"It's so special!" after all, xiuci Beiyuan is not a native, and he has no experience living in heavy rainfall areas. Unexpectedly, there is a tradition of opening the drain on rainy days. When he comes to the apartment, the street lights don't light up, and the place where the drain is opened doesn't have luminous signs like other blocks. When the black light is blind, he stepped empty and almost fell in - thanks to practice, Or you might have to pull the eggs.

Generally speaking, Rb is a country with frequent natural disasters. In addition to volcanic earthquakes, this rainstorm must also be included - in the typhoon season from July to November every year, Rb is swept by typhoons five times on average, each time causing more or less property losses, and the highest record of frequent rainstorms kills more than 100 people at a time.

Although this is also closely related to the geological conditions of Rb, there are too many tectonic plate layers and volcanic geological layers, which are quite fragile. If the rain is slightly large, it will either collapse or sink, or debris flow will roll, destroy houses and hurt people, with great lethality, but there is still too much rain in the end.

RB local governments have also invested a lot of money to improve the sewer project, but in terms of effect, it can only be barely maintained - in this largest city in Guanzhong, the sewer system covers are fully open and desperately swallow the rain, but Beiyuan xiuci still comes back with water. Some places even feel that if they lie down in the water, they can swim a few meters.

He pulled a leg out of the drain. His shoes had long been filled with water. It was very uncomfortable to step on them. When he choked back to his apartment, he saw the door of his apartment open as soon as he went upstairs. Two small heads were exposed up and down. It was Yoko Ono and baijiro.

Yoko Ono smiled and cried, "baijiro tried to grab the door. I knew it was o'nissan coming back. Sure enough! Why is it so early today?" baijiro swallowed saliva desperately with a green light in the dog's eyes at her feet.

Kithara Xiuji directly entered the house, took off his shoes and raincoat at the simple porch, smiled and replied: "I came back early without guests today, but baijiro should not be in a hurry to welcome me, but wait for dog food?"

Baijiro squatted on one side and smiled flatteringly. His tail shook out a continuous shadow. He tried not to squint at the dog food bag in Beiyuan Xiuji's hand, indicating that he didn't want meat or bones at all. He really just looked forward to his master's home and was 100% loyal.

Kithara xiuci was amused by it. He handed the dog food bag to Yoko Ono and said, "you can put it in the basin. I'll change my clothes."

Yoko Ono picked up Hideki kithara's wet shoes and dog food bag, led baichiro to the bathroom and said with a smile, "OK, o'nissan, change your clothes and I'll brush your shoes."

"No, Yoko, I'll just come by myself later."

"Change your clothes quickly, o'nissan, don't get cold." Yangzi said and went into the bathroom to make room for xiuci Beiyuan to change his clothes. There's no way. The apartment can only be described as a little bigger. It's barely the size of three Ping.

Although it didn't rain much, the clothes were still very damp and uncomfortable to stick to the body, especially the pants. They were still wet to the knees in raincoats and pants. Xiuji kithara shouted again and asked Yoko Ono to leave his shoes alone. Then he stripped off his clothes, opened the closet, quickly changed a full set of dry household clothes, and read the books in the plastic bag. It's all right, The envelope given by Ichiro Fukuzawa is a little soft.

He opened the envelope and looked. He found that Zhilong Fukuzawa praised him in the employer's recommendation book. He was an absolutely perfect employee. He had to write a certificate and put it in it. There were ten brand-new thousand yuan bills as severance pay.

Beiyuan xiuci bowed his head and found that it was equivalent to giving him an extra hour's salary every day. By this calculation, the salary for odd jobs this time will be higher than the average level, which has become a small favor again.

Fukuzawa Zhilong is too fastidious. Although he seems to be a sick ghost and an alcoholic, he is sophisticated and mature, understands the accident, has been in contact for so long, has no problems to pick up, and has a magnanimous demeanor. People can't help but take a high look.

Beiyuan xiuci shook her head and packed the envelope and money. After smelling it, she found that the smell in the room was not quite right. There seemed to be a faint smell of disinfectant in the air. Just wanted to ask, she found that Yangzi had not come out of the bathroom yet. She couldn't help but go in and have a look. She found that Yangzi was serious and squatting there trying hard to clean his shoes. She suddenly had a big head - it's child labor, It's inhuman.

He hurriedly went up to stop him, but Yoko refused, twisted his body to block his hand, and just smiled sweetly: "o'nissan, it doesn't matter. I also wash clothes and maintain shoes at home. Oh, I'm very capable. I can do any housework!"

Hideki kithara enjoyed the treatment of others to brush his shoes and wash his clothes in his childhood in his previous life. For a moment, he was very uncomfortable, but the bathroom was really small, and there was baijiro with his buttocks pouting next to him. Now his tail was swinging vertically up and down. It can be seen that there was really not much land here. There was no way to grab it at all. Finally, he had to be forced by Yoko.

However, he was embarrassed to accompany him. He watched Yoko Ono pull his tongue and shoelace skillfully. It seemed that he had no empty words just now. It was estimated that he didn't do less housework at ordinary times. Yoko Ono did have two brushes, which were very methodical. He wiped the inside and outside of his shoes with clean water, removed the dirt, and absorbed the water with a fine cloth with good water absorption, Then the toilet paper was rolled into balls and stuffed into the shoes.

While she was busy, she looked up and smiled sweetly. She said confidently, "o'nissan, just brush a layer of shoe polish when the shoes are dry tomorrow! Don't worry, the shoes won't deform!" after a pause, she looked out and asked, "o'nissan, where's your wet clothes?"

Xiuci Beiyuan looked at her as if she was going to wash her clothes, which he really couldn't accept. He was sympathetic to Yangzi's experience before he extended a helping hand. He didn't want to deceive her into becoming a child worker. He hurriedly said, "now there's no way to dry it after washing. Let's wait there until the weather improves!"

He feels a little uncomfortable and is not used to what others do for him

Kithara and refused to let her work more. Yoko Ono was a little disappointed. She really wanted to repay kithara xiuci. But she's not very capable at her age. It's estimated that maintaining her shoes and washing clothes is the limit.

She had to keep fiddling with her shoes there, trying to dry up more water and prolong the service life of her shoes as much as possible. Only then did she think of what she was going to do. Just now he watched Yoko Ono busy there, and somehow gave birth to an illusion of family life - sometimes he really expected to have a normal family life.

He asked with a smile, "by the way, Yoko, why does it seem that there is a smell of disinfectant at home?"

Yoko Ono squatted there and raised his face. Seeing that he finally found it, he quickly expressed his merit with joy: "I brushed the ceiling, o'nissan. I don't have to worry about mold until next year."

She is very happy. I hope xiuci Beiyuan will be happier.

Kithara xiuci understood for seconds and finally knew why the mold on the floor could not be eliminated. It was a long sigh of relief. That's great. Brush those molds. You can't finish it. Don't brush it. It's annoying. Now it's out of this scourge. He put his hand on Yoko Ono's head, rubbed it desperately, and said happily, "it's so powerful, Yoko, I didn't expect it!"

Yoko Ono was even happier. He turned his small head left and right, desperately rubbed his palm, closed his eyes and shouted, "o'nissan is happy, so am I!"

Beiyuan xiuci listened to her words and felt the silky touch in her hand - it's really strange. Touching her head really feels addictive. It's no lie. There's a kind of comfort that science can't explain - sincere thanks: "thank you really, Yoko. I've been worried about this for a long time."

Yoko Ono smiled and said, "it's really nothing ~ ~ o'nissan, don't thank you again."

She said so, but she felt that her expectations had been fully met. She was happy. Her little face was full of happiness. Even the occasional pain on her belly seemed to be much better.