"It's said that Ouyang's wealth is generous. I didn't see nature before, but I couldn't imagine it. Today I came to the famous sword villa to see that these rumors are correct, as if The whole mountain belongs to their family, and it's hard to imagine that such a family has been in seclusion until now, and it's gradually showing the tip of its iceberg. " I said again.

I really don't understand how a family like Ouyang family has been handed down. If they are hidden from the eyes of the world like now, what do they rely on to make a living?

Since the Ouyang family owns such a big villa, there must be no shortage of people in the Ouyang family. So many mouths need to eat. Do you need financial resources? It's needless to say that the Zhengyi sect in Longhushan can survive. After all, Zhengyi sect has its own Taoist philosophy, and the annual incense money is enough to support the whole Zhengyi sect. However, the Ouyang family has never let outsiders know its reputation. How easy is it to achieve this?

Maybe The Ouyang family also has its own industry outside, but it doesn't carry the banner of Ouyang family, does it? "I didn't expect that brother Zhang would be interested in this problem." Zhang Hezhi smiles. "I don't know how to answer brother Yu Zhang about the answer to this question. After all, it's the business of Ouyang family, and it's not my turn to chew my tongue here."

"Ha ha, I'm just curious. Taoist priest, don't be too nervous." I waved my hand and said. "In fact, I want to tell Taoist priest that the sword of Ouyang family I had a meeting with him


Sure enough, Zhang Hezhi was interested in what I said. "Brother Zhang has such a fate with this sword?"

"Yes." I nodded. "Isn't that an incredible thing in your eyes?" "It's really hard to imagine." Zhang Hezhi nodded slowly. "There is no doubt that the sword that Ouyang family has been hiding for many years is the most popular figure in the Chinese martial arts. It is only because of this sword that Ouyang family has not been out of the mountain for a long time, and Ouyang family is also very serious about it. I didn't expect Jianzi to meet brother Zhang in such a short time. It's really amazing. "

"It's no surprise." I smile again. "Taoist priest, aren't you just a short time ago? We've even experienced life and death, and it's still incredible in other people's eyes. "

Zhang Hezhi couldn't help but be stunned. Then he thought about it carefully. Then he nodded and said, "what brother Zhang said is very reasonable, but I'm stupid." "Since the Taoist priest wants to get a good place in this sword raising conference, I think I can do him such a favor." I thought about it and then said. "Although I didn't really fight with the legendary sword,

I have seen him fight with others, and I can help the Taoist priest with this."

Zhang Hezhi chuckled, shook his head slowly and said, "I don't need brother Zhang's help. I'm sorry to trouble brother Zhang."

"Oh? Don't you want to know more about your opponent? "

"This is a test for the younger generation. If I get some information from brother Zhang, it's cheating." Zhang Hezhi replied. "Taoist priest, I think you think too much about it. It has nothing to do with cheating. It's good for you to know more about your opponent's information in advance. Now many people want to know what kind of strength the sword in the legend has, right I said. "Even so, it's not something I take for granted." Zhang Hezhi continued to answer. "I don't care what kind of ranking I can get. I just want to compete with those young talents

. Maybe I can make myself aware of my shortcomings, so that I can be better in the future."

I was surprised to see Zhang Hezhi in front of me. Most of the other people who participated in the sword raising conference wanted to get a good place and become famous.

In such a grand martial arts event, if you can get a good place, you can easily get attention. Only with attention can you have a chance to leap thousands of miles.

But Zhang Hezhi doesn't care about the so-called ranking. Zhang Hezhi just wants to make such a conference more refined. How easy is it to have such a mentality?

Of course, everyone can say that it's another matter whether he can do it or not, but I really don't think Zhang Hezhi in front of him will deliberately flaunt himself in such things and whitewash himself with words. "I'm over thinking." I couldn't help laughing. Since Zhang Hezhi is not willing to accept my help, I will not force him. "As an ordinary person, I also want to make it more interesting. It seems that I have only got one answer from others, that is, the champion has almost been decided, because everyone thinks that Ouyang's sword will win the championship successfully, because everyone thinks that the strength of the sword is better than itsHe is superior to others. But in my opinion, the sword is not as powerful as the boasted one. Maybe Taoist priest, you are not inferior to him. "

I did see his hand at that legendary sword. At that time, this man had a fight with song Sisi, and it was a draw.

So I know more about this sword than most people, right?

The sword has countless auras. If it is the sword that will win the championship, there will be no suspense.

I hope the play I watched will be more wonderful.

"Brother Zhang raised it. I don't care much about it. If Jianzi really beats all the heroes, then it's God's will that he won the position of sword leader."

"I think Taoist priest will be the biggest black horse in this conference because of your character of not arguing with anyone." I smile again, more and more want to really understand the strength of this and it.

Last time, Zhang Hezhi had a fight with the old man with the cloak, but he didn't react. In addition, he had been seriously injured before, and he was almost injured by the birds domesticated by the old man with the cloak. His record is really unsatisfactory. But even so, I also feel that Zhang Hezhi's strength is not only that, even he is a person I can't see through, maybe This Zhang Hezhi will give everyone a surprise.

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