In her stomach, Hideki kithara scolded her mother for holding Tada's male horse to run to the infirmary - it really hurt the chicken's egg. She was happy with disaster and quick retribution. The goods were laughing at Suzuki Naixi's hypoglycemia and plunged into the baseball basket. As a result, she immediately hurt the back of her head.

The situation is not serious, but there is less fat in the human head. There are dense capillaries under the skin. The male horse of Uchida suffered for himself and was photographed. All of a sudden, the capillaries burst and the blood spilled directly under the skin and bulged, which is commonly known as a big bag on the head.

The best way to deal with this situation is cold compress, but Shidao law is not available, so Beiyuan xiuci has to take him to the infirmary to ask for an ice bag - this can make the capillaries contract and less blood. Although the congestion will disappear naturally, due to the accumulation of blood, the fibrous tissue near the hematoma will get more nutrition than usual and begin to proliferate. If it is not handled in time, Even if the congestion disappears in the future, the place will be slightly swollen.

This is why many people's heads are not round enough. Although OTA Xiongma is a big pit goods, he is also an acquaintance at least. It's better to save his head! Originally, people don't look very good. It's even worse if their head is not round enough.

But as soon as he opened the door of the infirmary, the school doctor Suzuki huazi couldn't help laughing and said, "Beiyuan, you did come."

Beiyuan xiuci was stunned. Can Suzuki huazi make a prediction? He dragged Mr. Uchida in and said, "Mr. Suzuki, Mr. Uchida hit his head. Please show me... How did you know we were coming?"

Suzuki was stunned and smiled apologetically. He quickly let the male horse of Uchida sit down. However, he found that even the skin was not broken. It was not a big problem. He turned his head to the side curtain and said with a smile: "sorry, I thought you came to see Fukuzawa."

The last time Dongmei had stomach cramps, Hideki kithara was here with her. She was so considerate that Suzuki huazi was impressed. She always thought they were dating and at least liked each other.

Kithara xiuci raised the curtain and looked. She found that little carrot's head was lying in it. She asked Suzuki huazi softly, "what's the matter with her, Miss Suzuki?"

This morning was fine. I lay down after only three hours?

Suzuki shook her head and said with a smile, "I should have noticed that she caught a cold and had a fever. I left her here to rest and observe the situation."

"That's right!" Hideki kithara bowed his head and thanked Suzuki huazi. "Please, Miss Suzuki."

Suzuki said with a smile, "this is my job. You're welcome, Beiyuan. But please advise Fukuzawa to pay attention to rest. She seems to lack sleep for a long time, her mental state is anxious and her physical state is very poor. She's still young. Don't fall ill."

Hideki kithara nodded, "I see, Mr. Suzuki." then he hesitated and went into the small room out of the curtain. He saw that Dongmei was not asleep and had changed her posture and rolled her back to him there - the little carrot head really saved space. It rolled into a small ball and accounted for one fifth of the bed.

He walked around and asked softly, "how do you feel?"

Dongmei pursed her mouth and said in a low voice, "that's it." she only blew the cow leather in the morning. She was in good health. Xiuci Beiyuan asked her to take medicine. She didn't take it. As a result, she lay in the school medical room in only three or four hours.

In fact, it's not her fault. She caught a cold last night, but it really didn't matter at that time. However, she ran to the vegetable market early in the morning and trotted back with the scooter. She sweated and was blown by the cool wind. She was a little stuffy. Then she fell asleep on the bus on the way to school, got out of the car and blew the hair. As a result, she felt a splitting headache after two classes.

What's more, when her childhood came, she had a little stomachache, so she had to run to the infirmary under the attack of up and down - the medicine here is free and can be eaten.

Beiyuan xiuci looked at her pale face, but there were some abnormal purples on her cheeks. A small ball rolled there looked very poor. She couldn't help trying her forehead with her hand. She felt really hot, but it wasn't too powerful, so she said softly, "then close your eyes and have a good sleep!"

Dong Meiwei nodded invisibly, and kithara xiuci asked softly, "do you want me to call in the snow to accompany you?"

Dongmei looked up at him and opened her mouth to talk, but she coughed and said, "no, I'm fine. I just have a cold. Don't delay her study."

Kithara Xiuji stood there speechless. Can't you delay anything in the snow? Maybe I'll sleep on my desk now! Isn't it a bear to sleep here?

Dongmei looked up at him and stressed, "don't bother to call Xueli. She will make me headache. Go away and go back to class quickly." she doesn't like others, especially xiuci Beiyuan, who sees her weak appearance, but she doesn't have the strength to play a small temper at the moment. She can only lie there and pretend to be dead.

Beiyuan xiuci thought for a moment and thought that it didn't make much difference whether there was escort or not. After all, there was a school doctor. This was more professional, so she said softly, "I'll bring you dinner at noon and call me immediately."

Dongmei turned over again, turned to the other side, buried her face in the pillow, stretched out her small hand from the quilt and waved it, indicating that she knew it and asked Beiyuan xiuci to leave quickly.

Beiyuan xiuci tucked her in the quilt corner, and then led the withered neitian male horse away. At noon, Xueli was still happy to run to him for lunch. He hesitated and didn't tell Xueli, but coaxed her to eat first. He went to class C to get Dongmei's lunch box and went to the canteen to buy hot soup and sent it to the school medical room, but Dongmei was asleep, Suzuki suggested not waking her up.

Beiyuan xiuci squatted down and looked at Dongmei's little face. She found that she seemed to be more ill. She tried again. Her forehead was hot. Suddenly her face was a little ugly - won't it develop into a bad cold? It is indeed the season of influenza.

But fever is not a bad thing. It's the human immune system working. It's better to let her have a good sleep. Kithara xiuci left the meal and asked Suzuki huazi to pay more attention to Dongmei's situation, so she went back to the classroom worried.

It's a bad time. As soon as I get up, little Rob's head will fall down again?

At one o'clock in the afternoon, it was three twenty-five. As soon as the bell rang, he left and went directly to the school medical room, while Dong Mei was still sleeping! Beiyuan xiuci hesitated for a moment and felt that the school medical room was unreliable. After all, this was only a place to deal with some minor injuries and diseases in the school. If the condition was slightly more serious, it would be more reassuring to go to a regular hospital - last time he treated Dongmei's neck crooked, and he didn't dare to take others to practice, otherwise he would take Dongmei home and treat herself.

He gently shook Dongmei up, and Dongmei opened her eyes vaguely. She looked at him deliciously and asked softly, "what's the matter?"

"After school, I'll accompany you to the hospital."

"After school... I have to make up lessons for Xueli and open a shop in the evening. Go back quickly." Dongmei propped up her bed and remembered, but her small body was a little shaky, but she was very stubborn. She pushed away the hand held by xiuci Beiyuan, bit a milk tooth, got up and walked out.

Beiyuan xiuci followed her and said softly, "don't worry about anything else in advance. I think you're very ill. Go to the hospital first!"

Dongmei took two steps, holding the wall dizzy and said, "what hospital do you go to for a little cold, go straight home!"

She was confused and didn't go to get her schoolbag. She went straight to the porch of the teaching building to change her shoes. Beiyuan xiuci was ready to forcibly get her to the hospital, but it was hard to do it at school and was ready to go out of the school.

Xueli was waiting at the school gate. Seeing Dongmei staggering out, she asked strangely, "sister, what's the matter with you?"

As soon as Dongmei was about to answer, she bent down and coughed. When Beiyuan xiuci looked around, he found that there were not many people at the school gate - after all, they were a minority who didn't participate in community activities and ran away after school - he directly picked up Dongmei and said to Xueli, "your sister is ill and very serious. She needs to go to the hospital immediately."

This is not the time to save money. Xiuci kithara reached out for a taxi, while Dongmei pulled back at his collar and angrily said, "put me down. I said I... cough, it's all right. Don't mind your own business."

Kithara xiuci didn't talk to her politely and scolded, "you're walking in the S-shape. You still say you're okay. Be honest, go to the hospital!" he stuffed Dongmei into the taxi and followed him in. He was just about to let Xueli go home first, but he found that Xueli had consciously sat in the co pilot's seat and shouted to the driver nervously: "Uncle, go to the hospital quickly. It's urgent and drive at full power!"

Dongmei is usually not Beiyuan xiuci's opponent. Now she is ill, and she is weak. Beiyuan xiuci presses her on the back seat of the taxi. She has no resistance. She just coughs and says, "do you know how many things there are at home? Just bear it for a few days. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill."

No matter what she said, xiuci Beiyuan had to twist her to the hospital. After a few struggles, Dongmei really had no strength. She slowly closed her eyes, and kept looking back in the snow. She looked very nervous.

The taxi arrived at the nearest hospital. When Beiyuan xiuci paid for the taxi, she asked Xueli to take Dongmei in first to avoid being blown by the wind. However, Xueli carefully helped Dongmei take a few steps. Dongmei's legs softened and knelt down directly. Xueli was shocked and shouted, "xiuci, my sister fainted!"

Then she picked up Dongmei and ran away, while xiuci Beiyuan hurried to catch up with her. As a result, she didn't catch up with her until she reached the emergency room. She only saw Xueli looking extremely serious at the door of the emergency room.

Beiyuan xiuci hurriedly asked, "where are the people?"

Xueli pointed to the emergency room and said sadly, "the nurse received it, xiuci. They asked my sister what happened. I said I didn't know. You know, they said you arrived and asked you to go in right away."

Beiyuan xiuci hurriedly said, "then wait here. Don't run around. I'll go in and have a look."

Xueli nodded obediently, but xiuci Beiyuan didn't come out as soon as she went in.

The more the snow waited at the door, the more frightened she became. She bowed her head and looked like a moment of silence. A pair of beautiful and pure big eyes were full of tears, and finally slowly flowed out - she rarely cried, but she couldn't control it when she thought of her favorite sister if she wanted to be like her mother and father.

Her mother worked too hard at home and suddenly fainted. Then she was hospitalized, went home and hospitalized. She died more than two years ago, and her father also suddenly fainted at home. As a result, she was sent to the hospital and hasn't woke up yet!

Now her sister suddenly fainted. She was so scared

She wiped her tears carelessly and sobbed in a low voice, like a dog about to lose her family, but she never dared to enter the emergency room for fear of hearing any bad news immediately, and the passing nurses and patients' families gave her sympathetic eyes

Her appearance is still very pleasant. An Obasan came forward and patted her on the arm and asked softly, "excuse me, little girl, what's the matter?"

The snow finally couldn't help it. Sobbing with a "crack", he knelt down and burst into tears: "my sister, my sister... Sobbing..."

"Alas!" the Obasan quickly helped her up in the snow, took out a banana and stuffed it into her, comforting her: "don't be too sad, little girl."

Snow looked down at the banana in his hand, sobbed and peeled it into his mouth, swallowed it in two bites, cried and said, "thank you, it's delicious!"

"Then eat another one!"


After touching his head in the snow, the Obasan sighed and left - a person can't be reborn after death. Should her sister be less than 20? Pity and pity

In the snow, she ate the banana in two bites. She was sad from her heart. She couldn't help crying and called "sister", while another older Obasan sat over and handed her a bottle of drink and gently comforted her in a low voice.

Xiuji kithara didn't know whether she should go out or not.

This is not the time when hundreds of thousands of people died of cold. I go out and say that little carrot fainted only when he had a bad cold. Will he be beaten in the snow?