Suzuki Naixi said that he wanted to take kithara Xiuji's arm, and kithara Xiuji dodged again and frowned: "this is at school."

Is it a decoration for you to be a discipline committee? Even the erha sect in the snow has three brains and dare not do so in school!

Suzuki Naixi smiled and said, "you're old-fashioned. Xiuci, take me to dinner? I haven't eaten the canteen yet. I don't know how it tastes..."

Shi Daolu just reacted now. He looked at Suzuki Naixi with some surprise. He didn't know why she was so close to Beiyuan Xiuji - he knew Suzuki Naixi. After all, there was an introduction at the opening ceremony. The talented girl with a national standard IQ test of 160 was still famous, but he didn't know where the private Dafu school turned her.

Tadao Uchida greeted him with a face, nodded and bowed and said, "Hello, coach." he was a little guilty. These days, he scolded Suzuki Naixi everywhere for abusing the whole baseball team. He might have been punished by heaven if he didn't come for three days.

It's a good scolding behind this, but if Suzuki Naixi wants to settle with him, it's not good.

Both of them knew Suzuki Naixi and suspected that her family's elders were the senior management of the headquarters of Dafu industrial group and had great power, but they didn't expect that the school was Suzuki Naixi's - Suzuki Naixi took a pseudonym and forged her resume to go to school. Her real name was Suzuki Liyi. Even the president thought she was a distant relative of Suzuki's family, but she was loved by the president, That's why she opened the door and gave her the baseball team directly.

Anyway, it's also a weak community that retreats after a war. How bad can it be? If Suzuki Naixi could change his name on the premise of the long face of the conference, he would make a lot of money.

Unlike neida's male horse, Shi Daolu was not too afraid of Suzuki Naixi. He hesitated and looked around and asked, "Mr. Beiyuan, what are you and Suzuki..."

Suzuki Naixi opened her mouth and was about to answer with a smile. It was estimated that she was talking crazy again. Kithara xiuci quickly stopped her and said, "ah Lu, let neida talk to you! You go to the canteen first, and Suzuki and I will have a word alone."

Kouma Uchida knew that Suzuki Naixi was about to catch Xiuji kithara to play baseball these days. He looked at Xiuji kithara's face. It was estimated that there was some fire to open up. He hurriedly pulled the island law and left. He said with a cheap smile, "you talk, you talk."

He dragged the reluctantly Shijima law away, while Hideki kithara turned and stared at Naixi Suzuki firmly and said calmly, "Suzuki, you have disturbed my life. I have been patient with you again. I hope you can stop enough - I don't want to contact you more. Please don't bother me again!"

It was enough for him to refuse ordinary high school girls, but it was of no use to Suzuki Naixi. She still smiled happily and said brazenly, "but you saved me. I must come to you to repay your kindness! Have you heard the story of the crane repay your kindness? Let's follow that story..."

Kithara xiuci didn't answer, but calmly watched Suzuki Naixi, and Suzuki Naixi suddenly felt a little cold and couldn't laugh. She knew that kithara xiuci was probably really angry. She quickly stood up and whispered, "it's ah pan. Please let me thank you."

Kithara xiuci hesitated and asked, "how's she...?"

"I just woke up last night and recovered my life. However, I lost too much blood and was seriously injured. It is estimated that I have to stay in bed for a long time."

Hideki kithara nodded slowly. It would be nice if he didn't die. Even if he didn't dare to say that he could be killed without hair injury when surrounded by more than ten or twenty people - it wouldn't matter if he could take turns to fight alone - ah Pan said thank you. He probably thanked Hideki kithara for running away with Suzuki Naixi and didn't let her commit greater dereliction of duty.

Although he was unfamiliar and didn't say a few words, he actually appreciated ah pan. At least the woman was very professional and devoted to her duty.

He replied with some satisfaction, "that's good. Say hello to her for me and wish her a speedy recovery."

"I know," said Suzuki Naixi with a smile, "no one knows you showed up that night except me and ah pan."

Hideki kithara read the newspaper. In the big newspaper, the incident was characterized as a mutual hatred between gangs. Let alone him, it had nothing to do with the Suzuki family. Only a few tabloids heard the wind and caught the shadow and said a few words, but they all shut up the next day.

As the overlord of Guanzhong Economic Circle, Dafu industrial group still has a lot of energy.

Now hearing what Suzuki Naixi said, he was more relieved and said with a smile: "that's good. You're not safe outside. Be careful that you're shot in the head. You'd better go home early!"

Suzuki Naixi was not afraid at all. He smiled and said, "you don't have to scare me. The prime minister can't enjoy the treatment of being shot in the last 20 or 30 years, and it's even more impossible for me to be a consortium successor."

"It's always dangerous. Go back quickly!" kithara xiuci wanted to send Suzuki Naixi home quickly. After alleviating these words, his cold face couldn't come out. He had to change his mouth to coax her away, but Suzuki Naixi said with a smile: "it's all right!"

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

Suzuki Naixi leaned against the wall and smiled sadly: "I was chased and killed, but my father didn't care. On the contrary, he suppressed public opinion. Finally, I was unlucky and became an innocent man who was involved in the gang fight - my father mobilized more than 500 people in the group's public relations department overnight and personally visited several senior police and local leaders. Just to avoid making things big, I didn't expect what would happen if I was killed."

Beiyuan xiuci hesitated for a moment, could not help but suppress his curiosity and asked, "did you fall out with your father?"

Suzuki Naixi looked up and smiled brightly: "Yes, he doesn't care about me, so I have to take care of myself. I have made a will these three days. If I die unnaturally, all the shares I should have inherited will be unconditionally donated to the state and various institutions, including the municipal government and county government. The more famous religious groups and political parties in Aichi county have not fallen. I have also divided some of the past between Tokyo and Kobe, Osaka."

Beiyuan xiuci was surprised. He didn't expect Suzuki Naixi to make such a decision. However, he usually read books related to the law. After all, only when he knows the law can he break the law. He hesitated and asked, "what's the use of you who don't have full civil capacity and are not qualified to make a will?"

"But this can give an excuse to those who want to get involved in Dafu industrial group and huotu society, and it's a lot of money. It's more than expected. Someone will always want to try to get some benefits. After all, I'm 16 years old and have my own legal income. It's OK to say that I have civil behavior ability. There are many places where I can quarrel in the law, and more importantly, my father doesn't There are no enemies. Even if they can't get the money, they are willing to make trouble for my father. "

"Hmm? There are more people who want to kill you?" it is indeed a lot of money. Only Suzuki Naixi mentioned that more than 16% of the shares of Nagoya heavy bank is an astronomical figure - nearly one sixth of the shares of the largest private bank in Aichi County, or its value should not be measured simply by money.

"There were a lot of people who wanted me to die, otherwise I could have been locked up by my grandmother for 16 years. Now it doesn't matter if I have more. Moreover, after I announced my will, many senior cadres in the group immediately called. I cried a good cry, and then they went to my father. Now everyone is guessing that my father is going to kill me to completely occupy Suzuki's house. It should be pu Do you think he is too greedy? "

Hideki kithara understood that Suzuki Naixi was making a black accusation against her father. Her father didn't want to kill her, but just stayed out of the matter and let her live and die, and she simply said that no matter who wanted to kill her, as soon as she came to her father's head, as soon as she died, others would have an excuse to overthrow her father - Dafu industrial group is also the ancestral industry of Suzuki family, which is in the group There must be many close friends of Suzuki's family. They may just sit on the bench.

Even if she can't shake her father's position, it is estimated that it is also a big storm, which may break the hearts of the consortium into several pieces.

Suzuki Naixi smiled like a flower and was very happy. "Even if I die, I will leave them a mess. My father wants to wait for me to die naturally. I have no problem, but he doesn't care about his mistresses. I'll force him to take care of it. See if he wants to wait for me to die safely or if he wants me to die right away, causing a lot of trouble."

Kitahara Xiuji looked down and thought that Suzuki Noki had died in the process. She was not well. Her mother died at the age of more than 20, and her father was not yet forty. She has the final say that she would be enough to die two. Instead of risking a great risk, she would have to wait for ten years and eight years. The winner is proud to be in power - according to her father's position, it's best to wait until she hangs up, but his women can't wait and want to take over Suzuki's house.

In addition, those who may enjoy the inheritance may not really kill her. After all, killing her must be a legal wrangle for many years, but they may not get a penny in the end. At the same time, they will be chased and bitten by Suzuki's father in order to prove his innocence. If one can't do it well, he will make a wedding dress for Suzuki's father, enabling him to fully control Suzuki's family. Considering the risks and risks If you gain, you really don't have to do it, or look forward to others doing it. If you take the opportunity to pick up a big bargain, all parties have become a state of checks and balances.

Beiyuan xiuci thought for a while, but he didn't think of any big problem. It's a conspiracy. Although there are still high risks, there are no risks in the world. To be fair, it's really a good idea to break the deadlock and introduce a third party to contain it.

"It's great," he said with heartfelt admiration

Suzuki Naixi smiled and said: "Of course, it's very powerful. My father was so angry that he scolded me through the phone. I kept crying. I didn't even open the door for him. Anyway, I didn't eat him or drink him. My grandmother left a lot of people for me, and nine large funds received dividends and operated by themselves. The income was very good. Now, I guess my father is probably looking for his mistresses to settle accounts, Look who's making trouble for him - at least I'll be much less stressed these days. Now I'm killed, not by him, but by him. Now he should be the one who expects me not to die. "

Kithara xiuci was speechless for a moment and asked, "do you mean... Do you want to continue to come to school?"

"It depends on my mood. Sometimes I come and sometimes I don't. I want to live a normal life. My doctors don't know how long I can live."

Beiyuan xiuci frowned at her and said faintly, "don't lie. Your health is bad, but if there is no accident, you shouldn't die within ten years."

Suzuki Naixi stuck out his tongue, "really? That's good news, but I'm only 26 years old ten years later... It's a pity to die at the age of 26. I haven't taken a good look at the world. But it's OK. Our family almost lived to 50 and died more. At least I can mix an average."

She smiled and talked, but she kept sliding down against the wall. Xiuci Beiyuan quickly helped her and asked, "what's the matter?" this guy has a lot of problems.

Suzuki Naixi smiled weakly and said, "I have low blood sugar. Kind hearted man, give me a bite to eat? I haven't eaten well for three days."

Kithara xiuci looked around. He didn't believe that Suzuki Naixi would run out by himself. He was going to call her bodyguard to take her away, but he felt that the back of his hand was wet. Only then did he find that tears suddenly hung on Suzuki Naixi's eyelashes

He couldn't tell whether it was acting or she was really sad. After all, she had just experienced great family changes, and Suzuki Naixi continued to beg with tears and a smile: "kind man, have mercy on me. I'm so miserable. Give me a bite to eat!"

Kithara xiuci sighed and was still going to call her bodyguard, but then the snow came out with a stack of letters and a bento box. He looked at Suzuki Naixi curiously and asked kithara xiuci, "what's the matter with her?"