"Ah, yes, it seems that I remember wrong. Someone crowded back to his mother's house and forced his daughter to change the emperor's family name, just like if it's the emperor's family name, it's really the emperor's family."

Emperor Yan Wei held his own steamed stuffed bun and said sarcastically.

The steamed stuffed bun nestled in his mother's arms and happily watched Di Beifang's face change.

Looking at that face, it looks like the seventy-two changes of the monkey king. How fun it is.

The little steamed stuffed bun thought happily, a pair of big eyes bent, not to mention how cute.

Their words not only changed emperor Beifang's face, but also the face of emperor Phoenix.

As the daughter of Di Beifang, even if she didn't do those things, she would be involved.

But all said, like mother, like daughter.

Her mother betrayed her husband without hesitation when her father was in danger. At the same time, in order to get rid of the relationship, she even changed her daughter's surname.

Once such a thing happens, people in city a will not dare to openly despise and laugh at emperor Beifang because of the majesty of the emperor's family.

But secretly, there was no lack of ridicule for emperor Beifang.

Even though it has been four years, the people still remember the scandal of emperor Beifang.

Even her daughter is well remembered.

As a result, she is 30 years old, and no one dares to associate with her, let alone marry her.

And all this is that emperor Beifang is the mother. Therefore, Emperor Fenghuang hates and hates emperor Beifang.

I wish I could get rid of all my relationships with her and stay away from city a and go somewhere else.

However, she knew that with her mother's cruel means, even if she really left, her mother would not let her go.

Just because she is still useful to this so-called mother!

Thinking that her mother often introduced her to those men, Emperor Fenghuang's hatred for emperor Beifang grew stronger and stronger.

"You, you deceive people too much! Don't forget, this family has a father! "

Emperor Beifang's face was twisted and ferocious. He immediately pulled out the emperor's old man and wanted to give himself some confidence.

However, after emperor Beifang's words, the face of emperor Xiong, the old man of the emperor's family, suddenly darkened.

Looking at di Beifang, it was like looking at a garbage that disgusted him.

"You're not ashamed enough?! When are you going to make it? If you don't want to stay in the emperor's house, get out of the emperor's house! "

Aware that emperor Yanmo swept his cold eyes, Emperor Xiong's wrinkled old face became more and more ugly.

He roared directly at di Beifang, and almost threw out his crutch.

At this moment, Emperor Xiong just wanted to strangle his brainless daughter.

Not only have no brain, but also die as usual. I don't want to kill myself, but also want to pull him!

It's stupid!

Although he wanted to see emperor Yanmo change his face, he wanted to recapture the sovereignty of the emperor's family from emperor Yanmo.

However, it can only come in secret.

On the face of it, he would never dare.

Just because the grandson of emperor Yanmo can't see through at all, and he is vaguely afraid of the grandson at the bottom of his heart.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he was afraid of emperor Yanmo, the grandson, but it was true.

Therefore, when Di Beifang was involved with him, he was so angry. At the same time, it also showed that he would not stand on di Beifang's side.

To be exact, he will not be the enemy of emperor Yanmo, at least on the surface.