"Zhang Shao, you have dealt with Liu Xianglan so many times. In my opinion, Zhang Shao should know more about this woman's character than I do. I think even Zhang Shao can't deny what I said just now? " Liu Qingzhou spoke to me again. "That's true." I answered with a nod. "According to my understanding, Liu Xianglan is indeed an extremely dangerous woman. I have dealt with her many times, and almost fell into her hands several times. Liu Xianglan is really something I have to guard against.

looking at my steady appearance at this time, Liu Qingzhou was overjoyed. It seems that his goal has almost been achieved. Of course, it would be the best if I could make a thorough statement. "Zhang Shao, drink." Liu Qingzhou was very enthusiastic and filled the wine glass in front of me. "Actually, I don't mean anything else. I just think If Zhang Shao really listens to Liu Xianglan's lies, maybe Zhang Shao will bear many unavoidable consequences. This woman is really insidious and cunning. I hope Zhang Shao will not be cheated by Liu Xianglan. I regard Zhang Shao as a friend. Seeing that Zhang Shaoyou is too close to Liu Xianglan, a vicious woman, I have to be a gossip at this time. I hope Zhang Shao will not forgive me. "

"Brother Liu can remind me so much. Zhang is very grateful. I'd like to propose a toast to brother Liu." I picked up the wine cup in front of me, and Liu Qingzhou looked up in front of me, then drank the wine in the cup.

"I dare not." Liu Qingzhou was so flustered that he opened his mouth. Seeing that I had finished drinking the wine, Liu Qingzhou didn't neglect it either. He learned from me and poured the wine into his stomach directly. Obviously, Liu Qingzhou is not an old hand in wine, or even has never touched this stuff at ordinary times. After a full glass of wine, the hot feeling of throat cutting also makes Liu Qingzhou's expression look a little ferocious, but Liu Qingzhou is also strong

endure it. It seems that Liu Qingzhou is really willing to pay to please me at this time.

"Brother Liu told me so much today. I think there must be something else?" I put down the wine cup in my hand, looking at Liu Qingzhou in front of me, I said with a smile. "Yes." Liu Qingzhou nodded and replied. "There is really an important thing I need to talk to Zhang Shaoxiang. I know that Zhang Shao is very busy recently, and he may have to leave soon after he comes to Beijing, but it's so easy to wait until such a chance. I hope Zhang Shao can seriously consider it. "

"Oh? What are you thinking about? " I looked at Liu Qingzhou in surprise. "Well, Zhang Shao, I have a project here that I believe Zhang Shao is very interested in, but because of the nature of this project, if Zhang Shao does not agree to cooperate with us, I may not be able to explain Zhang Shao in too much detail." Liu Qingzhou raised his head and looked at me, playing with the small wine glass in his hand, so he said.

"Project? What kind of project? " I have doubts in my eyes. "Zhang Shao, didn't I just say that? The nature of this project is too special, so I can't explain Zhang Shao in too much detail, but Zhang Shao just needs to believe that if Zhang Shao can agree to cooperate, the day when Zhang Shao can rise again in the East is just around the corner. " Liu Qingzhou deliberately slowed down his tone. In Liu Qingzhou's opinion, his way of expression is more convincing.

But what Liu Qingzhou didn't expect was that I grinned when I heard Liu Qingzhou's words.

"Why is Zhang Shao laughing?" Liu Qingzhou asked me quickly.

"Nothing." I waved my hand. "I just feel sorry when I hear brother Liu say the four words" comeback. " "What's the point?" Liu Qingzhou asked. "What was the glory of Zhang Jia led by Zhang Shao before? Although it is not as good as Zhang Jia many years ago, the road of Zhang Jia's revival is almost at the end. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shao was framed by a traitor at this time. Everyone thought that Zhang Shao had passed away. Even I believed that, and I felt sorry for Zhang Shao for a long time. Fortunately, God has eyes. Even God thinks that Zhang Shao's life should not be destroyed. Three years after that, Zhang Shao miraculously returns to the magic capital. As for Zhang shaolai, the most important thing he should do after his return is to lead Zhang Jia back to his former glory. I believe Zhang shaolai has such an ability.

" "Although I have such an idea, I don't have enough strength to spare. After all, Zhang's loss is too much, and the situation is not as good as before. How can it be so easy to make a comeback?" I poured myself a glass of wine and poured it into my stomach.

When I observed this reaction, Liu Qingzhou could not help but slightly tick the corner of his mouth, but soon returned to normal. As I was drinking, I naturally didn't find Liu Qingzhou's small action. At this time, Liu Qingzhou continued to say: "Zhang Shao, the former Zhangjia could still find an opportunity to let Zhangjia rise again from the Yangtze River Delta market controlled by Jiang Xia and Jiang Xia under the completely impossible situation. Why can the former Zhangjia do it Why can't we do it now? "

At this time, Liu Qingzhou was impassioned and solemn. It was easy to feel that Liu Qingzhou was the most loyal follower of Zhang Jia. I glanced at Liu Qingzhou and answered helplessly: "that's because my mother has been ready for this, and it's because the two families of Jiang and Xia have been working together for nearly 20 years. It's because there is already a gap in their hearts that Zhangjia can find a chance to survive in the crevice, so as to step into the past glory. That was my best chance, but Alas! It's really a pity. After the collapse of Zhangjia a few years ago, now I want to let others know againI'm afraid it's very difficult to hear Zhang's name. Surely now the Jiang family and the Gongsun family will not give Zhang a chance to rise again? " "I believe Zhang Shao can find such an opportunity." Liu Qingzhou replied. "And Now there is such a great opportunity in front of Zhang Shao. As long as Zhang Shao is willing to nod his head, then Zhang Shao will be able to get the support that he has never had before. Then I'm afraid that the Gongsun family and the Jiang family will have to make way for the future of Zhangjia, and Zhangjia will be able to go to glory completely. "

"Oh?" I can't help but pause when I'm putting food in. My eyes are puzzled. "Brother Liu, are you kidding me? How can there be such a good thing as pie in the sky? "

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