The bird in the burning bird refers to the chicken.

At first, before the popularity of Rb broiler chicken, the role of chicken was mainly to lay eggs. When eggs could not be laid, the meat would taste very poor. Therefore, the selling price was quite cheap and became the first choice to improve the food in the case of poor economic conditions - during the recovery period of Rb economy, chicken and animal viscera were roasted together, which was the best food for industrial workers after work.

Later, this way of eating became popular, and gradually there were more patterns. Just like Chinese barbecue stalls, it initially just roasted mutton kebabs, but now it has been roasted everywhere, such as pork, beef, seafood, vegetables, kidney and so on. Everything that can be eaten is on the grill. RB is almost the same. From the initial chicken kebabs to now, there are all kinds of things. Even because of the gradual increase of female guests after the trend of female independence, even snacks, cakes and fruits are strung up.

Kithara xiuci ordered some fruit and vegetable skewers for fear that Yoko Ono didn't like greasy, but he guessed wrong. Yoko Ono was a "carnivore". He was not interested in small tomatoes and apple pieces. He narrowed his eyes when eating chicken skewers.

She looked very short of meat, which made kithara xiuci feel distressed again. She picked up a paper towel and gently wiped the oil stains on the corners of her mouth, which immediately embarrassed Yoko Ono. Her whole face was red.

"Is it delicious?" kithara xiuci asked softly with a smile. According to the age of his last life, Yoko Ono is at least ten years old. After he is a little familiar, he has the feeling of taking care of children.

Yoko Ono nodded hard and said with a sweet smile, "it's delicious!" after a pause, she explained tactfully, "I didn't expect it to taste so good for the first time." she was a little worried and left an impression of gluttony on xiuci Beiyuan.

Beiyuan xiuci spoiled and smiled, "eat more."

Yoko Ono was stunned when he looked at kithara's smile. He slightly lowered his head and had sour nose and hair. However, he still smiled sweetly after lifting it up in the twinkling of an eye. He handed a string of scallion chicken string to kithara's hand and smiled like a flower: "o'nissan wants to eat too!"

Beiyuan xiuci took a bite of the roasted chicken, which was yellow and dripping with oil. It had a tender taste. After biting the crisp surface, she chewed it a little. The chicken nuggets turned into tender shredded chicken in her mouth. At the same time, the delicious thick juice was also full of her mouth. Hundreds of compounds immediately filled her taste buds with happiness. It felt really good.

After eating one, he saw that Yoko Ono loved to eat, and the rest stopped moving. He pushed the soy sauce and sauce towards Yoko Ono and motioned her to dip it. He picked up several large oysters and put them on the grill - Nagoya City is also a famous port in Rb. These seafood are very cheap, 300 yen and four, It made people in his former inland province feel cost-effective to explode.

He carefully adjusted the charcoal fire and wanted to simmer the oysters slowly, but he felt something biting his shoes below. He looked down at the flattering dog face of hundreds of Jiro, smiled and scolded, and then baked two big pig bones - not directly for him to eat. He was not rich enough to eat meat for his pet dog, so he turned back and chewed bones for him.

Yoko Ono seems to have little chance to open his belly and only eat meat. He ate seven or eight strings at a time before he stopped. Beiyuan xiuci broke off a small plate of raw green pepper sent by the stall owner, put the chicken in and handed it to her. She smiled and said, "you should also eat some vegetables, Yoko."

Alas, look at the yellow face of this bean sprout. I'm afraid it's not nutritious just because of a government subsidized meal at noon? Just looking at it hurts

Yoko Ono obediently took it, gently bit it, and immediately narrowed his eyes happily. "It's crisp and spicy, but the chicken has become sweet."

Xiuci kithara sipped barley tea and gave himself one - RB people recently like to eat raw vegetables, probably influenced by Americans! RB is currently sandwiched between the two superpowers of China and the United States. All aspects of society are swinging left and right, and the diet is beginning to be neither Chinese nor foreign, and the local cuisine is also in a mess.

The two people were not in a hurry, so they ate slowly. They had a tacit understanding. No one mentioned Yoko Ono's mother, but chatted about some interesting things. Xiuci kithara also told her how to repair Dongmei Fukuzawa. Yoko Ono listened with a smile and echoed a few words from time to time, which made him feel like an interpreter. After eating for a while, she took over the task of baking, fiddled with it with interest, and put the leftover bones under the table for baijiro.

Baijiro was so excited that he licked and bit. It is estimated that this is also a rare meal in his dog's life.

Beiyuan xiuci looked at Yoko Ono, who was smiling and carefully barbecue. She looked around at the diners drinking and chatting around. All kinds of people only felt that it could be called a dream in less than a month and couldn't help being distracted

What will you look like in ten years?

Have you said goodbye to this place forever?

Have fun, dress well and spend money like earth? Or become a scholar with no friends? Or is it starting to start a business and struggling? Think more about beauty. Maybe it has been successful and can decide people's life and death, honor and disgrace with every word and deed?

I wish time could flow faster, and in the twinkling of an eye, ten years later

But Hideki kithara immediately lost his smile - the best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, followed by now. If you don't work hard now and don't endure the pain of ten years, you will still be empty handed in ten years. What is there to look forward to?

"What's Ernest laughing at?" Yoko Ono skillfully picked out the shellfish and dipped it in the sauce before sending it to Beiyuan Xiuji. He asked curiously.

"I wonder what kind of person I will be in the future."

"Well, what kind of person does Ernest want to be in the future?"

Kithara xiuci thought about his words for a while and slowly said, "I want to be a free man. I won't be controlled by others or money. I can do what I'm interested in, and then achieve some great achievement. I won't regret doing nothing and wasting my time before I die. I can close my eyes without regret."

He is not greedy. When he comes to the crossroads of life, he is ready to choose one direction according to the situation. Setting high aspirations may not be possible, but he can work hard for it all his life!

This is a little difficult to understand and not suitable for primary school students. He explained it in a different way, but Yoko Ono still didn't understand it. He was confused and said, "free people? Not controlled?"

Beiyuan xiuci laughed: "just to be a big man, focus on doing something they are interested in, and do it very well, so that others can look up and envy. Before death, you can laugh and boast that you are so powerful!"

Yoko Ono was stunned, covered his mouth and said with a smile, "that's really good, o'nissan."

Kithara xiuci asked with a smile, "what about you? Yoko, have you considered what kind of person you will be in the future?"

Yoko Ono looked down and thought for a while. He was confused and said, "no, o'nissan, I didn't think about this..."

Beiyuan xiuci rubbed her little head and said with a smile: "think slowly. Don't worry. You're still young! But think about it earlier. People can work hard only when they have a goal! Confused people will only stand still, and time won't wait for him."

Yoko Ono nodded obediently and asked softly, "o'nissan doesn't come out to play every day. He just studies at home. Is he working hard to become the person he wants in the future?"

"Yes, if I don't work hard today, my dream will be crushed into powder by the cruel reality tomorrow. I can only grow old slowly with regret in the end. I don't want to do that. So I plan to try to enter a world-famous university in the next three years. On the one hand, it's more important to meet some talented people for the future..."

Yoko Ono holds his cheek and adjusts the charcoal fire. He quietly listens to the future plans of kithara xiuci. Although kithara xiuci's tone is gentle, it reveals his unswerving faith. His eyes are shining under the light, full of positive vitality... Yoko Ono can't help but be a little crazy.

The future? Ernie sauce seems to be only five or six years older than himself. He already has a clear plan for the future. What about himself?

Where is your future?