Yuyu's present appearance is obviously not joking, and Gongsun Lanlan looks at Yuyu's expression at this time, most of them are determined to open such a mouth to Gongsun Lanlan.

This made Gongsun Lanlan's eyes slightly narrowed and looked at Yuyu for a long time. Then he said to Yuyu, "Yuyu, do you want to go to Pengcheng? You are really worried about Zhang Cheng's danger, aren't you? " "I It's not that. " Yuyu hastened to explain. "I just I don't want to disappoint you, miss. If I go with Zhang Cheng, maybe I'll have a better chance of success, and then miss won't worry about failure. " "If Zhang Cheng can't do things by himself, what can be changed if you follow him?" Gongsun Lanlan is very straightforward. "Yuyu, just now I told you that you don't have to hide anything in front of me. You are worried that I won't eat you. But I won't agree with you on this matter. "

Yuyu can't help but be stunned. Yuyu didn't expect that Miss Gongsun Lanlan would refuse so simply, which made Yuyu some don't know how to speak again. Gongsun Lanlan took another look at Yuyu. He could not help sighing and said, "Yuyu, I know you are really worried about Zhang Cheng. There is nothing you can't say. But I don't want you to go. It's also for your own sake. You know very well how dangerous Pengcheng is for him when Zhang Cheng goes to Pengcheng, but you also want to get involved in it. Aren't you in such danger? "

"I'm not afraid!" "I'm afraid!" Gongsun Lanlan's expression became serious at this time. "Yuyu, I didn't want you to die for nothing when I brought you up to such a big age. You just need to be with me all the time. You don't need to worry about anything."

Yuyu can't help but be stunned. She didn't expect Gongsun Lanlan to say so. In fact, Gongsun Lanlan has always regarded jade as his own, which is in his eyes. Even Gongsun Lanlan has the intention of regarding jade as his future successor. In many important industries in Mordor, Gongsun Lanlan no longer takes care of it, but gives it to Yuyu. We can imagine how much Gongsun Lanlan attaches importance to jade.

Although Yuyu has always called Gongsun Lanlan "Miss", Gongsun Lanlan actually treats Yuyu as her daughter. Of course, Gongsun Lanlan can't ignore her feelings for so many years. Gongsun Lanlan never let Yuyu take any risks, because Gongsun Lanlan was also worried that he would lose Yuyu, so Yuyu always followed Gongsun Lanlan from childhood to adulthood. Gongsun Lanlan almost never let Yuyu leave him, unless there was something really important, Gongsun Lanlan couldn't get away from him, and this kind of thing would not produce any danger, Gongsun Lanlan Will let Yuyu do it.

In other people's eyes, the relationship between Gongsun Lanlan and Yuyu is a master servant relationship. In fact, only Yuyu knows that Gongsun Lanlan takes himself as his daughter.

Because of this, Yuyu has always been grateful for Gongsun Lanlan's upbringing. She has never neglected Gongsun Lanlan's instructions. It's just that Gongsun Lanlan has never personally expressed her feelings in front of Yuyu. Of course, Yuyu doesn't expect this, but what Yuyu didn't expect is that this request was rejected by Gongsun Lanlan on the spot, for the following reasons.

"Miss, I..." Yuyu opens her mouth again to talk. "Well, don't say any more." Gongsun Lanlan waved his hand without expression. "I know what you want to say, but I won't allow you to take risks. I let Zhang Cheng do it by himself, which means that I believe Zhang Cheng has the ability to protect himself. What about you? I know you are very confident in your skills, but no matter how confident you are, you are not as confident as Zhang Cheng is now. You are always thinking about Zhang Cheng. If you are in any danger, will Zhang Cheng take you to heart? "

Yuyu looks up at Gongsun Lanlan and hesitates for a long time. Then Yuyu says to Gongsun Lanlan again, "Miss, I don't believe Zhang Cheng is that kind of person, and you should understand that, miss." Gongsun Lanlan glanced at Yuyu again and then replied, "I don't deny that. I also know that Zhang Cheng is an emotional person, but have you ever thought about Originally, this matter may not be so troublesome for Zhang Cheng. He can go in and out alone, and he doesn't have to worry about any backwardness at all. But you have to follow him by force. What happens then? Do you think it's better for Zhang Cheng to take care of you or not? Aren't you trying to increase Zhang Cheng's difficulty

Yuyu is silent, for Gongsun Lanlan said this words, Yuyu really can't refute, she also can't refute.

The reason why Yuyu wants to go with me is that she is really worried that I can't cope with it alone. After all, the woman Liu Xianglan is too dangerous. The investigation of Liu Xianglan is entirely carried out by Yuyu, so Yuyu knows exactly what kind of cruel woman Liu Xianglan is. More importantly, Yuyu thinks that women are my weakness. Maybe when I face Liu XianglanWhen the time comes, I will be kind-hearted and soft hearted. I will only hurt myself. If this happens, Yuyu feels that she really needs to help me make a decision.

Only after Gongsun Lanlan said that, Yuyu realized that maybe she was really not helping me, but harming me. Yuyu naturally didn't want to be such a burden. Looking at Yuyu at this time, Gongsun Lanlan knew that Yuyu had calmed down. Then he sighed again and said, "Yuyu, I know what you are worried about, but for Zhang Cheng's sake, you can still bury this idea in your heart, which can be regarded as helping Zhang Cheng."

"But I think Zhang Cheng is dying by doing this. " Yuyu is still worried, because Yuyu knows what's going on now.

In fact, Gongsun Lanlan didn't explain a lot to me. Yuyu knows this but I don't know it. So I may think that I won't have anything to do when I go to Pengcheng, but Yuyu thinks that I'm dying.

"Zhang Cheng, be careful. It won't happen."

"What if he's careless?" Yuyu stares at Gongsun Lanlan again and says. And Gongsun Lanlan can only look at Yuyu and don't speak at this time. She doesn't know what she is thinking.

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