After some missed lunch, Beiyuan Yihua took Fukuzawa and Suzuki along the indoor aisle to place their luggage. They lived in the former Beiyuan xiuci's room - this room is relatively good, although it is still very simple.

The room is very large, with self-made tatami on the ground. The surface layer is corduroy, but the thick straw on the bottom layer can be vaguely seen from the gap or corner; The ceiling is made of wood, the wall is pasted with plain wallpaper, and there is a large bookshelf. Next to the bookshelf, there is also a vertical shaft reading "floating in the air, mourning for yourself, the dream is gone, and hatred is gone".

Fukuzawa and Suzuki looked curiously at the room where xiuci beihara grew up. They made up for the little xiuci beihara's serious efforts here, and finally broke into Nagoya from this small mountain village.

Beiyuan Yihua took out the prepared electric heater from the closet and opened it. It was borrowed for fear that the low temperature in the mountains at night would freeze these girls like flowers. He also prepared the stove to make the guests feel comfortable here.

Fuzezhong hurried forward to help, while Suzuki Naixi slowly rubbed against the bookshelf and wanted to see what books Beiyuan Xiuji read when she was a child. If necessary, she went back to get a set and turned it over carefully. I think it will be very helpful to understand Beiyuan Xiuji's subconsciousness.

After a busy work, Beiyuan Yihua said with a little apology: "although the bedding is not new, it has been carefully cleaned. It's very cold at night here, and the electric heater doesn't need to be turned off... If you need anything else, please tell me at any time. It's really impolite to have a bad reception."

Dongmei thanked on behalf of her sister-in-law: "aunt Yihua, it's so troublesome for you. It's really troublesome for you."

Beiyuan Yihua smiled happily and said, "I'm glad you can come anywhere."

After that, she looked at it and felt that there was nothing more to prepare. She quickly owed her body again and turned around to the kitchen. Over there, xiuci Beiyuan insisted on cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks. She was not at ease - in his impression, xiuci Beiyuan had never done such work before.

There is no shortage of space in the countryside. Xiuci kithara used to sleep in a crowded single room. There was no problem with seven of them. Anyway, there was no one who took up a special place in the snow. The average height was less than one meter and five. Dongmei instructed everyone to pack their luggage into the cabinet wall. Looking at Suzuki Naixi, looking at the sound of the bookshelf "tut tut", she couldn't help but gather together - the boy was very strong, What books did you read at home?

Winter beauty looked up at the bookshelves, and found that the books on the books were old and broken. They were not often looked at but were scavenged from second-hand bookstores. The content and the walls were all mixed up. They were basically collections of poems and essays spreading widely in the world, such as "Jia Xuan long short sentence", "Shelley's poetry collection", "Bai Juyi poem", "song of the hundred songs", "the essence of scattered records". Haiku 50 selections or something.

She looked around and didn't feel anything strange, but she was a little strange - she didn't feel that the boy usually likes to recite poetry against him. Why did she put so many poetry translations in the room?

She turned to look at Suzuki Naixi and found that she was looking through a large book, and Suzuki Naixi also noticed her eyes, lit the cover to her - "Marquis Sade" - and put a mysterious smile on the corners of her mouth. It seemed that she had a lot to gain from reading this book.

Dongmei has never seen or heard of this book. Seeing that Suzuki Naixi's pale face has blood color, she seems very excited. She can't help asking, "what's in this book?"

Suzuki Naixi looked at her with a smile, reached into the bookshelf and took out another one for a while. After another look, she gently threw it to Dong Mei and said with a smile: "do you know this one? The content is almost the same... What a surprise!"

Dong Meiman is strange. She takes the book over and finds that the title of the book is * * generation men. She immediately shakes her hand and throws the book out.

This book is the work of Xihe Jingyuan, a writer in the Edo era. Its content is full of description of s feelings, and its type is close to the Chinese wonderful book golden * *.

Dong Mei hasn't seen it, but she has heard of it. She blushed for a moment and asked in surprise, "the one in your hand... The same one? Are you still reading?"

Suzuki Naixi used to be very strict with her grandmother, but now she's gone. She's a little coquettish, but the habit she has developed all the year round is still there. She didn't take the initiative to read this book. After turning a few pages, her heart beat very fast and she couldn't even breathe. She wanted to take out her respirator to suck twice, but she didn't want to keep Dongmei. This short white gourd fell down, so she had to smile: "What do you know? It's still very literary. It's just... That boy may be a sullen coquette. It's really unexpected. He doesn't see it at all. He pretends to be like it!"

The book in her hand is Fujimoto Tong's work, which is more fierce. Although it focuses on the psychological exploration of human desire, it focuses on abnormal X hobbies, x things and many P. turning three or five pages is a detailed description of thirty or fifty pages, which is extremely beautiful and explicit

Exciting, it's so exciting!

Dong Mei is shocked. It turns out that everyone has an unknown side behind him. The boy has been hiding in his room since he was a child and trying to study this. Can he still do better in the exam?

Suzuki Naixi insisted on turning a few pages to prove that she was also an old driver. This kind of book was not worth mentioning. She was more mature than short white gourd, but her heart beat too fast. She felt dizzy and couldn't fit it. She quickly closed the book and stuffed it back behind the bookshelf. She smiled at Dongmei and said, "I won't say it. Are you going to say it?"

She estimated that this was the secret of Beiyuan xiuci's heart. She said that he would probably be furious. She didn't want to beg for that bad luck.

Dongmei picked up the book of * * generation men and handed it to her. She asked her to put it back as it was. After thinking for a while, she said sadly, "what do I say!"

She can't say, otherwise Suzuki Naixi won't admit it, and she's turning over the bookshelf of kithara xiuci.

Suzuki Naxi hid the book, and then ran to the stove. After he got in and sat down, he forced himself to take a deep breath so that his hot face could cool down quickly - it's dangerous. The blind boy has rich theoretical experience. Even if he didn't get his driver's license, he passed the written test. He flirted with him before, and almost fell into the mouth of a tiger!

He's not playing hard to get, is he? Fortunately, I didn't have a hot head. I really went to drill into his quilt. Otherwise, I'm afraid I didn't scare him. Instead, I directly became a little Aries and ate him alive!

Dongmei didn't dare to touch the bookshelf. She quickly hid away. She felt that Beiyuan xiuci was really a boy who hid two boxes of small h books. It turned out that she loved these since she was a child.

No, you have to guard against that boy again!


Beiyuanjia kitchen is semi traditional and semi modern, and the stove is dual-purpose for firewood and artificial biogas. Japan's resources have long been exhausted. It basically does not produce coal, and imported natural gas cannot be transported to such remote mountain villages, so it can only do so - many people say that Japan's environmental protection is good and respects nature. They say that they don't know Japan at all. In fact, they can't help it.

There will be mudslides if you cut down the original forest indiscriminately. If you want to burn coal, you need to import it. The cost is too high. The countryside can only use straw biogas combined with diseased and dead trees as daily fuel.

Beiyuan xiuci quickly washed the dishes and chopsticks, then looked at the kitchen board, and scrubbed them again, but he was actually half a guest. He didn't go too far as in Chunwei house. He had to brush the bottom of the pot with a steel ball as a mirror.

As soon as he finished his busy work, Beiyuan came as soon as he took the flowers. Seeing that he had finished in such a short time, he was slightly surprised and said painfully: "xiuci, just let me do these."

Kithara xiuci said with a smile: "it's all right. I'm used to it... Well, I work in a wine house, so I'm used to it."

"Have you suffered a lot?" Beiyuan Yihua was more distressed.

Kithara xiuci didn't think there was anything. No one did it for him before. If he didn't do it, would he pile it there? He said with a smile, "no, it's all small things. There's no hardship."

It's hard to wash dishes. What should it be to move bricks? It's not that he didn't work as a small worker in his last life.

Beiyuan Yihua felt very happy. Her eyes softened. She felt like a different person in just eight months. She really grew up. She hurriedly said, "go and accompany your friends. You can play cards or mahjong. I put them in the closet. It's dark in winter. They all grew up in big cities and have many people. Don't rush outside the village. Go out with them tomorrow."

Kithara nodded and said with a smile, "yes, I see."

The Fukuzawa family and Suzuki are the standard guests. He must accompany each other and do his best as a host. He didn't say anything, smiled again, and turned and went down the aisle of the long house to his room. The structure of this Japanese long house is very simple. It is a straight heart. If it is placed in the city, it will be used by several families, but if it is placed in the countryside, it will be monopolized by one family.

When he arrived at the door, he listened to the voice and thought it should be here. He knocked on the wooden lattice sliding door and asked with a smile, "is it convenient for me to go in?"

"Come in, o'nissan!" Chuncai knelt down and opened the door, and bowed his head to greet him.

Beiyuan xiuci thanked them. Just going in to ask them how to spend the two or three hours before dinner, he saw Dongmei shrink in the stove and stare at him. Suzuki Naixi also gave a coquettish Pooh, which was a little inexplicable. However, he didn't care. The dead carrot lost his temper every day and Suzuki was a demon every day. It's good to pretend to be such a guest this time. It's normal to show his nature when he closes the door.

He asked with a smile, "do you want to play cards? How about mahjong?"

Xueli didn't want to play cards. She gathered together and asked happily, "xiuci, can I ride the tricycle outside?" Xia zhixia Sha just abetted her to ride the tricycle and take them for a ride. She was a little excited.

Kithara xiuci just wanted to promise to take a turn around the yard. He felt it didn't matter. Just don't run to the mountains and rivers, but Dongmei angrily said, "no, there's no one who runs to other people's homes to ride a tricycle!"

Is there a girl like that? Never!

The snow was very disappointed, but it didn't matter whether Xia Zhi or Xia Sha. They were idle. If this didn't work, they changed it, and said in unison, "let's play mahjong?"

Dongmei thought for a moment. She thought it was not the best way to let these careless guys sit. Hiding in the house and playing cards was better than going crazy. She said, "playing cards is OK. Don't yell like at home!"

Xia Zhi and Xia Sha had no problem. Xiuci kithara went to the closet to find mahjong cards and asked with a smile, "who wants to play?"

Chuncai shook his head and said he didn't want to play, but not in the snow. Finally, Suzuki Naixi, Dongmei and Xiazhi Xiasha came on stage. Suddenly, four little girls picked up Mahjong - they gambled, known as the new year sparrow game.

It is true that mahjong was invented in China, but the country that plays mahjong most fiercely in the world is Japan, and there are many street mahjong halls. According to the statistics of Yomiuri Shimbun, mahjong ranked second in the number of participants in various street entertainment activities in Japan. It only lost to the marble hall, and completely won general chess and go. Mahjong friends are all over all ages, from 5 to 105 years old - Japan did not forget to bring a pair of mahjong when sending teams to the Antarctic scientific research, and even the automatic mahjong table was invented by the Japanese. It can be seen how much they like it.

Dongmei closed the door and began to gamble.

She wants to win back the salary paid to Xia Zhi and Xia Sha, and let Suzuki Naixi owe a "huge debt" for future ridicule. Xia Zhi and Xia Sha are rich this year. She proposes to double the bet and intend to make a small fortune in the new year. But Suzuki Naixi says she never brings money, but it doesn't matter. She can't lose.

There was a crash on the table. Xiuji kithara took a plate of nuts to Xueli. The ducks in the snow sat beside him and ate happily. Akitaro painted alone in a corner of the room. After watching it for a while, Xiuji kithara found that these guys playing mahjong were basically no good people

Chuncai sat in the corner of the room pretending to read, but from time to time he touched his eyebrows and pinched his ears. He obviously peeked at other people's cards and gave Dongmei a secret signal. Xia Zhi and Xia Sha kept exchanging glances. Hideki kithara also noticed that they secretly exchanged cards under the table with their feet, and Suzuki hoped to play with grandma before. The way of shuffling cards was very unique. He looked at a fierce stroke, but the good cards had not been moved under his fingers. After touching the Great Wall, he started to play cards very well and paste a large number of cards.

After watching it for a while, xiuci Beiyuan is really speechless. Do you want to do the same for daily leisure?

The four of them played mahjong. As a result, everyone cheated a thousand. No one could do anything. They got up in anger and it was dark in the twinkling of an eye.