In the small track of the Fukuzawa family, Hideki kithara was relieved to see the system prompt and breathed a long breath - she would not be dragged around by the snow again, and would not be picked up and circled by the snow again. Finally, she didn't have to worry about being killed and injured by the mistake during the daily play in the snow.

His [Aikido] skill has finally reached lv10 and risen to the middle level. Finally, he has the ability to protect himself when he is empty handed. After that, all vitality values can basically be invested in brushing [medical] skills - the higher the level, the more difficult it is to rise. According to the existing experience, it takes more time to rise from lv10 to lv11 than from LV1 to lv10.

Maybe we should buy an acupuncture copper man and put it in the attic? The brush at home and stab yourself when you have nothing to do at school? The problem is that we only add a little experience after more than ten times. When can we get to lv15? Just like lv12's [ancient current sword skill], Su Zhen only has a little poor experience after splitting more than 20 times. If his face is bad, he has to come 30 times. It's not the time to experience + 1 with a wave of LV1.

[medical skill] the skill must be the same at that time. Even if the vitality value is enough, don't you do anything all day long, just concentrate on pricking needles and repeatedly pick and twist slowly?

He was distressed for a while. He didn't think of any good way, so he put the problem aside first, turned to study the medium-level [Aikido lv10], and was happy again - this skill is reliable. At least it gives quite good attributes. He didn't collect so many books for integration.

Character level + 2, agility + 4, intelligence + 4 and charm + 4. In addition, it also has two auxiliary skills, [breathing] and [agile pace].

Kithara xiuci opened the skill notes and looked carefully. He found that [breathing] is an active skill - to stimulate the potential of the human body and greatly improve the strength in an instant. The increase range and duration will increase with the increase of the main skill level. The current power increase rate is 300% and lasts for 3 seconds. For each level of the main skill, the power increase rate of the skill is increased by 15% and the duration is 0.5 seconds.

Non stackable, gain a debuff (non purifiable) with 40% power reduction at the end of the duration, lasting for 3 minutes.

After reading it, Hideki kithara felt that it was a skill for fighting for life - the victory was divided with this blow. If the blow didn't kill the enemy, the enemy could only kill himself.

He thought again and again. He felt that this skill was really useless in life. He couldn't even use it to move bricks to make money... If [Aikido] could be raised to lv20, the strength would increase by 450% and last for 8 seconds. It looked really scary, but the time was still too short. The only effect was to suppress her when the barbarism in the snow broke out again.

In the snow, she is rarely coquettish, but she can kill people when she is coquettish. Now with this skill, it is impossible for all five of them to screw her alone, right?

He was slightly disappointed with this medium-level skill and felt that it was not as good as the auxiliary skills given by [cooking] and [ancient current sword], so he looked at the second auxiliary skill [agile pace] and found that it was a passive + active skill.

Passive: movement speed permanently increased by 3% and blunt hit damage permanently reduced by 5%.

When the skill is activated actively, the movement speed will increase significantly, and the increase range and duration will increase with the increase of the main skill level. The current speed increase is 15% and lasts for 3 seconds. Each level of the main skill increases the movement speed increase by 2% and the duration of 0.5 seconds.

Non stackable, gain a debuff (non purifiable) with 40% reduction in full speed after the duration, lasting for 3 minutes.

Hideki kithara looked at it carefully twice, and it didn't feel very good to smash it and smash its mouth - these two skills are matched, one into the body and the other outbreak. They exist only for fighting and don't help life at all.

It should be the same. After all, [Aikido] is a fighting skill. It's not realistic to expect it to upgrade to life related auxiliary skills. Forget it, it's also very good. Xueli has strong empty handed fighting ability and dexterous strength and speed. With these two skills, I can at least resist the previous dog blood thing.

Just in case... Just in case! In case Xueli really becomes her girlfriend in the future, can she be cured? Otherwise, if the princess holds her, but the person holding her in her arms is herself

This must not be! Totally unacceptable!

The last time she held her in circles and photographed it for reporters, it was a big stain on life. I can't do it again.

Kithara xiuci is studying the auxiliary skills given by [Aikido] there, and Dongmei opens the door of the track. It's strange to see him standing there in a daze and asks, "what's the matter with you?"

What's the matter with this guy? Why are you standing there like a fool?

Beiyuan xiuci returned to his senses, closed the skill panel in the field of vision, and said with a smile: "nothing, that... Is it for me?"

"It's almost time for dinner. Do you cook or let spring food do today?" the Fukuzawa family can cook. At present, there are only two people, Beiyuan xiuci and Fukuzawa spring food.

Hideki kithara said with a smile, "let me do it!" after he finished tutoring in the snow today, he saw that the [Aikido] experience had been stuck to the critical point of lv10. He was itching for a moment and ran to rise first, but it didn't seem to be a big surprise. It can only be regarded as sloppy!

He went straight to cook. What he does can make everyone eat better. If spring food is cooked, Dongmei will tell her what to do. If she can save, she will save. The meat is divided by pieces - Dongmei thinks that Beiyuan xiuci won't live, so she spends a little money recklessly, but she goes to Beiyuan xiuci to protest. Beiyuan xiuci doesn't bird her at all. She can get nothing but angry.

Beiyuan xiuci left. Dongmei looked at him and went into the ashram. Then she picked up the dummy on the ground and looked carefully. She found that Beiyuan xiuci fell all day. The dummy that should have been used to practice stabbing was almost falling apart.

She looked at it for a while, shrugged and pulled her eyebrows and thought about it. She gave the dummy an upside down fall on the back. The little waist bent very handsome, but she didn't feel anything after the fall - strange, why did the guy fall the dummy every day? It's not even fitness, is it? What's the point?

But the sports festival turned over several classes of boys empty handed. It seems to be the technique of Aikido, but I don't remember him practicing Aikido before! Can you just drop the dummy like this, and it's still so powerful?

This is unscientific

It seems that he used to cut radishes for several days, which made the family almost vomit when eating radishes. As a result, his cooking suddenly became better... Does it have anything to do with this?

Dongmei thought for a moment, but she lost her smile and felt that she thought too much. That boy must have been able to before. He's just a little neurotic and has a lot of problems. It's normal to do something without cerebral neuropathy.

She turned out of the ashram, looked at her watch, went straight to the bathroom, beat the door and shouted, "will it take you two slippery heads a year to take a bath? Come out and do your homework quickly, don't be lazy in it!"


Hideki kithara went into the kitchen, looked at the menu ordered by Dong Meiding, and threw it into the kitchen bucket - it's a blessing for your family to eat. You can't let everyone have no oil and water all day! If you save all your money and don't spend it, why do you earn it? Of course, it is right to leave emergency money, but it is also necessary to improve life!

He didn't care how Dongmei arranged. He cut a large piece of beef to sell and prepared to eat beef curry rice tonight. Spring vegetables thought they came to fight him. It's just that he has just mixed the curry powder. What spices should be added to the orthodox spring dish to taste better? Neitian male Malay.

He was a little surprised and asked with a smile, "neida, what's the matter?"

Uchida Xiongma was very polite. He said hello to Chong Chuncai first, then sat in front of the kitchen counter and asked with a smile, "Beiyuan, do you have time next weekend?"

Kithara xiuci thought for a while. It seemed that there was nothing wrong, but he didn't promise. In case Uchida Xiongma wanted to get him to go to the friendship to fill his head, or do something out of tune, he directly asked, "what do you want me to do that day?"

"There will be a baseball game next weekend. It's very important. We lack a good pitcher. Can you..."

Hideki kithara looked at him strangely. After thinking about it, she understood a little. She smiled and asked, "Suzuki asked you to come again?"

Uchida male horse didn't hide, nodded and said, "it's the girl... No, the coach asked me to come."

Kithara xiuci smiled and said, "I'll talk to her directly later... Do you want to stay for dinner?"

He doesn't have that free time to play baseball. There's not enough time now.

Uchida Xiongma was also polite: "then I'll disturb you. Beiyuan's food is very delicious." then he scratched his head, "Beiyuan, don't you really want to go?"

"No, my ideal is not to be an athlete." kithara xiuci told the truth. He has no detailed plans for the future. At present, he only considers to lay a good foundation, but he hopes to realize the value of life in a wider range in the future, rather than being an athlete, so he doesn't want to invest too much time and energy in the field of sports. As long as he can do morning exercises every day to ensure a good body.

It's not that the athlete's profession is bad, but that he has started playing cards so well in his life. If Hu Guoshi's unparalleled service is full, he doesn't want to dismantle it to mix up one color or asshole Hu. If you change the big four Xi plus the word one color with four bars, you can think about it. That's more.

Uchida's male horse was even more depressed and sighed: "Suzuki chased you all day to let you go to the baseball department. Beiyuan, you must have a powerful place. It's a pity to waste so much. Then... Suzuki wants to ask, can you say I begged you on my knees?"

It was a comfortable high school life. It's really going to kill me to have such a daughter.

Kithara smiled: "it's not so serious. I'll find her to make it clear and let her stop bothering you... Sorry, I've found so many things for you."

Uchida's male horse suffered a reckless disaster, but Suzuki Naixi's bastard can't cure her unless he turns against her directly. It's no use turning her face. She has no face and no skin.

Naoto Uchida shook his head. As soon as he was about to speak, Suzuki Naixi lifted the curtain and came out of the corridor - her tunnel and backyard - directly smiled and answered: "how can I blame me for looking for trouble? He is also a member of the team. He knows how difficult it is to find a good pitcher."

What she said is not empty words. An ace pitcher can decide the outcome of the game. If he can take the team into the Jiaziyuan, he can bear more than 50% of the defensive responsibility of the whole team. He is an absolutely rare SSR level role.

She read the information of all the boys in the school. Except for xiuci Beiyuan, she really didn't find another one who felt reliable. The existing one is barely usable. It's R-rated, but if you can get SSR, who uses R-rated!

She smiled and sat down in front of the kitchen table. She also pointed to the chopping board and said, "put more onions. I like onions."

Hideki kithara looked at her and didn't make it difficult for her to eat this kind of thing - she had difficulty eating. She felt very poor and worthy of sympathy - she really cut more onions and said, "Suzuki, I told you many times that I won't and don't want to play baseball. Don't always harass Uchida for this matter."

It's OK to help the poor guy alleviate the pain in life, but it takes too much time to play baseball. Pull it down as soon as possible!

But Suzuki Naixi said innocently, "but I need a pitcher who is not at the level of playing in the open space on the street!"

"That's your business. Please have a limit to your willfulness. Don't always force Uchida to come to me. You always bully others and won't make real friends."

Suzuki Naixi turned a deaf ear to kithara's good words, and even stepped up his efforts to wink at Nakata's male horse, which meant to let him threaten kithara with friendship, but Nakata's male horse looked down at the teacup and didn't move.

Of course, he wants to go to Beiyuan xiuci. After all, this is a man who took him with the Yulong flag. He may be very likely to create miracles, but he doesn't dare to influence Beiyuan xiuci's will. Ah Lu will destroy his family when he knows.

Suzuki naixilian stared at the male horse of Uchida for several times, but the male horse of Uchida didn't respond at all. Finally, he frowned and said, "classmate Beiyuan, you still owe me a request. Haven't you forgotten?"

This requires that she doesn't want to use it. She wants to keep it. She has been threatening Xiuji kithara. But when he comes, he starts to pretend to be a dead dog. And the competition next weekend is very important to her. She can only reluctantly use it - she not only wants to win, but also wants to win a big victory. She wants to crazy hit Dapu Qingquan's face and kill him.

Beiyuan xiuci was interested to hear her say so. If this requirement is applied to this kind of thing, it is better than Suzuki Naixi's turning back and making some bastards such as kiss.

He opened the skill panel, took another look at the new skill [breathing] and said with a smile, "your requirement is that I join the baseball department as a pitcher? But if I join, your team may not be suitable for me!"

Suzuki Naixi felt a little pity for the request, but he still smiled and said, "what's not suitable?"

"Must the pitcher partner with the catcher? What if no one can be my partner?" Hideki kithara said with a smile: "I can be your pitcher, but if you can't use me, this requirement is invalid."

Kithara xiuci looked at Suzuki Naixi's suddenly vigilant little face, smiled and asked again, "how about you, do you agree, Suzuki?"