she was still in front of outsiders. It was too shy.

Matsumoto's three women look at each other and feel that the world is completely chaotic. It turns out that only with Fukuzawa Dongmei's personality, temper, height and appearance can they meet a high-quality boyfriend these days! Aren't we three ladies in white?

Or does Beiyuan just have a good skin bag, which is actually a straw bag, and can only choose Dongmei Fukuzawa, which no one wants?

Matsumoto Meixing immediately asked, "what school do Beiyuan students study in? Should their academic performance be good? Did they participate in community activities?" she really wanted to know, and wanted to say more words with xiuci Beiyuan - even if it was a straw bag, it was also a very handsome straw bag!

Beiyuan xiuci said with a smile: "Dongmei and I are in the same university, that is, the private Dafu School Park. At present, we rank first in the grade, but unfortunately, I can't get a full score, but I will continue to work hard! We also participated in community activities, but we didn't get any outstanding results. We didn't get any results in the IH competition. We only won the champion of Yulong flag once..."

Matsumoto took a breath. Are you still a Xueba? Or both? Are you kidding me? The other two women were surprised when they checked with their mobile phones. It was true, not bragging, but myself!

Pu shangbi completely didn't understand. She hesitated and asked, "you've got one. The club's grades are still so good. Don't you think you deserve... Don't you deserve fuze?"

What's the matter with the world? How could that nuisance foze be so popular?

Beiyuan xiuci said positively, "these achievements are not worth mentioning. I haven't been admitted to the top famous school, and I haven't made my own career. My future is uncertain, and I don't have 100% confidence to give Dongmei a happy life. Of course, this is a big flaw, so I must continue to work hard to prove myself as soon as possible and let her promise to associate with me."

"Is your goal a top school? Is it Nagoya?"

"No, to match Dongmei, I think it must at least be Dongda and Jingda?"

This time, not only Matsumoto took a breath, but the three women took a breath together, and their mouths became O-shaped - this is still a particularly aspiring boy with great potential. Is there such a best in the world? I really don't know much!

But they still felt they couldn't believe it. Dongmei had a very bad impression on them before. They suspected that Beiyuan xiuci was acting to help Dongmei save face. Beiyuan xiuci looked at the counter, nodded gently, smiled gently and said, "excuse me, my dessert is ready."

He went to pick up the meal. There were few waiters in the shop on the tower, and Miyuki Matsumoto looked at his tall and straight back and asked with suspicion to Dong Meiman, "why don't you agree?"

There's no reason not to agree. There must be a problem!

Dongmei is completely out of temper now. She shrinks there and doesn't dare to look up at people. At present, she is in the state of waiting for election and waiting for Beiyuan xiuci to choose one, but she can't say it to outsiders. She can only vaguely say: "I'll wait..."

Matsumoto's third daughter is speechless. If you want to change me, you've long been afraid that he'll run away. You don't know your blessing in the midst of blessing, and you still want to test him? If it's not fake, you're sick and very ill!

Before they finished questioning, xiuci kithara came back with dessert and drinks, carefully arranged them for Dongmei, and said softly: "You don't like milk and your stomach is not very good. I ordered herbal tea for you. It may taste a little strange, but hot drinking is good for your health. Don't mind... You don't like sweets either. I didn't want cream cake. I changed egg tart maple leaf roast, and asked them to add less maple syrup and icing. Try your taste. If it's not suitable, I'll change it for you."

As he spoke, he folded the napkin and wanted to spread it in front of Dongmei to prevent her from accidentally soiling her clothes. It was warm and considerate, which made her scalp burst. Dongmei really couldn't stand it. Her white little face turned red. She grabbed the napkin and held it tightly in her small hand. She was half shy and half depressed and said, "you... Don't do this!"

Although I've been very good to myself recently, it's too much. It's too uncomfortable!

With a spoiled face, Beiyuan xiuci immediately replied, "OK, OK, I don't have much to do. Don't be angry."

Dongmei shook her napkin again and said unhappily, "I didn't mean that. I'm not angry..."

"I know, I know, come on, open your mouth, ah..." xiuci Beiyuan answered repeatedly, touched the knife and fork, and with a flash of cold light, she cut a small corner of the maple leaf and burned it to Dongmei. Dongmei looked at the fork, her face turned red, and her head began to swing disorderly. She didn't know where to look. Look at the table and the ground. She refused to open her mouth for a moment.

The mouths of the three Matsumoto women on the opposite side couldn't help but open. It seemed that xiuci kithara was going to feed them. She was very confused. X -- do you know so much about eating habits? So considerate? It's been a long time... Is it true?

Wen can win one, Wu can take the banner, and has high aspirations. Is he still a top-grade warm man? Is this to spoil Fukuzawa's temper?

If I had such a boyfriend and could treat me so well, I would live ten years less!

"Good, eat quickly!" xiuci kithara could see the truth in his eyes. Even bats could see it at a glance - he liked to take care of others, but he was not completely acting - there was no doubt. Dongmei held it for a while and had no choice but to open her mouth and eat. Kithara xiuci cut her another small piece, dipped it in some syrup, and gently asked, "does it taste a little weak? I asked for more syrup. Can you try it so delicious?"

His eyes were very focused. It was not like showing love, but rather like completing a great and sacred work. Dongmei was crowded in his seat. She really had nothing to hide. She had to open her mouth and eat again. She whispered, "it's a little sweet."

"Then let's not dip." xiuci kithara was very talkative and cut another piece to feed, but he didn't ignore the guests. He looked very cultured. He turned to Matsumoto and said politely, "Why are you coming to Tokyo?"

Matsumoto was staring at them in a daze. They were stunned for a while before they reacted and replied: "we... We are here to participate in the spring competition of the national blowing competition. That... We are an orchestra club and have good results in summer, so..."

At the moment, they are confused and stumbling, and they just follow to have a look. The main force is not them, but alternatives, so take a trip by the way.

Beiyuan xiuci was just being polite. She didn't care about their achievements and sent a bright smile: "come on, I wish you good results."