"What happened?" kithara xiuci was still puzzled after he left the convenience store.

Xia Zhi and Xia Sha rushed to tell the story. Of course, their description focused on how angry they were when they heard someone speak ill of Beiyuan xiuci behind their back, how determined they were to defend Beiyuan xiuci's reputation, and how hard they worked, and then hinted that Beiyuan xiuci should reward them, that is, take them to ride camels.

After they finished, Suzuki Naixi smiled and looked at Beiyuan xiuci. She was still very dissatisfied and dissatisfied with Beiyuan xiuci's "eyes without eyes". Dongmei looked at Beiyuan xiuci with some worry. She was afraid that he would be heartbroken when he heard the "favorite girl" sneer at him behind his back. She couldn't help but whisper comforting: "don't take it to heart. You're actually quite good. She doesn't know how to cherish."

She thinks it's OK to refuse Beiyuan xiuci in autumn, but taking him as a joke and talking about it behind the scenes is quite excessive and insulting. Moreover, she doesn't understand why Beiyuan xiuci was so popular in Colleges and universities, but was used as a joke in junior high school - is the aesthetic outlook of Tottori County different from Aichi county? This side is more showy and likes cold and strong men, while the other side is more plain and likes little white faced and beautiful men?

"So it is..." xiuci kithara finally understood and was speechless. This kind of thing should have happened more than once. No wonder the miscellaneous notes written by the original owner are full of feelings of hurting flowers and sighing the moon. They complain about themselves. It turns out that they have just been lovelorn, and they may have suffered a fatal blow during the graduation season. Don't you think you were in love when you were in junior high school?

He was silent for a moment. Xueli misunderstood again. He patted Xiuji Beiyuan on the back and said seriously: "Xiuji, strong!"

In fact, xiuci Beiyuan doesn't have any special feeling in his heart. It's not that he is really lovelorn - the girl he mentioned before is not an autumn day. The life committee member is very gentle and has a good character. Now he is in China - but he can only clench his fist and smile and acquiesce when he looks at the little seriousness on Xueli's face and the faint concern on Dongmei's face: "Thank you, I must be strong!"

Dongmei looked at his face and found that his expression was very calm and put snacks slightly, but she was not sure whether he was sad but covered up very well. She stopped talking about it and asked, "is the person who picked us up outside the town? Who is it?"

Beiyuan xiuci smiled and said, "it's me... It's your aunt Beiyuan."

Dong Mei looked at him strangely. Why did you tell your mother to pull me? What was she implying? However, she was a little nervous, inexplicably felt weak in her heart, and became a little uneasy. She turned to her brothers and sisters and stressed again: "I've said it many times. Finally, let's say it again. We're paying a formal visit on behalf of dad. No one is allowed to be rude, or I won't spare her when I go back. Do you understand?"

Spring food nodded quietly and said, "I see, sister!"

Dongmei waved her hands, "I'm not talking about you, spring food, I'm talking about the other three."

She has nothing to worry about spring food. She is mainly worried about snow, followed by summer weaving and summer yarn, while akitaro is only three or four years old. Even if there is any disrespect, no one will care more at his age.

She was a little worried that the two fool sister took the lead, ran to Beiyuan's house and began to talk crazy when she entered the door. Then Xia zhixia yarn followed closely, and the three people surrounded her and called her "mother-in-law" , I took the face of the fuze family directly to wipe my ass and lost it all at one time - I owe a lot to Beiyuan xiuci. It's reasonable for my family to marry a daughter to pay off the debt, but this doesn't mean that the girl's reserve is no longer needed.

When we meet for the first time, we must be polite and make a good impression. We must never let the Beiyuan family joke that the daughter of the fuze family doesn't know self-respect, self love and education, as if she can't get married.

The snow touched her head and said happily, "I know, sister, I will talk well and let Beiyuan's mother fall in love with me at first sight, unforgettable and unforgettable for life."

Dongmei glanced at her. I'm just afraid you'll leave a "lifelong unforgettable" impression on Beiyuan family, asshole!

Xia Zhi and Xia Sha exchanged glances and complained in a low voice, "the most humiliating thing in the family is your eldest sister. You still have the face to say we..."

If you don't lose your temper one day, don't go to Beiyuan's house and make a big noise. Everyone will be thankful.

Dongmei turned her head and said angrily, "what are you talking about?"

Xia Zhi and Xia Sha said with a sweet smile, "we mean to go to Ernie sauce's house. We must be good."

Dong Mei said more than once about the etiquette when she went to Beiyuan's house to thank her, but she was still very worried. Looking at the three sisters, she still felt unreliable. She talked all the way. From eating manners to daily behavior, Lao Sheng repeated 39 key points and 177 precautions - she could allow three bastard sisters led by Xueli to leave at home Diffuse some, but out of the door is another situation. You must appear cultured, even pretend to be cultured.

It's not allowed to wolf down food, scrape the bottom of the pot and bite the head of chopsticks. All of them should chew slowly, eat less and pay attention to the dining etiquette. They are not allowed to laugh and roll all over the floor at ordinary times. They must laugh without showing their teeth. As for chasing and fighting, they are not allowed. The collective should take small steps!

Beiyuan xiuci listened for a while and said with a smile, "don't be so strict. Just do what you usually do."

Dong Meibai glanced at him and hummed, "of course you don't care. It's not to lose your face."

She loves face, and it's about her parents' reputation. She can't be accused of her parents' poor education of their children, so she must repeatedly emphasize it to her three careless sisters. Even she is worried that if she stays at Beiyuan's house for three or two days, Beiyuan's house will be tossed and overturned. That's a tragedy.

As they talked, they soon got outside the town. From a distance, they saw a tractor with a bucket parked alone by the side of the road. Suzuki Naixi was still watching the excitement of the wild girls of the Fukuzawa family. Seeing the tractor, he took a breath and asked, "take... Take that to your house?"

I haven't sat on this thing. Will my ass pop and blossom?

Beiyuan xiuci looked at it and thought it should be. He said with a smile, "if the mountain road is difficult to walk, don't count on the car." he answered and greeted him first. There, a woman came down from the driver's seat of the tractor and arranged her clothes nervously.

Beiyuan xiuci took a closer look and found that it was a woman who looked more than 50 years old. She was short but dressed simply and clean. She tied her hair with a blue turban, but her hair at the temples was still a little gray. Her face was vaguely similar to herself. She should be the mother of the original owner, but she was not sure. She felt that she was a little old, I don't know whether it was caused by old age or years of hard work.

He thought so, but he hesitated. He didn't dare to call someone directly. He came forward to salute and vaguely said, "I'm very sorry to keep you waiting!"

At first, he didn't know that the original owner's mother came to pick up the people in person. When he got in touch, he heard his voice. At this time, he apologized sincerely - he always had a hard conscience in the face of the original owner's mother, and he always had a soft heart.

Dongmei didn't have his delicate mind. At a glance, she seemed to be the main owner. She quickly waved her small hands. Suddenly, the fuze people lined up in line. The diner Naixi Suzuki also mixed in and bowed neatly 90 degrees: "thank you for waiting. I'm really sorry."

In Dongmei's opinion, Xiuji Beiyuan respects Zhilong Fukuzawa very much. In the past, she occasionally drank some sweet wine with her father and didn't forget to bring flowers to her mother's grave. Then she and her sisters must also show extraordinary respect to Xiuji Beiyuan's parents, not to mention that they came to make face for Xiuji Beiyuan. Respect is essential.

Fuze people are full of vitality. Their voices are either charming or crisp or creamy, but they are very loud. They startled Beiyuan's mother and were at a loss - these are girls in big cities, or the daughter of the boss of their own children's shop. We can't be careless. Otherwise, what if they are unhappy and go back to wear small shoes for their children to bully him? What about scolding him? What about beating him?

She quickly bowed back 90 degrees. Her posture was so low that she was humble and flattered. She introduced herself: "please don't be polite. I'm Beiyuan Yihua for the first time. Thank you for your long-term care for Xiuji. Thank you very much!"

She was a little worried. The name Yihua was a common name for rural women in the Showa era. It was a little similar to the "big girl" and "Erya" in Chinese villages. It was not ordinary rustic. Her son used to complain to the family and was dissatisfied with all kinds of things in the family, including her name. She didn't know if her son would be unhappy if he signed up, but it seemed impolite not to sign up,

Dongmei felt very kind when she listened to the voice. She stole her eyes and looked carefully. She found that she was kind-hearted. She quickly bowed her head and said, "aunt Yihua, you're too polite to venture to visit. It's troublesome for you!"

Xueli and others echoed in unison: "it's troublesome for you!"

Beiyuan xiuci stood aside and quickly introduced them to each other. That's the advantage of bringing these salted eggs back. If he didn't have these salted eggs, he would have to face the original owner's mother alone at this time. There's nothing to say - the more he said, the more he made mistakes, and it's very easy to show his true feelings.

He pointed to Dongmei and said with a smile, "this is Mr. Fukuzawa's eldest daughter, Mr. Fukuzawa Dongmei's classmate, and also the store manager when I was working. After Mr. Fukuzawa was ill, everything in the store and Fukuzawa's family was taken care of by Mr. Fukuzawa Dongmei's classmate. I respect her very much."

In order to make the salted eggs more valued by the original parents, he directly began to put a high hat on the little carrot, hoping to hold her up to the sky.

Dongmei was surprised. Do I have such a high position in the boy's heart? Then why do you often beat me and bully me? tsundere? The more respect, the more you have to fight twice?

She was very satisfied, but she was a little shy to Beiyuan xiuci. She glanced at him like silk, and Beiyuan Yihua looked at the short and small Dongmei in surprise.

Is he in charge of the family business at such a young age? When I opened a shop in a big city, it seemed that the business was excellent. I paid a high salary for my son. I didn't need to send money here. I could live a good life in a big city... It was so powerful that I was worthy of being a girl in a big city.

She quickly rubbed her hands and said, "are you miss Dongmei? Alas, you used to send greeting cards and gifts as long as it was a festival, and always wanted to thank you face to face... I met but didn't know what to say. It's really... It's really..."

Beiyuan xiuci looked at Dongmei in surprise. Have you been sending things here behind my back? Not just once? Why didn't you tell me before?

At present, Dongmei didn't care about the show of Beiyuan. She stepped forward and said softly, "aunt Yihua, just call me Dongmei sauce. You're welcome."

She put on a high hat for Beiyuan xiuci and became more and more shy. She quickly changed the topic, pointed to her sisters and brothers and said in turn: "this is my second sister Xueli, three sister spring food, four sister Xia Zhi, five sister Xia Sha and her brother Qiu taro..." Xia Zhi and Xia Sha were pointed out wrong by her, but the two resisted without protest, and Dong Mei continued: "Beiyuan helped us a lot. No, it's very big. We came to thank him on behalf of my father. He's in poor health and can't come in person. Please don't be surprised."

Dongmei's long-term response to the neighborhood autonomous Committee and adjacent businesses is still excellent. In fact, as long as she doesn't get angry, don't be careful all day, she is OK in communication. She belongs to the kind of girl who can get out of the hall.

"No, no!" the more Beiyuan Yihua looked at Dongmei, the more satisfied she was. She just felt that the girl was generous, polite and cultured, and spoke well. Some wanted to pull Dongmei's hand, but they didn't dare. Afraid that Dongmei's disgust would be caused by an ugly callosity, she quickly asked, "don't worry about Fuze's health?"

"The situation is stable."

"That's good, that's good."

The two of them stood next to the tractor and talked, while Suzuki Naixi looked around and coughed - what about me? Why didn't you introduce me?

She was used to being praised since childhood and was not used to this neglected state. Her dry cough attracted the attention of Beiyuan Yihua. She didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly asked, "this is..."

Kithara xiuci opened his mouth to introduce, but Suzuki Naixi took the initiative to step forward and said cleverly: "Hello, aunt Yihua, I'm Suzuki Naixi, a good friend of kithara's classmates, not from the Fukuzawa family. This time I just came home with kithara's classmates to have a look. I'm really sorry to disturb you."

Beiyuan Yihua was stunned. This is not from the fuze family, so he didn't come to thank you. That's what his son brought back alone. Isn't that