For a moment, the mountain seemed to become an elastic ball, which made kithara xiuci have the illusion that the hole was elongated vertically, and the top of the hole was suddenly half a meter high. He reacted quickly, forced to stabilize his body, grabbed a head of Suzuki Naixi who had fallen before, and shouted, "don't panic, hold each other steady and run out!"

There's really no need to panic. After only eight months of studying in Japan, he encountered four earthquakes that felt obvious, on average once every two months. It can't be said to be a daily phenomenon, but it's really not a rare phenomenon, but he didn't dare to stay in the hole after the vibration stopped - it would be miserable if he was buried alive!

Earthquakes produce three kinds of waves: P-wave, S-wave and surface wave.

The longitudinal wave is a propulsive wave with a fast propagation speed of about 5-7 kilometers per second. It will reach the ground first, causing the ground to vibrate up and down, and the destructive force is not high; Shear wave is a shear wave with medium propagation speed, about 3-4 kilometers per second. The second reaches the ground, causing the ground to shake back and forth, left and right, and medium destructive force; The last is surface wave, which is a mixed wave generated when P-wave and S-wave meet on the surface. The wave grows and has strong amplitude. It is mainly caused by the destructive nature of earthquake.

Therefore, when an earthquake occurs, the time difference between P-wave and S-wave is the key to escape and self rescue. According to the depth and distance of the focal point, there are usually five or six seconds to more than ten seconds of escape and self rescue time - the "earthquake early warning" often appears on TV programs is based on this principle. It is not possible to escape far, but drilling under the table can effectively reduce the probability of casualties.

Of course, this only means that in the distance, if there is a big earthquake, it is still at the epicenter and can't live. The death and disappearance rate is as high as 93%.

Dongmei also quickly ordered her brothers and sisters to go out. Although there seems to be no great danger at present, no one was guilty in the cave during the earthquake. Xia Zhi and Xia Sha didn't hesitate. After panicking, she held her head and ran away, but one of them escaped a few steps and fell back again. She touched a nickel and put it into the money box, shouting, "the money is back to you!"

The other didn't run for his life alone. He stopped and waited for her. He shouted, "we can give him five more!"

Dongmei just picked up akitaro. When she saw that she was angry, she kicked her foot on the ass stuffed with money and shouted, "run!"

These two things are out of tune. Did you learn from the disaster self-help class in school?

One of Xia Zhi and Xia Sha didn't dare to say a word. He rolled forward and ran away. In the snow, he grabbed eight beavers and dragged spring vegetables. He also shouted, "sister, run too!"

Hideki kithara is not much slower. He has Suzuki Naixi in his hand, and Suzuki Naixi hugs him like an octopus and is afraid to be left behind by him - she lacks a sense of security, but somehow Hideki kithara has a good reputation. She doesn't open her mouth this time and promises anyone to get both money and give 300 million yuan and so on.

The vibration stopped for a few seconds and then began again. Slowly, the hole even felt shaking. The faster you ran in the snow, the faster you walked on the slightly frozen and slippery ground, and the three younger sisters' spring vegetables were off the ground. The old four and five are small and flexible. They don't even lose much. They have been chased and trained for many years. Finally, their unique skills have a place to play.

In the long cave, they ran out in the dark and escaped a long distance. As soon as they looked back in the snow, they said in amazement, "where are my sister and akitaro?"

Kithara xiuci also turned back in surprise. Can he run away with a straight path? I can't!

The main reason was that there was so much noise now that he didn't notice when the footsteps of little carrot's head disappeared - the cave was opened on a cliff on the hillside, and with the shaking of the mountain, the rubble was rolling and the impact sound was continuous; The trees groaned in unison, full of continuous breaking sound. At the same time, the birds all over the mountain also screamed and circled up and down, which felt like the end of the world.

Xia Zhi and Xia Sha pointed to a steep slope below the top of the mountain in the distance and stammered, "then, there... Is there... Is it going to fall down?"

They were dazzled. They just felt that the trees on the steep slope began to tilt with the more and more violent vibration. It seemed that the whole steep slope was going to move and want to slide down. If it slid down in a straight line, the target was them - with them, the sound of branches and tree roots breaking in the distance became louder, and large pieces of soil and gravel had begun to fall first.

Hideki kithara hesitated for only a moment, immediately threw Suzuki Naixi into the snow and ordered, "you take refuge immediately, and I'll go back to find them!"

He is also afraid of death, but he can't ignore it!

Xueli instinctively caught Suzuki Naixi, and kithara Xiuji had run back. Xueli felt that she should also go back to her sister, but she felt that she should listen to Beiyuan xiuci's words. For a moment, she was in a dilemma and was stunned.

Knowing that her judgment ability was weak and needed to be commanded by others, xiuci kithara turned back and shouted again: "Xueli, listen, take them down quickly and let Suzuki choose a place for you to hide!"

The snow cried, "but you and your sister have autumn..."

"Be obedient!" as soon as Beiyuan xiuci approached the cave, she saw Dongmei limping out with qiutaro in her arms, and then her legs rolled soft and fell to the ground. She looked very embarrassed - she ran with her, the ground was shaking, but stepped on the ice to stabilize her figure after stepping empty. As a result, she directly split her legs and hurt her legs - at this time, the vibration suddenly intensified, and the ground began to twist, The statue arrived on the ship in an instant, and the gravel and soil on it fell more fiercely.

The earthquake seemed to be more violent. Dongmei gasped for breath and was just about to get up and continue running. However, as soon as she looked up and saw that Beiyuan xiuci was running head-on, she was both angry and happy. She immediately rose up and threw akitaro with all her strength and shouted, "run!"

I don't care. Give priority to ensuring the safety of my siblings!

Hideki kithara took two steps forward to catch akitaro, rotated twice in place, accumulated strength, and threw akitaro far into the snow at the bottom of the mountain. They also shouted, "you go first!"

If you can save one, you can't die!

The skilful leap in the snow caught akitaro and instinctively removed his strength. At this time, the mountain forest seemed to be quiet for a moment, followed by a loud noise. The whole steep slope below the top of the mountain fell unstoppably, and the target pointed directly at the platform below the cliff on the hillside.

The power of heaven and earth made people tremble. For a moment, Xiuji Beiyuan instinctively turned and wanted to run down the mountain, but when she saw that Dongmei was very embarrassed, she propped up her body and wanted to continue running, but her legs were soft and one knee fell down. Instinctively, she turned her body back and continued to run to her.

Dongmei couldn't see the top of the mountain, but the whole mountain was shaking. She instinctively felt wrong. It didn't look like a small earthquake. She saw a group of her sisters looking up at the top of the mountain in horror from a distance. She couldn't help shouting: "in the snow, run with them, run, don't stop! You fool, I ordered you to run, or I'll beat you to death!"

She was really anxious. She opened her mouth and scolded and threatened. Then she shouted at the fast running Beiyuan Xiuji: "don't come here, go back and help them!"

In the snow, she was watching the trees on the mountain break and fly one by one under the action of strong impact, and roll down together after mixing with the huge waves formed by stones and soil. Her mind was blank. Suddenly her ears trembled. She distinguished the command sound of Dongmei from the roar of heaven and earth, looked at Dongmei and Beiyuan Xiuji in the distance, and looked at a group of small and sick seedlings around her, After hesitating for a few seconds, he clamped Suzuki Naixi and akitaro. Eight beavers on his head didn't obey Dongmei's order. Instead, he ran to the cave and shouted, "sister, xiuci, let's run together!"

Chuncai bit her teeth, grabbed her and shouted, "second sister, o'nissan has passed. Don't make trouble!"

She is more anxious than Shirley, but she is relatively cold-blooded and can maintain basic judgment. She judged and felt that if kithara xiuci could not save people, everyone would run over and be buried together. In that way, it would be impossible to even find someone to dig!

She dragged herself into the snow and shouted desperately, "second sister, listen to the words of the eldest sister and o'nissan! Don't you believe o'nissan?"

The snow dragged her for two steps and stayed for a while. Chuncai turned her back and said loudly, "second sister, take akitaro and Suzuki to a safe place first. Come on! Come on!"

Xueli bit her teeth, sobbed and shouted, "xiuci, you must save your sister. I will promise you by example and thank you with my head!"

After she offered an absolute reward, she took the lead in running away with tears, and Chuncai coaxed her away. She ran to the hole, but Suzuki Naixi was caught in the snow with her head facing back. She immediately noticed and shouted. Xia Zhi and Xia Sha were about to run. As soon as she caught up with Qi's sliding shovel, she turned the Chuncai shovel to the ground, got up, carried her forward and then ran away, and shouted: "Mom, there's a landslide. Don't make trouble, third sister. Let's run for our lives first. Ernie sauce can't help you!"

There was a landslide at the top of the mountain. Although there were many trees along the way and there was heavy resistance, which effectively reduced the speed of the landslide, it was still frightening to watch - waiting below, such a big lump would fall down and be buried alive on the spot if it was not mashed into meat!

At this time, we should save ourselves first and then save others. Digging two is better than digging three!

They had no one to decide. They had their own ideas and made a mess there. Xiuci kithara had rushed in front of Dongmei, hugged her and ran down the mountain. But after running through the bird house, they looked up and saw that the landslide starting from the bottom of the mountain had rushed to their eyes in such a short time, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and large rocks and broken trees were also smashed everywhere Take a step.

Dongmei's small face was also scared white. In front of the power of nature, the manpower was very small, which could be said to be insignificant. She immediately judged the speed of the landslide, and quickly looked at the brothers and sisters who had been struggling and running away - they ran down the mountain, faster and faster, a little unable to stop, but even if they broke their heads at the foot of the mountain Better than dead - she was relieved that at least her brothers and sisters would not be in danger.

In the violent mountain tremor and the huge roar, she shouted at kithara Xiuji, "put me down and try to run out by yourself!"

In times of crisis, Hideki kithara's heart is as bright as a bright moon, like the beginning of every life, like every bud blooming, with incomparable clarity - even if the little carrot head is not a weapon, it can't be started [preview] When he looked up, he also identified the situation: Dongmei was more than 70 kg, humanoid, alive, unstable center of gravity, and the speed would drop with her. Leaving her, he could really try to distance himself from the landslide, and then find a suitable terrain to avoid, but little carrot's head was dead.

In a blink of an eye, he turned around and made a sudden effort. He also lowered his head and said with a smile, "it's too late!"