I was silent again, and I didn't know how to respond to my dad.


Don't you think it's a retreat to promise me? Unfortunately, I have many factors to consider now, and has the final say that I can not promise to do so.

I have family, I have wife and I have children. Can I really ignore their opinions and make up my own mind? I really can't do that.

"So you want me to promise General Yang, right?" I spoke slowly. "I don't mean to force you." My dad replied. "I just said what I expected in my heart. Of course, if you don't want to accept it, I won't blame you. And To tell you the truth, I really don't want you to promise, because I know how dangerous it is. If something happens to you, what can I tell your mother? It's just In this case, I can only do what I can

I kept silent because I couldn't make up my mind. "Since you just said that no one can sit idly by when the country is in crisis, why did you choose me? Don't you have any other candidates? " It took me a long time to think about it, and then I gave such a reason

. "Who do you think we should choose?" My father asked. "Do you think the Illuminati has no help in China? If you think about it carefully, there must be a reason why the Illuminati was able to enter the Chinese market so smoothly, or even nearly hide it from the world

"That's why you can't believe other people. That's why you put your mind on me?" "It can be said so." My dad replied. "We can't even make it public, because we don't know who will be the helper of the Illuminati around us. If every step of our plan is perceived by the Illuminati,

there is no sense in what we do, and this thing must be done by a person who we can trust and has the ability to protect ourselves. I recommend you 。”

"I see." I spoke slowly. "Then you should make it clear to me at the beginning, so that I have a psychological preparation. At least I won't let General Yang down when I meet with him today."

"I'm not in the military anymore." My dad said slowly. "Only Yang Zheng and your Uncle Wu have the right to make such a choice. At best, I'm just a helper who wants to make up for the fatal mistake I committed decades ago."

My father is no longer a member of the military. After my father quit his military career, he began to engage in business. He really has no right to decide such things. What my father said was that he wanted to make up for the mistakes he had made for decades. I guess he meant that he let go the remnant Party of the Illuminati so easily more than 30 years ago? If they could be uprooted at that time, it might not be so difficult today

. Of course, if my father's conjecture is correct, there is a big financial group behind the Illuminati supporting all their actions. Even if the Illuminati was killed at that time, this mysterious financial group can support another dark meeting. What will the moon do? Today, it will still be a problem in front of us. "So do you have a deadline? Of course, even if there is, you have to give me time to think about it. You are my father. I can tell you the most true thoughts in my heart. I really don't want to participate in this kind of thing. If I have any problems, I will be responsible for many people. Of course, just because you are my father, I don't want to disappoint you. I also want to win honor for you. But these two factors are half to half in my mind, so I'm not sure what kind of choice I'll give I spoke slowly.

"I'll ask you uncle Yang." My dad replied. "Of course, even if you make any choice, I will support you without reservation."

"I see. I'll give you an answer in three days." I said, at this time, I feel a little confused, and I don't want to talk more, so I'm going to hang up the phone.

"About your information..." At this time, my father suddenly took the initiative to speak, and I almost failed to respond. "In fact, the person who recorded the information about your childhood is not me, but your mother."

When I heard my father's words, I was stunned. "She likes to record it all." My dad said. "I asked her why she did it before, and your mother told me that it might be useful to you in the future. I think Maybe she's been aware of something since then? Unfortunately,

at that time, I was still in the dark, and I didn't even care about the opponents I once defeated, otherwise Many tragedies can be avoided. "


What does my dad mean?

Does that mean my mother's death? At this time, my brain suddenly has a moment of blank, after the reaction, I suddenly thought of some things my mother had done before, why did she prepare everything for me in the future when I was very young? My mother has been in the darkWhat is the matter of investigation? What kind of interests did my mother touch before she was harmed by a traitor?

Maybe All of these may have the same explanation?

Later, I didn't listen to what my father said on the phone, because I was already in my own thoughts.

When I realized that the phone had been hung up, I just remember my dad sighed just now, which was both regretful and chagrined. Maybe Is my dad aware of something now?

It seems to be a lot more complicated than I thought. If my mother had realized it when I was a child, then How did my mother find out?

What on earth did she find to be harmed? What kind of existence are the people who dominated the old madman to do this to my mother?

What kind of person is an old madman? Who has the ability to dominate him?

But the old madman was the first master of the Xia family at that time. Is it that this matter has something to do with the Xia family?

So turn around, everything back to the origin?

Instinct told me that what I should do now is to turn around and talk to Yang Zheng, but I didn't do it in the end. Anyway, Yang Zheng will definitely come to me for the second time. I don't need to be so anxious. On the contrary, Yang Zheng should be more anxious than me.

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