"So Jueming, you have to have a hard time with me today, right?" The willow continued to speak to the old man. "Elder martial brother, how can I want to have trouble with you?" Jueming old man felt that he was very subdued, and quickly answered to the willow. "I just I don't want our two brothers to be buried in the hands of this boy. Don't you find that this boy has always been aimless? In other words, we still don't know what kind of idea he came into the Liu family with. Maybe he came to infiltrate the Liu family, and I really don't understand. How can you share such important information with this boy, elder martial brother? What's more, this boy asked you to do it? I can't take it. "

Old Jueming didn't mean any exaggeration. He really felt that he couldn't accept all this. It was really incredible for old Jueming. "I can't explain too much to you. I'll tell you why later." Willow once again looked at his younger martial brother, and then said so. "You just need to know that you don't have to be so defensive against Zhang Cheng. Zhang Cheng doesn't have any malice when he comes to the Liu family. He even comes to save the old man's life. He is a great benefactor of the Liu family. Is that how you treat him?"

"Elder martial brother, you are so naive. Don't you really think that the old man is willing to let this boy treat him?" Unconvinced, Jueming old man pointed to me and said.

However, Jueming's words made me squint. What does this old man mean? It's exactly what I thought before?

After meeting with the old man, I came to a conclusion that the old man of the Liu family was not willing to accept my treatment, and he was also very resistant to it!

Although I don't understand the reasons, it seems that only such reasons can be explained. At this time, Jueming old man blurted out a similar remark. Jueming old man said that he would not accept my treatment, but Mr. Liu did. This is just a angry remark of Jueming old man, and it is also

that What kind of inside story does this old guy actually know?

Willow can not help but frown, subconsciously turned to look at me, from the willow expression at this time, I can see that willow also found some of the wrong places.

Thinking about this, I said to the old man, "what do you mean? Is there anyone in the world who doesn't pay attention to his illness? Is there anyone else who has a problem with health? "

"Well! You don't really think you have any skills, do you? " Jueming glanced at me and sneered coldly. "In my opinion, it is absolutely impossible for the old man to let you close to him. Your identity alone has decided all this."

"What happened to my identity?" I asked. "Don't you know? How did you get back to Mordor? Did you forget? It seems that the lessons you learned along the way are not enough. " Old Jueming said with a sneer that he even mentioned it, which made me squint again. "I'd like to thank you for this. If you hadn't taken the Liu family experts to chase me all the way, my strength would not have improved so fast. I couldn't beat you before, but now I think I have a chance to screw your head off." I stared at Jueming old man and said so. Jueming old man took the initiative to mention this matter, obviously to irritate me. In that case, I'd better cooperate with him a little bit.

"Are you too confident?" Jueming said with a sneer. "Do you really think you can be my opponent? Last time, if it wasn't for my elder martial brother You may be dead by now. "

When Jueming old man said this, he specially looked at his elder martial brother willow. Because he was afraid that willow would be angry, his words were not so vicious. Before I could respond, Jueming continued to say, "and the person you want to thank is not me, but the old man. Because it's not the old man's order, I won't take so many experts to hunt you down, so you should know why the old man hates you so much."

I didn't speak at this time, but the willow interrupted: "Jueming, speaking of this matter, I always have a question to ask you."

"Elder martial brother, what do you want to ask?" Jueming gave me a provocative look. When he looked at his elder martial brother again, he had more respect in his eyes. He really changed his face.

"You said that on the way back to Mordor, you took the master of Liu's family to hunt him down on the order of the old man?" The willow opens its mouth slowly.

"Yes." Jueming didn't think much about it, so when he faced the elder martial brother's question, he naturally replied. "Well! If I remember correctly, the old man had been isolated from outsiders three years ago, and only a few people were qualified to enter the yard to meet him, but Jueming you were not among them. How did you see the old man and how did you follow the orders of the old man and take many experts of the Liu family to chase and kill Zhang Cheng Willow frowned and stared at his younger martial brother, so he said."This..." Old Jueming couldn't help but stop talking. After looking at his elder martial brother, he said, "elder martial brother, to tell you the truth, the old man often asked me to go in and arrange tasks for me. At that time, you were seldom in Liu's house, and the old man couldn't find anyone else, so he had to find me."

"Is it?" Willow asked, staring at Jueming old man.

"It's true Facing this problem, Jueming looked at the willow sincerely. It didn't look like he was lying.

"That is to say, only when the old man needs you, he will call you in and arrange tasks for you, right?" Asked the willow.

"It's true." The old man replied.

It seems that Jueming old man's status in the old man's heart is not as good as his elder martial brother Liu Shu, at least in his face.

"How many times have you met the old man in the past few years?" With both hands on his back, the willow asked the question again.


The old man hesitated, as if counting the times in his heart.

After a long time, Jueming old man replied: "less than three times, one of which is to get the old man's order to kill the boy."

"You lie!" At this time, the willow's eyes suddenly became severe.

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