The people who usually touch kitchen utensils in the fuze family are only spring dishes. Others are good at eating, but none of them is useful for cooking. They don't take the initiative to enter the kitchen at ordinary times.

Spring food first denied, while Dong Mei came and looked. She didn't see anything wrong. She felt very neat. She asked strangely, "what's the matter?"

Kithara xiuci entered the kitchen and looked carefully. He confirmed: "someone came in during the day and turned over the things in the kitchen."

Even if the pot is shaken and tilted by an earthquake, you can't change the position of the knife. There is no such spiritual earthquake. It is estimated that although people looking for things are very careful, they didn't expect that someone can always put everything in a fixed position for more than a hundred days.

Dongmei was surprised and immediately turned around and ran upstairs. First, I checked my mother's niche and found it was all right. I was relieved. I found the hidden cash, bank card, house deed, land deed and dad's private seal. I saw it again and found that it was all right. Then I changed the place to hide it. Then I went downstairs again.

However, although it seems all right, she doesn't think that xiuci Beiyuan, an introverted person, will talk nonsense. If he speaks out, she must be more than 90% sure. She found Hideki kithara, who was checking whether the ingredients had been tampered with in the kitchen, and asked softly, "are those two people?"

I went to my house to search. I tried to be careful not to mess up. My property hasn't been moved. That's just looking for things. Except Fukuzawa Zhibing's father and son, no one will do such a thing.

Kithara xiuci thought so, and nodded gently. The Golden Nest of the fuze family looks very attractive, and the father and son don't want to take a share, but want to own it directly.

They are more greedy.

Dongmei was directly depressed. She had been looking for it for nearly three days, but she didn't find anything, and some relatives came to find it at home. This... During the day, the whole family went to school, and there was no one at all. Considering that she and others were not at home, as a result, outsiders wandered around at home and turned around. Suddenly, there was a creepy feeling.

She hesitated and asked, "do you want to call the police?"

Kithara xiuci shook his head and said, "it's useless."

It is reasonable to call the police, but there is nothing missing in the family. If the police are called and they are not old, the police find that the cause is that the pot is crooked and the knife has changed its position. Nine times out of ten, it will be regarded as a prank. Maybe they will take them back to the public security office for a good education.

Dongmei thought for a moment, and suddenly panicked and shouted, "have they found it?"

Did you lose the Heirloom in your hand?

Beiyuan xiuci glanced at her and said, "don't be silly. You almost demolished the house and didn't find it. How can they find it so secretly?"

He felt that ninety-nine percent of the father and son didn't succeed - they all came to the kitchen and turned around. It was obvious that they didn't have a clue at all and were looking for it blindly.

Dongmei felt relieved and justified, but she was depressed immediately. She tilted her head and tooted her mouth and stopped talking - this damn thing is always so polite to others, but she never wants to talk to me well. Can you die if you are gentle to me?

Beiyuan xiuci didn't care about her little temper at all. After thinking for a while, she said, "tomorrow I'll catch thieves and stolen goods and end them at one time."

There are people who hide outside and keep peeping. It's really annoying, and only those who have been thieves for thousands of days. How can they prevent thieves for thousands of days? Pretend to go to school tomorrow, and then sneak back. If the father and son come back again, they will beat them with peach blossoms on their faces, and then directly turn them over to the public security office to sue them for theft. At that time, they will stuff some of their family's belongings on them. It is expected that they can't admit the burglary.

Dongmei glanced at him. She knew something about this. She whispered, "I'll take it with you in the snow tomorrow."

Fukuzawa Zhibing is her own uncle. She is also very effective. She is worried that kithara xiuci will be killed if she misses.

"OK." Xiuji kithara didn't object. Little carrot head is not a weak and soft girl who will be surprised at the sight of caterpillars. It is a "famous" Aichi short legged tiger. It has no problem protecting itself, not to mention in the snow. It is an iron King Kong, nicknamed the great demon king. Its combat effectiveness is extremely amazing. At that time, I will clean up Fukuzawa Zhibing, and the "tiger magic sisters" will work together to shoot Fukuzawa Qiuji out in minutes.

The plan has been decided, and they don't inform Xueli first. Anyway, they pretend to go to school tomorrow and then sneak back. It's estimated that Xueli doesn't have to go to school. They can shiver with excitement, and it's impossible to protest at all.

Dongmei doesn't give up looking for it again. Someone wants to rob it again. She's even more worried if she doesn't find it. Beiyuan xiuci also goes back to the attic to review the book, and then makes dinner as usual. After dinner, she still opens business as usual, pretending that she didn't find anyone sneaking in at home.

Suzuki Naixi kept his word in dealing with the matter in the snow. He didn't mean to lie at all. After dinner, she lay down in the public activity room and slept. When work in the snow was over, she went back to her room with her textbook. It could be regarded as loyalty and diligence to her friends.

Kithara xiuci really hopes that Suzuki Naixi can beat him in the face when he studies in Xueli. Even as long as Suzuki Naixi can make a qualitative leap in Xueli's academic performance, and can pass or fail, he is willing to give Suzuki Naixi more tolerance and respect in the future.

When he was tutoring Xueli, people with a good temper like him sometimes gave him angry liver pain. If he really wanted to raise his hand, he would relieve his anger to the back of Xueli's head twice. However, seeing that Xueli was full of grievances and sat on his knees with his head down waiting to be beaten, he couldn't go down and wanted to vomit blood.

Now the task of tutoring Xueli has been handed over to Suzuki Naixi. Although it's a bit immoral to say so, Suzuki Naixi has really had a big heart disease - Suzuki Naixi must make some achievements, too? Otherwise, only the little carrot head can't spare her. She can satirize her pain.

He went back to the attic and honestly continued to read, take notes and make the original accumulation of wisdom - without extensive knowledge as the basis, the word wisdom is just a castle in the air. It's a dream to have ahead eyes.

Although Suzuki Naixi is a girl and willful mischief, she has a great spirit. If she wants to do something big in the future, she is obviously going to leave her name in history. She wants to see the good and think of the good. Xiuci Beiyuan also wants to learn this spirit. She doesn't want to lose to her in the future, so now she can only cook up the lamp oil.

How much sweat, how much food, how much food, life has always been like this!

He was attentive and planned to use his left and right brains in turn, so that his brain didn't want to rest. He did science papers for a while, and his logical thinking ability was fully open. He read literature and history books for a while to taste the hidden meaning hidden between the lines - why did he say so? Why? At that time, the environment forced him to choose so, or did he have the courage to break the rules?

He got more than two in one breath. Then he rubbed the corners of his eyes and felt a little sleepy. However, after looking at my watch, I decided to stick to it for another half an hour. Anyway, my body can support it. Sleep is enough for three or four hours, and I can squint in the car.

People must be cruel to themselves. If they are not cruel to themselves, they can't be cruel to others. If you want to be cruel, you have to abuse yourself to death.

Perhaps the most tragic thing in life is that you have to be cruel to others. As a result, you find that you don't have the capital to be cruel, and you can only bear it silently in the end.

He patted his cheek, took out his schedule, looked at it, revised some progress, and then touched the book - he bet that the dead carrot didn't sleep, and the guy was holding it!

Human beings are one of the most tolerant creatures on earth, and there is no unbearable sin. Only when they swim on the edge of the extreme root day after day can they burst into a dazzling brilliance.

Everyone has great potential to be tapped, and the so-called talent is just the part of his daily life that he accidentally tapped out - everyone is talented, but some choose to dig silently, while others choose to muddle along.

He just began to force himself to concentrate, but he heard a small sound in his ear, as if someone was passing under the attic.

He couldn't help listening. Did rob go to the bathroom?

He used to brush skill points. Although he didn't care about agility attributes, he inevitably brushed a lot of them - he couldn't control the upgrading of skills to attribute points, but his agility was higher, not only moved and shot faster, but his five senses seemed to have increased to a certain extent. Now after listening carefully, I find that it's not quite right. The footsteps are not personal. There should be... Four, no, five!

Even if he could vaguely feel through his voice that these people were not less than 1.7 meters tall, it was completely impossible for them to be the people of the fuze family - the only person in the fuze family who was more than 1.7 meters tall was in the snow, and most of them had died of sleep by now.

Was it a burglary or did Fukuzawa Zhibing and his son rob the Heirloom? Recently, the business in the store is booming, making a lot of money, and no adults are in charge. It is not impossible for someone to be greedy and want to do one vote.

Kithara xiuci immediately took out his mobile phone and was ready to inform the police first. Don't you pay taxes just to get protection? If you don't look for the police at this time, when will you look for it?

But when I took out my mobile phone, I was shocked to find that there was no signal, so I didn't give up dialing 110. I found that I couldn't get through at all. It was all a rush and blind tone - even if I didn't have a card, I could call an emergency call, but it seemed that the signal was forcibly blocked in a small range.

Kithara took a look at the skylight. If she shouted for help to her neighbors, she was afraid that the villains below would jump over the wall, and akitaro, the youngest below, was less than four years old and had no ability to resist self-protection. If you want to go to your neighbor's house to make a phone call, you have to leave a room full of girls, children and gangsters face to face

Beiyuan xiuci lost her mobile phone and her face became cold. She ran to the attic like a cat and listened to it. She found that there was a thin and vague voice of negotiation below. She used a certain dialect and didn't understand it. She may be assigning tasks according to the on-site situation. She should quietly control the fuze family so as not to disturb the neighbors.

Time didn't wait for people, and kithara xiuci didn't listen much. She directly drilled out of the skylight. As soon as she fell from the second floor and a half, she fell to the second floor and hung it on the window table of Rob's head. Rob's head closed the window to sleep but didn't lock it. Kithara xiuci pulled the window crack and opened it, and then turned over and drilled in.

Beiyuan xiuci landed quietly, while Dongmei's room was dark and full of milk aroma. Kithara xiuci didn't delay either. She went directly to Dongmei's bed, but when she touched it, it was empty - there was no one on the bed.

As soon as he was stunned, he heard a faint murmur at the desk, and then vaguely saw a man looking up from the desk, as if awakened by the cool wind. He scolded secretly. The dead carrot's head fell asleep on the desk again. He hurriedly covered her mouth in case she screamed and alerted the villains outside.

Dongmei often fell asleep after learning to learn. Sometimes she rolled into bed in the middle of the night, and sometimes she just lay down all night. Anyway, she was very used to it. She also specially made a sound sensitive desk lamp to prevent wasting electricity. But it was the first time in her life to cover her mouth in the middle of the night. Without hesitation, she rammed her elbow back.

Beiyuan xiuci didn't take precautions at all. Her attention was all in the corridor. She directly rammed a knot and grinned with pain. She quickly restrained Dongmei's small body with her strength. She covered her hands more tightly, as if she was going to suffocate her, and whispered in her mouth: "don't be afraid, it's me!"

Don't be afraid, you big head! I'm afraid of you! Are you going to do this to me?

Dongmei immediately distinguishes the voice of Hideki kithara, and suddenly turns from surprise to anger. There is a great grievance in her anger - I trust you so much that you attack me at night?

You covet my... Can't you control it?