"R sauce, come on" is an episode a day. It is as stable as an old dog and is becoming more and more popular. In the twinkling of an eye, it will be mid May. When the weather is the most comfortable time of the year, the maximum temperature is only 245 degrees. It is neither cold nor hot, which makes people feel very comfortable, but the wind from the sea is getting stronger and stronger.

Fukuzawa Dongmei stretched out her hand and pressed the disordered pages blown by the wind. She frowned a little unhappily, took off her black frame glasses and tooted her small mouth. She got up and went to the window to look at the strength of the sea breeze. As a result, her hair was in disorder and flew directly into her mouth, causing her to bah several times. Suddenly, she was angry and punched the wind.

While she was pounding the air angrily, spring vegetables knocked on the door, gave a light cry, and pushed the door in.

The five sisters of the fuze family, Dongmei crescent eyes, little tiger teeth, smile and two small pear vortices. If they are not grumpy all day, people are too short and always look at people obliquely, they are definitely a little beauty, while the child's face in the snow is full of innocence. They are a combination of angels and demons, which is very attractive; Xia Zhi and Xia Sha are still young, but they both have beautiful eyebrows and eyes, are ancient and strange, and their voice is crisp and whiny. If they don't consider their personality, they are also easy to attract people's favor - only spring vegetables are plain and ordinary, and their appearance is not excellent. However, she is like a mirror lake, quiet and elegant, with excellent temperament, and her body is beginning to develop, just like thin bamboo, very tall and straight.

It's late at night now, and the business in the wine shop has long ended. Spring vegetables have just taken a bath in their home bathrobe. Their hair is high and tied in a bun. There is a layer of light wool behind their slender and exquisite neck. The bathrobe is slightly inclined, and a shallow clavicle nest is exposed. It's very exquisite. The tie between their waist is also loose, holding a girl's flower knot, and a pair of bamboo skin slippers on their feet, Holding a cup of warm milk in her hand, she saw Dongmei lying on the windowsill and asked curiously, "what are you looking at?"

Dongmei retracted her head and pulled the disorderly airway on her ear side: "the wind is so strong that there may be a strong wind tomorrow."

If a strong wind warning is issued tomorrow, it will naturally affect the business of the store. She must be unhappy, but even if she is unhappy, she can't screw it up. If it's windy, it can't be stopped, so she's even more unhappy.

Chuncai smiled helplessly and comforted her with empty words: "not necessarily. Don't be angry first, elder sister. Come and drink the milk!" when they were alone, Chuncai was more like a sister.

"I hope so! It's always been bad recently. Do you think that little white face has ruined our family's Feng Shui?" Dong Mei frowned in distress, obviously not very happy, but she took the milk obediently and sipped it gently. Her little face was more bitter, just like drinking medicine.

Chuncai didn't reply and sat aside - although the relationship between elder sister and Beiyuan has eased recently, elder sister can't change her temper. She always scolds him behind his back if she doesn't hear it!

She watched her sister drink milk quietly, and the room in front of her was the same as before. In the past, the eldest sister liked to decorate the room, and the girl was full of heart. Until her mother died, her energy turned to the family, and the layout of the room never changed.

Looking around the room, she is always a little sad

There is a big bed in the room, covered with pink sheets, a quilt cover with tassels on the thin quilt, and a soft and oversized pillow with cherry petals printed on it. Next to the pillow, there is a pirate bear doll, wearing an eye mask, with a ferocious expression. The bookshelf is also filled with all kinds of small dolls and a complete set of girl comics. There are several CG posters on the wall. Huahai grassland is very gorgeous and warm - but the bookshelf is sealed. It seems that some days have not moved.

When spring vegetables are in a trance, Dongmei pinches her nose and drinks up the milk. She didn't like to drink milk very much. She always felt some fishy smell, but she still endured it. Then she stretched out her hand to grab the railing at the head of the bed, pouted her ass and whispered, "let's start, spring food!"

"OK, sister!" Chuncai regained her consciousness, grabbed the elder sister's ankle and pulled it up hard - this is the main purpose of her coming here before going to bed.

With the pull of spring food, Dongmei tried to stretch her short body. Her small face turned red. After holding on for three minutes, spring food asked painfully, "is that OK today, sister?"

"One more minute... Work hard, spring food... I... I can grow!"

Another minute later, Dongmei had a weak sweat on her head, and finally fell powerlessly on the bed. Spring food was also a little short of breath, rubbing her arms and sitting next to her.

After lying down for a while, Dongmei asked confidently, "spring food, do you think this method works? I've measured it several times recently, and my height hasn't changed."

Spring food didn't know, so she could only patiently comfort her: "don't worry, elder sister, you can certainly grow to 1.6 meters... At least 1.55 meters!"

Guarding her favorite sister, Dong Mei was much softer. She sighed and said in distress, "is it one meter five five? That's too far away. At least it should grow to one meter five first... It's easy for others. How can you come to me so hard?"

Spring food has nothing to answer. She doesn't know what's going on. Obviously, her parents are very tall. She didn't want her eldest sister to worry too much, so she changed the topic and asked, "eldest sister, you still have more than half a month to take the learning test. Recently, you're so tight, can you keep up with your grades?"

Dongmei is confident: "no problem. I will improve my study time in this half month. I can definitely get one!"

"That's good, but don't force your eldest sister. After all, it's not in a public junior high school. It's said that the private Dafu school has dug up a lot of top students this year to make a name. Many of them used to be one of the schools in various countries. In fact, your eldest sister can guarantee that the top ten are already very strong."

Dongmei refused, turned over and sat up and said seriously: "That's not right, spring food. Do you think it doesn't matter if you lose because your opponent is too powerful? You can't be so ambitious. As a man, you should never find yourself a reason to accept failure! So anyway, I'm going to get one this time, and this opportunity is very good. The sick seedling of Ling munixi hasn't seen anyone this semester. This academic evaluation must be over, the only one My opponent is that little white face! I don't want to lose to him again. I'll smash his dog's head when I post results! "

As she spoke, she narrowed her crescent eyes, as if she had seen the depressed and helpless face of Hideki kithara in front of the report card - speaking by grades, my father can't say that he is jealous of people better than himself! If I win him, I'm better than him. If I repair him, my father has no reason to say three or four! It won't affect my sisters and won't set up a sign for them A bad example.

There's nothing wrong with beating him through his academic achievements. It's absolutely upright! However, how can I insult him like gouging out his heart with a knife? It's necessary to think about the lines in advance

Chuncai sighed secretly. It was estimated that the war between her sister and Beiyuan xiuci would not end for a while - Beiyuan xiuci had worked in the wine house for more than a week. After a long time of contact, she found that Beiyuan xiuci was not the arrogant, despicable and insidious appearance that her sister said. Instead, she spoke softly, acted steadily, knew how to take into account the feelings of others, and knew how to move forward After retirement, even the well-informed father was full of praise and called a rare down-to-earth youth.

Alas, although I don't want to say so, it seems that the "arrogant, despicable and sinister" guy blew up his sister

And Dong Mei thought about the victory scene, considered her lines for a moment, and tied Beiyuan xiuci's heart into a hornet's nest in her mind. Just a little happy, she suddenly recalled the scene when Beiyuan xiuci stepped on her feet, the condescending eyes, the eyes full of contempt, and the murderous face. Suddenly, her heart was empty, and she quickly bounced up and ran to the desk He went and shouted, "spring food, please take akitaro to sleep tonight. I want to learn all night."

There's no objection to spring food. Tomorrow is a rest day, and it's no big deal not to sleep all night - according to my sister's competitive character, it's useless to persuade her at this time. It's better to coax her to make up for her sleep tomorrow.

She looked at the elder sister who had begun to study hard, took away the cup and gently helped her close the door.

I'm afraid there will be another big fight in more than half a month. I hope my sister can win! Alas, I'd better let my sister win. If she doesn't win, her character will be endless - she even pestered others when she lost chess when she was a child. It's a headache to win.