Beiyuan xiuci took spring food and was about to stop the two problem girls, but after taking two steps, he suddenly took a step and turned to spring food and asked, "are they really fighting?"

He suddenly remembered that Dongmei and Suzuki Naixi seemed to have an affair. Aren't they making love now? They're making love. Spring food is still young, so they mistakenly think it's a fight? Will it not be a fight in the ordinary sense, but a fight between goblins?

Spring vegetable said quietly, "o'nissan, it's very noisy."

Hideki kithara nodded and continued to move forward - if they really quarreled, their feelings had always been good. This sudden conflict was not because of emotional disputes, right?

Suzuki thinks Dongmei has put a green hat on her? Betrayed their friendship?

He took the spring vegetables to the door of the public activity room. Sure enough, he heard a fierce quarrel——

"I used to think you were a sick ghost. I always let you go. I really think I'm afraid of you? Do me a favor and lose my temper... I washed the skirt. Don't think I can help you if you don't help me. Take it off!"

"Short white gourd, I didn't let you wash it. It's your own trouble! Stop it! I'm really angry if you don't stop it! I scrape a little skin and you can't afford to sell your house..."

"What's your fart hardcover, rich lady? Return the white note first and then install it!"

"You let go..."

Beiyuan xiuci listened and felt that she should not be making love, but she didn't dare to break in directly. In case there was a naked ass in it, she would be finished. She had to smash the sliding door frame: "don't make trouble!"

The room was immediately quiet, and then Hideki kithara waited again. Then she opened the door and went in. Looking around the room, she saw Suzuki Naixi sitting in the quilt with a flushed face and a thin sullen face. Dongmei sat not far from her with her chest and looked down at the ground with her mouth and face black. She was obviously very unhappy.

Today's academic test is equivalent to a simplified version of the college entrance examination. It is still concentrated into a day. If you are tired, don't say it first. You have a full sense of mental fatigue. Beiyuan xiuci also feels quite impetuous in his heart, but he has good natural self-control. He can barely hold down his anger and asks patiently, "what's the matter with you two?"

Suzuki Naixi couldn't laugh at the moment. He complained first: "I have a headache. I want to lie down. She provoked me first!"

Dong Mei didn't say a word. She looked at the ground with her eyes. Her pouted little mouth could hang an oil bottle, and her head swung left and right - she could never keep her anger. She would get angry when she got angry, and she especially liked to vent her anger on others, but when she got angry, people would be better and began to regret again.

According to Beiyuan xiuci's opinion, it is suspected that she is born with problems in the two meridians of hand Shaoyang and Foot Yangming, which can be regarded as the internal manifestation of endocrine disorders. Therefore, she has extremely strong liver fire, weak stomach and light intestines, and is particularly short... If she wants to develop normally, her height should be the same as that in the snow, at least there will be no difference of more than 30 cm.

Dongmei's silence is obviously unjustifiable, and she still refuses to apologize to Suzuki Naixi. Xiuji kithara thought about it and said to Suzuki Naixi, "she may be too tired and in a bad mood. I'm sorry, Suzuki. You have a good rest. She won't quarrel with you anymore."

Suzuki Naixi was slightly surprised. The family is noisy every day. It's rare to play three times a day. However, xiuci kithara has always been fair and just. Who has no reason to suppress who. This time, it's obvious that Dongmei is wrong. At least teach her a lesson, and then drive her back to her room to reflect, but... How did she apologize for her?

Isn't it not a formal girlfriend yet?

Beiyuan xiuci turned to look at Dongmei again and planned to persuade her to go back to her room and have a good sleep, but seeing that her small hand was pressing hard on her left upper abdomen, she involuntarily went over and asked softly, "is your stomach uncomfortable again?"

Dongmei gently sucked her nose and didn't look at him. She just looked at the ground and nodded her head.

Beiyuan xiuci immediately held her wrist and started [watching, hearing, asking and cutting] to try. She found that she had a slight stomach spasm again. She couldn't help but quickly turned back and said to spring food: "spring food, go and fill a bowl of hot soup."

Chuncai was also worried. Hearing the sound, she hurried to a trot, while xiuci Beiyuan gently helped Dongmei press the acupoints to relieve pain. She was worried - it should be caused by excessive anxiety and too much pressure. This is not the first time.

It's not small. I didn't do well in the previous exam. I had a stomachache. I was lying in the animal breeding area with my ass facing myself. I almost went to the hospital. As a result, the score hasn't been sent yet, and it began to hurt again. If it really comes to the college entrance examination that determines the level of life, why don't I get sick in the exam room?

That's true. What's the strength of the test? I knelt directly.

This stomach disease can't be underestimated. It's a serious hidden disease. We have to find a way to improve the efficiency of brushing experience. Now those who take the copper man of acupuncture and moxibustion not only don't have much experience, but also get less and less, and the progress is far behind that expected. Maybe it's because there are too many integrated techniques, The more you get to the door, the more you work hard - helping people heal should be the fastest way, but where can I find such a large number of patients?

After a little thought, the spring dish ran back with the soup bowl, and kithara xiuci did not avoid suspicion. He gently held Dongmei in his arms, scooped the soup with a soup spoon, blew it gently, touched his lips, tried the temperature, and fed it to Dongmei's mouth.

Dongmei raised her little face and looked at him. Seeing that his expression was very natural, she stretched out a small hand, gently grabbed the clothes on his chest, stretched out her small mouth and honestly sucked the soup in the spoon

This guy really hurts. I have to treat him better in the future.

Suzuki Naixi was watching, and his eyes slowly opened round - what's the situation? I'm the victim, okay? Does she have to be given preferential treatment for making trouble?

Can you be so eccentric? Has the heart grown into the armpit?

Dongmei drank two mouthfuls of hot soup, which relieved her stomach a lot. She couldn't help looking up at Beiyuan xiuci. She only looked at him with his eyebrows and eyes stretched, eyes concerned, and a spoiled face. She suddenly became shy. She turned her head slightly left and right in his arms and didn't dare to look at him again. Beiyuan xiuci thought she felt uncomfortable, He tightened his arm again - what a small girlfriend - and then continued to feed the soup slowly, very focused, and asked, "do you feel better?"

Dongmei hummed like a mosquito and ant, indicating that she was much better.

"How does the soup taste?"

Dongmei hesitated: "just so... It's still very palatable."

"That's good. Drink more. I'll cook some soup for you every day."

"Also... Don't bother so much. You're very tired. It's better to have more rest when you have time. Don't care too much about me."

"No trouble, easy thing. Come on, open your mouth..."

Beiyuan xiuci has been pure of heart and few desires for two years, but her heart is firm. It's really the kind of old house on fire and rainstorm that can't be extinguished for three days and three nights - does her girlfriend not spoil and hurt well, and expect others? Although others are used to it and dislike it, if the meat is not numb, don't lose it and regret it. You can't be like that.

Suzuki Naixi watched them openly show their love. She felt that she had been severely hit by 10000 points in her heart and her eyes were red - she hoped that someone could pay for her unconditionally, spoil her, hurt her and make her the center of the world. As a result, she really found that person. The object of payment was not herself. It was really

She had a heart ache. She quickly took a quick acting heart saving pill, but it still hurt. She quickly took another quick acting heart saving pill, but she still felt bent in her heart - I have changed myself for you. How good I am in front of you. How can I be 265 times stronger than short white gourd? You are really blind!

"I have a headache, too," she said

Beiyuan xiuci returned to her senses and gently took a handkerchief to help Dongmei gently dip it in the corners of her lips. Then she looked back at Suzuki Naixi and found that although there was a flush on her cheeks, it was not a healthy flush - by the way, there was this sick cat. She almost forgot her.

He hurriedly said, "spring food, give your sister Suzuki a bowl of soup."

The spring vegetables answered quietly. As soon as they turned around, they smelled in the snow and ran: "it's so delicious. Why don't you call me for dinner?"

Today, after a day's test, there were no community activities, and the tutorial in the snow was cancelled. When she came back, she took akitaro, Xia zhixia Sha and Ba Li to play in the backyard - she did not have any trouble after a day's test, which was equivalent to sleeping for most of the day, but the three heads she gave her tutorial were numb, so it was a holiday to spare her one day.

Beiyuan xiuci hurriedly said, "give your second sister a bowl of soup... A big bowl with a thicker bottom."

When the spring food went, he sat beside Suzuki Naixi happily in the snow, put his feet under his ass and waited honestly. He was looking forward to it.

Soon the soup came, and the spring vegetable brought a large steamed cake to Xueli. When Xueli was refreshed, he patted with both hands: "I started..."

Then, regardless of whether it was hot or not, she took a spoonful of soup and stuffed it into her mouth. She took a big bite of steamed cake and nodded happily: "delicious, delicious!"

Beiyuan xiuci has a beginning and an end, and continues to feed Dongmei. His embrace makes Dongmei feel very warm. Although she is very embarrassed, she doesn't make trouble. She has to sit by herself - it's good to have someone to rely on. No matter it's painful or tired, someone is willing to help you share it. Even a little bit will make people soft and muddy.

She likes this feeling very much. Her anger is gone, her anxiety is gone, and her stomach doesn't hurt. She just drinks the soup quietly, while Beiyuan xiuci feeds her and turns to look in the snow - we can't favor one over the other. Both girlfriends should take good care of her.

But he took a look in the snow and saw that she was eating delicious, shaking her head and enjoying herself. There was really no place to take care of and care about - this girlfriend could eat and drink, stronger than herself, with an iron body and a steel stomach, and there was not much trouble at all. It was really hard to care about!

He had to turn back to take care of Dong Mei, and Suzuki Naixi looked at the red and black lacquer soup bowl and then at Beiyuan xiuci. He found that he didn't look at himself at all. He couldn't help but pick up a spoon and send it to her mouth. But the soup was too hot. She shivered when she touched her lips, and her heart became more depressed... Why don't you care about me?

I have a headache, too!

She thought for a moment, scooped a spoonful and sent it to Xueli's mouth. Youyuan asked, "Xueli, help me..."

But before she finished her words, the snow stretched out her mouth, "Ziliu" sucked the soup away, and said vaguely, "Naxi, drink it yourself. Don't worry about me. I have it. I have it! But the soup is really delicious. Dragon liver and chicken marrow, chicken flying and dog jumping... Delicious!"

Suzuki Naixi took back the empty spoon, was stunned for a while, and turned to look at Dongmei and Beiyuan xiuci for a while - no, the plan has to speed up the deployment!

That blind Beiyuan needs to run a wine house with dwarf white gourd to make money and support each other all day. That's why he is so close and his feelings are getting deeper and deeper.

So if I find a way to make money for blind Beiyuan, such as opening wine making together, an Yun's family manages production, he master the process formula, his own marketing and open the market, he can also reasonably get money, then I can at least share the same with dwarf white gourd!

At least she can't fall into the situation that she is being cared for, but she is left alone!

There will be no pie in the sky. It's man-made!