Ziwei sword is a peerless sword made of black iron for thousands of years. Although it has been handed down by Ouyang family for thousands of years, and even its tip has been broken, its sharpness can not be underestimated. Although the sword in my hand is the first-class sword that Lao San has used for decades, or even the sword made by the Ouyang family of Kendo family, it is still sharper than Ziwei sword. In addition, at this time, the four forces, including me, collide with each other. This sword can't withstand such a powerful impact, and the sword in my hand is broken instantly It's cracking.

However, at this time, I have no room to resist. I can only watch the sword break. Ziwei, the broken sword in Laosan's hand, stabs me in the head.

Am I going to die under the Ziwei sword?

At this time, I was a little unwilling. However, the strength of these four old men's joint efforts is too strong. I can't stand it alone. What's more, now I'm in the desperate situation of being besieged by four people? If I can still use my left hand, maybe I can use my left hand to hold the blade of Ziwei sword without stabbing me. However, my left hand is holding the sword in Laoba's hand behind me. I can't open my hand at all. Even if I open Laoba's hand, I can stab the sword into my heart immediately. At that time, I can only be stabbed to death.

It seems that I should die today. Looking at the Ziwei sword which has been forced to my forehead, I can't make any resistance or even any action now!

Just when I accepted the reality and even closed my eyes slightly, I only heard a distant whew, a broken air coming rapidly, and then a bang hit on the body of Ziwei sword.

Old three didn't expect to have such a change. A purple micro sword in his hand was beaten aside by this mysterious object.

At this time, I naturally reflected that I had no time to think about how this mysterious object appeared. I only knew that this was my chance to live!

I gave a loud drink, twisted the broken sword in my hand, and then waved it around my body.

Old five, old seven and old eight also felt the power that I burst out when my life was hanging on the line. They didn't dare to carry it hard. They only changed their face. Then they took back their sword and retreated several steps away!


A black figure suddenly flashed to my side and grabbed my shoulder. Before the four old men quickly organized the next attack, the black figure forcibly grabbed me and escaped from the original place.

When I landed, I was standing at the gate of the yard, and the person beside me was not easy to get wet, who was it?

I didn't expect that Yi Shi suddenly appeared and saved me just now. If Yi Shi didn't appear in time, I'm afraid I'd become the ghost of these four old men!

Their attack is really too fierce. Now it seems that my previous self-confidence is totally blind, because I don't know much about these four old men. I can't imagine the terror of these four old men joining hands!

Now I have experienced the strength of these four old men. Fortunately, I have the help of Yi Shi, otherwise I would be dead! At this time, I even had a slight sweat on my forehead, which was the pressure brought by these four old men. To be honest, these four old men are the most dangerous opponents I have ever met since I grew up. The scene of

just now is also the most dangerous scene I have ever experienced!

I can't even imagine what would have happened to me now if it hadn't been easy to get wet! "Boy, cheer up." Yi Shi glanced at me and naturally saw my surprise at this time. If I didn't respond at this time, I would not be a normal person, because Yi Shi was very clear about the threat that the four old men could bring to others, and Yi Shi was also a person who had experienced this kind of despair.

Yi Shi didn't sneer at me. Yi Shi knew that at such a time, she would make me raise my spirits. Otherwise, we would still fall into despair.

I turned to look at Yi Shi, adjusted my mood, and then nodded to Yi Shi.

Then I took a deep breath and tried to adjust my state. The confrontation with these four old men just now can be described as exhausting all my energy, because that is the most dangerous situation I face. If I don't show all my state, I'm afraid I would have died under the sword of these four old men


Of course, even if I took out all the state, the result is no difference, I almost died, fortunately, I survived to easy wet to come, otherwise I may never see him again.

At this time, Yi Shi is holding a bamboo pole in his hand. It seems that the mysterious object that deflected the Ziwei sword in the third hand just now is the bamboo pole in Yi Shi's hand.

Yi Shi smiles at me. It's obvious that Yi Shi is in a good state of mind at this time. I just don't know what kind of mood Yi Shi is in when he meets these four old men who almost killed him.I don't know what kind of mood Yi Shi is, but I can see that the four old men on the opposite side are absolutely in a bad mood.

Because the anger and surprise of the four old men had been written on their faces. They must be very angry. They must have killed me just now. Unexpectedly, someone suddenly broke their action.

And they were surprised that the person who interrupted them was their old acquaintance!

"It's you?" At this time the old three can't help but stare big eyes, looking at the easy wet eyes full of incredible. "It's me." Yi Shi looks at Lao San with a smile. "I said," Why are you still like this? After all these years, the only thing you can do is to work together to bully the younger generation in the Chinese Wulin

? You were doing such shameful things several decades ago. I didn't expect that you were still doing such things after several decades. If I was from Ouyang family, I would feel ashamed for such a senior in my family. " There was hatred and anger in the third man's eyes. Obviously, the third man didn't expect that Yi Shi began to talk to them in a sarcastic tone as soon as he appeared. These four old men are the senior members of the Ouyang family. The whole Ouyang family's descendants have to be respectful to them. How can they be treated in this tone?

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